Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Oct.13, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Oct.13, 2023


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The world was a lot more stable and safer place under Donald Trump! Right now I fear China making its invasions next.


It’s Joe Bidens(and those that support him) strict policy of weakness, incompetence, kowtowing and supporting countries and terrorist groups that hate and want to destroy the USA.


Only because of how willingly he worked with Putin and Xi.


@Danged Ineffectual
That was good of you to admit that Trump willingly worked at making the world more stable and safer under his administration.


Safe and stable when it comes to Putin is the same as waiting to be ambushed.


‘… US principles of freedom, low taxes and law and order are being ‘ruined’
by left-wing politicians who want to ‘f*** up every city in America’ ‘


Joe Biden will be the cause of WW 3.


Obama will be the cause, Biden will take the blame, as planned.


Yep, and that’s how they came up with the term “Bidenomics”. When it fails, it’s all on him. The rest of them can distance themselves. Dementia Joe is so arrogant and stupid he fell right into their trap…. The trap probably had stairs – an extra guarantee he’d fall in.


Yep. Jobama Obiden.


I will concede the 2020 election was NOT stolen if anyone can give me one reasonable explanation why on Oct. 21, 2020 were 288,000 completed election ballots shipped on a USPS contract truck from Bethpage, N.Y., to Lancaster, Pa., two weeks before Election Day and the trailer disappeared overnight from the postal facility.
It is not a hoax, it has been confirmed by the USPS that this account is absolutely TRUE.
Are we to believe that somehow, for some reason, 288,000 PA. residents would have mailed in their ballots from N.Y. ? and all on the same day two weeks before the election?




Dr. J, this is a hoax. The USPS and FBI investigated it and determined that the story is FALSE. Read the USPS Inspector General report for yourself:
Here is a link to the Politifact.org article on the incident:


You have to understand that truth is boring, but conspiracies are more fun. Why? It’s because the believers in conspiracies like to think they have the “inside” information that the rest of us don’t.


What about the “Insurrection Hoax?”
Does not a rational person wonder why all of the Democrats and the Mainstream media started calling it that from the get-go?
Why was Ray Epps at the Capitol Hours before Trump ended his speach?
Why did someone take down the fences, fenceposts, and garbage the “No Trespassing” signs?
Why Geo fencing on everyone but the RNC/DNC “Bomber”?
Insurrection? I think not, too many variables.
You don’t need “Fact Checkers” Something Stinks here; too many “odd” things caught on surveillance cameras.
Do a simple regression analysis!


You think the insurrection was a hoax? You didn’t see people breaking into the US Capital Building? You didn’t see Ashley Babbitt finding out what happens when you try to climb through doors to attack the members of Congress?


The FBI has clearly been working for Democrats for a while now. For example, take Obama’s orders that the FBI spy on ordinary citizens with FISA warrants, and specifically Donald Trump during Trump’s campaign for President. They got away with it then and they were emboldened to take it further.
Not since Herbert Hoover has government gone so awry — but with slightly different circumstances.


…right, cause it sure couldn’t have been Bush Jr. His administration just gave us the Homeland Security Act, but they didn’t use it at all.


DANGED INEFFECTUAL — How do you know they didn’t
use the Homeland Security Act? Mental telepathy? It was heavily rooted in the Intelligence Community, after all!


And doh and el d “believe” the FBI.

Not until they put deputy Barney in charge of it.


That’s easy, the story is fake. It is only carried on a fringe news site 3 years late. Have you noticed all of the other many trials related to election fraud?


You got to have “STANDING” which the candidates and voters don’t have. The courts are in on this too. BTW DOH what about the “Fedsurrection” Eventually that will be gotten to the bottom of. I wonder what bottom dweller thought it up? Actually I think it was just another “Insurance Policy”


I have no faith in our election system now because computers can be hacked or program for anything. However the real reason Trump lost was because of the mainstream media lying and not telling the truth to the masses. Look at what colleges are teaching students and they are supposed to be the smart ones.


Wildfires, weather, water… it’s always something else. Newsom knows that any emergency decree quickly steps up control over citizens, creating additional government power while the people lose more of theirs.  
This is incredibly ironic, since Newsom has taken pains to criticize others as “authoritarian” and is even touring the nation now deriding those whom he thinks exercise unbridled power.
Of course, emergency orders are always about “public safety” and doing things out of “an abundance of caution.” But there’s also an added bonus of making the people more fearful and conditioning them to believe that the only way to be safe is allowing government to exercise more control.


2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”


Liberal polticians’ mantra:
“Let no crisis (real or fake) go unexploited to increase Democratic control over the populace.”


@Exit 12A
What’s ironic is you posting about too much government control, when just last week you wanted cops to show up at people’s homes to quelch their free speech.


Shout out to Joey biden for throwing a BBQ at the White House last Sunday while Israel was being raided by Hamas and many civilians were slaughtered. Not quite getting are you old boy?


And how about Trump being critical of Netanyahu and praising Hesbollah? Not a word about the horrific act by Hamas or a word of comfort for those affected by this tragedy, even though several Americans were killed and taken hostage. Seems just as big an offense.


hanne “screw your freedoms”
What exactly does Trump have to do with chris comment? What a weird response to someone criticizing biden. joe biden is a whole new level of sucks. Israel names towns after Trump. What is your point here? You really came out the woodwork lately. Almost like you did pushing the COVID HOAX. What do you think hanne, should us unvaccinated still be denied access to medical treatment and food? Pretty bold for someone who supports literal nazism. Tell us more about your girlfriends and denmark and how middle of the road rational you are. You’re a straight fraud with a fake persona, fake stories and fake opinions.


I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of some that are critical of any little thing Biden does, but cannot bring themselves of find ANY fault with Trump. Sam, I know who I am. You are free to think what you like about me, but it is not reality. However, reality is not something you seem to have a strong sense of.


Biden is president, not Trump. He can say something “nice” about anyone, and now it doesn’t reflect on our strenght as a country, unlike Biden’s stupid comments and actions or rather inactions. Started out with the withdrawl from Afganiston; then everyone knew we were weak.. “The thing we have to worry the most about is climate change”, it is “worse than nucular war”–!! (Biden’s comment, if anyone could believe that!) Stupid and stupidity–and some people believe everything he says.


Yet hanne refuses to call out the hypocrisy of the LIBERALS and democrats.

Speaking of hypocrisy. Gotta redirect the conversation, dontcha?


Glenn, No I don’t refuse to call the hypocrisy of anyone group. I might not have done here recently but I have done. Even chastised my own daughter when she was very critical of big corporations, I had to remind her she buys from Amazon and have an I phone.


Sam Linking me to Nazism it getting a little old. Do you have proof. Didn’t I tell you my parents hid someone from Gestapo for 6 months? When I said screw your freedoms I was paraprashing Arnold, and I didn’t make it literally nor did he. Lighten up.


You can keep your forked-tongue-mind-flip trick, it only works on the fools. Got you though, huh.


Ya but Trump, Ya but Trump, Trump is no longer President nor involved in policy making decisions. Try and keep up.


This week Trump criticizes Netanyahu and calls Hezbollah ‘very smart’ because Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden after Biden won the election. Trump is so petty and expresses it as foreign policy.

Remember the last solar eclipse in 2017 when Trump looked up at it without eye protection? What a genius.


Doh – Critical thinking time: Do you actually think taking a peak at the sun, even during an eclipse, is going to harm your eyes?

If that were true wouldn’t there have been thousands of people blinded during biblical times by eclipses?

Ever hear of sungazing? People around the world stare at the sun on a daily basis for the wholistic benefits. If you find this inconceivable, it shows the extent of your brainwashing.


Ok, stare at the sun. Please. Don’t blink. Don’t look away. Just stare at the sun with your face for 20 minutes.


Already did it. Its called sungazing. The practice goes back thousands of years. Rid yourself of ignorance. Look it up.

Start at morning or sunset when the UV’s are weakest and gradually build-up your time.


Here is some of my thoughts on what is going on in Israel and Gaza. Israel is now 75 years old, when I was there it was not even 20 years old. They are still fighting the same fight, different players, etc. However, the Israeli’s resolve is the same. Seems to me that the Palestinians need to realize Israel is not going away, and what they have been trying to do for 75 years have not been working, perhaps it might be time to try something different. I feel terrible for the innocent Palestinian,(especially children) but not to the point where I blame Israel for doing what they see as necessary. There is never going to be a right of return for the Palestinians, nor should there be, seeing all they want is to drive the Jews into the see. They have Gaza and the West Bank. When Israel turned Gaza over to them, they had an opportunity to turn it into something positive, but instead they elected Hamas as their leaders, and all Hamas wants to do is kill Jews (all Jews) they don’t even care about their own people, but have no qualms about using them as human shields. Arafat came as close as any Palestinian leader to a 2 state solution, but he just couldn’t commit to it. They are not getting much help from other Arab countries, thus the are in a terrible quandry right now. One can only hope someone will see the light and try to find a different path forward, if not they are sentencing themselves to more misery.


You are right on, Hanne. Where you run into trouble is attacking Trump.


You’re not right on hanne, you are very far from being right on. As usual, screw your freedom


Sam throughout history that area has been won by many armies claiming it their own. Israel’s claim on the area is like all of the others, might is right. Before Israel took over the British were in control. The Jews fought Britain for it. Egypt has had it as did the Ottoman empire. All the countries in the middle east and Europe’s lines were drawn by war. Everyone of them. Palestinians had a joice, stop yelling death to Israel or not. So they have screwed themselves with a useless motto. The Palestinians voted in Hamas instead of a sane government. Life is not always fair.


Did you just say Jews fought Britain for Israel?
Ok I give up. Dealing with the uneducated is a fools task.

Sam The Jews were given Israel but not before Zionist fought for control against the British


I can’t be expected to be perfect. I don’t care much for Biden and even less for Trump.


Hanne, are you saying that Israel was caught flat footed, surprised and outsmarted by fools?
You think Trump “Praised” the terrorists?
The word “Praise” would indicate approval.
Trump only acknowledged the careful planning and success of the attack was conceived by smart people, that does not mean they aren’t evil people, it does mean Israel should be wary not to underestimate their enemies and I believe that was what Trump’s point was.
To pretend that Trump approved of the attack is beyond ridiculous.


I didn’t say he approved, however the comment left a lot to the imagination. Perhaps if he had been more articulate his comments would not have been misunderstood. I do think as a former president and running again it would have been more than appropriate to mention and show sympathy for those affected by this horrific event.


Hanna — Your imagination is overactive and has confirmation bias!


The Jews didn’t exactly fight the British for their land. First all there were Jews living side by side in Palestine before Israel became a state. Many Jews from Russia immigrated to the Palestine after the Russian revolution, because they were persesucted there as well. The first kibbutz was founded in 1920, the land was owned by wealthy Arab that often did not live there, the sold the land to wealthy European Jews, thus the Jews gained a foothold in Palestine. The Jews and Arabs lived side by side in relative peace. When WWll ended, and the genocide of the Jews came to light they started to think about a homeland of their own. The Jews of Germany was totally intigrated in to society as one could be, they were often doctors, lawyer, professors, they felt very at home in Germany. What happened when Hitler took over was a chock to them, many ended up in the concentration camp because they couldn’t believe what was happening, and didn’t take it seriously, thus did leave. Jews in many of the occupied countries found that many of their neighbors didn’t protect from the Nazi’s when they came from them, (not Scandinavia mind you). The partioned the United Nation to make Palestine their homeland, it was voted on in the UN and they were granted their wish, thus the state of Israel was born. The Israeli’s did not drive out the Palestinians, they bought the Arab propaganda about driving the Jews into the sea. Thus the war of independce was born, to everyone’s surprise Israel won, they drove out the Arab armies and established borders. Many Palestianians fled the only land they had known because they were told the Jews would kill them all, thus they became refugee’s without a country. I do feel bad for the Palestinians, seems like they keep listening to the wrong prophet, they other Arab countries have not exactly come to their rescue.


If by defending Israel causes you to call my biased, I plead quilty.


That’s not what every one is saying. You nailed Trump to the Cross for something of which he wasn’t guilty, just because it didn’t conform to your idea of what he “should” have said. In fact, Trump’s comment was neutral.


You are one of the reasons our country is in so much trouble if you think Biden is doing a good job. Biden is not fit for the job


I don’t know your comment was meant for, if it was meant for me, l’m not a fan of Biden, wish he wouldn’t run again.


Yes, he should be as articulate as Biden! Joe is always so…. uh… let me be clear….uh, true story….uh, well anyway…never mind. Now that’s inspiring!


So they are both inarticulate. I will certainly admit that. When it comes to eloquent speaking by presidents here are some to thrive for: Lincoln, Roosevelt (Franklin) Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton and Obama. I’m not talking about policies I’m talking about making an eloquent speech that touches you. Lincoln’s Gettyburg address, Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor, Reagan after the Challenger blew up. Kennedy several, his civil rights speech, his inauguration speech others. This has nothing to do with politics just about a president being able to make a speech that stand out.


Ah yes Hanne, there it is…. the politics of hurt feelings.
Maybe we should just be happy Trump speaks what’s on his mind and we get his honest opinion, nice or not, instead of the mush mouthed, disjointed fantasy stories Biden tells… and then retells again a moment later, or the fresh word salads Kamala dishes up each day.


Please watch CSPAN sometimes. They will show unedited broadcasts of Biden’s short teleprompter reads when he is out and about. Not the snippets from NPR, FOX, CNN, and others. Then you will see for yourself as the world looks at us how much trouble we are in as biden stumbles and makes up stories almost daily. The leader of the free world is a bumbling fool. After he says a few words, he immediately turns and shuffles away without taking any questions from reporters because most of the time he is in a “fog.” Very sad. For the record: Trump said the Israeli P.M. wasn’t too bright for not being able to forsee the attack considering they have some of the best human Intel in the world. Also Trump did not praise Hamas. He pointed out how clever they were for being able to pull off such an attack against a really tough country when it comes to security. Lastly, I’ve always wondered why other Middle Eastern countries do not step up ( the wealthy ones) when it comes to the plight of the Palestinians if they care so deeply about their brothers and sisters.


Seems wind farms ain’t such a great money maker for givers of campaign contributions.
An if wind generation is so great why does it so much in way of government tax credits?

“President Joe Biden has pushed offshore wind development as a key component of his climate agenda.
The Inflation Reduction Act allows offshore wind developers, unlike onshore projects, to claim a minimum 30% investment tax credit, another 10% credit if the project uses equipment that’s made in the U.S., and another 10% if they build their projects in “energy communities.” ”


If wind farms were really such a fantastic thing, Holland would have been ruling the world long before now.


The windmill farms may be totally unprofitable so tax credits would be useless to them, but legislation allows them to exchange the credits, so a bank will finance the unprofitable project in exchange for getting the tax credits to use on their own bank profits. Every windmill in this program represents bank profits from not paying taxes. Think of that when you see one.


And dead birds — some endangered,


Same thing with EVs. If they’re so great , why the tax credits?


Hungary, Poland & Japan ain’t worried one little bit about that Day Of Jihad right now.
Can you guess why?
One more time…..TRUMP WAS RIGHT!


“Make America Right, Again”


Murdering civilians at a music festival is freedom fighting, buy your grannies voting for Trump is extremism?
Why would Israel agree to peace with a neighbor whose leaders want them dead and are working every day to make it happen?
Israel’s leaders would have to be as stupid as ours. It was always planned to be this way.
In his utter ignorance & stupidity, Traitor Joe will take the blame for obama, both the evil sons of Satan.


Israel would like peace, but as Golda Meir said you cannot negotiate with someone that just wants to kill you. Israeli’s hate the Palestinians because they won’t let them live in peace. Palestianians hate the Jews because they are Jews, big difference. Having said that Israeli’s do not hate all Palestianians. Perhaps if Hamas and other extremists adopted the non violence methods of Ghandi and Martin Luther King their situation would be different. Like I said after 75 years, it might make sense to try something different. Hamas is a death cult, not freedom fighthers.


Saturday morning cartoons? No, it’s CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES!

Biden NSC Spox Goes Into Damage Control, Claims $6 Billion in Funds Joe Biden Sent to Iran Have “Absolutely Nothing to do With” Hamas Attacks Against Israel

BLM Chicago Tweets Support for Hamas Terrorists, includes Image of Paragliders Used to Murder Young Adults at Dance Party

BLM Grassroots Aligns Itself with Palestinian Terrorist Group, Advocates for DECOLONIZATION of America

Report: Biden Admin. Losing Track of 99% of Millions of Illegal Immigrants, Border Crisis Worse than Ever

Chicago Youth Football Team Protests Plans to Take Away Field and Convert to Shelter For Illegals

Fresno Teachers’ Union Threatens Strike Unless District Converts School Parking Lots to Homeless Housing

San Francisco Prioritizing Taxpayer-Funded ‘Guaranteed Income’ for Black and Latino Transgender People — Including Illegals

California Rolls Out New ‘Ebony Alert’ to Prioritize Search for Missing Black Children

Oakland Police Tell Residents Not To Confront Auto Burglars

Biological Male and Infamous Bud Light Destroyer Dylan Mulvaney Named “Woman of the Year” by Best-Selling Gay Lifestyle Magazine

LGBTQ Nonprofit Says Queer Theory Indoctrination Most ‘Critical’ When Kids ‘Starting Puberty’

New Dem Presidential Candidate Thinks Bestiality Should Be Legal (But Only If The Animal Enjoys It)

Biological Men Take Gold AND Silver At Chicago Women’s Cycle Races

Los Angeles Schools Hold ‘Coming Out Week’ for Elementary Students Amid Declining Academic Proficiency

Unhinged Former CIA Director Michael Hayden Calls for Assassination of GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville

Pete Buttigieg Chased Off Stage at Event by Left Wing ‘Climate Activists’

Fetterman Admits ‘Best And Brightest’ Not Elected To Congress After Becoming Senator

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Threatens and Assaults Right-Wing Reporter Who Was Grilling Him About Being a War Hawk

University of Wisconsin Women’s Basketball Coach Bemoans “Run-of-the-Mill White Kids” on Her Team

GoFundMe For Bus Driver Who Drank White Claw By ‘Mistake’ While Transporting Kids Raises Thousands

New United Nations Report Signals Need for Mud and Grass Huts by 2050

Naked Selfie of Joe Biden’s Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website: “They Must Have Hacked my Phone”

“C’mon, Let’s Get Him!” – Parents Attack Naked Man After He Reportedly Attempts to Molest Children Inside a Seattle-Area JCPenney Store

Rash Of Public Masturbation Incidents Plagues Michigan Suburb. Cops Suspect It’s A Social Media Challenge

Jason Derulo told a singer to partake in sex rituals and sacrifice a goat to succeed in music, lawsuit says
Enjoy your weekend everyone!


We need some legislation prohibiting Jamaal Bowman from sitting in the exit row on commercial aircraft.

Better safe than sorry………


Why do 7th grade kids be reedin’ at duh forf grade level.


Because flunking kids (and holding them back a grade) looks bad on the teaching profession and the teachers’ union.


If this 7th grade teacher is an example of the teachers that are teaching kids these days, I can understand why the kids are failing. His poor grammar and improper use of the English language takes away any credibility as a teacher.


There are lots of incompetent teachers out there that are failing when it comes to educating Americas’ kids.
However, kids education starts at home. The dumbing down of America and the growing numbers of parents who don’t value education is a big part of it, too.


Breaking NEWS……silly….laughable….and true?


Thanks to a little help from Joe.


How smart are the Hamas for starting a gun fight with a knife? Just like the US voted for Joe the Palestinians voted for Hamas. There is no accounting for taste.


‘Israel kill top Hamas commander they released in 2011 prisoner-swap deal in deadly double strike that also took out terror group’s paraglider unit chief’
‘Bodies lying around, women murdered in their beds and lots of dead babies:
Inside the unimaginable horror that Hamas brought to one Israeli kibbutz’
Mess with Israel and DIE.
As it should be ! ! !


Hamas terrorists need to be eliminated. Israel will do what is needed to protect their citizens. How Americans can celebrate a terror group that killed Americans, captured elderly, beheaded babies, is beyond reason. Unfortunately, the social media is controlled by numbers and there are too many ignorants in the world.

Your costume is here

Even their cousins want nothing to do with them

Dan had a very good year

You, on the other hand….not so much

Use caution here…..this one may be scary for some of you

Irony or KARMA….you decide

I like this sign even though I didn’t need it


For a while I thought like you until I figured out the Muslims will never accept Israel. They want them dead and gone. Israel has no choice but to defend their country to the best of their ability. Maybe one day you will have a change of mind. Stranger things have happened.


Kill all jews. That is what Hamas, Iranian mullahs, Hezballah and American Ivy League students shout. This is not free speech. It is a threat that is often carried out.


Time for the US to show Hamas and other terrorist groups what happens when you kill 29 American citizens and take another 15 hostages!


Time to do the Dirty Harry on them.


Agree with The Wizard… send our jets to take out some missile sites, let ’em know we’re in town and we’re not going to put up with their silly sh*t.

The chances of that happening are about a negative 2.
Weakening of America really took off when obama took office.
Bow and apologize, his arab spring pony show . . . .
This political cartoon explains it all perfectly,
“History teaches that war begins when governments
believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
—Ronald Reagan

“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan


Is all about swamp creatures looking good.
When Americans were cut off in Israel none of them spent their own money to fly over and get 77 of them out of the country while biden administration twiddled their thumbs.
Greatest motivators of swamp creature infested administration
and congress is public ridicule and embarrassment.
Iraq veteran congressman evacuates 77 Americans


Hamas has so far murdered 29 American citizens! They hav e 17 American hostages. USA should help eliminate them for good!


This is beginning to seem like a bait and switch from our failure in Ukraine.

Israel should fight their own wars. Ukraine should fight their own wars. America should take care of its problems at home.


Here’s a thought leave schumer and rest of the publicity hogs there
and use planes to fly Americans out of out of Israel.


@Original G
Good thought.


So did they take a survey of the US public to see it that support is true? Apparently it isn’t. Instead I think the public wants to things to cool down and have the two sides work things out. As for Schumer, “here’s your rifle, here’s your parashoot, the plane is waiting on the tarmac to take you there.”


Pictures of blurred out dead bodies sanitizes, and de-emphasizes the violent consequences of war. It obscures the reality of the wars we send our brave men and women in uniform to fight.
The news should show the good as well as the ugly, and never be censored from public view. People sensitive to such viewing should pre-warned and have the option to turn it off.


Agree 100%


I don’t need to see the actual pictures, they describtion what happened is enough to give me nightmares.


@Hanne Jeppesen
That’s why there would first be a warning so you’d have the option to not look. There’s plenty I wouldn’t look at either but it still needs to be out there for all to see.

Hanne, I was thinking about the American Palestinians that are protesting, If they saw the pictures of decapitated babies, maybe it will have an effect on them.

Okay I get your point. However, I think the ones that you think should see the pictures will probably not look at them, or they will call them fake.

So you are saying we should display photos of the bodies of the children murdered at Sandy Hook? And Parkland High School I assume? It’s odd because sometimes when you bring up those mass murders people accuse you of getting political.

CHUQ….. did you cop that line from JWB? “So you are saying” ….or maybe that is just a standard method they teach all of you in left winger debate class to twist your opponents words into something totally different to suit your weak arguments?

@Dr. Jellyfinger
I wanted to ask Chuq if he and JWB were one and the same. The wording in Chuq’s post is how JWB writes: “So what you’re saying is……..”. And what they write is never what was actually said.

I think when publishing those pictures you have to think about the survivors. Posting pictures of the children from Sandy Hook, would have been traumatic to their parents and family, so I think it is better not to. If the family wants to share pictures then the decision should be left up to them.

The landslide has begun,
“Louisiana has elected a Republican governor for the first time in eight years, after the state’s Attorney General Jeff Landry won his race.
The Republican, backed by former President Donald Trump, held off a crowded field of candidates in the running to become Louisiana’s next governor.”


The pro palestinian protests were funded by a political group called DSA. Who are the leaders of DSA?

Don’t care about Israel or Palestine or Ukraine. No more wars. None of our men need to die over there. No more of our tax money going anywhere but to tax payers. No more of our ppl fighting for ppl that hate us. Btw to the historical slow person Ricardo was right. It’s called the Balfour declaration during the end of World War I the British gave Israel that land. The fun part is when you research why they gave them that land. Americans first! No more plundering our people for nonsense. Fight you’re own fights


Great idea Bill, until we’re attacked and WE need help from our allies. The time may be right for that to happen.
That stumbling stuttering buffoon in my WH (directed by obama) has depleted our emergency fuel supply and announced it to the world. He also ordered the halt to US oil production forcing us to buy oil from Russia & (obama’s brothers) in the middle east.
The result from that anti-American stupidity is those who aren’t our allies now have the funds to wage war.
History has shown us that peace is achieved through strength, and when America is weak the world burns.


Domestic oil production hit an all-time high last week. This was announced on various financial sites last week. You might want to check it out.


Too little too late. Just like the border wall. Maybe YOU should be doing the checking, Observer.


I don’t remember the name of the soldier who said it, but the quote (concerning those who believe when they die they will go to paradise and get 70 virgins) was “They are the perfect enemy, they want to die & we want to kill them”.


Problem is there may not be enough virgins for all who will be there

Was there a guarantee in that paradise, 70 virgins were human and female . . . . . . . fine print.

From what I’ve gathered of that particular culture & religion it would seem that either sex would be equally acceptable.

Who wants 70 virgins? Just give me one beautiful lady who knows what she is doing.

Politics – AB645 automatic speeding tickets in 3 Bay Area cities was just signed by our despicable governor.

I can’t wait for the challenges. You get a $50 fine for one mile an hour over speed limit. How many of us have calibrated speedometers? How often are those machines calibrated?

And these speeding tickets are not on your driving record, as they go against the registered owner of the car except in specific situations.

It is not like I want to go to Oakland or San Francisco any more anyways, but San Jose has/had some merit to visit. But how many of the cars in those chess pools are legally registered …. If not, how will they execute their money grab.

Wondering how many cameras will survive in Oakland and how many times city will replace them before they give up. Will camera housings be bulletproof ? ?


Newsom doesn’t want the drivers of stolen cars to be personally penalized for traffic violations. After all, they needed that stolen car to crash through a storefront in order to steal items they need.
He prefers the registered owner finance those traffic fines as they have the audacity to work and pay taxes.
As for the Oakland cameras, they’ll find most of those at the bottom of Lake Merritt along with those stolen rental e-bikes.

Are you all aware that the delusional World Heath Organization thinks they should rule the world? 20 years ago such talk would have sent them back to the loony bin. Some of the governments in Europe are outraged and call them out on it. Here’s one such official calling out the WHO and how we need to stand up against it. It’s from Dr. John Campbell, a retired professor of nursing, who has had an excellent YouTube page since Covid started and even he believed it back then but over time doubts set in did more investigation (and he still has a YouTube account).


The Liberal Progressive Democrat party and their supporters are completely divided on the war in Israel. Some want Israel and the Jewish people to be completely gone and half want Israel to demolish Hamas and defend themselves .
How can they be so divided on this?


Mind like a steel, . . . . . .
you know, . . . . . .
the thing . . . . . .

‘This way, Joe! Jill Biden arrives on stage to usher president off on Saturday –
after he has appeared confused walking off recently’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mrymw6y6


This is so sad. Biden looked absolutely comatose. But hey, as far as his family and handlers are concerned, it’s all about power and money.
Even the worst President in history deserves his dignity. Put him out to pasture for what little time he has left and bring in the next Trojan Horse now.


BS, Fearless. Biden deserves a lot of things but dignity IS NOT one of them.

Alright, you caught me.
I really do believe elder abuse is a terrible thing, and people who do it are just one step up from child molesters.

The perfect description of jill & joe.

Have you ever wondered how Biden’s govt could have missed the signs about the attack on Israel? I have.

…..about those God given and inalienable rights, AKA amendments

If this $1.7 Bil gift doesn’t make you wonder about loyalty to America, then please explain why not

PEW research results. Don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger


“The bill, “Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission Act,” — dubbed the GAZA Act — would prevent the Biden administration from issuing visas to Palestinians.
“We can’t let President Biden abuse our parole and visa rules to bring unvetted Palestinians into American communities the way he did with thousands of unvetted Afghans,” ”


Thank You Joe, your assistance is appreciated

“By any means necessary”

Common sense spoken here


Have said numerous times DEM’s solution to just about every problem is to throw massive amounts of taxpayer dollars at it.
‘Chicago is giving $9,000 to migrants to cover their rent and help furnish their apartments as staggering report reveals a single medical firm raked in $7.2MILLION sheltering the city’s asylum seekers for just one month’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3j8adjzt
Illegals before Americans.
ONLY way to stop this is to vote out DEMs at every level of government.


Let us strive to keep the Second Amendment, not allowing the left/dems from restricting so much that right we have. We saw what happened in Israel, hamas went from door to door (using, gasp, automatic weapons, why no outcry from dems on that?) shooting, without fear of the poor unarmed Israelis defending themselves (as it is my understanding, they do not have the right to protect themselves as we currently do in this country).


I’m so glad to hear you belong to a well regulated militia. Well regulated militias seem like exactly the thing to stop such an invading force. Now if you think Hamas would be stopped by individuals with AR-15s in their homes I would say you are deluded. So which militia do you belong to?


Geez… wouldn’t that depend on how many Israelis were armed?
One local armed hero killed 6 of the invaders by himself.


In fact, most Israelis are required to serve in the military tho some exceptions are allowed. So yeah, if everyone had been allowed to be armed I’ll bet things would have turned out quite differently. Israel is at this very moment correcting that mistake and making firearm purchases much easier for citizens & they are doing it FAST! You know the old saying…. hindsight is 20/20.
And CHUQ…. Americans own ALOT of guns.

“The phrase “well-regulated” was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people’s arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it”


Chuq is amusing and must be trolling for fun because no one is THAT out of touch with reality, or THAT dumb.


Upchuq – try reading 10 USC #246 for the militia composition and classes – especially subsection (b)(2).

Given the number of hunters, law enforcement officers, retired military, and general enthusiasts, I would say there are ~75 million gun owners in the US….and around 30% of the US population owns guns. More than 2 million Americans became gun owners in 2021. What about CCW carriers? Betcha don’t know how many are out there.

Sonny, you need to get over your irrational fears and hoplophobia.

Israelis are well qualified in close quarters combat.
For here in the states an AR is satisfactory, but have to agree with biden about shotgun use.
In close prefer mix of 00 Buck and 12 Gauge hollow points, cut ’em in half.
Studs, drywall and 90 minute mud are cheap.
‘Israeli woman Inbar Lieberman, 25, is hailed a hero for saving kibbutz Nir Am from invading Hamas’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3z8rurzk

Speaking of Amendments, the First Amendment sure took some hits today.
As for the Second Amendment, we have the ability to at least do our best to protect our families.
If all those people that were butchered had even a minor ability to defend their families, there might be a few more dead terrorists and a few less headless dead babies.

FOUR Iranians considered a terrorist threat caught at the US-Mexico border
as crossers from countries with links to Israel war spikes
“So far in October, four Iranians considered a threat to national security were taken into custody”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3tv7a8rv
Who will DEMs blame when a terrorist attack is committed
by people who crossed our southern border?


biden will blame either climate change or “mega” republicans, jeffries will blame extreme MAGA republicans, the media will blame President Trump, cortez will blame it on whatever meme is swirling in that vacuum on top her shoulders.


I must disagree regarding AOC.
She doesn’t have a vacuum on her shoulders. She has a vacuum cleaner bag on her shoulders. Full of lint, carpet fibers, pet hair, and dust bunnies. In all fairness to AOC, stupidity has a certain charm.
However communism does not. As such, the entire squad needs to be voted out.


AOC has a vacuum between her ears.

In case you haven’t seen it …

“AOC fakes being handcuffed after arrest at abortion rights protest”

“Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was roundly mocked on social media … (in July) … after she put her arms behind her back to imitate being handcuffed following her arrest at a pro-abortion demonstration outside the Supreme Court.”

New York Post

It is just a matter of time that the open border policies of the Liberal Democrat Party and their supporters results in a terrorist attack here in the US.


When another one of those bat-sh!t crazy terrorists murders an innocent person and invokes the name of GOD, it’s the most evil and vile insult to all people of faith. Terrorists worship death, not GOD.
We must never accept nor tolerate them.


CEO defends sharing list of Harvard students who signed pro-Palestine letter: They must ‘pay the price’

After his LinkedIn account was allegedly suspended for criticizing pro-Palestine Harvard students, EasyHealth CEO David Duel explained why this conflict is personal to him, and doubled down on Bill Ackman’s calls not to hire those Ivy League candidates.

Thought silliness couldn’t get worse ? ? ?
Better sit down . . . . . .
Being reported, biden is going to Israel.
It’s obvious they can’t send giggles
and if things really get screwed up
giggles gets to be president
and world will be completely screwed.


New FBI & IRS Targeting Uncovered by ACLJ FOIA

Just as Newsweek broke the story that the FBI is targeting MAGA supporters of Donald Trump as the 2024 presidential election nears, we unearthed bombshell revelations in our FOIA lawsuit showing that the Biden IRS is also targeting Christians.
President Biden and Christopher Wray have a history of targeting conservatives and Christians, which the ACLJ recently proved in another FOIA lawsuit against the Deep State FBI.



From 10/4/23 Newsweek magazine: “. . . nearly two-thirds of the FBI’s current investigations are focused on Trump supporters and others suspected of violating what the FBI calls “anti-riot” laws.“
Yes, about two-thirds of FBI cases are about Trump so what we have here is Biden using Venezuelan Dictator Maduro’s tactics to stay in power. The FBI is now an arm of the Democrat Party.


“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order Thursday enabling his state’s Division of Emergency Management to bring Florida citizens home from Israel, as well as transport supplies to the Jewish State on planes arriving for evacuations.” …
“The first flight part of the program included 270 Americans, 91 of them being kids.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2n4kzj9a
Did I miss newson’s executive order bringing Californians home from Israel ? ? ?
Yup definitely presidetial material . . . . . . NOT


Gavin is busy on new legislation improving California beverage container recycling programs.
How ironic the climate change obsessed are unconcerned with the effect weapons of war may have on climate.
Perhaps they are privy to science documenting plastic straws and beverage containers are more detrimental to the climate than explosives, bombs, and chemical warfare.

Ah, to be sure, wasn’t it a grand thing they did, savin’ the planet and all ? ? ?
Went from plastic straw in a paper wrapper
to a paper straw in a plastic wrapper.


Ain’t technology wonderful ! ! !
‘Terrifying moment self-driving Cruise car glitches out
and drives towards sidewalk in San Francisco’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p82xnnn
Worked in steel rolling facility electrical maintenance troubleshooting and doing controls and drives upgrades. Have seen what happens when software hiccups while line is running 6,000 feet per minute and damages that occur.
Watch video and pay attention to steering wheel movement.
There’s no way I’ll ever ride in a computer driven vehicle.


Most of us are aware of this, but for the slow-witted deniers who choose ignorance over truth, this video spells it all out regarding coming collapse of US economy and the loss of our position as leader of the free world.


And now the American Media are propagandists for Hamas, 5 seconds after the hospital explosion in Gaza the American media blamed Israel! Unbelievable!


Heck they probably knew before the White House did.
Worse still, Rashida Tlaib has both a religious and political axe to grind. As such she is not an asset to congress as her only interests are self interests.
Her proclamation that “We won’t forget” sounds like a threat.
She demonstrated today she is a breeder of misinformation, an insurrectionist, and a likely security risk. The first thing she should hear tomorrow is, “Will that be a window or an aisle?” Send her home.

She’s against fossil fuels and cops. Make her walk all by herself……….no airplanes and no security.


‘Pro-Palestinian protesters invade the Capitol: More than 100 demonstrators are arrested after demanding Israeli ceasefire by staging a sit-down in a rotunda in the Congress complex’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/38c2x7jr
So when do their trials begin ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


‘Gov. Newsom Signs New Law Raising Fast Food Minimum Wage To $20’
“We’re seeing more and more of these automated kiosks pop up, and this is why”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/42mzpk4z
“Wendy’s, IHOP, Chipotle, Sweetgreen and other fast-food chains are rapidly integrating AI into their operations.
Restaurants have leapt at the chance to use robots to assist with food preparation in the back and AI computing front of house.
Robot servers are bringing food to tables and delivering to homes while kitchen robots are creating salads, flipping burgers and frying tortilla chips.
AI voice robots are also being utilized to take orders at drive-thrus and the use of menu recommendation engines that suggest dishes based on your past orders.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/4ye3j7uj
Fast food joint reduced from 30 employees to 10.
Fast food workers enjoy the pay in the time you have until automation replaces you.
ONLY high paid worker will be skilled person repairing and adjusting the machines.
Remember you have DEM politicians to thank for you being unemployed
with a skill set that won’t be in demand any more.


Gaza Hospital was not hit, their parking lot was.
The whole thing was a lie.



Yet there are members of the Liberal Progressive Democrat party and their supporters that believe Hamas over their own government.


Biden in Israel used the only two tactics he knows for international relations: threaten military force and shovel money as bribes ($100 million this time for “humanitarian” purposes). Unsurprisingly neither worked. The Delaware Cape Gazette disclosed Biden will be starting his follow up beach vacation on Friday and returning to Washington on Monday based on local flight restrictions just announced. If you failed so miserably at something, would you hit the beach? Who is this clown? Are there still American hostages?


‘Hamas terrorists used weapons from NORTH KOREA in their horrific attack on Israel – including assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers that were first sold by Kim Jong Un to Iran’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/574uanvm
Would any of this be happening if Trump or Reagan were President ? ? ?
“History teaches that war begins when governments
believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
—Ronald Reagan


Mission Incompetence obama’s third term,
“The White House has been forced to delete a photo of President Joe Biden meeting U.S. special forces in Israel – which showed their faces and could have revealed their identities.
It was already known that a small group of U.S. special forces are in Israel advising on how to potentially rescue scores of hostages, including Americans, held by terror group Hamas in Gaza. ”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/42vdx2vd
Shallow thinkers that infested obama biden regime . . . . . .
“ “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Joe and
the administration are essentially finishing the job.
And I think it’ll be an interesting test,” Obama explained.
“Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing…”
Will the world survive ? ? ? ? ? ?


An oldie but a goodie!



Those sounds you hear are liberal minds melting down, ain’t it grand ?
“A federal judge on Thursday declared a California law banning assault weapons unconstitutional, saying the prohibition enacted in 1989 against semi-automatic weapons could not stand under a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year that expanded gun rights.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mtutychw
Expect newsom, pelosi to have an on camera meltdowns, will be so FUN to watch.
An that guy that stands behind presidential seal on lectern and struggles with his teleprompter.


Biden & crew expose special ops identities!
Way to go guys….



CA’s gift to the world who takes 90 minutes to pass a mirror is going to Israel.
War tourism must be new in thing for the photo OP wanna be.
Narcissism has no limits.


Wow. I looked it up and Mr. Photo Op will land and leave the same day! Maybe they can bring some wreckage out to the plane for pictures so he doesn’t even have to go inside the terminal.


Most of the people who vote for Newsom are the ones who want the freebies which is payed for by the very people who still work and pay for those who don’t. The remainder are just liberal leftist losers who want to continue his failed policies which have pretty much destroyed California. The rest of the nation will be aware of his failures going forward and be intelligent enough to discontinue any potential destruction to the remainder of the country. Or anyone who wants further proof, they can visit almost any city in California and be warned of his decades long failed policies…

These are the same people that vote for tax raises because it helps them,and their social workers tells them to vote yes on all tax increases.This why it happens,the welfare state.Stop wondering why you’re always getting screwed.Da po’ aint so po’.



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