Home » California, 32 Other States Sue Social Media Company Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Over Alleged Harm To Children

California, 32 Other States Sue Social Media Company Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Over Alleged Harm To Children


California Attorney General Rob Bonta, along with his counterparts from 32 other states, filed a federal lawsuit against Meta alleging that the company purposely created addictive and harmful social media platforms that it then markets to children.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, claims that over the past 10 years, Meta “has profoundly altered the psychological and social realities of a generation of young Americans.”

The company, through its Instagram and Facebook platforms, specifically targets youth and children younger than 13, uses powerfully manipulative and addictive features to ensnare young people and misleads the public about the dangers of its platforms, according to the suit.

“We’re here because we’re facing a problem that is national in scope, so it requires a national response,” Bonta said during a news conference announcing the suit Tuesday.


“There’s a mountain of growing evidence that social media has a negative impact on our children, evidence that more time on social media tends to be correlated with depression, with anxiety, body image issues, susceptibility to addiction and interference with daily life,” Bonta said.

The lawsuit is largely based on evidence uncovered during an ongoing, multi-state investigation that began in 2021 and includes thousands of pages of internal documents provided by a company whistleblower.

The suit claims that Meta knew many of its product features — like “dopamine-manipulating recommendation algorithms,” incessant alerts that pop up during school hours and at night, visual filer features that allegedly promote body dysmorphia and the “like” button, among other things — are harmful to children but the company disingenuously claims otherwise while continuing to market itself to young people.

The states claim Meta is in violation of the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, as well as California’s false advertising and unfair competition laws, and seeks to stop the company’s alleged harmful practices as well as require monetary damages.
In addition to the federal suit, eight attorneys general have simultaneously filed state lawsuits against Meta, essentially alleging similar wrongdoing.


“Meta is clearly aware of the harms that its platforms cause, but it has not taken steps to remedy those harms, and in fact it’s doubling down,” said New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella, who filed a consumer protection and products liability suit in his home state.

“It’s lulled parents and kids into a false sense of security, and it conceals the extent of the harms that its platforms cause,” said Formella, a Republican who emphasized the fact that a bipartisan group of attorneys general is cooperating on the case.

Formella likened the suits against Meta to those that targeted tobacco companies in the 1990s and opioid manufacturers in the 2010s.

“Once again, the states, through their attorneys general, are called to take action — collective action, bipartisan action to protect our people,” he said.


A Meta spokesperson said in an email that the company is disappointed by the suit, that it’s committed to ensuring teens have “safe, positive experiences online” and that its platforms feature more than 30 tools to help teens and their families.

Some of those tools include age verification technology, setting the accounts of users under 16 to private and allowing parents to restrict the amount of time teens spend on an app.

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Maybe an age limit would be helpful.

An age restriction would be a common sense requirement. Pathetically, it will be highly unlikely since personal responsibility is a thing of the past with the leftists.
If the suit is successful, Meta and other social platforms will pay a hefty fine which will be used by the left to fund social programs.
Too predictable.


Funding “social programs”…Code for hiring my nephews company so they can administer this brand new rules that we just wrote.


My money is on the Meta Lawyers getting them off free and clear.


The pedo enablers in Sacramento must be suffering cognitive dissonance.


It’s their ”woke cultural prerogative.” Or, so they’d have us believe.


PAYDAY ! . . . . . fleecing deep pockets.
Yet some of the states suing protect practice of
mental, physical and chemical mutilation of children.
But it’s OK state will only spend a few hundred million on the lawsuit.
OR is this an attempt to gain a Court ruling enabling government
to justify limiting free speech.
Remember DEMs favorite saying,
“It’s for our children”
Next they’ll sue because a 2″x4″ doesn’t measure out to a 2″x4″ (sarcasm)


Yet, these same politicians and board members allow children’s books with sexually graphic and explicit content in school libraries along with allowing, facilitating and encouraging innocent kids to get sex changes before they mature and also promote and support Drag Queen Hour reading to our children.

Hey Bonta, where are you and your fellow politicians on these matters? I’ll tell you where! You all encourage, promote and support everything I mentioned.

God save us!


Yep Sir James, i totally agree with you. But, I still would still like ol Sukerberg to get stomped on a bit. Along with google and some other garbage sites.


Trust me, I couldn’t agree more with you, REASONABLE!


Vote them all out! We know who they are.


As more and more people and businesses flee California ,Gavin and Rob are just following the left’s mobster playbook of shaking down who is left. Now they’re going after their own donors like Zuckerburg. Remember this is the same CA government that fought against making human trafficking a violent felony until the optics forced them to change their tune.

I’m now waiting to see what “fresh ideas” Gavin brings back after “negotiating” with his CCP comrades this week in China. Why exactly did he go?!?

This state is an utter disappointment and embarrassment for the few natives still left here.


Have Gavin sue TikTok while he’s in China.


Like watching two enemies fight, I don’t care who wins as long as there’s plenty of damage.


Just turn off the computer. It’s pretty simple.


Concur. Our family has only one account and it’s limited to maintaining contact with inlaws and cousins… and FB Marketplace.
Otherwise, it’s off limits due to Meta’s tracking of everything. Instagram included.


Yeah, publishing and maintaining apps these days is fraught with new forms to fill out from the companies (especially Google) whether your app has this or that. Paranoid politicians have taken the fun out of software publishing. I’ve suggested to app developers if they to boost the app price for extra time this takes and tell their customers why the price was increased. Google must’ve borrowed their tactics from the old East Germany.

And this is after declaring in the first place that the app is not targeting children.


..another bogus piece of political garbage


The states that are suing are just doing for the money. They don’t care about the children as is evidenced in the rest of the things they support happening to the kids.
Interesting thing is though, is that Zuckerberg is a super Democrat. He actually spent $400 million in the last election to defeat Republicans. So maybe he deserves what the democrats are doing to him now.


Facebook should have used those creepy drag queens. Then bonta and his ilk would be complimentary instead of suing.


Government finding another way to support there programs. Wouldn’t it be nice to start a work program.


As I have posted before about Mark Zuckerberg’s (CZI) Chan Zuckerberg Initative throwing $400 million into projects and programs which fund liberal causes that influence so many policies to make voting almost obsolete unless you represent the Democratic Party. META will be found liable, pay a fine, admit no wrong doing, agree to change the way their platforms are marketed to minors and then carry on as usual. With someone who is so well-connected to the Democratic Machine, does anyone really think the DOJ is serious in seeing this through? It’s just away to make State Attorney General Rob Bonta look like he cares about the children. All he cares about is following Gavin to the White House.


Just like Ca. Woke teachers has profoundly altered the psychological and social realities of a generation of young Americans.”


I thought tic toc was the problem. Oh I forgot that’s a Chinese operation. Can’t touch that. The problem is every kid has a cell phone.


Ironic. California harms children just as much as social media does



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