Home » Selected Bay Area Cities Get Over $60M In Funds To Tackle Housing Crisis

Selected Bay Area Cities Get Over $60M In Funds To Tackle Housing Crisis


Over $60 million in funding will be distributed to selected cities in the Bay Area to address the housing crisis California is facing, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office said this week.

The funding is from the second batch of a $156.4 million Homekey Round 3 grant, the governor’s office said in a statement Tuesday.

Under this program, the state funds local government agencies to help them purchase hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings and other properties and convert them into long-term and permanent housing for homeless people.


The following areas will receive funding from the grant:

-Oakland ($15,536,403)
-San Leandro ($9,328,250)
-Hayward and Union City ($9,677,000)
-Salinas ($8,054,000)
– San Francisco ($18,226,702)

According to the governor’s office, the first two batches of Homekey Round 3 awards have funded 1,266 homes, bringing the total homes financed across three rounds of the program to 14,040.

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Governor “run deficits” Newsom only seems to solve things by throwing money the state doesn’t have at problems. Oh well, California has always thought of as being the “loony tunes” state and I guess he feels he needs to keep up the rep. I’m sure the cities could use the funds but just where does the money come from?


156.3 million goes into the pockets of non-profits via fees, administrative costs, salaries…


Yes – this is a systemic problem. Just happened right here in Concord this week. Part of City Council’s homeless plan working group’s draft proposal is for the city to hire a minimum of two additional city staff members to “manage” the homeless plan at a cost of about $600,000 per year. Keep in mind, the city has a one time amount of $5.2M to spend on the plan with no current set sources of funding for future payment of these salaries. Councilmembers Obringer and Aliano did ask for explanations on this cost at a future meeting but this is exactly where the money goes and that’s why throwing more money at it makes barely a dent in the situation. SF already allocated $692M from its 2023 budget to current homeless programs.




Agreed. It won’t do a damn thing.
Need a kick in the butt!

Don’t ask how the money will be spent on a ZOOM Meeting otherwise your name will appear on a Terror watchlist and turned over to the FBI for making threatening statements and spreading hate.

If twenty million of the sixty million is actually used productively it will be a miracle.


When is this throwing money down the drain going to stop.Get these useless politicians out of office.Put these people to work and pay there own way.There is plenty of retirees that have worked all there lives and paid their way.Lets help them a little bit they have earned it.


Wonder if the stolen shopping carts are over prop 47 $950.


They could also run an information campaign that their environmental friendly cleaning supplies naturally smell like beer and pee.


I thought I posted this under the story about BART cleaning the trains. Guess not.


@ TODOLIST Good idea anyway!!

So lets buy more properties, move the homeless in who dont want to be there, and run down the neighboring property values even more. Sounds like a Newscum plan! It outta work, just like all of his other ‘great’ ideas have panned out. I mean, he has been working on the homeless problem since he was mayor of San Francisco, and remind me again how much of an improvement he has made?

Simple questions:
Has our homeless population increased or decreased?
Has the violence caused by homeless increased or decreased?
Has the tolerance for homeless increased or decreased?


Give us full transparency then. If it’s our money, show us exactly where it’s going. Make sure the cities are using our taxpayer funds to help homeless people and not just feed the homeless industrial complex.


As long as “local government agencies” receive this kind of money, why would they ever want to solve the problem! About 15 years ago I was on a construction project at Stanford hospital. I got to be friends with a doctor in oncology, and one day while talking, I asked him if he thought there would ever be a cure for cancer. He said probably not, as there is so much money in research, why would they find the cure, and lose all that money. This is pretty much the same principal.


DEMs have never found a problem they couldn’t throw taxpayer dollars at.
We’re living in an endless pyramid scheme.


Just following the Dem playbook.
1. Create a problem
2. Blame everyone and everything other than Dems for the problem
3. Demand bailout $ to “fix” the plan
4. Allocate the bailout $ to non-profits and agencies that are run by cronies
4A. The cronies enrich themselves and generously donate to your re-election
5. Take what’s left of the bailout $ and McGyver the problem
5A. The problem still exists or has worsened
6. Repeat the process


The non-profit industrial complex simply bleeds money and is indeed profitable for some.

Gavin became Mayor of San Francisco and the homeless numbers exploded, then he became Govenor, and the state’s homeless numbers exploded, now he is running for President, guess what will happen.


I will solve the bum crisis…Give them NOTHING, and they will not come. Contrary to what the useless politicians state, very few bums in the Bay Area are actually from the Bay Area. They come form all over, because these “Progressives” offer them everything….Give them no incentives to come here and stay, and they will not come.


We should make blue tarps really expensive. That’ll fix it.

You are a california voter

You take that back. That’s a mean thing to say. 🙃

I want a refund then on my state, county, and city taxes then!

These cities can’t even maintain what they have. The roads, infrastructure is mainly a mess. Now they are going to build buildings for housing and maintain those? Suspect they will be asking more from taxpayers soon.



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