Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Aug.25, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Aug.25, 2023


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Explanation of ‘immigrant’ problem in sanctuary NYC,
DEM politicians say one thing during campaign and change their tune after election.
Has been reported around 100 hotels and other facilities are being used to house 90,000 plus migrants at cost of roughly $10 million PER DAY.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money”
—Margaret Thatcher


The racoons are limited to two beers a week. Cheer up folks Joe is going to jail.


Joe won’t go to jail. Just as Hilary didn’t.

Even if he did go to jail, how would that improve things?

All it means is that the masters pulling his strings have no more need of him.

Throwing the senators to the lions wouldn’t have saved Rome, no matter how loud the crowd cheered.


Mark my words: That “hotel” being built at Pine St & Clayton rd WILL be used to house immigrants and homeless.
It won’t happen immediately, I give it 5 years.
Nobody builds a hotel without a parking lot.

Also, does anyone think Brandon would be able to have a Coherent 1 hour interview such as the Tucker and Trump interview?

Even Stevie Wonder can see that America is NOT in a good place under these Komrade dems.


Friday night = CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES! Pedo Peter and the clown crew had another busy week! Let’s get to it…

Biden Admin Already Buying COVID-19 Equipment, Hiring Pandemic ‘Safety Protocol’ Enforcers

Biden Regime to Use $1.4 BILLION of Taxpayer Cash to Bankroll MORE Covid Vaccines

Biden Administration Announces Massive $5 Billion COVID-19 Funding Called “Project NextGen”

Report: Biden Wanted To Partner With Communist Chinese App To Spy On Americans

Biden To Vacation With Hunter At Home Of Billionaire Climate Activist And Dem Megadonor

Joe Biden is quietly selling off Trump’s border wall as unused parts are sold at auction for MILLIONS of dollars in profit

Dems Beg Biden To Declare ‘Climate Emergency’ Granting Him Vast Powers To Shut Down Energy Infrastructure & Communications

Top Biden Spox: Joe Biden Will Make Sure That He Communicates to Maui Residents That He Has “Been There Since Day One”

Biden Administration Staffers Seen Partying, Drinking, Laughing on Eisenhower Executive Office Building Balcony as Maui Burns

HOLD YOUR BEER: Biden Regime Considering Strict New Booze Guidelines to Pressure Americans to Limit Alcohol Consumption

Exclusive: Biden Admin Honors ‘Chestfeeding Month,’ No Half-Staff Flag Order for Maui Fire Victims

Study: Historic Jump in ‘Bidenomics’ Food Stamp Benefits Caused 15 Percent Increase in Grocery Prices

Joe Biden: “America First” Policies Make the United States “Weaker, Not Stronger”

NY Magazine: Hunter Biden Treated Worse than Citizen in Similar Position

White House: Things Are More Expensive, But Saying That’s Why People Feel Bad About the Economy Is ‘Stale’

‘We’re All Trapped Here…They’re Blocking Off All Exits’: Driver Furious as Police Vehicle Speeds Past Him to ‘Trap’ Residents Fleeing Lahaina Wildfires

Report: Maui Residents Burned To Death In Their Cars Because Of Barricades Blocking Escape

Conflict of Interest? Maui Police Chief Who Oversaw Emergency Response at Vegas Mass Shooting Also Serves as Maui Coroner!

FEMA Turns Hawaii Tragedy into a Tropical Retreat, Stays at $1,000-a-Night Luxury Hotels Leaving Taxpayers Footing the Bill

Hawaii Announces Plans for Ukraine Independence Day to Raise Money for Ukrainians – While They’re Still Digging Up Charred Bodies of Children in Maui

Authorities See Nearly 800% Surge In Chinese Migrants Crossing Southern Border Illegally

Report: NYC Considers Housing Migrants in Shipping Containers on City Streets

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Opens Migrant Mega-Camp, Costing New Yorkers $20M Every Month

‘It Was SO Easy to Get Into the U.S.’: Border Patrol Ordered to Keep ‘Floodgates’ Wide Open For Illegal Aliens to Pour Through

REPORT: Biden Admin Welds Arizona Border Wall Gates Open

Biden Approves Migrant Camp at NYC Airfield Despite Residents’ Opposition

DOJ Files Lawsuit Against SpaceX for Not Hiring Refugees

Gov. Kathy Hochul Announces Jobs Program for Illegal Aliens as 380K New Yorkers are Unemployed

California Health Dept. Ordered Fresno County Officials To Keep Quiet About Illegal Biolab in Warehouse

“Two Weeks to Slow the Spread” Returns! Atlanta College Reinstates Covid Mask Mandate, Social Distancing Despite ZERO Cases On Campus

COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

Norway LOCKED Man in Psychiatric Ward for Questioning mRNA Shots

German Judge Gets 2-Year Suspended Sentence For Overturning Mask Mandates in Schools

World’s Richest Musicians Gobbled Up $200 Million in Taxpayer COVID Relief Grants: Report

Disturbing: German Daycare Centers Provide ‘Masturbation Rooms’ for Children

Study Shows Massive Spike In Teens Getting Sex Change Surgeries

Judge Rules Muslim, Christian Parents Can’t Opt Out Of Lessons On Gender Identity, Sexuality

Carlos Santana Smeared as ‘Anti-Trans’ for Saying a ‘Woman Is a Woman and a Man Is a Man’

Trans Cyclists Win Races Against Females in Washington, Switzerland

George Takei Compares GOP Opposition to Transgender Procedures for Children to Japanese-American Internment During World War II

Biden-Appointed Judge Blocks Georgia Law Banning Sex Change Hormones for Children

California Medical School Professor Claims That Children Can Be Gender Hybrid ‘Minotaurs’

California Bill Could Criminalize Parents’ Protests at School Board Meetings

California Democrats Want to Give Unemployment Benefits to Hollywood Strikers

MAJOR THREAT TO AMERICA: Communist Dictator of Nicaragua Authorizes Installation of Russian Military Bases and Cruise Missiles in Country

‘This Technology Is Not Yet Ready:’ San Francisco Robotaxi Drives Get Stuck in Wet Concrete

Taliban on Banning Women in Public: ‘Value’ of a Woman ‘Decreases by Men Looking at Her’

LA Mayor Karen Bass Claims Conservative Press Is to Blame for People Feeling Afraid, Not Criminals

Los Angeles Democrat Mayor Karen Bass Laughs When Asked Why Her Homeless Policy has Failed Miserably

‘Defund the Police’ Fans AOC and Squad Pals Blew $1.2M in Campaign Cash on Security

Mother Posts At-Home Abortion on TikTok

AI Cameras in the UK Start Surveilling INSIDE Vehicles

14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

Cuckoo: Alarmists Want You to Turn off Lights, Close Blinds so ‘One Billion Birds’ Won’t Die

Lawless Skies: ‘Mystery Plane’ Is Seized in Zambia With Money, Guns and Gold – Egyptian Journalist Investigates the Case – Police Promptly Arrests… the Journalist

Cancer Biologist Applicants at San Diego State University Subjected to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Litmus Test

Housing Crunch: Home Sales Fall To Six Month Low…But Prices Rise Anyway

12-Year-Old Arrested for Armed Carjacking in Democrat-Run D.C.

Officials: Hot-Air Balloon Pilot Was on Cocaine, Pot During New Mexico Crash that Killed Five

Microsoft’s AI-Written Travel Article Suggested a Trip to the Ottawa Food Bank

Sam Bankman-Fried Whines He Isn’t Getting His Adderall and Vegan Meals in Prison

Chicago Mayor Promises Children Pizza Party On First Day Of School, Hands Them Frozen Pizzas

Brawl at Florida Chicken Wing Restaurant Triggered After Women Clogged Toilet: Police

Massachusetts School Districts Roll out ‘Anti-Racist’ Struggle Session Groups for White Teachers

Maine Hospital Holds Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Prayer Service Where Whites Apologize for Their “Internalized Racism”

Ahead of GOP Debate, MSNBC Claimed ‘Woke’ is the New ‘N-Word’

Seattle to Start Having Unarmed ‘Crisis Responders’ Deal With Some 911 Calls

ABC DUI: Third Grade Teacher Fails Breathalyzer on First Day of School

‘Where’s That Baby’s Mama’: Folks Are Outraged After a Baby Is Seen Crowd-Surfing at Flo Rida Concert

Raccoons in Germany Have Started to Steal Beer

That’s it from the circus this week. Stay cool and have a great weekend Claycord!


What the hell is a “pandemic safety enforcer”?
I dare them to try and enforce their craziness. People are gonna get hurt.


Here you go Sam


Another good job.


My boss said. “You’ve been late 5 days this week. You know what that means, don’t you?”

I said, “I certainly do. It’s Friday!”

Happy Friday All


“Bidenomics” what a laugh!
I swear prices this week alone went up 29% on everything I bought! Gas seems to be up 60 cents a gallon… and this has been a week of horrible crime attacks on innocent people here in the better areas in addition to the usual Oakland & Antioch.. Attention polsters and democrat politicians: We are way worse off than we were 4 years ago!!!


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK… Obama, Biden, Harris, Newsom, the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, and the woke have killed your dream.


Help is on its way


Trump did less in all of his charges than Biden, both of the Clinton’s, and dozens of other Democrats. I don’t have to point out all of their offenses You know the thing.


Fact-less accusations are so much easier to make. No grand juries or evidence required.


The only thing Trump is guilty of is Nationalism in a globalized world.
It’s not a crime no matter what “they” tell you.
“They” do not have Americas best interests in mind. These are international criminals.


The more you indict, the more we unite.
Thanks democrats, you may actually fix racism after all. Seeing blacks and mexicans praise KING TRUMP is priceless


Seems most commenters here repudiate legitimate media, thus are unaware of continuing developments both within Fani Willis’ RICO investigation and Jack Smith’s Mar-a-Lago documents case. Suffice to say the MAGA minions, singly and in pairs, are selling out Mr. Trump and each other as fast as their respective attorneys can file the motions. Reckon the sights and smells of that nasty Atlanta jail made an impression.


All accusations made against Trump are Republicans true.
All accusations made against Biden and Democrats are false.
That’s ‘legitimate media’ in the eyes of progressive liberal democrats.


^Correction: All accusations made against Trump and Republicans are true.


Wow CI that took you a while, but congrats for finally seeing the light.


“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”
–Joseph Goebbels


All accusations made against biden and the democrats are true. All accusations made against trump and the republicans are false. That’s “legitimate media” in the eyes of the far right.
Both right and left do exactly what they accuse the other side of doing…pathetic.


Yes. But, how did Joe and family get all that money?


Allow me to make another correction, just in case of any confusion –

All accusations made against Trump and the republicans are true.
All accusations made against Biden and the democrats are false.
That’s ’legitimate media’ in the eyes of progressive liberal democrats.


Legitimate media? Bwahahahahahahahahaha
You’re talking about the propaganda wing for the swamp.


James is implying the media not cheering on Biden is illegitimate as well as referring to minions and cult and such in his writings. What words does he use to describe Biden’s millions paid to him from foreign countries including adversaries? Bribes? Payoffs? Felonies? Bank records are bank records and you can’t pretend they don’t exist.


Now that the precedent has been set for locking up ex presidents, watch that kenya born first black gay claim keynan citizenship.


Such a convenient thing, plane dropping out of the sky
DEMs must envy putin about now . . . . . . no indictments, no trials


But there IS an investigation…
Putin is assigning his closest and most trusted people to conduct it.


and declare it an “accident”.


Right Sam,
A bit over 1,000,000 Americans died of covid and its a hoax?


Died FROM and died WITH are two different things.

I understand that can be a difficult concept, but if you have COVID and are hit by a car, you died as a result of blunt force trauma and not Covid. There IS a difference

The scare tactic is 1,000,000 died from COVID is old …. And simply not true.


“Died of covid” and “died with covid” are wildly different. Some powerful people are finally starting to admit this..


You mean died of the flu.


No, miraculously nobody died of the flu for almost 2 years, just Covid!


Really? Are you not able to do a google search before you make your BS postings?


Your link says no one died 2020-2021 from Flu.
And only 5000 from 2021-2022.
Considering we are in the 2022-2023 flu season, I would argue 5,000 over the course of two years is almost nobody when compared to 25,000 the 2019-2020 season.


No, not really… I was being sarcastic.
But deaths attributed to flu during Covid dropped very dramatically according to the med records & nobody was paying the hospitals extra bucks for treating the flu like they were for treating Covid.
Check the chart you posted, reported numbers don’t lie (according to you Democrats… Do they?)


Even the slanted and biased news media propaganda vehicle for progressive democrats have admitted that many many so called Covid deaths were actually caused by something else.


In 2022 Elon Musk bought Twitter from Jack Dorsey. He then unbanned President Trump. After months of silence, Trump returned to Twitter yesterday, with his mugshot. Musk tweeted “next-level.”


How much money will that picture make over the next 100 years? Lol @ democrats constantly owning themselves. Good job nerds, now go put your masks on and try to pull the COVID HOAX again. We are loving this more than you could imagine. There’s a movie quote that I won’t be able to post here but it starts with “Never Go Full ——————“ These brainwashed idiots went full.
TRUMP 2024.


The new variant being introduced shortly is “the election year strain”. The only way to save lives will be masks and mail-in ballots. And yes, more people will die, but hey, it’s for the greater good. Just ask Joe……..


Are you leftist weenies dreading the election?
Inflation, Corruption, Border Crisis, DOJ Abuse, $5 Gas, Crime, Urban Decay, Hunter
I’m not!


How crazy is this. Out of the 19 people indicted with Trump in Atlanta the only one they locked up was the Black guy.


That had stood out to me as well, but then there is the women who was from Kanye’s camp. Have you come across any details on her? I honestly haven’t bothered, but I’ll try later on this evening.


I am looking forward to congress questioning Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin who was fired by the bribe Biden perpetrated on the Ukraine. Did you know that Obama and others praised Shokin for his work and had no idea what Biden was going to do.

Did you know that when Russia took over Crimea they did so because the Crimeans voted ninety percent to ten to rejoin Russia and not a shot was fired.

In the meantime Biden has sold our oil reserves to China and basically given our ammo to the Ukraine.


Wow impressive Ricardoh, so let’s review you allege a US Vice President bribed a foreign nation in 2016 and from 2017 through 2020 (four years) the Trump administration did nothing? And the EU and IMF also conspired with Biden because they too wanted Shokin removed?
Furthermore, the former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, George Kent, testified in Trump’s impeachment inquiry that Shokin was corrupt; the US and its allies had made a coordinated effort to oust him?
And how about that Russian takeover of Crimea? So Putin only got 90% of the votes, he should ask Kim Jong Un for advise. I understand Kim usually gets 100% of the vote. -jong-un-wins-100-votes-north-korea-election-n49011


JWB Yes some of those on the take wanted Shokin out. Obama was not one of them. The reason Shokin wasn’t moving fast though was because there was so much corruption in the Ukraine it wasn’t an easy job. That same corruption was the reason Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. Remember not a drop of blood was spilled when the Russians moved back into Crimea. If Shokin gets to testify before congress and they ask the right questions you will hear how the Russians and the Ukraine had a peace treaty going but Blinken and Biden and the neocons screwed it up leading to the Russians invasion. Evidently you have forgotten that when trump called the Ukraine president to get the proof of Biden’s graft he was impeached for the telephone call. The perfect telephone call. Surely you remember.


Wow Ricardoh, I had no idea what an Eastern European policy expert you are. You have to wonder, since as you say, Trump called Zelensky to get the proof of Biden’s wrongdoing. Why he was risking his impeachment. Remember ” I would like you to do us a favor though”?
But now it turns out that Trump should have just called you. Clearly you have the proof Trump was seeking to get from Zelensky.
Oh, and the part about the Russian Ukrainian peace treaty and the Crimeans wanting to re-join Russia, don’t bother. I can get that from Vlad directly and don’t really need your expertise.




Ricardoh, the question is simple enough. Why would Trump risk impeachment over a phone call? In fact, why would that phone call even be looked at like it’s an issue?

And what vote are you talking about in Crimea? When did the vote you are referring you, take place?

Plus, why has Russia always had to annex Crimea? I am talking about under the Czar, the Soviets, and recently. If soany people voted, why didn’t they just join?

I mean, the Tartar population only seems to live under Ukrainian leadership. Not so much when Russians are in charge. That seems odd. Do you think the Russians allowed the Tartars to vote? The ones who weren’t locked up in mental institutions of course. But you know all about that huh?

Not only does Ricardoh allege it, but so does your little girl-sniffing, creepy showering-with-daughter lying POS. I know, I know, that’s impressive.


The fact that not a single former president has spoken out about the indictments against Trump tells you that they are all in on it.
Every single one of them.


I think Hillary did. Which considering her past is pretty funny.


Ask your own doctor if COVID is real.


He’s paid to say it is real. 😄


Covid may be real but that pandemic and everything they demanded of us was a hoax created by the Left.
Prove me wrong.


The Democratic party’s legendary John F Kennedy called on us to understand our democratic institutions are like a beacon on a hill for all countries to admire, and a few short decades later that party has deteriorated into arresting its political opponents and trying to crush those who get in their way.


The sad part is that TDL and a number of posters here on Claycord believes this BS.
Other countries are appalled to see the breaking of the laws by a former President and if the US would not enforce its laws even against a former president then US would have completely deteriorated.


JWB: Unfortunately I don’t think many other countries are appalled since many have been moving toward Leftist authoritarian status themselves. I wonder if Biden looked with admiration how Putin took out his own opposition with, what was it, a ground to air missile or something. Maybe they are the new beacon in the hill for the Left.


If Biden looked at Putin with administration, why is he conducting a proxy war against him?

Oops, admiration, not administration. Darn auto correct


Now youre catching on.
It’s no longer the USA with the Bidens around and it’s clear for all to see the country has completely deteriorated.Has it improved?
One day you’ll grow up and tell yourself the truth.


The sad part is you and a very few others here obviously listen to too much Behar, Scarborough, Reid etc. etc.


Hey Larry since I have never watched or read anything by either Behar. Scarborough or Reid can you fill me in what they are saying?


They are saying the same things you are saying before you say it.

What do other countries think of the deterioration of the US and the law breaking Bidens’? Clintons’? and Obama?


Well tell me CI have they been indicted? And do they have a cult following who believe they should be above the law?


Speaking of cult following:
They sure don’t have a cult following like those that believe everything they are told to believe by Hollywood prime time TV progressive democrat controlled news media.


Anyone these days who believes that the Justice Department is fair and impartial is an absolute moron.


A USPS mail carrier was robbed at gunpoint of mail and personal property on Thursday afternoon at Mendocino Drive and Salem Street in Concord.


Today, the Concord City Council, sitting as the Local Reuse Authority, voted 5-0 for Brookfield to be the Master Developer of the inland portion of the former Concord Naval Weapons Station.


We have a long list of democrats to thank for this, starting with Biden and Newsome. And they have the support of the limited-thinking, freeloading, kool-aide drinking fools who infest our cities and websites.


Does anybody read the Epoch Times? I’m genuinely curious about people’s feelings on the source. Is anybody familiar with their loosely related YouTube channels? Same question.


They seem to have some interesting stories so they are worth reading but given their history relating to ChinaI would not trust them. Its like all media right now where you should look for information but beware of hidden agendas. I can’t relate a single source I trust right now based only on their reputation. Decades ago I could read a story and trust it to be true. Not now.


It’s ALWAYS good to maintain a healthy sense of skepticism. I know of what happened to Foulon Gong, it’s the owners personal agenda that I find more off-putting. What is your understanding of what happened?
And I do appreciate your thoughtful response.

I briefly looked at the details a long time ago and don’t even remember them, all I was interested in was a quick take on bias.

Fair assessment. I do the same, I also like to see what others say. Thank you for your contribution.

Does anyone listen to Alex Jones? I’m genuinely curious about people’s feelings on chemicals in the tap water turning the frogs gay. He seems to be right all the time.


Better question. Why would anyone listen to Alex Jones?


Same reason anyone would listen to Joe Rogen. Or any other entertainer. Just because they used sandy hook to shut him down, didn’t make him guilty of anything. He allowed people on his show to make claims and discuss conspiracies. Same thing the fake news does. Freedom of speech is the first amendment. I know you commies hate it. Sorry not sorry.
And if you looked back, he warned the world about everything that is happening now with greater accuracy than Nostradamus and the mayans combined. Talking about Epstein 15 years before he didn’t kill himself. And recent studies do show the frogs 🐸 are turning gay. CNN is the lie.


To be more accurate than Nostradamus is not a high bar. And given that our understanding of how to translate ancient Mayan is not exactly the greatest, I don’t see how anybody could take them for much.

He wasn’t the only one talking about Epstein, it shouldn’t be surprising that our government is not set up to stand against an agent of Mossad.

Frogs have, and have had the ability to switch their biological sex. So I don’t really know how the concept of homosexuality would really work out amongst them.

Everything went downhill with Alex Jones after he spent all that time with Holocaust denying David Icke. Do you know what is in Alex Jones’ supplements?

Of course CNN is a lie, it’s a news CHANNEL, or a media company. They are not an agency. At least that used to mean something, but I don’t know about this week.


“It appears Disney is still assigning grown men dressed in skirts and dresses as greeters for children at its Disneyland Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique attraction, where little girls are treated to a “princess makeover.” ”
Walt Disney Co. stock hit another 52 week low on Friday.


The corrupt media, along with powers behind the scenes, are gearing up to replace Biden with Newsom.


newsom would be more of a wimp than carter and obama combined, iran, north korea and china would walk all over him. His covid executive orders prove he lacks comprehension of our founding documents.


In Nevada, the news reported an impending shutdown of hydro-electric power. Surely this is pure psy-ops.


Gear up to chant “French Laundry” to the public for starters. Californian can sink Newsom’s presidential bid if they speak loud enough. And also mention the dynasty.


Er… Californians. Need a new keyboard.


Definitely something Dems are discussing most likely as a result of an injury falling down stairs or tripping over Mr. Bites, their dog. The funfest will be how they handle putting Newsom first and ignoring Kamala while not appearing racist. If Kamala refuses to play, that could be a circus.


If Gavin is selected, then Kamala cannot be on the ticket because there is no way the Democrat party would forego California’s Electoral Votes, which they would have to do if President and Vice President were from the same state.


And don’t forget “Sanctuary Gavin!”


Today is the anniversary of the 13 servicemen’s death in Kabul. A completely bunged, poorly planned disaster of an operation. McCarthy had to order the White house flags to half mast, because the Biden administration couldn’t be bothered. For the Biden syndicate, those servicemen were merely collateral damage.
I doubt the victim’s families are lounging on Lake Tahoe today.


The Clinton’s, and Obama had the same disregard for or military. What happened to the Democrat party? Disgusting.


No I believe they are disgusted by FoxNews and Rep Corry Mills (FL) and Senator Tommy Tuberville for pushing a disgusting story about them.


If they were truly concerned about the virus the border would be closed. Or could it be intentional to spread fear along with the virus? Wouldn’t that be a great way to control you with more of the same old democrat power-grabbing lock-down BS?


So you would suggest no commerce and no tourism, since the virus would obviously not be able to distinguish immigrants vs folks travelling on commerce or tourism and of course that would also include Americans traveling home from abroad.
That’s just brilliant thinking HP.


“Other countries are appalled to see the breaking of the laws by a former President and if the US would not enforce its laws even against a former president then US would have completely deteriorated.”

Prove it or admit you’re a liar, jwb.


What I would like to see is JWB making a pledge to reject and condemn Biden and the alphabet media as liars if and when images of Biden’s bank records are released. JWB’s whole defense of Biden’s obvious bribery is to pretend banking records already in congressional committees don’t exist.


Yawn TDL like the chaos caucus is not itching to impeach Biden. Remind me how many attempts have Greene, Boebert and Gaetz filed so far? I lost count. So what’s holding them back?
By all means, if you think that congressional committees are what counts, you should not hold your breath that Trump will not get convicted for his role in the insurrection, after all you would not pretend that the record in congressional committees doesn’t exist.


JWB: You cannot talk about it. According to too many sources to ignore, there are bank records of millions in cash going from shady European sources to Biden and his various family members, some even in their early twenties with no identifiable product sold and laundered through LLCs. If these bank records are shown to the public will even hard core supporters of this Leftist authoritarian wannabe turn on him?


Well TDL bla bla bla….. How about bringing proof. You know just because you keep repeating what you read in your right wing trash media. it doesn’t make it true.
Not even FoxNews is buying what you’re peddling.
Steve Doocy to James Comer: “You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is, of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit — there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally.”
I know you get really excited about this wild rumors but it’s time to put up or shut up. But of course that’s not what Comer and company want. They know they have nothing but keep talking about it because it exits folks like you.


One more thing TLD when you say “If these bank records are shown to the public” I would assume it is fair to say that you would be part of the public and you are admitting that you have not seen these bank records? So you just take the word for it reading in your right wing trash news?
I can tell you I do not take the word of what’s written in the left wing trash news but I guess that’s where we differ.



Here is an example from “Der Spiegel” Germany’s largest weekly magazine:
Here are some of the statements:
“The indictment of Donald Trump was long overdue. In a constitutional democracy, nobody can stand above the law.”
“In a constitutional democracy like the U.S., nobody can stand above the law, not even Donald Trump. If there is sufficient evidence against him in a case, he must be indicted and convicted. If not, then not. That is how the system is supposed to work, and there can be no exceptions for a former president.”
Now I’m certain you will provide me with a reputable proof that other countries are appalled that the US justice is holding Trump accountable. Or do you want to admit that you’re a liar HP?
Nah don’t worry nobody will call you a liar because nobody takes you serious HP.


Hmmm, let’s see now……….President Trump ripped them a new one over pipelines and finances. OF COURSE IT WOULD BE GERMANY.

Well if only I read German or was interested in signing up and logging in I’d know what that leftist propaganda site had to rant about. You’ve proven NOTHING, but not a total loss……you’re still amusing.


Tyrannical democrats rule through fraud and force. When that fraud is finally exposed they have nothing left but force. RESIST TYRANNY and demand your freedom.


“Yes, They Were Being Bribed”: Fired Ukraine Prosecutor Corroborates Biden Corruption


And yet congressman have produced no evidence. Interesting that.


“Over the weekend, the president told reporters that he plans to ask Congress for additional funds to develop a new vaccine, adding that he may force everyone to take it whether they previously received the initial vaccine.
“Yes, I can,” Biden said. “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.” ”
Absolutely not getting another jab, still having health problems from two already had.


They believe necessary and mandatory are the same thing.
They’ll administer it to the masses, more as a cooperation test than anything else.
If they sincerely cared about a real solution, they would take the time for proper science.


Typical DEM, . . . . AMERICANS last !
“New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced a new job assistance program to benefit the illegal aliens who have descended on the state at a time when 380,000 of her own citizens are out of work.”


Nearly a hundred arsonists responsible for devastating wildfires in Greece have been arrested on Saturday despite politicians initially blaming them on “climate change.”

How many did we arrest?


Ask what your kids are being taught (indoctrinated with) in school and be sued by Marxist school boards.


Islamic fundamentalism, by virtue of the Koran, gives its followers the right to enslave you. Hmmm, makes me wonder about obama’s true motivations. He’s the master puppeteer over Traitor Joe, right?


New bumper sticker for rabid lefties: “Help Fani fix the 2024 election”. There are 3,143 counties in the U.S. (and 159 counties in Georgia). What if all the blue ones decided that they too could “fund raise” by arresting and badgering President Trump? With that thought in mind, Georgia State Senator Colton Moore is seeking to defund the Office of Fulton County DA.

Breaking news: “Liberal dies on toilet while awaiting CDC guidance on how to wipe.”


“What if all the blue ones decided that they too could “fund raise” by arresting and badgering President Trump?”
I believe Trump himself is pretty good at “fund raising” so I probably would not go there. But if he has committed crimes in any other county (blue or red) by all means he should be prosecuted if the DA can persuade a Grand Jury.. Or do you think just because he is your cult leader he should be above the law?


JWB, a writeup from 2019 is still relevant. It asks: “Is the Democratic Party the Real Cult?”. Democrat voters bought into the propaganda about Trump colluding with Russians, when all along it was Joe Biden and NOT President Trump who was busy taking bribes from Russian oligarchs, the Red Chinese and other sketchy global entities. From Real Clear Politics:


There’s already several people in our community who have taken the download. Walking around Costco today was very apparent as all the FOOLS wearing the COVID HOAX masks.


I thought you would have appreciated my wearing a mask after I tested positive recently.
(I had to go out to stock up on food.)


You tested positive but went out anyway? You mean you didn’t quarantine for two weeks? Then why even bother with the mask, since you’re not taking this seriously? Any credibility you may have had is shot.


Why do you think you can dictate to Sam what he can or can’t write? Seems very intolerant to me, but not surprising.


Do you think Sam could be a little pissed off because your democrat mayors sent swat teams to shut down churches and barber shops but let you looters and your antifa pals burn down cities.


CDC says masks are useless against covld


Okay HP
Looking at your link do you see that the CDC posted the following?
“Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid-19 offer little protection against wildfire smoke.”
I’m not sure whether the CDC also posted the picture with the different particle sizes or not, but I guess that’s what confuses you. You must be thinking why the CDC say that “cloth masks are used to slow the spread of Covid-19” but “offer little protection against wildfire smoke”?
Let me explain for you. Unlike the smoke particles from wildfires the Covid-19 virus comes from the breath of infected humans. You may have noticed in your breath that the air you exhale actually has moisture (tiny water droplets) in it. While tiny these water droplets are still much bigger than the wildfire smoke particles. And the Covid-19 virus actually travels with these tiny droplets. That’s why the cloth mask slow the spread of the particles exiting in the breath of infected people and also inhaled by people close to the infected people.
While not perfect, these masks do help slowing down the spread of Covid-19, but are not effective against wildfire smoke particles which do not travel in the same way as the virus particles do.


‘America’s once-booming weed industry ‘verges on collapse’ due to steep taxes, plunging prices, glut of completion – and thriving illicit pot market bankrupting dispensaries despite $26 billion in sales’

Selling point for CA’ Prop 64, “… would decrease black market and drug cartel activity”
Well that obviously never happened.
‘Antioch Search Warrants Result in $14.8 Million in Cannabis Product Seized’
‘Antioch Police Say Operations Result in $7.3 Million of Cannabis Seized’
‘$10M cash, 500K marijuana plants seized in Bay Area’s largest-ever bust’
Isn’t it strange, when DEMs try to “FIX” things, they make the problem worse ? ? ?
‘California creates task force to combat illegal cannabis, criminal organizations’
‘California AG Rob Bonta announces new year-round campaign to crack down on illegal marijuana’
“A Los Angeles Times investigation finds Proposition 64 triggered a surge in illegal cannabis on a scale California has never before witnessed”
DEMs are so good at running this state . . . . (sar-Kasm)
Are you still willing to vote for DEMs who gave criminals and gangs a fantastic way to make vast amounts of money and cost taxpayers millions in additional law enforcement costs all because economically challenged DEMs lacking in basic common sense saw a new source of campaign contributions from legal pot industry and they managed to screw that up too.


When I saw Trump’s mug shot I wondered if he would sell it to make money. Wow did he and his sycophants did not disappoint. I expected t-shirts and coffee mugs. I did not expect mouse pas, a heart necklace, baby clothes, underwear or shower curtains!

Will you help a billionaire fund his legal defenses?


“The former president has raised $7.1 million since he was booked at an Atlanta jail Thursday evening, according to figures provided first to POLITICO by his campaign. On Friday alone, Trump raised $4.18 million, making it the single-highest 24-hour period of his campaign to date, according to a person familiar with the totals.”


I’m making money every few seconds off that “mugshot” thanks dims. Without you I would have to work or something


Capitalism at its finest. Love it!


Careers can be affected by being arrested and having your mugshot go public;


“It’s None of Your Business!” – Our enemies in Biden’s lawless FBI refused to tell the mother of a disabled veteran son why they stormed her home and shot and killed her 100% disabled veteran son Theodore Deschler in one of their specialties, the pre-dawn raid. All paid for with your tax dollars.


.., or failed to be Impeached three times. 😫

What happened when Trump drove through a poor democrat infested neighborhood in Atlanta


Send this meme to your favorite liberal . . . . .


Want to have some fun?
Quote something Trump said to a liberal but tell them Byedim said it, and they will love it.
Quote something Byedim said to a liberal but tell them Trump said it and they will hate it.
It’s like giving a banana to a monkey.


From American Greatness: Victor Davis Hanson on the prosecutions against President Trump and the rule of law.

Also: former Secretary of State John Kerry’s ties the Hunter Biden bribery scandal are noted in a Fox News story —


“Nearly 99 percent of ‘Covid deaths’ reported by the CDC each week are not primarily caused by the virus, official data shows.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Covid dashboard shows just 1.7 percent of the 324 Covid deaths registered in the week ending August 19 had the coronavirus as the primary cause of death.
The figures indicate just a handful of victims included in the weekly figure were actually killed by Covid.”


Just wondering are you actually reading these articles you post and if so do you actually understand them?
The actual article says:
The article says:
“Just 1.7 percent of the 324 deaths from all causes during the week ending Aug. 19 listed the virus.
Down from a peak of 1/3 of deaths during the pandemic.’
Of course it’s the Daily Mail so nobody should take it as serious news source, but anyhow the headline is utter nonsense. It’s not “each week” but the data presented only supports “the week ending August 19″.
So during the pandemic 1/3 of deaths listed the virus as primary cause. Let’s see, there were over 1 million Covid19 deaths in the US during the pandemic. One third is about 330,000 deaths.
So the article itself actually indicates that were about 330,000 victims who had the virus listed as primary cause on their death certificates. I guess you call this ” just a handful”.
Additionally of course looking at the primary cause on death certificates is not a meaningful way to determine the harm of the virus.
For example it is known that the virus can cause severe blood clotting (way more severe and frequently than the vaccine). So the death certificate may list a cardio vascular event as primary cause but this would obviously not have happened without the Covid infection.


At time of post August 28, 2023 – 1:46 PM
information was from dailymail piece that’s why quotation marks were used..

Look at bottom of piece, has since been edited which they explain.
Again quotation marks being used, “Updated: 10:42 EDT, 29 August 2023” …
“An earlier version of this article claimed 99 percent of Covid deaths in the past week were not primarily caused by the virus. In fact, a footnote at the bottom of the CDC’s Covid data tracker explains the percentage of all reported deaths attributed as Covid-19 is calculated based on the number of deaths from all causes. We have amended the article to reflect this.”


Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police do not mess around ! ! !
‘Burning Man 2023:
Nevada Rangers plow truck through Extinction Rebellion protest
after the activists blocked road into festival causing ‘miles-long gridlock’ ‘


The poor man almost lost his beloved corvette. Since he has a memory like a steel trap, he recalls that scary day vividly. Good thing all those illegally held confidential govt documents weren’t in danger.


Your parental rights end at your doorstep ? ? ? ? ?
DEMs, your child is not your child.
‘California SUES school district that required teachers to notify parents
if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns’
Imagine DAMAGE, a president newsom would do nationwide.


Colorado educators FAIL history
Another reason tenure should be only given for 5 years, renewal subject to review and mental health screening.
‘Colorado elementary teacher kicks student, 12, out of class for wearing a ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ Gadsden flag – as Gov. Jared Polis slams her claim it is linked to slavery’


‘NEW: The Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory’


The picture and film of the teacher is striking, with her smirk and distain for anyone who might challenge her interpretation of the Politburo’s decree.

Parent reads from a woke school book at woke board meeting


Trump predicts the future under Traitor Joe


Good for you HP, the rest of the US predicts the future of inmate Trump.


HP proved Trump right again and again you prove to be triggered. Who could have predicted that?


As done by DEMs in CA did with their state prison overcrowding problem, shoving it sown onto all 58 counties in CA.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) wants to shove his illegals problem
down onto surrounding counties in NY state.
‘NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Gov. Kathy Hochul ‘Wrong’
for Not Making Other Areas of State Shoulder Migrant Crisis’
DEM solution to problems throw taxpayer dollars at it and/or make it someone else’s problem.


NASCAR has introduced a diversity development internship program. The eligibility requirements are a sight to behold as they flat out exclude Caucasian and European. Yet they claim to be an equal opportunity employer. The comedic possibilities here are really quite difficult to resist.


How to make a liberal CRY . . . . .


@OG or…. how to make a pimply teenager spit in your coffee when you’re not looking.


‘California SUES school district that required teachers to notify parents
if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns’
Well isn’t this development interesting,
‘California mom Jessica Konen settles landmark victory against Spreckels Union School district for $100,000 after she claims her daughter was ‘socially transitioned’ ‘
Not up on legal implications . . . .
Given how often DEMs in this state fail in court, looking forward to AG moving forward with suit.
Hope another case goes up to The Supreme Court.
Liberals keeping “SECRETS” from parents,
that’s downright CREEPY.


Another demonstration of woke liberals running a state and a major city.
Soft on crime DEMs, anti Police rhetoric and few to no consequences for criminal activity.
‘San Francisco store clerk attacked by robber trying to steal beer has died after sustaining brain injury and going into coma trying to stop the thug’
There are straight up predators walking our streets who should not be in society.
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior

Results of many YEARS of DEM governance got us to this point.
newsom’ public office experience,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors 1997-2004
Mayor 2004-2011
Lt governor 2011-2019
governor 2019-present . . . . .
“Just a few months after Gavin Newsom was sworn in as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he announced a plan to get all of the city’s chronically homeless residents off the streets within 10 years.”
If DEMs had a clue shouldn’t they have fixed things by now ? ? ?
OUR kids are supposed to have a better life !
Not a city where dogs have to step around dirty needles and human excrement.


Newsom just recently outraged that San Francisco has plans to remove some of the homeless encampments. That’s right folks. He would prefer the streets to be dangerous and filthy. What a pathetic politician. It’s amazing how people could vote for such a loser.


Only losers vote for losers. Just ask jwb, doh, or james. They know all the secret loser stuff.


Bud Light parent company Anheuser Busch saw $27 billion in market value vanish just two months after the boycott began over their controversial campaign with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.
$27 billion.
Suck it up AB!


I really hope they paid Mr. Mulvaney in BUD stock.


“America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights NOT group rights.”
Clarence Thomas

“The govt is a giant logjam in the eternal river of human potential.”
Stefan Molyneux

“Mercy for the guilty is cruelty to the innocent..
Mercy for parasites is cruelty to producers.
Mercy for groomers is cruelty to children.
Mercy for bureaucrats is cruelty to entrepreneurs.
Mercy for illegal aliens is cruelty to legal immigrants.”
Alice Smith


Wow, HP. I just realized from this latest post that you are nothing more than a big, fat, meanie!

He din’ see nuffin’, but he stil ded?

Criminal interference…..goes unpunished when you’re on the Dem Side

When you’re cool you can do this

When you’re a lying, cheating, America-hating, scumbag SOB you can do this

No explanation needed

Here’s one that pisses me off


@HAPPYPAPPY….I haven’t been to a real lumberyard in quite a while, can you still buy “dimensional” lumber?

Try looking for it at a salvage yard.

I read somewhere that Newsom’s PlumpJack Industries is introducing a chain of new drinking establishments called “The Lumberyard”.
Peculiar name for a bar………….

Main stream media news, 08/30/23:
Judge Beryl Howell drops the hammer on Rudy Giuliani.
Judge Amit Mehta drops the hammer on Peter Navarro.
Sentencing of convicted Proud Boys leaders delayed. Judge Timothy Kelly is ill.


OHMY, . . . . liberals thwarted AGAIN, this time by a biden appointed Judge.
New Jersey,
The law, approved by Democrats in the state legislature and Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ), had forced the closure of three out of four immigration detention facilities across New Jersey and was set to shutter the fourth facility this month.
In practice, the law banned local and state agencies, as well as private firms, from contracting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain illegal aliens.
This week, United States District Court Judge Robert Kirsch, appointed by President Joe Biden, ruled that the law is unconstitutional because it blocks the federal government from properly carrying out its duties to enforce federal immigration law:
When will lawsuit be filed in CA ? ? ?
french laundry liberals need a wake up call


Instead of going to New York, Biden’s plan to observe 9/11 is to stop off at a US Air Force base in Alaska on his way back from visiting Vietnam to discuss climate change. He is such an inspiration to us all, taking time out on 9/11 while refueling to allow some of his subjects to see him.


The only climate change Joe is interested in is getting himself off the hot seat.
Shell accounts, anonymous email addresses, multiple fictitious LLCs, all for the purpose of laundering money. It gets worse weekly and the media and his party are starting to distance themselves.
And Hunter is now of no use to him, in fact he’s a liability. Perhaps that’s the reason for the Alaska stop, to put Hunter on ice for a while. Worst case he’ll build out an Alaskan prostitution syndicate. Joe will take a piece of that action; Jim too.


I’m not sure what’s funnier to watch, the woman screaming at the sky after DJT was elected President in 2020 or the “environmental protesters” screaming at LEO on the road to Burning Man yesterday. It’s a close call….I better watch both again to render a winner.


The screaming-at-the-sky woman was funny; the one fake crying “we’re environmental protestors” with the handkerchief armband and who kept looking for the camera, was more than annoying.

How much propaganda did it take?

Once more just for the incredibly stoooopid

Political affiliation notwithstanding, some accomplishments should be acknowledged

Ebony & Ivory leftist liberal parasites mulling over financial issues



The distraught families of nursing home residents who were fatally exposed to COVID-19 have brought a bombshell lawsuit blaming disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for ‘thousands’ of deaths.
In their fiery legal attack, the group of eight is accusing Cuomo of causing the ‘wrongful and untimely deaths’ of their loved ones along with more than 15,000 nursing home patients through his ‘deadly’ March 25th Directive.
Under this ‘shocking’ policy, nursing homes were forced to take coronavirus patients despite knowing thousands of vulnerable residents would be exposed to the deadly virus in 2020.
What about CA’ newsom ? ? ?


Only time DEMs care about blacks is just before elections and then they usually pick a dead FELON to martyr. Use their media to incite rioting, arson and looting, almost exclusively in DEM controlled cities.
‘Chicago residents slam ‘hypocrite’ lawmakers over plans to house 300 new migrants in hotels while city’s majority-black homeless population is left to suffer on streets’
This is how it was during obama biden regime,


More good news for liberals!
The proudly liberal biden supporting ACLU is suing the state of Indiana on behalf of a convicted murderer who wants to have the state pay for its sex change surgeries. The murderer killed an 11-month-old child.

If this nation ever (over) corrects the direction it is going now, watching liberals circle the drain will be Divine, just Divine.

I read this the other day:
Put 50 men and 50 women on an island and 100 years later they will likely find a thriving community.
Put 90 Transgender women and 10 men on an island and 100 years later and they will find 100 male skeletons.



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