Home » Archdiocese Of SF Files For Bankruptcy Amid Hundreds Of Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Archdiocese Of SF Files For Bankruptcy Amid Hundreds Of Sex Abuse Lawsuits


The Archdiocese of San Francisco announced Monday that it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the face of hundreds of child sex abuse lawsuits.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone made the announcement on the diocese website, which includes a link to a video of Cordileone explaining the decision.

“We believe the bankruptcy process is the best way to provide a compassionate and equitable solution for survivors of abuse while ensuring that we continue the vital ministries to the faithful and to the communities that rely on our services and charity,” Cordileone said.


The filing, which is intended to help the diocese survive the financial fallout from more than 500 sex abuse lawsuits, only includes the Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, not the church’s parishes, schools or “other entities,” he said.

The move mirrors that of other Catholic dioceses both nationally and in the Bay Area, including those in Santa Rosa and Oakland.

A lawyer representing alleged victims of childhood sexual abuse within the church criticized Cordileone’s announcement Monday.

“Cordileone’s decision to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is dangerous and demonstrates the archbishop’s priority is secrecy and self-protection,” said Jeff Anderson, of Jeff Anderson and Associates.


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It’s strange that a $30 billion organization is declaring bankruptcy. They covered up their crimes for years and now they show they want to settle things with backroom deals. Shameful.


Chuckie got one right for a change.

Use Eminent Domain to take the churches, do something good with the property for the communities.


I hope there are not lot of people jumping on. Not Catholic and so I never was an Alter Boy but the numbers seem excessive.


Today’s government approves of Alter boys. They alter their gender through drugs and surgery


That is what people do. Lots of fraud here.


I’m not Catholic either, but the fact is their rate of molestation is no higher than that of schools or other organizations. It’s just that they own a lot of property and the lawyers got really ambitious after Governor Newsom extended the statue of limitations by an additional 3 years to bring forth a lot of extra victims. Surprisingly there’s a lot of claims now out of the blue against priests that are dead. Never had a claim before but suddenly they’re out there. It’s going to be hard to defend them. Of course this what went on was wrong is.. and I think the Catholic Church does want to help victims. But it would also like to stay in business to do all its good works, which it really does do. And I’m sure it will be closing some Churches and selling them and other properties to help pay for this but you have to put a lid on it and thus the reorganization type of bankruptcy..


PS… I know this comment will anger some, but serveral of us at work we’re kind of saying that for a million bucks, we’d let you molest us!


How about for fifty cents?


Yep. Likely similar rates. But regarding schools? Even the Catholic schools are better than public!


How can you tell what their actual rate of molestation is when they went through great lengths to obscure it?


This is a decades long issue and not just in the US. I had Filipino coworkers, male and female talk about molestation and rape being very common by priest and nuns in the Philippines.
But in reality the entire “celibacy” thing is unnatural. Mammals have sex, it’s just what mammals do. Are these priest and nuns really natural predators or just in a profession that has them living against nature


I really wonder legitimacy of a lot of these complaints. A lot of people piling on so they can just get a piece of the action. I hope the church does declare bankruptcy and the lawyers don’t get a dime. I think a lot of this is predicated on greedy lawyers, encouraging people to come up with possibly fabricated stories. And if they were molested in the first place, why is this only coming to light 40 years later?


That is not a kind reaction. The incidents aren’t just coming to light. Action is finally happening to punish the perps.


I completely agree with you. It should not take 30-40 years for this to come to light. The extension of the statute of limitations (or whatever the term is) has brought these folks out of the woodworks. How can the church prove or disprove the claims if the priest is dead ? They can’t … but since they are being sued, the church will be forced to pay based on the principle of it. Many people will automatically assume the accuser is telling the truth but like you I question the legitimacy is some of these claims


I care more than you will ever know, but I appreciate your opinion into my inner beliefs.
Any child that is hurt, needs to be cared for. But chucky, I do not believe for an instant that all of these claimants actually suffered harm. Nor do I believe that it took 40 years for some of these people to ‘overcome’ their fear so that they could make these claims.


American Citizen
Have you or a family member been a victim of molestation or rape. Victims take forever to come forward because in America people think other “ask” to be molested or raped. Victims live in shame and fear. So before you claim the BS “fake” think about what victims go through.


remember it’s not the Church…It’s the seedy perverts who are the issue.


My mom has passed but after I got abused she yell at the pope and the priest was just moved to a new diocese.
Bankruptcy: phoney- catholic religion is so rich


I grew up in the time of countless “alter boy” style comedy skits about the Catholic Church. Fast forward 20yrs and it turns out it was all true, and I now know several people that experienced sexual abuse in the Church. When you go DIRECTLY against the Word of God, don’t be surprised when bad things happen.

“And do not call anyone on earth `father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called `teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23


I was an Alter boy for a few years and never was molested, wonder what i did wrong?


How is this be handled now? I mean how are they making sure this never continues.

The attorneys are cleaning up. $$$,$$$,$$$s


The big winners here are the law firms. They are the ones that have pushed this and now are gaining all of the financial benefits.


I am proud to be an American. There is no other country I would prefer.
I say this with full knowledge that America has had its share of bad people and corrupt, incompetent political leaders.
I say this with full knowledge that our past history contains many examples where we Americans have strayed from our core principles and values embodied in our Constitution.

Nevertheless I love my country. I know so many kind, caring, and inspiring Americans. People who have sacrificed themselves in order to serve others. So many awesome stories of immigration leading to happiness and success.
May God Bless America!

I am proud to be a Catholic. There is no other faith I would prefer.
I say this with full knowledge that the Catholic Church has had its share of bad priests and corrupt, incompetent bishops.
I say this with full knowledge that our past history contains many examples where we Catholics have strayed from our core principles and values embodied in our Bible and traditional teachings.

Nevertheless I love my church. I know so many kind, caring, and inspiring Catholic priests, nuns, and lay people. Men and women who have sacrificed themselves in order to serve others. So many awesome stories of conversion leading to happiness, joy, and peace.
May God Bless us all!


From watching the BSA Bankruptcy, I suspect that the only ones who will be satisfied with these proceedings will be the lawyers.


Another scam getting out of paying the victims what they deserve – what’s worse is Newscum and Calif legal system s allowing it to happen… where’s Bonta representing the victims? oh yeah… he’s doing the easy stuff and letting the hard issues go by



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