Home » The Water Cooler – When Was The Last Time You Visited San Francisco?

The Water Cooler – When Was The Last Time You Visited San Francisco?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: When was the last time you visited San Francisco, and what did you do while you were there?


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Twenty plus years ago.


To actually visit and do recreational activities? 20 yrs or so …. required business dealings? about 9 months ago and have absolutely no desire to go back …. it’s disgusting …stepping around drug needles, excrement, urine stench, druggies shooting up and look like zombies…. no thanks


The real question SHOULD BE: WHY would you visit SF?

Our only answer is: to visit friends who live on Russian Hill, and have a doorman, and private, monitored parking. Even then, we drive our “beater” car and leave absolutely nothing in it.

The only other reason to visit SF is to pass through to go to the airport.



It’s been a while because I don’t like the heavy traffic leading up to the bridge. I used to go to The City every week or so, to visit friends, and we would always find something to do, because there is so much to do. Regardless of the bad rap The City gets about its political climate, and crime and homelessness, I do not let politics or fear dictate my life. The City has a lot to offer and there are still a lot of nice neighborhoods, and places to visit. Being a San Francisco native, I know how to avoid the crummy parts of town, and stick with the good parts.


“I do not let politics or fear dictate my life.”, it sounds like you are acknowledging that bad politics has something to do with turning a once beautiful city into a stinking, crime ridden cesspool without actually using those words?
I do say, you should be a diplomat for the U.N., brilliant?!

2016…Went to the Fillmore for Bill Graham’s 85th birthday celebration. Spent the day at the Flower Conservatory and running around town. I’ll probably never be going back, we came out from the Fillmore and someone had shattered a JD bottle under my car. I have no desire to return to SF anymore, a shame as it was a great playground in my younger years.


In the 80;s when i was a teen,back when it was hippies on Haight,not homeless druggies wanting to rob you.


Depending on who one asks, hippies are homeless druggies.

Probably about 10 or 15 years ago. To visit japan town and see ocean beach. Its so gross and dangerous in SF now. I wont come back to sf until the city becomes safe and clean again. That will never happen.



Took my grandkids on BART to the city about a month ago. We walked to pier 39 and around there. Then an hour bay cruise out under the Golden Gate and around Alcatraz. Then dinner and BART home. They loved it, well the younger one did, the teenager tolerated it. We did a few trips this summer. I’m enjoying being retired and spending time with them. It gets them out of their house and off their devices. This area is a world renowned tourist attraction. I want my grandkids to experience all they can.


Make sure you get the kids their tetanus shots, you will feel a lot safer when you land at the dump?


SF is exactly as its “leaders” and politicians want it to be. If it wasn’t they would change it. Pay attention to who swoops in and buys properties at rock bottom prices after market values collapse, and don’t forget who let/made it all happen. DEMOCRATS!


I had a business in San Francisco for many years, But I have been retired for almost twenty years. When I was working there I drove and parked all over the city without fear. Every neighborhood. Never had a problem. Haven’t been in the city in at least five years and don’t plan on going. Too bad democrats let it go to hell. I think people have no idea about the people they are voting for. I blame the press. Television and newspapers. I blame the word progressive because people think that sounds like a good idea. Like Joe getting the Inflationary Control Act passed which had nothing to do with inflation and everything to do spending for pie in the sky. Everyone of them are liars.


Little off the subject but half an hour ago the temp went from 92 to 82 in half an hour. I have never seen it do that this early in the day. Between 3:45 and 4:15.

…not sure where you live but not here – wish it did

A few weeks ago for work at the US Federal Building at 7th street, close to Market. The other workers showed up (using BART like I did) and could not believe the mess they saw at 8:30 am. It is the worst. It is so bad that one of the agencies housed in the Federal Building has issued official memos to their employees advising them to work “remote,” for fear of their personal safety in entering and/or leaving the building. A once great and safe city has turned to crap thanks to the politicians.

Early July I believe. Just wanted to get in the vehicle and go. I drove down Van Ness Avenue. Didn’t see what the news displays everywhere. I didn’t go down Terderloin District. Had one goal to be myself in place I could find some peace. What I forgot about about is that FasTrak doesn’t cover going North. Went by the Marina, picked a hotel in Corte Madera and it was just me. Very nice.. Very cool..Reminded me of the days I use to take off and drive to relieve stress and my mother would would ask where I was when @ 16, where’d you go… Oh, I just drove to San Francisco. She’d look at dad and say, “she’s you’re daughter.” Not up for much more of those on my own I’m afraid…


There today. Its not as bad as the clickbait videos make it out. You can walk the streets without stepping on poop – just barely.


Probably 15 years ago. I did have to go there for a deposition five years ago. But that was because I had no choice. It was pretty bad then.

Just a week ago. It was a quick trip, but downtown actually looked decent. I went to the Westfield mall on Market to have lunch and catch the BART back to go back home. I wish I would’ve had more time to check out the mall and cruise around the City.

Last December when l attended The Scandinavian Club’s Christmas party. It is out on the panhandle, we drove in. Last year we took Bart, no problem. In the mid eighties, after my divorce l would go into the City every Friday night. I would meet friends at The Royal Exchange, often we would go to North Beach to Silluettes for dancing or just hang out at one of the coffee houses. Perry’s on Union Street was a favorite place as was the Cadillac Bar and Grill off Mission. Other than that when l was married and even after my divorce l would meet friends for dinner and also liked to go to the different museums. Would on occasion go to South of Market, Hamburger Mary’s were great. Always felt safe no matter where l was. Guess not the case anymore. Now when l go out to lunch or dinner l stay locally, or meet my friends where they live.


last tuesday………for my job………right by the Transamerica tower……..i could smell all the crap.

Last week. Interesting to see the city after not being there for a year.

Last month, went to an event held by my employer. Means I drove in, parked, went to event, then left (not sure it qualifies as visiting). For non-work related, I’d estimate some time in 2015, went to the ball game. This was before the adaptation of all the woke ridiculousness. Before the decline of the SF civilization to its current state, it was unpleasant just to get there due to awful traffic and an absurd fee(tax) just to cross the bridge ($5-6, whatever it was then, to wait 40-60 minutes just to cross a bridge). There is nothing there that has a strong enough draw, not even close, to make me want to deal with all the negatives.

About a year ago.
My Wife and I will take the ferry over from Vallejo (won’t go near BART anymore) and have Lunch. Used to go several times a year to just Bar Hop and sight see but San Francisco has become so disgusting we rarely go anymore. We don’t feel unsafe there, it’s just sad to see the once great city in this horrible state. The funny thing is the City Leaders can’t figure out why tourism is down. Get a clue people.

June 2016. We took a road trip from Charleston to Iowa (with a few other stops) and flew back with my sister in law. We took the ferry from Marin and wandered around the Ferry Building area, then went back to Marin. Would I go now? Not a chance unless I absolutely had to. You get what you vote for.



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