Recently, BART doubled the frequency of overnight station deep cleans. Workers clean the entire station, scrubbing and power washing everything from the stairs and station walls, including metal paneling, to the restrooms. Smaller, more sensitive surfaces are washed and disinfected by spraying a cleaning agent on a rag and scrubbing manually. To deep clean your commercial space, consider hiring an expert from commercial cleaning services in Pompano Beach, Florida.
BART also recently increased the frequency of train car deep cleans from every 900 hours of train car service to every 450 hours, meaning they’ve doubled the number of times the cars in the system undergo a deep clean. Across the system each night, BART cleaners perform 15 to 20 thorough cleans – upwards of 30 hours of deep cleaning a night. Cleaners scrub every surface of a train car, from ceilings to baseboards. Thorough cleans take two cleaners about two hours to complete.
About time. Maybe management read posts on Claycord.
It doesn’t take a brain scientist to see that this won’t work.
And the point is?
They should double getting the homeless off the trains. How can this be so complicated?
450 hours is about 18+ days. Also, considering the top to bottom cleaning they say they will do will only take 2 hours. Wow, supper clean in hardly any time at all. Now all we need is a schedule that tell us which cars are clean on any train on any day. Sorry, still won’t ride.
I ride BART from Antioch to the city and back almost every day. It is completely disgusting! The people are animals and the trains are filthy. Only real solution is to enforce whether people paid for their tickets or not and stop the lane jumpers – that would eliminate the hardcore “problem people” who cause the most problems. BART police should ride the trains for as much as they make in salary. When I first began taking BART to work, the biggest problems were people leaving their newspaper on the seat and crowded trains on the trip home. Now it’s resembles the City Muni Bus. Huge changes in the wrong direction!
I hope they control the druggies shooting up! Last week I took a train from SFO and there was blood on at least 5 seats! Definitely not safe and it was so disgusting 🤮 I hope they take matters into their hands or they are gonna lose more customers! I know for a fact, no more BART rides for me! Too unsafe!
More frequent cleaning doesnt address the fundamental problems that bums are soiling the trains and people are bringing food on the trains.
I can vouch from firsthand experience the trains remain disgusting.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Sounds like that company that bid for toilets in downtown San Francisco back in the late 90s need to pop in with a solution. That company didn’t get the contract because ADA people said that the units were too small for wheelchairs. Those toilets were self-cleaning. Looks like a market for self-cleaning BART cars.
They need to stop the fair jumpers that cause the problems, I too have seen them in action. I will never forget the video of the high overtime BART janitor that spend hours in the storeroom that had no camera. Also the BART Christmas gift (going to see the Nutcracker) to my daughter of headlice.
Well let me see… lately, double the pee, double the poo, double the deaths, needles, crimes, etc. Then I guess, I’d expect they would need to double the cleaning frequency.
For real only every 450 hrs? You would think they would clean it daily, my brother saw someone poop on the train last time he rode bart😧 and someone asked him for drugs, I’m deff never riding it again.