The following is from the City of Martinez:
What a great transformation! Encampment clean ups have been completed under the Alhambra Creek bridge at Berrellesa Street and on the shoreline in the Marina. The clean ups were a coordinated effort involving City staff, Martinez Police Department Public Works maintenance, and an outside contractor.
Good job! … now keep it that way and go on to all the bridge underpasses in CCC and Alameda
Is China’s President Xi coming to visit?
It is crazy that we all keep having to pay for people to repeatedly do this.
Didn’t they just do this two weeks ago?
This is turning into another taxpayer merry go round!
Effing scumbags!
Am I the only one who noticed the typo?
good catch
Where are the homeless people supposed to go after the great clean up? Do you think these actions make the problem of homelessness go away? How short sided can one be?
They are all told to go to Concord.
Drive the homeless from our communities. They are no longer welcome here. The trash, crime, filth, drug dealing and petty theft that come along with them are Not what we want. Use any means necessary to exterminate them from the city limits. if they try to come back, arrest them on vagrancy charges.
I’m sure they appreciate the free housekeeping. Gotta get me a city staff.
You guys remember the poop lady from downtown MTZ? That’s when people started getting fed up with this crap. Literally crap.