The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you the Bay Area will experience a 7.0+ earthquake in the next 50 years? If so, do you think we’re ready for it?
Talk about it….
come on tell who is ready for 7.0 earthquake?.no one is ready for this that’s a goofy question.I’m telling my family 30 years from now and is going to be on a Sunday at 1 pm we are going to have a 7.0 earthquake so make sure you guys are flying on airplane so you guys will be safe,lol
I sure hope not.
I need to check my magic eight ball again
Ask Mother Nature…
Don’t really care,
won’t be around for it.
Probably but since damage is localized there is only a small chance “we” will be badly impacted from a Bay Area earthquake. The government sure wouldn’t be of value so make sure you have supplies for a couple of weeks. After that I’ll migrate to the Central Valley where I got relatives.
“Experts” have been predicting a major quake for the last 50 years!
And “experts” in the 70s were predicting the onset of the next Ice Age in the 90s.
I’m sure some “expert” will claim so-called “climate change” will increase the chance of a 7.0+ quake.
Follow the junk social science and hysteria!
Correct. I’ve been listening to these ‘experts’ for 50 years now. I tune them out now. The ‘big one’ was supposed to have happened many times by now.
Pretty much like saying the sun will come up tomorrow. According to his brothers in arms the world will be covered in water by then anyway, whoever is left on top of the mountains will be breathing carbon dioxide, and a couple of astronauts will be trying to start human life over on Mars.
No. 7.0+ is pretty big and 50 years is nothing to plate tectonics. Fingers crossed anyway.
Oh yeah, very few people are prepared – it will be chaos, way worse than Loma Prieta … there is sooooo many more people and high rise high density housing
The New Madrid fault is overdue. The last time it went, it created Reelfoot lake in Tennessee and rang church bells in Boston, but there was almost no loss of life. Back then there were very few people and almost no buildings up and down the Mississippi River. When it goes again, there will be much devastation and loss of life.
The thing about geologic time is that its margin of error is much larger than the human lifespan.
Often geologist are trying to infer patterns based off of two or three occurrences. They might be directionally correct but it won’t be confirmed until they are dead.
And of course the field is constantly being revised. The theorist of plate tectonics was literally laughed off the continent for proposing that land massed could be used. And just a few years ago we were being taught that the core, mantle, and crust are generally distinct zones. Apparently they’re not.
There’s a SciFi book called ‘The Rift’ by Walter Jon Williams I read this summer that reimagines the New Madrid fault coming apart in modern times. Cool flashbacks to newspaper articles and letters from locals who survived the first event. Truth be told I didn’t finish it, kinda lost interest when it became a post apocalyptic snooze, but the first third, really enjoyable.
I certainly hope we don’t have one, but people who know seem to say the risk is “High.” Are we prepared? I don’t think so.
“Earthquake Information for Clayton, California”
“Clayton, CA has a very high earthquake risk, with a total of 4,522 earthquakes since 1931. The USGS database shows that there is a 98.28% chance of a major earthquake within 50km of Clayton, CA within the next 50 years. The largest earthquake within 30 miles of Clayton, CA was a 6.0 Magnitude in 2014.”
“Risk Level:
“”Very High”
Home Facts Website
Definitely maybe probably will or won’t.
I hope so! I’m hoping for beach front property in Bakersfield