Home » The Water Cooler – Should There Be Harsher Penalties For People Who Block Traffic During A Protest?

The Water Cooler – Should There Be Harsher Penalties For People Who Block Traffic During A Protest?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: Should there be harsher penalties for people who block traffic during a protest?


Talk about it….


Exit 12A November 17, 2023 - 12:34 PM - 12:34 PM

Yes. This is a no-brainer. Make it a felony.

EZ November 17, 2023 - 3:52 PM - 3:52 PM

News reports stated three organs for transplant were trapped in the backup. Wanna bet the SF DA will decline to prosecute

Tim November 17, 2023 - 12:37 PM - 12:37 PM

C’mon, be serious. Isn’t this Calunicornia where there are no consequences to your actions? Please stop electing morons!

S November 17, 2023 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM


Ricardoh November 17, 2023 - 12:52 PM - 12:52 PM

Six months at least. I was glad to see they got buses out to the bridge and arrested a bunch, plus they impounded many vehicles. When I first saw the story I thought they would just let them carry on. However they said the bridge was closed for six hours. So they didn’t act fast enough. Then I read where those arrested were sighted and released. Instead of no justice no peace we have no justice, no justice.

AJR November 17, 2023 - 12:57 PM - 12:57 PM

No – as long as the protestors are not violent and not damaging Property.

Old Timer November 17, 2023 - 2:43 PM - 2:43 PM

Think of the people that were on their way to an airport or doctor.There could have been a life threatening situation.Think of the expense this protesters cost the tax payers and citizens.These protesters deserve at least six months in jail.

Rollo Tomasi November 17, 2023 - 5:57 PM - 5:57 PM

Wondering…for example, if you have tenants that refuse to leave your property, as long as they’re not violent or causing damage they should be allowed to stay? How far should we take that philosophy? What is the limiting factor on actions when the actors aren’t violent or causing damage?

Frank November 17, 2023 - 1:03 PM - 1:03 PM

The last time i checked conspiracy is a felony. Of course if it’s Alameda county the DA would never anger the left …

Not sure where the line is on the Bay Bridge. SF DA might take a hard line on these stupid heads

OverWhelmed November 17, 2023 - 1:03 PM - 1:03 PM

They should be shot on the spot

Ricardoh November 17, 2023 - 2:14 PM - 2:14 PM

I agree with your wishful thinking.

Hammerhead November 17, 2023 - 1:05 PM - 1:05 PM

Yes. It is one thing to be on the side of the road or an over pass with a sign. It is something different when you block traffic. They are causing a huge safety issue for themselves and others. If someone gets hit then you have a mob mentally take over and people will do things they normally would not.

RunDog November 17, 2023 - 1:06 PM - 1:06 PM

Impound their feet!

Dawg November 17, 2023 - 1:26 PM - 1:26 PM

Five to ten years in state prison ought to do it. It’s not just an inconvenience to innocent people driving on a public road, somebody could die because of their stupidity. What if there is a medical emergency and an ambulance cannot get through? Maybe a woman is in labor, and about to deliver a baby, or someone is having a severe asthma attack, or somebody could be having a heart attack.
People have a right to protest, but they do not have a right to block traffic. Even the California vehicle code states that pedestrians who are not in a crosswalk must yield the right of way to all vehicles. The protestors do it because they know there won’t be any serious consequences, it gets the public’s attention, and the media is compliant.

Cyn November 17, 2023 - 7:28 PM - 7:28 PM

….and also so they can see their faces on television.

domo November 17, 2023 - 1:42 PM - 1:42 PM

Yes! … felony… minimum 1 yr in jail, vehicles impounded and sold , proceeds to the city and counties effected, 2000 hours picking up trash along the freeways.

Bill November 17, 2023 - 2:00 PM - 2:00 PM

No Permit, Lock’em Up!

Angry American November 17, 2023 - 2:17 PM - 2:17 PM

Yes, all rules should be in play here. If you detain someone without just cause it is considered false arrest and could be escalated to kidnapping. All the people stuck in gridlock for an act of civil disobedience have been restrained with reasonable cause have effectively been kidnapped “or put under false citizens arrest”. Not to mention if any life saving measures have now been put in jeopardy. The financial loss should also be considered here and they should be liable for it. I am not against protesting and the attempt to get your point across as I believe it does something to keep the ones being protested in their lane but there is no excuses for people to believe they have carte-blanche to cause despair in other lives.. that is called terrorism not protest.
I guess I do not understand the thinking here. if you piss someone off during your protest they will not take your side instead they will hate you and in turn your cause so maybe you should make your points more effectively.

Concord74 November 17, 2023 - 2:27 PM - 2:27 PM

Response to “AJR”: you do not have clue about anything except you are just wrapped-up in yourself!

This country is way too lenient (especially CA!) but those vehicles and their occupants should have been tossed over the side of the bridge guardrail and let them figure out how to retrive everything!! Oh, how barbaric!! Bring back the use of water cannons! Over in Europe, see how those “STOP OIL” protesters are handled by the vehicle public along the same genre of blocking traffic!

Now they are naming the lowest denominator on this planet to a review board for Alameda County to address police misconduct when his own fatherless nephew was shot on the BART platform. In Chinese language this person’s first name refers to a certain anatomical part of thge body!

Chris November 17, 2023 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

Those “Protesters” who through their keys into the bay should have followed them into the drink. People missed flights, medical appointments, interviews, and many were late for work. All those involved should be forced to pay all lost wages, but the liberal Judges will probably end up dismissing those cases.

Hope Johnson November 17, 2023 - 3:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Situational – is traffic delayed on a city street but other streets are available for car and pedestrian use or is it on a freeway where other access is limited, are protestors temporarily blocking traffic but complying with law enforcement instructions to clear the street, is the protest part of another event blocking traffic , etc.
Better think twice before you abridge your First Amendment right to peacefully assemble – you’ll need it to protest the upcoming violations of your Second Amendment rights.

Roz November 17, 2023 - 3:20 PM - 3:20 PM


shel November 17, 2023 - 3:27 PM - 3:27 PM

How about the people who could not get to work or those penalized because they could not get to their appointment? Yes fine them heavily.

Lou November 17, 2023 - 4:05 PM - 4:05 PM

Hope you haven’t a clue.

SF oh November 17, 2023 - 4:12 PM - 4:12 PM

Yes – absolutely there should be penalties! They have the right to peaceful assembly. But they do not have the right to prevent other people from going about their business or attack people who disagree with them. They should be in a designated area and not be allowed to move out of that area. Let them wave their stupid signs, chant their stupid chants, wear their stupid t-shirts, and stage their stupid die-ins, or whatever dumbass thing they choose to do. BUT, they cannot scream at others through a megaphone or disrupt and annoy other people.

Bruiser November 17, 2023 - 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Personally, I think they should’ve thrown them over the edge of the bridge and told them to go find their keys so that they could promptly remove their vehicles

Captain Bebops November 17, 2023 - 5:35 PM - 5:35 PM

Now if it were a protest over the election stolen from Trump I wonder what the answers would say here? Just curious.

Atticus Thraxx November 17, 2023 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

We did. Famously. Buncha them in jail, one of them shot, but the ring leader will likely walk. 🙃🇺🇸

Cyn November 17, 2023 - 7:42 PM - 7:42 PM

@Atticus Thraxx
One of them shot dead.

Rollo Tomasi November 17, 2023 - 7:45 PM - 7:45 PM

Fantastic. Celebrate the fatal shooting of an unarmed female protester by law enforcement. I guess we SHOULD spray those bridge protestors with lead next time.

Atticus Thraxx November 17, 2023 - 9:25 PM - 9:25 PM

Celebrate? Hardly. I saw who was ‘celebrating’ that day. All smug and confident in their little videos.They sent proud boys against humble men Rollo. 🇺🇸

Rollo Tomasi November 18, 2023 - 5:41 PM - 5:41 PM

And then those humble men put a lot of them in jail after giving them a guided tour of the Capital.

Atticus Thraxx November 18, 2023 - 8:05 PM - 8:05 PM

Rollo, Anarchy is for wankers and third world sh**holes. This person you mourn was shot and killed in utterly justifiable defense. Same as someone crawling through your window in the middle of the night can’t expect to live long after multiple screamed warnings to stop. Not a martyr, a wack job. Come on dude, hypocrisy looks terrible on smart people.

Cyn November 17, 2023 - 9:27 PM - 9:27 PM

@Rollo Tomasi
Not sure who your post is directed at, unless it was already removed, as I don’t see anyone celebrating the tragic death of Ashli Babbitt.

Rollo Tomasi November 18, 2023 - 5:40 PM - 5:40 PM

Thraxx’s use of the phrase “we did” seems to indicate support for the killing of an unarmed woman by law enforcement.

Cyn November 17, 2023 - 7:38 PM - 7:38 PM

@Captain Bebops
I’d say the same thing and I’d bet that most everyone else would also. It has been made very clear that the posters on here are against blocking lanes on the Bay Bridge, period.

Captain Bebops November 18, 2023 - 10:18 AM - 10:18 AM

Just wanted to be sure that there are no hypocrites in the crowd. I already stated elsewhere it was not the best way to protest because it turns those sympathetic to your cause against you. OTOH, maybe there were embedded protestors sent there to make sure it was a problem. Very much a tactic in the is lost country.

Atticus Thraxx November 17, 2023 - 5:38 PM - 5:38 PM

Careful what you ask for, protests aren’t ideologically exclusive.

The Fearless Spectator November 17, 2023 - 6:11 PM - 6:11 PM

If a motorist comes across a 4 x 4 in the road, the responsible thing to do is to stop and toss it to the shoulder. After all, the next motorist could run over such a hazard.
From a density standpoint, these protesters aren’t much different than a 4 x 4. Therefore it should be within a motorist’s rights to remove dense hazards. It could save a life.

Old-school guy November 17, 2023 - 7:58 PM - 7:58 PM

Protestors blocked a road in Germany. Drivers literally pick them up and threw them to the curb. And I thought it was only the autobahn I like about German roads.

MAGA SAM November 17, 2023 - 9:03 PM - 9:03 PM

Death penalty

Guido November 18, 2023 - 7:24 AM - 7:24 AM

Absolutely not!

America First November 18, 2023 - 8:33 AM - 8:33 AM

1000%! Blocking a major traffic artery is an act of TERRORISM! They should’ve been shot and had their bodies dumped into the ocean. Or at least be sentenced to10 years hard labor, restitution for tax payers and those inconvenienced on the bridge, then executed.

Bella November 18, 2023 - 9:57 AM - 9:57 AM

Yes Yes and Yes.

Dee November 18, 2023 - 1:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Absolutely!! They are infringing on my rights as far as I see it

Jeff (the other one) November 18, 2023 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

No, not at all, but there should also be no penalties bestowed upon those that give these protestors the well-deserved beatings they should get. You want to lay in the middle of the street blocking traffic, fine, but that, to me, gives a green light to the man who wants to kick you in the ribs, or drag you off roughly by the hair.

American Citizen November 18, 2023 - 6:52 PM - 6:52 PM

Let speeding traffic take care of the problem. I would not even slow down in my 3/4 ton truck. Stupid is as stupid does. Didn’t mom tell them not to play in traffic?

Glen223 November 19, 2023 - 7:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Yes – your rights (to protest) stop where they infringe on my rights (to travel).

If the laws are not upheld, then anarchy will rule. Just look at the liberal cities and counties throughout the US.


NoNonsense November 19, 2023 - 10:36 AM - 10:36 AM

And since the bridge is an Interstate, there should be federal charges apply. This is what we want because the feds don’t play- no one would be cited and released- go directly to jail. In fact, there should be terrorist charges applied. They effectively hijacked the bridge and then held all those motorists hostage. Transportation was disrupted beyond belief. FEDERAL CHARGES NOW.

The Fearless Spectator November 19, 2023 - 6:22 PM - 6:22 PM

Whenever I see protesters dumb enough to block a road, it reminds of that guy who let the locomotive run over him at the Naval Weapon Station. However at least he made a real commitment to his cause.
This bunch counts on law enforcement to make sure they don’t get hurt. They don’t sacrifice much for their cause.

nytemuvr November 19, 2023 - 9:25 PM - 9:25 PM

@THE FEARLESS SPECTATOR….Brian Wilson, I’ll never forget his name. I was living in Clyde then and it cost me and everyone a good half days pay, we were trapped. Sounds like a CCR song…”….trapped in Clyde again….”.

Original G November 19, 2023 - 9:16 PM - 9:16 PM

In case you wondered what those kids laying face down in grocery store candy isle kicking the ground and pounding their fists, grew up to be.

Original G November 19, 2023 - 9:23 PM - 9:23 PM

Blockade on road to burning man

Just saying November 20, 2023 - 6:04 AM - 6:04 AM

Bring back the water canons, flush them out!

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