The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Today is National Horror Movie Day. What is your favorite and least favorite horror movie of all time?
Talk about it….
Zowie !
We talked about this in Friday’s Whatever….
Hold on a minute; while I cut and paste it all to here….
1925 Phantom………………
My favorite part of horror movies is when a group is looking for something very menacing and they say, “Let’s split up” Thats when I turn the channel. Actually I hate horror movies and never watch them.
“Let’s split up” .., famous last words! 🤣
“Let’s hide behind the chainsaws”
The House Of Wax, with Vincent Price, and a young Charles Bronson. Vincent Price owned and operated a wax museum, the museum caught fire and all of his wax figures were destroyed. To replace the wax figures, he has his helper Igor, (Charles Bronson) kill people, so he can cover them in wax and rebuild his museum. The movie was in 3-D, it was fun and scary when everything popped out of the screen into your face.
The Godzilla movies, as with all Japanese horror movies, were just plain dumb. Then there was the American made movie, “Rubber.” It’s about a car tire that rolls into a small town, killing people by making their heads explode. It was pretty bad, but it was a black comedy, and absurdly funny.
“Rubber” was an early shot on consumer video camera movie that actually got some traction. I think it was intended to be cheesy. Bobcat Goldthwait tried his hand a making a movie with consumer HD cameras, “Willow Creek” which is actually quite good and creepy.
I’m a horror movie buff but watched so many that my favorite is hard to say. People know me as liking “Halloween III” because of the weird mind control story line that didn’t follow any of the other films of the franchise. But I wouldn’t say it’s my “favorite” but then I have a lot of “favorites” in the genre. Similarly there are so many bad horror films that it’s hard to say the least favorite.
It’s easy these days to find really awful horror films especially streaming. Between the pandemic and the Hollywood strike a lot of bad film students seemed to rush together some kind of movie with their buddies and pitch them to the content short streaming services. Some think they are writing a radio play violating the first rule of film making “show don’t tell”, especially when their buddies aren’t actors. Others just can’t write or direct or edit a film.
But I may have my favorite worst film that one might actually sit all the way through (I shut the really bad ones off about 10 minutes or less in). That’s “Nightmare Weekend” from 1986 which I watched for the first time last week. Mind you we horror fans sometimes like to watch something to see how bad it is or how cheesy. Some can be a really hoot! This one has a back story about the film that apparently started out as a valid project until foreign investors got involved. It’s watchable but cheesy and was produced for direct-to-video. Read the first review on IMDB.com for the back story by someone on the crew as well as all the “1” ratings it gets.
Orgy of The Dead?
@CAPTAIN BEBOPS….Took tour mention of “Nightmare Weekend”, couldn’t take it past 15 minutes or so. The line that put it over the top was “Don’t come home if you have boobs on your breath”…..
John Carpenters The Thing. Also one of my favorite remakes. I am not a fan of the murder porn genre
Ah yes! The one with Kurt Russell
My 10 most memorable horror movies”
1. The Exorcist
2. Alien
3. Poltergeist
4. The Shining
5. Death Ship
6. Scanners
7. Sssssss (A 1973 movie about humans transforming into snakes!)
8. Jaws
9. Friday the 13th (Original)
10. The Hills have Eyes
@EXIT 12A….#7, Ssssss….with Strother Martin, “What we have here is failure to communicate….”-Cool Hand Luke
Hey there … watching BiteMe … errr Mumbles ..errr Joe Biden at the podium.
Ever wonder if we will run out of days and months to name most of this crap? Then what?
I thought it was still Spanish heritage month. Which was right on the heels of Gay month.
So search Netflix for “gay, spanish, horror” and see what you find.
@Lou……… simple, we just double them up like “Gay Fireman’s Day/National Donut Day” or “Secretary’s Day/Phlebotomist’s Day”
Favorite: I consider Jaws a horror movie, so, Jaws.
Least favorite…all the Exorcists after the original.
Other than reality? I would say The Shining…have always loved Jack.
Not sure if these fit the Genre exactly but my top 3 are as follows:
1. Jaws
2. Silence of the Lambs
Don’t really have a worst. If I didn’t like it, I stopped watching.
My wedding video.
Oh… and for my favorite, John Carpenters “The Thing”that’s Sci-Fi scary and supernatural scary favorite is “The Exorcist” tho I won’t ever watch it again and violent scary is the original “Psycho” it was a masterpiece of horror.
You outta see my Driver’s License.
Two words…Motel Hell…classic?
The Biden Presidency.
It’s horrific.
Transylvania 6-5000 – a 1985 American/Yugoslav horror comedy film.
A young Geena Davis as Elvira! El-Vira. My heart’s on fire.
@YOYOHOP….”Omm papa papa mow mouw….”
Now that you mentioned Goldblum, I remember that The Fly scared me. Though, I think that movie falls under Sci-Fi and not Horror.
No, The Fly is very much a horror film.
A common theme for the director, Cronenberg, is metamorphosis. The main character is going to change in a drastic and irreversible way. Always for the worse.
Most: “Lawrence of Arabia”
Least: “Dumb and Dumber”
By definition these aren’t horror movies but they both have some scenes that convey feelings of horror.
As I stated Friday, Carpenter’s Halloween is probably my favorite. So many I do not like, cannot state. I find most newer horror movies to be too dark, not just in level of torture/violence, but too dark, where all I think I am watching is a black screen with screaming or eerie mood music/background sounds.
Oh how funny! I asked a few days ago about scary movies and I got good answers. Now, I am finding out this news. I imagine many already have candy, costumes, drinks, popcorn, movie, snacks, ready for next Tuesday. Like I said before, The Blair Witch Project was a big no.
Hard to beat the Saw series. The worse was The Monitors.
The Haunted Palace with Vincent Price and Debra Paget. Pretty scary. Well done. One more of my favorites is John Carpenter’s The Fog 1980. Specifically the opening scene with the kids on the beach with John Houseman telling the creepy story with the gold pocket watch when it strikes 12. Lease favorite I’d have to say is House of Wax with Paris Hilton. Too gory and hard to watch.
13 Ghosts as a kid (the original)
Halloween 3 – Cheesy good.