The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Should the U.S. continue to give money to other countries to fight wars?
Talk about it….
Better than giving our men and women.
So the choice is a binary?
We’re not giving our men and women, we’re giving our boys and girls.
The next generation will have less opportunities and a lower standard of living because we wasted trillions on these wars.
In many cases, we’ve given billions to each side. Iran was just given billions for a prisoner swap and now they want to give Israel billions to fight Iranian sponsored terrorist.
Who benefits?
I understand why they do, but totally don’t like it.
Some of it is not for the good of things.
Can you imagine what that money can do for us here in the USA.
I think it depends on the circumstances. Not a cut and dried issue.
There is no right answer … it depends on the circumstance(s).
Anyone answering positively yes or positively no has not considered any strategic political, economic, or social consequence(s).
The amount of money we are giving to the Ukraine is insane. We are keeping the whole country afloat. With Israel make sure they have the weapons they need. One hundred billion between the two of them is a waste of money. We don’t even know where the money ends up.
How much is all of europe giving ukraine? It’s in their backyard.
Yes, it’s called a proxy war, and it’s how we grind down the economies of out enemies.
How many times over the years has it been said that the US does not need to be the world’s policemen? Obviously war is profitable for a few but that scam needs to end. We need our tax dollars for our own projects and citizens not for bribing foreign countries.
A billion here, a billion there. Eventually it adds up to a lot of money.
No and its a huge amount of money with the latest request calculating out to about $300 per person in the US. If you were asked for a $300 donation to fund drones in Ukraine and rebuild Soviet looking apartments in Gaza, would you donate?
Case by case basis. Ukraine, yes, they obviously can’t go it alone and in conjunction with EU/NATO we should continue to fund. Israel can fund their own defense. I have no problem sharing intelligence and technology but don’t see why we have an obligation to fund. Ditto for Taiwan. And let’s remember this is not taxpayer money it is federal borrowing which is worse but neither party is willing to tell the public that we need to pay up $725 per family for the proposed $100 billion bill.
No. and neither should we take in the 100’s of thousands of immigrants these wars produce. Bad enough we leave the border wide open.
We can barely keep track of the billions of dollars we waste in our own country. In fact, we don’t often even try. I can’t imagine the percentage of our dollars that are squandered, stolen or otherwise misused in other countries. So unless there’s a rock-solid direct connection to the security of the U.S., no.
Beyond our military, the most obvious and direct connection to security in the U.S. is our citizens ability to own “military grade weapons” and “assault weapons”. Therefore, it is imperative that our 2A rights MUST be protected from the wrath of politicians that sympathize with evil regimes.
Politicians use billions upon billions of tax dollars against our citizens every year to keep us on our heels, reeling from more and tighter restrictions of those rights. This is the true enemy within.
What’s happening now in Israel, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Armenia is the cause and effect of removing the citizens ability to defend themselves from evil. The big question is whether not our citizens are learning anything from these atrocities and will make the appropriate choices that results in saving our Republic.
100 billion here. 100 billion there.
And don’t forget 10% for the “Big Guy” bidet biden.
Yes, it’s better than us having to get directly involved, and it puts a lid on the evil in the world. So it is a necessary evil.
But I will say that if Trump had been president none of this worldwide aggression would have been happening! Enemy know they’re dealing with the weak president (after his display in Afghanistan among other things) and Biden has enriched these countries by oil purchases tfrom them( both Iran and Russia have benefited economically from Joe Biden) I bet you china will soon do its military moves too.
No if Trump was president, Ukraine would be now in Russia. Trump would have given in to Putin for helping him win his election. They are best friends and praise each other. There would be WWIII in the Middle East because Trump with no diplomacy skills would open his big mouth and polarize both sides. We all saw what happened when Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem. As far as Afghanistan, Trump set that leave disaster up and Biden had no choice but to finish it.
THE QUESTION IS….Would they help us?
\We have people suffering here who need help. and if you choose to go to war, you should be able to stand on your own. and not rely on others for help…like GO FUND ME BECAUSE i AM ENTITLED.
Russia made the choice. Ukraine’s choice was surrender and lose their independence or fight.
It’s not a yes or no answer.
It depends on the circumstances.
Giving billions to Ukraine is criminal.
Giving hundreds of millions to Iran is criminal.
Giving whatever Israel it needs is the right thing to do.
Your response is contradictory. Both Hamas and Hezbollah have gotten funding, weapons and support from Russia-Iran-North Korea. It’s the same enemy, the same evil.
Sometimes, yes. Ukraine and Israel both have my unqualified support. 🇺🇸🇺🇦 🇮🇱
Someone asked if we’d be willing to donate $300.00 per person to the war efforts in Ukraine and Israel. I’d drop $500.00 if there was a stipulation that Trump’s border wall gets completed by June of ’24.
Under the current circumstances with Israel & Ukraine – yes… but not to say all countries involved in skirmishes
When the oxygen masks on the airplane drop down, the instructions are to put your own mask on before helping others.
In America, the plane is losing altitude, and they are sending our oxygen masks overseas.
Hey now TFS that’s a pretty damn good analogy. I’m glad I thought of it.🫣
👏 👏 👏
Well said! Precisely why we shouldn’t be shelling out a single dollar to ANY of these countries. Isn’t there something called the UNITED NATIONS that’s supposed to handle things like this at an equal level for all countries?
We should supply the Israeli’s with all the bunker buster bombs & nukes they need to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, or maybe they have them already. I’d have already used them if it was my call.
Israel has one of most powerful militaries in the world, thanks to the US. There is no way Israel is ever going to lose in a fight with Gaza, a strip of land the size of Las Vegas. Israel is already well-equipped to handle the situation. As for Ukraine, all the US is interested in is expanding NATO. They recently got Finland and Sweden to join. In fact, had Putin not have invaded Ukraine, Finland and Sweden would still be neutral, as they should be. He pushed those countries right into the US’s hands. How smart was that. Giving aid to Ukraine and Israel may be warranted at this time, but to what extent? When Kaiser wants to charge me, a simple middle-class senior citizen who doesn’t make enough money to buy a Tesla, but makes too much to qualify for Medi-Cal, $700 in monthly premiums for healthcare, I say a big chunk of that foreign aid needs to get re-directed to the problems within our own country first. We’ve gotta fix things like our healthcare system, for example, before we go spending big bucks to aid already-wealthy countries like Israel. I wish we could do that once and for all.
Better to spend the money elsewhere than here, fighting a WAR on our own soil, which would cost a helluva lot more that the few billion we’re spending to help Ukraine defeat Russia. And its only MONEY we’re spending, not the lives of our military personnel. Money vs lives; which do you prefer?
Hell No!!! Does anyone ever question Joey or his administration about how much longer this will continue? Afghanistan was only 20 years. Maybe we can get at least 10 years out of Ukraine at several more $Trillion.
Without mentioning particular conflicts…
Study the history of isolationism. The world will tumble out of control and the cost will be exponentially higher in lives and dollars, to ultimately protect our way of life.
No, thank you.