Home » Ygnacio Valley High School Teacher Named One Of California’s Teachers Of The Year

Ygnacio Valley High School Teacher Named One Of California’s Teachers Of The Year


Ygnacio Valley High School engineering teacher Joseph Alvarico has been named one of five 2024 California Teachers of the Year.

California State Superintendent of Schools of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced the honors this week.

“I am proud that one of our Contra Costa County teachers of the year has been named one of the state’s top educators,” Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools Lynn Mackey said, in a statement. “Joseph is a great example of the high-quality teaching and learning going on in Contra Costa County schools every day and it’s a great honor for him to be selected as a California Teacher of the Year.


“Congratulations to him, his colleagues and MDUSD for the support they have given him throughout this process and his career.”

Alvarico is the only Northern California teacher to receive the honor this year, as the other four teachers reside in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. He was named a Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year in September and one of Mt. Diablo Unified School District’s Teachers of the Year this past spring.

“I am both thrilled and humbled at the same time to have been selected as one of the 2024 California Teachers of the Year,” Alvarico said, in a statement. “This distinction is a reflection of the long hours and unwavering commitment that I have put into my teaching career.

“My gratitude extends to multiple people in my life who have guided me along my professional path and supported my classroom every step of the way. Maraming salamat sa inyong lahat! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to give my students the greatest service that I possibly could. I am excited to continue making a positive impact on the lives of my students, our local community, and the educational world at large.”


Born in the Philippines to a family of educators, Alvarico has a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a Bachelor of Secondary Education degree.

After immigrating to the United States, he has spent many years instructing middle school and high school students in the subject of robotics at Mt. Diablo Unified School District. With his on-the-job experience in the tech industry, he combines real world experiences into his lessons while also focusing on community building with his students.

The district said Alvarico “strives to show all his students their potential and the possibilities available when they leave high school, no matter their economic status.”

The Contra Costa County Office of Education nominated Alvarico through its county-level competition. The California Department of Education says the selection committees reviewed applications; evaluated teachers’ rapport with students and their classroom environments, presentation skills, and teaching techniques; and interviewed the teachers.

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Congratulations, Mr. Alvarico.
“…With his on-the-job experience in the tech industry, he combines real world experiences into his lessons…”
I appreciate that he’s NOT an academic – a theoritical, book-smart genius who doesnt know how the real world works.


The flowers are pretty


Thank you for choosing to teach at YV. 🙂


Pulled my kids out of public schools last year. If you had told me I was going to put my kids in a private school 4 years ago I would have told you you’re crazy. Both my kids are now thriving and say things like “I think the teachers really want to be there”. California Teachers and their union put our kids in front of computer screens for 2 years. I’ll never forget and there is a special place in hell for these folks.


As dismal as public education has become, there are still good teachers at many of the schools.


Who cares it is the bad ones that we are worried about


The bad far outnumber the good.


Public school teachers that support their union can burn. True evil.


Thank you for taking your children out of public school.

So happy for them to be ‘thriving’. Just like the Kaiser commercials.
Don’t forget to send in your required $500 if you choose not to volunteer for school functions.

Good luck.


Had the opportunity to sub in his class a couple of times pre-COVID. Was impressed at how engaged the kids were in the work he left for them.


So what exactly is he being celebrated for he has the highest achieving students but I don’t understand he follows the curriculum and indoctrinates our children in this school district is extremely proud of this California schools are nothing but indoctrination centers and they teach absolutely nothing because they’re ignorant of their own rules


English major?


Dude’s a science teacher. No need to make a caricature out of everyone. Life is more nuanced than the divisive stories the media force feeds us.




Anybody know what the criteria is for the ratings to be best in class?


There’s something about Claycord that really brings out the teacher basher trolls. Even a positive article like this about a public school teacher who chose to work in a public school, and all the trolls can do is bash on the unions! You have every right to attend a private school. I just don’t understand your need to bash the public ones!


The unions have never had the best interests of the children at heart, and the lockdowns exposed their evil for all to see.


@Susan Townsend
Then you really have not been paying attention for the last three years.


We pay for those! The CTA/NEA does not give a Rats Rip about the Students (Randy Weingarten has said so) just what’s in it for their members. Individual teachers care, not the Public Teacher Unions.


I agree with you in regards to bashing this teacher – totally uncalled for. But California public schools in general are a sick joke, especially in light of the exorbitant taxes we pay in this state.


Susan – do you know the criteria on how teachers are rated to be best in class? or is it just a popularity contest? I’m all for celebrating the best – but let’s see some transparency – so far, none


Based on Concordrez’s statement, if he inspired a few or even just one that in my book is enough for commendation. Getting high school kids engaged has to be difficult these days

Really? You have been hiding under a rock. The unions and the school board BASHED parents who wanted the best for their kids. And now I will forever remind them of how they chose to sacrifice our kids for their selfish interests. Trolls are NOT people you happen to disagree with and who are speaking the truth. Grab a dictionary.


We should take up a collection for a haircut.


“How do I get through to these keeds?”



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