Home » The Water Cooler – Should Cities Purchase Parking Lots To Use For Homeless Shelters?

The Water Cooler – Should Cities Purchase Parking Lots To Use For Homeless Shelters?


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Many cities across the Nation, including Sacramento, are purchasing parking lots to use for homeless shelters or “safe sleeping sites” where homeless people can park their cars or set up tents and receive services, or more involved accommodations such as city-provided RVs.


QUESTION: Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?

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Hell no.
Are you kidding?
Eff NO!!


Instead of the city the county should get about ten acres, somewhere not visible by the public, build a fence around it. Put in showers, toilets and a soup kitchen and move every homeless in the county there. No one in or out without a reason.


Concord Naval Weapons perhaps ?


Each state could easily set aside some land away from major cities to cut down of the price of land. Homeless would only be allowed to live it that area. Place a sheltered sleeping, eating and gathering area. Provide showers and some sort of schedule in which all people must do daily chores. No drugs or alcohol. Counseling made available for those who need mental health and drug/alchohol treatment. This would also serve as a place to get back on your feet. No camping would be permitted on and city sidewalks, parks, or overpasses. Those who refuse these Homeless areas would be placed into jail.


We used to have places like you describe. They were called Poor Farms. Physically and Mentally able worked in the kitchens, and buildings or on the land and gardens. They had cooking, wood-working and other trade shops to learn skills or just to use to keep the farm working. Most residents were poorly educated with no family or older and alone.
And… for the younger spunkier ones there was always the choice of jail or Army…. my personal favorite.
The totally wacko’s had asylums. But today three hots and a cot and out of the rain and snow is considered as being cruel… unlike the luxury of living on the sidewalk.

So the idea is to improve homelessness by getting patches of asphalt for them to live on? Umm, No. How about a government that cared about and tried to do something for it citizens and close the border and stop funding foreign wars? Oh, it’s easier to do the war thing than solve difficult problems here.


Sign of a sick, failed nation and very dystopian. It’s a short term solution. Probably better to build high rises in Clayton. 🤣


Reminds me of Soylent Green.

No…. whatever store is selling their parking lot might as well shut the doors – no parking lot? no business – bye bye! … and I resent / forbid? my tax dollars going to buy them !


How about no


No, they should convert government offices to homeless shelters. And Sacramento is a great place to start.


Gavin Newsom has a nice parking lot at his winery, that would be a good place to start.


He could rename it “BumJack”


No No No…We have campgrounds. They want to camp then go camp. Arrest those doing drugs and hospitalize the rest. Build more jails and mental health facilities not parking lots.


Absolutely not.

We need to help the mentally ill, and the ill, and help people get back on their feet.

The rest are freeloaders and contribute nothing, so they should receive nothing.

The government shouldn’t be helping the freeloaders, let the charities do it.


Take Concord for example, bart overflow parking lot behind Police station on Mesa Street.
Already fenced for security and it’s not like bart is going to be using that parking lot any time soon.
IF bart is serious about giving back to the communities, there are allot of empty bart parking lots in bay area.


CA has spent 25B on homeless since 2020, we have 90k homeless, thats 277,000 per person.

And nothing has changed!

Think about how many taxpayers it takes to pay 277,000 in state taxes.


Where’s it gone? Which one of these non-profit charity things get it all? Too many hands in the pot. That kind of money no one’s going to want to fix homelessness. Hell they’re going to want more. And they’re going to find ways to get it.

Hell No ! Give them a one-way ticket to Delaware.


I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it is a way to bring “organization” and, more importantly, “control” to a situation that has grown chaotic without it. On the other, it would depend on exactly where these “parking lots” were located. If they were discretely “out of the way,” and without potential for disturbing nearly residents, I might suggest a test case to see how it worked. I’’m afraid, however, that like every thing that hasn’t worked in dealing with homelessness, it will soon prove to be fruitless. Homelessness is merely a symptom of a much larger problem.


FEMA camps?


How is that a solution? Seems like it’s still street living which most of them want.


How’s about doing a survey to determine how long these folks have actually been in California in the first place? Are they a home grown homeless problem or did they just decide they’d do better mooching in California?…. (like our illegal aliens do).


“A self-proclaimed’ old-school junkie’ who moved from Texas to San Francisco because ‘it’s f*****g easy’ to be homeless there claims he’s being paid by the city government to live on the streets, getting $620 in cash per month and hundreds of food stamps while he sells Narcan and enjoys Amazon Prime and Netflix on his phone.
‘This right now is literally by choice, literally by choice. If we’re going to be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here,’ James, a homeless man with face tattoos who has been living in San Francisco since June…” …
“…it only took one phone call to receive government assistance, including hundreds in cash and food stamps worth approximately $100, and notes that the ‘free money’ is motivation to remain homeless.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bdhc5put
DEMs is so generous, with your taxpayer dollars ? ? ?
Maybe this is what Veterans need to do,


If they do, make the homeless pay the parking meter for their tent soace.! They’ve got money that they’ve begged. and you’d be surprised how many get welfare assistance debit cards. Along with their food stamp cards.
I think I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve been trying to help the homeless for years, and I’m finally fed Up because most are lazy bums , who love to mooch. Not a penny more from me!


Since they get all food for free ,any money you ever gave them was spent on dope and cigarettes .


So, we are purchasing parking lots to provide safe settings for drug abuse and storage of stolen items. Nice to know that some of the Claycordians here get to contribute to this, as cities do not have their own money; all the funds used for these purchases are provided by we, the taxpayers. I had to check to see if this was April 1, because in reality, that is quite an absurd question.


Who came up with this dumb question.No and hell no.


NO… They should provide jobs cleaning up the Cities


They wouldnt live there,there would be rules,but anytime you create perks for the homelsss,they come though,from other states.Build it they will come,and the crime rate will skyrocket.Treatment/jail,they wont spend the money.


I’ve always said if I was rich I would buy houses next to our asylum politicians and rent it cheap to illegals. See how they like living like that. There is a limit to what we can support and I think we have passed it. All he complaints from cities about Texas sending illegals to other cities has turned into those cities asking for money from Washington. Not to mention the criminals ICE has arrested, some wanted for murder in there home country’s. Go Brandon.


BOBO, I like the way you think. Maybe a Go Fund me page. It would be fantastic if you could pull it off. Homeless living next to our Politicians would fix the problem asap. BRILLIANT!

What it really means – Should taxpayers purchase parking lots for homeless shelters.
Here’s what the ‘cities’ should do:
1. Serve the taxpayers, not the bums.
2. Put the bums to work. There’s plenty out there to do. Have them fix the roads. The ‘cities/government’ has robbed taxpayers funds for road repairs for decades. It the least they can do.


Most likely Newsom will be able to finance this as a new venture by turning all of California’s highways into toll roads. They’re already feeling out the feasibility of such an idea by advancing a “public survey” which really means the changes are already “in the works.”. ’Everybody pays!


You are right. And don’t forget that the feckless California Demorat government wants to start charging drivers for miles driven. We pay for the roads multiple ways – gas taxes, toll roads, bridge tolls, and nothing gets done. And now they want more. It never ends.

Unbelievable! If you want our city to fall like Sf, Seattle, Oakland and Portland…littered with garbage and needles. How many fires are started by the deranged? You cannot help those that don’t help themselves.

A big NO



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