The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the best, and what is the worst road in Contra Costa County?
Talk about it….
For me it’s a tie between Bailey road and Willow pass road. Both are horrendous full of potholes. I think they are working on Willow pass this week great news.
Tough question, I haven’t driven all over Contra Costa County, so I don’t know. What I do know is that locally, the roads are all bad, some are worse than others. Meadow Lane and Port Chicago Highway are the two worst roads I have driven on, but there’s good news on the horizon, they’re being fixed. It looks like the one cent increase in sales tax is beginning to pay off.
Right! Just when everything costs so much that no-one is buying anything,
Best and worse in terms of what?
Pavement condition, traffic load, or overall curb appeal?
Monument Boulevard is crappy in all three categories.
HWY 4 without question. It has turned into a graveyard of crosses. From Concord to Antioch needs 24 hour CHP patrol.
100% agree.
Well…. I’ve take both the High Road and the Low Road; still……
Everyone got to Scotland afore me……………..
All need fixing. I often feel like I’m driving during a mini earthquake. Main roads, city roads, mostly not great.
Morello Ave from the end of Chilpanchingo all the way to Pacheco Blvd! Dozens of chuck holes and ruts and temporary patches. Where is all the “Gas Tax” money going?! 😤
Pine Hollow….always a mess, beat up road, no one stops at the stop signs……50+mph….crazy!!!!
Highway four 680 interchange that was never completed. The two flyovers that were never done has caused traffic to back up onto eastbound four and southbound 680 in the mornings. It’s a matter of time before a big rig takes out several cars Caltrans has failed us again, and added just a pay lane during that construction phase.
The flyovers are in a later phase of the interchange improvement plan which you can review on CalTrans’ District 4 website.
Of course it comes down to funding & priorities.
You’ll have to admit the additional lane in each direction has helped merging onto and exiting from Hwy 4.
Can’t state what I think is the worst road, I find most of the roads to be in mediocre condition, with cracks, holes and warped asphalt, stop lights to close to each other and obtrusive unused bike lanes.
I haven’t driven CCC roads enough over the last four years to have an informed opinion, but Mountain View Road between Booneville and Highway 1 in Point Arena is an absolute blast to drive. Need oversized ceramic brakes and a steady nerve, but damn is that fun. Added bonus…do it at night.
Kirker Pass Rd. is nice, but it seems like they are constantly closing lanes for one manner of work or the other… just leave it be now! It looks done…good job! Enough!
Newsflash to City engineers…..when re-paving roadways, use extenders over existing utility covers to bring them level to the new (higher) roadbed. The man-made potholes are alignment/tire killers!!
It might not be the worst as in potholes and wasn’t the worst in potholes but the city of Concord decided to redo Concord boulevard and I don’t know what they were thinking? They went backwards in time. They originally widened conquer boulevard probably 35 years ago because the traffic was getting bad they even took property from people to do this. And now they put it back to one lane when traffic is even worse than it was before now it’s really bad. Why in the hell they would put it back to one lane to cause even more traffic is beyond me? It now backs up in both directions at all times of the day. It makes no sense whatsoever they need to put it back the way it was. Not one person that I have talked to approves of what they have done on Concord boulevard in fact everybody hates it. Mainly from landana down past the Safeway by the BART tracks in both directions. Please switch our roadways back the traffic is now horrendous.
Definitely Bailey Road. It seems like they started fixing the potholes, back in June and July then, as if they left to go to the bathroom and never came back! What the heck?
The holes they barely patched are now sinking again….yet I love driving over Bailey to get on Hwy 4. Just make it more smooth and put up cameras so they capture the filthy disgusting PIGS that throw their garbage out on the side.
Worst – Meadow between Monument and willow Pas 2. YVR from San Miguel wast to the city of WC border past Oak Grove up on the hill …. east and west bound 3. Treat Bl east of Oak Grove
Best – the newly repaved Treat Bl .fro Carondelet to Oak Grove
The alameda is pretty bad. They just turned concord ave right near there into a one lane road….the paving is nice but come on bro. How many bicyclists are really on that road? Not enough to need a bike lane. Liberals, I swear.
The worst is “The Ygnacio Valley 500”. Pure insanity.
The best? Any road that takes the criminals back to their own neighborhoods.
Well, just keep paying your taxes so they can continue to not fix the roads.
After all, they convinced you to support more taxes and fees to not fix them.