Home » Crime, Uncleanliness Some Of The Factors BART Riders Say Could Be Keeping People Away

Crime, Uncleanliness Some Of The Factors BART Riders Say Could Be Keeping People Away


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Don’t forget the raising fares.


Why we no longer take BART:

After a weeknight show in San Francisco, my wife and I (as well as the rest of the BART car) witnessed two young men openly shooting up heroin while we were traveling through the trans-bay tube. At one of the downtown Oakland stations a BART policeman came on and asked the car if anyone wanted to be a witness if he arrested the two men. No one raised their hands, so the policemen exited the car without arresting them.

Not long after that, I was en route from San Francisco to the East Bay when a high-as-a-kite couple engaged in sex while in a crowded BART car. Most of us quickly relocated to adjacent cars.

My wife used to commute from Concord to Oakland via BART, but got tired of having to dodge streams of urine and avoiding sleeping or panhandling homeless people. She now drives to Oakland for work.


Why did you not raise your hand?


My personal decision.


Personal decision to not get involved?

Like I said – you’re part of the problem, not the solution.

Not getting involved is the problem with all of the political BS these days.

Just hide in your corner and let someone else do the “dirty work.”

I personally have no problem with getting involved. I’m tired of paying taxes with nothing being done to resolve the problems.


Just food for thought..Would you want your name and address in the arrest report which is provided to the arrested person? If subpoena’d “Concord Guy” would be going to Alameda County court since it occurred in Oakland. Personally would be a different story if the victim was an actual person and not People of the State.


YES! I’d love to testify against the junkie insect spawn that infest BART … because I’m not a coward.


And you did nothing.

Don’t complain. Either you’re part of the problem or part of the solution.


You’re a democrat. You voted for this.


Duh!. The solution is not complicated. Get tough on crime (fare evasion is a crime too), kick those who loiter off the trains and stations. If you eliminate the cause of filth, BART won’t have to spend so much money cleaning the cars each night. Stop giving in to the wants of the progressives. Time for tough love. Well, that’s not going to happen so BART will remain a sh**show, and ridership will stay low.


Most of the people that create all the trouble on BART are those that don’t pay their fare, but jump right over the fare gates. I ride Bart 3 days a week
( deliberately staying away two days a week to get a break) it’s a necessary evil for me, but all the troubles I see on the train is due to these fairgate jumpers! Bart is being very slow about putting the new Jump proof Gates in. I will honestly see the BART police have really stepped things up and are trying to do something. But I’m tired of riding a train coming from from a tough day to work to have these freaks all around me.


The BART Board must either be clueless or just doesn’t give a s**t what the public thinks. #1 stop the fare evaders and you will solve probably 90% of the problems. They can take the DEI and place it you know where. There is no will to stop the fare evaders because it will harm who? The poor and people of color.


Good video but the follow up one offered afterwards is better on the finances of extending BART into Silicon Valley, interviewing bureaucrats saying since they’ve been planning this for decades, they no longer care about how much it costs or that ridership may be only 10% of forecasted, they just want it done. They would not run their personal finances like that but then again it’s not their money.


Secure the system! Only fare paying customers get into the stations, the platforms, the trains. Guarantee you the people sleeping on the cars, making a mess of the bathrooms, peeing in the cars, shooting up in the cars, making a mess of the cars did not pay to get into the system. Prevent those non-paying people from getting into the system and kick them out if they somehow get in and things will improve fast!


Face it the democrats have taken us to Banana Republic status. Hate to tell you but it is obvious there is no turning back.


On the bright side, executive pay and compensation has never been better!


“…could be…”?
Are BART executives and senior staff both deaf and blind or just plain stupid?


All of the above!


Most of the people that create all the trouble on BART are those that don’t pay their fare, but jump right over the fare gates. I ride Bart 3 days a week
( deliberately staying away two days a week to get a break) it’s a necessary evil for me, but all the troubles I see on the train is due to these fairgate jumpers! Bart is being very slow about putting the new Jump proof Gates in. I will honestly see the BART police have really stepped things up and are trying to do something. But I’m tired of riding a train coming from from a tough day to work to have these freaks all around me.

They overlooked bart parking lots. All the car break-ins, assaults, robberies because the lots, which they charge us to park there, are never supervised.


I have never had to pay for parking in a BART parking lot. Which lots do you have to pay to park in?


You pay at every bart parking lot on weekdays weekends bart lots are free.

Could Be???? haha! are they just waking up this fact? how about them putting their hand out for every nickel and dime instead of trying to manage within their own budget? ..not to mention the high salaries and big bonuses…. has the senior management and board of directors been asleep?


Welcome to the future, that is the one of 40 years ago. The video reminded me of some of the sci-fi action movies of the past (like DREDD). BART should have contacted some of the sci-fi writers to get an idea of what was going to happen (since some hit it dead on). Many predict by “logical extension”, i.e. taken the current and by logic extending the scenario out years into the future. Too many of the folks who planned BART were thinking way too rosy rather than taking into account what problems like pandemics, economic crashes and culture changing might effect.
Have other cities solved this?

The Sad Fact is, that these Issues have been Known by BART for a LONG time.. But they have chosen to follow the “Agenda”, to be “Nice” to criminals and drug users.. Still Have still NOT secured the stations and entry points.. Lots of Verbiage.. Little ACTION…


Did they seriously JUST figure this out?

What keeps people away? What makes BARF attractive … absolutely NOTHING!


I came back from Europe and the first thing I see when I get on the BART car is all the homeless that use it as a mobile home. The guy was a sleep with a mass of garbage around him, just unbelievable. They don’t get off at SFO because the police will promptly throw them back on the train. They obviously didn’t buy a ticket but are able to ride all day. Note to BART cops ride the Pittsburg/SFO line and wait until the train gets to the SFO and boot them.


But….but Barf says “crime is down”.
Don’t believe your lying eyes!


Of course crime is down. They don’t make arrests or the DAs don’t file charges. No arrest, no paper.

So it goes nowhere.


Paying riders could also decide to not pay the fare, after all, they are on their way to continue being productive and BARF has been getting financially supported by tax payers’ money.
There should be a program, like in some European countries, where employees are provided with a transportation allowance.
I hope those who are riding BARF, and any other public transport, are deducting public transportation expense on their tax forms.

I use BART to/from San Francisco for theatre, ballet, opera, and symphony evening performances. The drug use and dirt are the fault of the PEOPLE on the train, not BART. I am a world traveler and do not see people put their feet on the seats, leave trash, play their personal music without earphones, or use drugs on public transportation anywhere else.



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