Home » Governor Sets $25 Minimum Wage For Healthcare Workers

Governor Sets $25 Minimum Wage For Healthcare Workers


Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill setting minimum wages for health care workers that would phase-in raises to $25 an hour over three years.

Senate Bill 525 sets the hourly minimum to $23 next year at large health facilities, climbing to $24 in 2025 and $25 in 2026.

It increases hourly wages at community clinics to at least $21 in 2024, $22 in 2026, and $25 in 2027, according to the California Health Care Foundation.

Approval of the bill by Senator María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) was among Newsom’s final actions arising from the 2023 legislative season, his office said.


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What is the definition of a “health care worker”?
One could reasonably argue that a janitor at a hospital or medical clinic is a health care worker.


Apparently in California both a janitor and a clerical worker are considered health care workers in a hospital or care facility.

Really now. Why any American would be against another American making a living wage simply boggles my mind. Most poor people who make minimum wage have to work two jobs to pay for food and housing. At least they are working and don’t have their hands out for welfare, WIC, CalFresh, and so on.


A living wage? What defines a living wage? If $25/hr is a living wage, why isn’t that minimum wage?

I’m sorry you don’t make enough money to buy that new Charger that does donuts, or that new 4 bedroom house …. Guess what? Sometimes it take experience or a different profession if you want to make it on your own. If not, consider roommates.

There is no reason that our lousy bloody governor should be making a law that requires certain professions to be paid a standard that differs from minimum wage. He is out of his lane, but then again, as a dictator, he makes his own rules – hence the French Laundry incident or how his kids were in schools and ours were not.


“There is no reason that our lousy bloody governor should be making a law that requires certain professions to be paid a standard that differs from minimum wage.”
Reward for delivering votes to DEMs as well as campaign contributions.
As well as enticing specialized skilled workers that are in short supply in CA to stay and not leave the state.
DEM tinkering with wages is not new.
Washington state and seattle have been doing it for years.
After they raised minimum wage, those worker’s elation faded when they discovered people providing them daycare also got the raise. Price of daycare went up. Wage price spiral.
Other reason for minimum wage raise was to get people off welfare.
Minimum wage workers demanded fewer hours so they could retain government benefits.
Politicians are using other people’s money (employers) to buy votes.


What the h#ll, why not make it a $100 per hour?


Just answer me as to who is going to pay for this?
Oh I know! , EVERYBODY but Newsom.


I wish that this would cover EMT’s and paramedics in the field.
Companies like AMR & Falck try to nickel and dime their employees while running them into the ground.


Why stop at health care workers?Money grows on trees so let’s set minimum wage to $25 per hour for everyone.The taxpayers are going to pay for this anyway.Where is this moron going to stop.How about seniors on social security we deserve free medical and five thousand a month from the state to live on.


I’ve worked fast food and healthcare. Health care is 10 times more demanding stop playing. You obviously don’t and haven’t taken care of people at the bedside.



Exactly! I do medical billing. I went to school and received a medical billing and coding certificate. No way in hell should a fast food worker make the same as a medical employee.


The definition would be “the person who will wipe your bottom, when you are unable”. Not sure about you..but I’d like them to make a living wage.


Gavin and the Democrats are buying votes with YOUR tax dollars. Enjoy.


… so his highness is trying to muster more support when voting time comes…. what defines a healthcare worker? Dr’s, Nurses, PAs make at least $25 / hr …. so shouldn’t the people that unload trucks of supplies at a hospital or urgent care center be defined as a healthcare worker too? how about the mechanic that works on ambulances? the janitor at Kaiser or John Muir? … another piece of poorly thought out cxxp coming out of Sacto


If you bothered to do a little online research, you’d find the answers to your questions pretty easily, as our California legislators and their staff are adept at defining all the terms they use in writing and amending or rescinding our laws.

But no. You’d rather profess outrage and wallow in your stubborn ignorance while denigrating our lawmakers.


Well, this well thought out idea should help reduce health care costs…….said no one ever


I care about my health and I work. So, I want $25 an hour too, right?


This all sounds like a fragmented approach to inflation which just increases chaos and makes everyday things more and more expensive. This is why I say “erase the blackboard and start over again”. 😉


It’s obvious that every dummycrat failed basic macroeconomics: Higher incomes result in greater spending, which leads to inflation, which then causes workers to demand higher wages, which leads to infla…Oh, you get the idea.


Obviously, democrats have zero knowledge about economics. It appears they’ve never worked a JOB in their damn lives.

NEVER trust a democrat.


It’s amazing how everyone here blames workers wanting to earn a living wage as bad. Everyone argues about who is a healthcare worker and resents anyone making $25 an hour. Not once do these complainers say anything about corporations making billions in profits or CEOs making millions. Stop blaming workers for wanting a share of the record profits of corporations they work for.


“wanting a share of the record profits of corporations they work for.”
Wanting? Or earning?


You nailed it, they feel entitled to it.


You miss the point. Profits of corporations should be shared with workers. Stop complaining about workers wanting to share in those profits. It’s their hard work that contributed to the profits.


You make the mistake of assuming every worker contributes to the success of a company. That is simply not true.

Reality check,

If you want to make more, do something for it.

Get experience
Get a higher education
Change your career choice
Take a chance on a new job

Sorry, freeloading should not be an option but in your reality, and apparently our democRats, it is. You all just don’t want it, you expect more for doing less. You think you are owed and entitled because someone makes more than you. Yeah, that is not how it should work at all.


What are you talking about.? Get off your judgmental high horse. People working for a living are not free loading. Higher educations cost $$$. Some are trying pay back loans. Why are Maga rebublicans always blaming working man and women for trying to live the American dream.


I get a share of my company’s profits. It’s called a bonus. The more I contribute to the bottom line, the more I get. CEOs earn their pay which mostly comes from stock options. The have the hard job of making decisions to keep the company afloat so we all have jobs.

Wait, let me get this straight. You help make the company more profitable through your production/effectiveness, and you benefit from that through bonuses and profit sharing? How can that be in such an unjust society?

Reality Check,
‘Share the profits’ – exactly like the people who expect the government to support, provide for and take of them. No different.

If you want more money, profits, and income start your own business. This is America. We are allowed to do that here.

So I guess I wonder how much is too much for people taking care of the folks we don’t care to. Not a question, just an observation. More to the point, how poor do you want the people who will care for you to be at your end? I expect I”ll tip generously.
Though when I go, I hope there will be a large, smoking crater and multiple large firetrucks involved, but fate is funny that way, kinda sneaky and patient.

I agree Atticus….. no long lingering illness for me…. I wanna be gone in a flash!
Maybe the same meteoric flying fireball will hit us both at the same time… it could happen.

More votes in the bank for greasy sleazy pandering Gavon.



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