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Claycord – Talk About Whatever


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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Pick One:
A) Orangina
B) YooHoo


A) Orangina, … been years since I’ve had it.


Is Yuck another name for cream soda?


I LOVE Orangina!
Where can we buy it?, besides ordering from Amazon because it is too expensive. Safeway used to sell it.


A) Orangina

I’ve never even heard of YooHoo so I looked it up. Definitely Orangina!


Both were considered expensive when growing up. Was the drinks you got when visiting other people’s homes; or if you save your earned allowance to buy yourself a treat.
Liked them both with Orangina being the favorite. I still see both in stores like WINCO, Walmart, as well as the high price stores.
With the advent of high fruticose sweeteners and such I doubt they are as I remember, but maybe I’ll give them a try again someday…

Looks like “A” is this weeks “Pick One” Winner….


Cowellian’s first



My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer. I said, “No, wait! I can change.”




Hickory Pit restaurant in Walnut Creek.

Loved going to this place for great meals with good portions.
Sadly this place has changed the way they do business.
Instead of great workers (chefs plus servers and staff) presenting a nice plated dish that usually ended with enough to bring home for round two.
You are now barely greeted and once the food, now which has been dramatically reduced in by amount and quality, gets dropped off and yes I do keen dropped.in front of you on a cold steel serving tray. The kind you would expect to find in a government mess hall or jail. Also at an inflated price to boot.
I realize the pandemic and our current inflation has somewhat to blame. But come on. I know the difference in changing with the times and downright cheap!
Sorry folks, we’ve lost another establishment.


Pat – you’re right on most counts & I’ve given them that feedback directly… falls on deaf ears. A few servers that have been there a long time are still excellent imho – Sherrie, Brenda, Mari, Karen, Laurie, & Shuda (very nice Asian lady – name is probably misspelled). I’ve told management there’s far too much competition these days to let it slide like that… no reaction

I don’t get into Walnut Creek often but Hickory Pit is always at the top of my go to list – which is rather short. I was there about a week ago and service was great, food done exactly as I requested, and server checked on me often. I really love their coleslaw and always order the sauce to take home. As far as I can tell, it is the same as it was when I discovered them first in Concord.


Wife and I went to Hickory Pit today at 345. Wasn’t too busy, got seated right away and Kathy was at the table right away. Took our order and eating in 10 mins. I had the $20 junior order of ribs (4 large ones), baked tater and ice tea and wife had tri tip Sammy and fries. Had piece of pie, total with tax $56.
No complaints at all, plenty of food, service excellent and parking easy.
I’d say if you get lousy service there they must be profiling you and if their prices are too high then your not well off financially, maybe stick to BK kids meals with a milk and cookie.
Well there you go a up to date on Hickory Pit


As we all know, things are getting worse all around us, and I have a prediction for another example:
I think that, soon, the garbage companies will start telling us that we should put our bins out only if they’re more than half full. The idea will be that you put your bin out only every second or third week, when it’s actually full. That way, there will be fewer bins to pick up on each garbage day, the truck can cover ground more quickly, and the company can save money by increasing the route length.


I get what you are saying, since most of the time ours are less than half full 75% of the time.
But when it come the regular garbage tote, … I’ll stick with every week for that one to get empty.


Some kid left their green lunch pail on my door step the other day.
Couldn’t find them so I did the right thing and recycled it.


.. if they are not out every week we should get a prorated discount on our service imho


It looks like a DUI checkpoint tonight at Clayton Road and Ayres. I saw them sitting up in the old Kmart parking lot about half an hour ago.


When are they going to finish Concord Blvd? The temporary lines suck & some drivers are not sure where there lane is. Maybe they’ll wait till it rains lol


A young man stops at the pharmacy to purchase some condoms. The pharmacist asks the young man if he could help him. The young man says, ” I’m invited to my girlfriend’s house for dinner tonight to meet her parents, and I think I’m gonna get lucky after dinner. I’d like to buy a six pack of condoms”. The pharmacist sets him up with the condom purchase.

Before dinner, the young man asks the girlfriend’s parents if he could pray before the meal, and proceeds to offer a 5 minute prayer before they begin eating. After dinner, the girlfriend says to her boyfriend, “you never told me you were so religious”. The boyfriend responds, “you never told me your dad was a pharmacist”.


Jury …went this week too… similar reaction – food just ok, wait too long for what I ordered, person taking order needs to go to customer service 101, prices too high for what you get… too much competition out there… can’t think of a reason to go back

.. old joke but still funny 🙂

To all the fools who blew thru the Cowell-Coventry intersection Weds. night when the power went out and the signals were out: the intersection becomes a full stop for EVERYONE! To the fools who honked their horns when I tried to take my turn: put it where the sun doesn’t shine!


Question … just how much does tea cost in China anyhow?


Suzuki Roshi put the “Zen” in “CitiZen” … har har har

#SFZenCenter #GreenGultch #Tassahara #Beatheslowly


It appears in Walnut Creek a Tesla is now the equivalent of a Camry. Call me old fashioned but I just don’t dig generic cars.


Book Report (late): The Star Beast, Robert A. Heinlein, 1954. Lummox has lived on Earth for 200 years old and with the same family. Will eat any and every thing. Not wise to let it eat metal of any kind, causes growth spurts. Here is a fun story for kids of ALL ages even is this day and age. Sorry to say my paperback goes back to 1954 and fell apart as I was reading time around.

And what does the price say on the paperback? 😉

classic question…….. I’ve some older comic books that say 12 cents and such….. Now I’m gonna put looking at some of my Father’s old book on my to do list for a price check….

Ya’ get a thumb’s up for that…


Wish I could say. Cover, especially corners, no longer there. Outside binding mostly intact but end parts gone too. This was a often read book. Best guess would be .75 cents or less.

earliest cover I could find for it online was 95 cents, could not tell what year print….
This was a 3rd cup-o-coffee research project.


Every morning as I wash my face in the bathroom sink I see one or two Argentine ants exploring and it makes my think how far miniaturization can go. These ants have a brain so small you could hardly see it without a magnifying glass yet they do so many things. When they travel for what for them would be miles they can always find their way home. If they find something on their travels that they like, they can leave a trail any of their family members can follow. They can build nests and take care off their young. They can recognize friend from foe. The one thing they haven’t learned yet is how to recognize ant poison. It sort of makes me feel guilty when I rinse them down the drain.

I know ants … I use dish detergent liquid diluted to 25 % … they scram immediately … non toxic solution


Boric Acid also works. For cockroaches too. A quart size container found at hardware stores will dispense the powder where you want it. It has a roach attractant included in the mix.

Ants also don’t like peppermint oil, lavender oil and coffee grounds. They scatter if you drop one of those nearby. Ants have around 250 thousand neurons in their brain so they are more like a little robot than some type of being. They appear to have programmed reactions to things. If they get lost they do about the same thing that a simple computer algorithm does to find it’s way out.
We still have a lot to learn about such creatures around us.

@JURYISOUT..…Terro is basically boric acid and corn syrup, it does work really good.

I’m not doubting the number but I wonder what kind of a job gets you in a position to count ant brain neurons. Does it come with a 401K?

I can leave a trail…..

But will any ants follow it?

Enlarge top left box set time interval for playback https://alertca.live/cam-console/2149
Air attack movements https://www.flightradar24.com/38.61,-120.76/11
Tanker 103 McDonnell Douglas MD-87 doing drops

Interesting note on MD80 retardant drop procedure,
https://youtu.be/Fubei7YjgRU?t=498 from fire few days ago

Never mind


After picking up my pup from a grooming appointment, I thought I would take him up to the office to meet some co-workers. I don’t travel through downtown Concord and was not aware that there was a lane closure on Willow Pass due to construction. Cars were backed up in the left lane, so I stayed to the right. That’s when I saw the right lane closed sign.

Signaling to merge into the left lane I was met with a very inconsiderate driver who inched forward so as not to let me in. The next person was kinder and I gave them a thumbs up out the window. When I eventually passed Miss Discourteous further up the road I waved and said thanks as I turned right onto my street while she sat in bumper to bumper traffic waiting to get on the freeway.

Not everyone is trying to cut in front of you to get further ahead. Your world may not be their world at the moment. Be kind. Be tolerant. Be the change.


I am a curtious driver too. The world is a better place because of small and frequent kind gestures.

So was thinking about Lahina incident (attack?) … you know, the military has these things called helicoptors … they are always on alert 24/7 … 365 … and the crews always drill fire fighting … it’s in the SOP … why these assets were not deployed to help fight the fire bombing of Maui … #thatsamystery … #TommyBoyVoice


My guess is, some one is buying the property.

It’s been done before….


I’ll have to revisit Blazing Saddles. :^)

‘Hurriquake in California: State is hit by 5.1 magnitude earthquake as Hilary hits LA and San Diego with 80mph winds…’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2ex4mkkc
M 5.1 – 4 mi SE of Ojai, CA
USGS https://tinyurl.com/mrykahws
Stormcomment image

FIRST!!!!!!……am I early or late?



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