The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
COVID-19 appears to be making a comeback, according to health departments nationwide.
QUESTION: Do you think lockdowns and mask requirements will also make a comeback?
Talk about it….
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
COVID-19 appears to be making a comeback, according to health departments nationwide.
QUESTION: Do you think lockdowns and mask requirements will also make a comeback?
Talk about it….
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What happened to the common flu …?
Dems/CCP eradicated it.
Foo lme once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Not to worry weg ot it.
that was suppose to be “Fool”, not “Foo l”
Welp … in W. Pittsburg … it’s “foo” … drop the “L” … #ISpeakJive
Not very likely given the most recent numbers.
According to the CDC, about 10,000 people are being hospitalized per week with COVID and that’s far below the 40,000 hospitalizations per week in the U.S. last August. We didn’t return lockdowns back then.
SURE, let’s lock the kids out of the classroom for over a year again…..
No Problem; they are smart and will catch up in 7 or 8 years…….
Yes they did lock children out of schools.. but not all..the politicians children didn’t miss a day of school!
Just got back from Maui with it. At least I got that out-of-the-way early. It was mild.
If they do, I will not be participating again.
100% and it should have never gone away. Listen to us and the medical professionals who are on the frontlines of things.
Same old tired dribble coming from you for 3 years now. There isn’t one reason to trust the medical industry any longer you are compromised & only in it for the power & money
As a Licensed Chiropractor I can tell you Covid is real as I have treated many of my patients throughout the Pandemic. Mask up!
Please present your evidence on masks … and … explain the data on the disappearing act with annual flu cases … then … and only then … we can continue.
A Chiropractor who treats patients with Covid? Ummm, interesting. I hear a duck saying Quaccckkk!!
Exactly. A Chiropractor is NOT a doctor not even close-although some folks like to refer to themselves as a “DC” “Doctor of Chiropractic”.
A chiropractor is going to give us vaccine advice ….
I laughed out loud the first time you presented this as well, I will laugh again.
I do not see a chiropractor for a flu or viruses … umm, I see them for back issues. Not sure what kind of chiropractors office you run, but If you are giving medical advice out for a virus, you should have whatever license you have pulled.
Can you ask Biden to ask the 7 million illegals to mask up as well.. there coming in droves .. no shot or mask ..
Funny because most chiropractors I knew were into alternative medicine and probably would not approve of untested vaccines as well as other questionable protocols. They were also very grounded in science.
Can you ask Gavin to not go to the french laundry with the medical lobbyist while locking down the state. Plus, when he locks down all the wineries can you see he locks his down too.
I’m usually against this, but I’ll feed the troll. I’m going to wait until we have a consensus among cosmetologists before I believe masks are needed.
Sorry, but you have little to no credibility here!
Your comments are normally toxic and/or designed to instigate an opposing view political response. Isn’t that what you’re doing here? You’re never interested in having a conversation with your fellow Claycord commentors, you’re only interested in inciting a reactionary response from them. It’s a shame, but you’re the one that’s rendered your comments largely, if not completely, meaningless.
You have a trolling gift. Even when you dangle your “tell” of being a chiropractor, people keep biting.
I think some fools will try to mandate it. I think others will follow it.
I will not, and I think a large majority of the people will push back hard on any mandates and lockdowns.
To early, Election over a year out, plus Christmas Sale Tax revenue is needed for Sacramento
Sales rax revenue for Sacramento or any other state capital isn’t going anywhere due to mask mandates, or the lack thereof. Whether sales are in-person or online, state capitals will still be collecting sales tax revenue.
They’ll try. There is so much I could say here, but this is a family show. I only hope others remember the simplest most direct response: No.
Seeing as I was not one of the masses that blindlessly followed the big pharma mandates – masks, shots, boosters, etc., I’m not worried about the upcoming “Election Fraud Season” of mandates. I do feel, that after so many facts regarding the Fauci fraud machine has been made public, the political mandate machine owned and operated by big pharma is going to have a very tough mandate season ahead of them. We know, according to actual published medical data, that masks were not effective at reducing spread, the vaccines did little to nothing other than cause myocarditis and cardiac issues, and that countries like Sweden who did not adhere to lockdowns faired the same, if not better, than countries that went into full bubblewrap mentality.
Yet still, after all these facts, you can still find people out hiking alone, wearing gloves and a mask. I think Forest Gump said it best – “Stupid is as stupid does”
I listen to the doctors, not pundits feeding you what you want. Trump believed it, “played it down” as he put it and even got it. Over 1,000,000 Americans died from it.
Misinformed … every person tested for CV post-mortem and popped positive was classified as CV cause of death … flu deaths near zero … where in a normal year flu deaths between 30k to 60k depending on potency of the bug. So, you my want to reconsider your statement or do a deep dive investigation of this attempted worldwide genocide by Willy G & Co.
“Over 1,000,000 Americans died from it.”
Let me fix that for you:
“An awful lot of people tested positive for the virus when they died.” There, now it’s accurate.
No one knows if those million people died from covid, or merely with covid. The wool was pulled over our eyes once but it won’t happen again.
Should be interesting to see whon is going to enforce the Baloney.
Definitely WON’T be police……because they won’t even take action on flash mobs.
They only thing that is making a comeback is FEAR & MEDIA HYPE.
I guess we’ll see another round of bored Dancing Nurses.
No masks for me. I’ll be outside and Not doing any distancing. Free Hugs for those who want them.
Unfortunately, “out of an abundance of caution” by Governor Newsolini and various health departments, there is an elevated likelihood of masks returning.
Lockdown? Not right now but wait til election day comes around.
I don’t think there will be a lockdown. But mask mandate is coming back. Let’s mask up and get the jab!
Let’s not & say we did…didn’;t before & sure won’t be doing it this round of lies
Let’s not and say we did NOT.
Mask up and get the jab … what a laugh.
Boxers jàb … this is a DNA-altering experimental injection … get it right you socially engineered simpleton.
No jab here. So glad I didn’t) got covid..it was nothing more than a cough.. my body my choice. When Biden makes the illegals to mask up and take the jab I’ll reconsider .
Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth … @Tammy … boxers “jab” … eugenisists (Eugenicists worldwide believed that they could perfect human beings and eliminate so-called social ills through genetics and heredity. They believed the use of methods such as involuntary sterilization, segregation and social exclusion would rid society of individuals deemed by them to be unfit.May 18, 2022) inject experimental DNA-altering crap … and don’t even teach the injectors to aspirate … per SOP … any junior health care professional knows that … but … #WTFO #RIPCOMMONSENSE
They will try and lock us down again but this time it will not work!
If you don’t believe that masks diminish the spreading of contagions, then tell the surgeons and nurses who are going to be doing your next major surgery not to wear masks. See if that works out. Idiocy!
You do know that surgeons wear a mask during surgery to prevent their spit to fall into an open wound?
There is a difference in size between the virus & airborne germs. So your point isn’t the best one to make.
You are the idiot. Surgical masks are ONLY for blocking spray and spittle from talking. Everyone knows they do nothing against viruses.
Hopefully the people are not that stupid to do this all over again.
Trouble is…they are!!
As long as asymptomatic transmission continues to cause permanent disability and the only hope of prevention is masking, I’ll continue to mask, required or not. Knowledge and tools should be adequate to prevent health care systems from being overwhelmed and therefore avoid lockdowns. We would benefit as a society if more wore masks, however, requiring masks may be too costly to politicians.
Supposedly there is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission. It was just another “fear tool”.
Jeff, get out of your echo chamber. There is one research lab (Al-Aly at Wash Univ of St Louis) who keep putting out these crappy studies reviewing insurance records and massaging them with bad methodology to conclude that COVID is causing rampant disability. It doesn’t fit with any studies that have proper control groups, it isn’t showing up in disability claims … etc. etc. Experts in Singapore and the Nordic countries have pointed out how bad the methodology is and how little true ‘Long COVID’ they are seeing.
As for masks, it’s pretty unlikely they are going to prevent your getting it unless you are a true N95 Nazi, in which case the hit to your quality of life easily outweighs the miniscule risk of long term sequelae.
I have POTS, probably triggered by a virus (pre-Covid). That’s a real thing but it is not very common and it’s no more common with COVID than with other possible triggers. Don’t ruin your life for nothing.
Are they really that crazy enough to serve this baloney again? Studies shown that lockdowns and masks were ineffective. It’s all psychological and hope the (usually lazy) public calls them down on it.
Back in the early 1970s a study group I was in looked into “The Club of Rome”. That organization discussed back them population reduction. Here’s Dennis Meadows the co-author of their population reduction idea discussing it.
How do you feel about being part of “the reduction”? Or being like part of science fiction movie?
How about locking down the mask wearing criminals!? The lockdown “cure” caused disruption. Covid-19 is like software updates, there are so many variants it’s hard to keep track.
Which “medical professionals”? There are varying opinions among them including some who have admitted they made mistakes during the pandemic. Never follow authorities blindly. Always question.
I suggest for anyone thinking that mandates “may or may not happen”, to simply start researching outside of the mainstream, bought and paid for/sponsored by Big Pharma garbage news sources. It’s already “back” – https://youtu.be/weIyQmdhgQA?si=YIhuqMViQJkwWBu8
No way… it was overplayed the first time… it would take something catastrophic to start that again…. kids are already behind 2-3 yrs…. even getting the label of “covid kids” … if schools head that way – start firing teachers and administrators imho
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
2024 https://www.gocomics.com/garyvarvel/2023/08/29
More likely they created the authored the pandemic just to reshape the business and govern. That’s how many tyrannical regimes came about in countries through crises real or created.
I would hope my work tells me to stay home.
Didn’t last time.
Won’t this time.
This isn’t about any new covid strain. This is about trying to decide what do with Joe Biden during election campaigns. He is cognitively incapable of campaigning and shouldn’t even be among the candidates considered viable. But Democrats are testing how the public reacts to mentions of masks and lockdowns in the hopes keeping Biden hidden again under pretense of a covid scare is an option instead of having to provide a quality candidate.
To be more specific: It’s about creating a situation to “legitimize” full scale mail-in ballot enforcement.
Criminals love mask regulations. No face no case
Because of airborne allergies I wear a mask whenever I’m outside. My yard, your yard, the store, movies, wherever. Personal mandate to myself. Not asking anyone else not to do whatever they want for themselves.
Gavin already took away two years of our once normal lives. NO MORE!
JustWash your hands often and don’t yell or cough in peoples faces. If you’re sick, do to bed.
This says it all perfectly
And of course the news is already reporting about ICUs filling up with cases. Probably mostly psychosomatic from their social engineering.
This isn’t about the corona virus, this is about the 2024 election, it’s about expanding mail-in ballots to everyone on the voter rolls in swing states and keeping President Joe Biden off of the campaign trail. We already know that President Biden won’t be participating in any debates, because he’ll only participate in debates sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, while the RNC now prohibits its presidential and vice presidential candidates from participating in debates sponsored by CPD.
Never again…will not comply. We all know the reasons here.
Plandemic scamdemic as I’ve been saying all along. No masking or jab for me thank you haha! Enjoy your tyranny folks, it’s coming!!