Home » Concord Homeless Strategic Plan Development Progresses

Concord Homeless Strategic Plan Development Progresses


Concord is currently developing a Homeless Strategic Plan to help assess gaps in services, clarify community goals, identify strategies, and help set priorities for funding investments to effectively respond to and prevent homelessness.

An update about this project, including the proposed vision and goals, was presented to the City Council at its Aug. 22 meeting, during which the Council approved the overall vision and provided input on the goals.

Following its regular meeting on Aug. 28, the Homeless Strategic Plan Working Group decided to hold a special meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 6 to continue its work on goal and strategy development. They plan to return to the City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 12 with additional information about the team’s progress.


The special meeting, like all Working Group meetings, is open to the public and will be held at 6 p.m. Please note the location for the special meeting is the Willow Pass Community Center, 2748 E. Olivera Rd.

Following these events, the team is scheduled to hold community meetings to gather additional input about the proposed goals and possible strategies for addressing homelessness in the Concord community. These meetings will be held on Sept. 21 (in person) and on Sept. 26 (online).

For more information about this project, please visit the Homeless Strategic Plan web page.

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As long as we keep coddling them, we will get more and more and more! Frankly, I’m tired of working hard as hell, and my emoyer can’t find enough workers. Yet the strong, able badly homeless men don’t even try to lift a finger or help themselves..


More woke. Proposed goals & possible strategies ? Gather input? The special meeting should be called the woking group. 😵‍💫


More public monies wasted.


When the entitlement spigot is turned off the majority of the homeless will move on to the next area that gives out YOUR TAX SUPPORTED FREEBIES!


All I read is the word strategy but never hear what the strategy is. So here is my strategy. Pick up the druggies and force them into rehab. Put what is left over if there is anyone left over in an out of the way tent compound with amenities to keep them alive. Keep the streets and parks cleaned up.


Hey city(so-called) leaders, here’s a strategic plan: Give each and all of them a copy of the help wanted ads from any newspaper.


There hardly is any newspaper left, and those that are left do not have any or few job listings. I get your point, but Craigslist is where the job postings are.




They used to have a plan that worked. It was called JAIL.


Burn the camps. Scorched earth policy. Round them up and move them to jails or mental hospitals where they belong. Protect our hard working and TAX PAYING citizens.


Send them to San Francisco. More free stuff = more homeless druggies.


Oh I’ll be going to the meeting to propose some hard policies. Our cities are being destroyed and we should demand action. I promise you I will be there on the 21st and I implore you all to come and speak up.


They’ve been studying this crap for years. Newscum promised this would end decades ago, and all they’re doing is putting more commissions together, setting more priorities, collecting more community input, creating more studies, setting and clarifying more goals, analyzing more data, and identifying more “gaps in services” …. In other words, looking to create more bureaucracies and increasing taxes to support those bureaucracies.

Look at what the Dept of Homelessness in SF has actually accomplished. Look at what Newscum has accomplished.


It’s just more of “kick the can down the street….” They’ll NEVER “solve” the problem. And the stuff they’re doing now? They’ve done it before with zero results.

But they’re not interested in solving a problem; it’s all about appearances. Throwing money at something without solid and measurable goals in place is a waste of time and money. Obviously those pushing for it have never been held accountable for their own work.

Prove me wrong….anybody.


👆this right here 💯


If you want to become wealthy in California, form a “committee ” to study an issue that is currently in the media. Ensure to spend a prolonged period of time with so-called experts on the topic. Once you ate close to completing the study, make recommendations on how to achieve a possible solution and be sure to ask for more time and funding to further study the topic to keep the conversation going.


Feckless Newscum can’t and couldn’t solve anything. He survives politically by making promises he will never be able to keep, like:
Solving homelessness
Fixing so-called global warming
Turning hardened career criminals into responsible upstanding citizens
And, the dim easily duped woke masses eat it up.


He is a parasite who has morals. Cheats on his wife and lies to the constituents every day.


This problem is not going to be fixed until some politician grows a set a makes some difficult, and unpopular, decisions. Until then it’s going to remain a problem that keeps getting money thrown at it on the hopes it’ll fix itself.


You are right unfortunately.


Burn the camps. Scorched earth policy. Round them up and move them to jails or mental hospitals where they belong. Protect our hard working and TAX PAYING citizens.


They need to be sent back to the area of known last address , and that city and state can take care of them. It seems that the majority that are in the streets around here are from other areas and come here for the free hand outs. It needs to stop. I would put money on it that the tax payers money spent on this ends up in the politicians or politicians friends pockets. Look at how much money has been thrown at it with the only results being a increase in homeless population.


Stop enabling them! Look at San Francisco – a beautiful city completely ruined by homeless drug addicts. Is that their plan for Concord? I’m sick to death of these lazy-ass losers. Stop letting them pitch their tents anywhere they please. Stop letting them take drugs out in the open. Stop letting them wander all over and ruin cities. Ok fine, they deserve basic human rights but they cannot be allowed to infringe on other people’s rights. Why the hell should law-abiding citizens have to put up with this and adjust our lives around them. Why should we have to pay to put them in shelters and feed them? Get them out of here and I don’t care where they go. They’re not children. They’re grown adults who chose this lifestyle. Zero sympathy. As far as the Homeless Strategic Plan Working Group goes …. It sounds like some made-up jobs for some cronies’ kids who majored in gender studies and minored in art appreciation and can’t get a job anywhere else.


Close the border. The abundant supply of drugs on our streets comes by way of Mexico. Until that happens, everything is just a fart in a snowstorm.


I became homeless due too DV and COVID I lost my jobs that’s right I worked two of them when I beacme ILL from pure exhaustion this town has been helpful but truth is u don’t want homeless on your streets give them a tent city a place that will help provide jobs and housing and random drug testing so that those of u who feel used won’t be there has too be some place your homeless can go … And my biggest suggestion is don’t let people from other towns come too your tent city … Make them work for it there are homeless like me that would work for free at the tent city and that would save money in the end thank u


more rigmarole for the election cycle, its all hollow….I want to hear whats the plan for the willing homeless, the willing addict, or the willing alcoholic who have no interest in improving their situation and only infringe on the community


Make sure you’re sitting down when you read this. California spent $7.2 billion on homelessness last year which equates to $42,000 per homeless person. Like I said, before our politicians are either stupid or they are crooks.


I think the politicians are both.

The $42k/year is only going to the politicians.

Prove me wrong – if you can. And you better have proof.


It’s all just government welfare and entitlements, which originally was created to only temporarily help people get back on their feet during hard times.
Here’s an idea: The government invest in a fleet of old buses. Use the buses to transport homeless folks to and from work. I know of some roads that could use some work.


Why is doing the right thing so difficult for our betters? Enabling slow motion suicide doesn’t display leadership, and should compel voters, AKA constituents, to openly and loudly question their motives and suitably to remain in office.

Same thing applies to school board members and leadership.

Follow the money … homelessness will not be solved unless those administrating funds are audited and prosecuted for stealing under the table … #HomeleesIndustrialComplex


Feed them, shelter them, give them everything they need for free!
Don’t make them work, let them do drugs and booze.
When word gets around the rest won’t be far behind!
Build it and they will come!
Let us pay for all of it too …. PLEASE!


Don’t feed the bears it will only make them dependent.

Everyone knows homelessness is a huge money grab for Democrats they are not interested in solving the problem only profiting from it

Former SF mayor Frank Jordan stated that SF in 21& 22 combined spent $1.7 Billion on Homelessness. They could have given each Homeless in SF a check for $60,000.00 and they would have saved money!



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