Home » Acting Antioch Police Chief Issues Statement Regarding Arrest Of Current, Former Police Officers In FBI Civil Rights Probe

Acting Antioch Police Chief Issues Statement Regarding Arrest Of Current, Former Police Officers In FBI Civil Rights Probe


Antioch’s acting police chief issued a statement late Thursday afternoon in response to the arrest earlier in the day of several current and former Antioch police officers by the FBI in a civil rights probe that began in early 2022.

“Today’s announcement reporting the arrest of current and former APD officers is disheartening and undermines the incredible work our staff does on a daily basis,” said acting Antioch Police Chief Joe Vigil. “Any police officer who breaks public trust must be held accountable, especially because our effectiveness relies heavily on confidence and support from our community.”

“I would like to thank the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office, California Department of Justice, and United States Attorney’s Office for their diligence in this investigation,” Vigil added. “From the beginning of this investigation, our administration has been fully cooperating with these agencies, and will continue to do so. No individual — including a police officer — is above the law.”

An Antioch police spokesperson said the department is precluded from making any further statements on the matter out of concern for the ongoing criminal and internal investigations.


Ten former and suspended Antioch and Pittsburg police officers were indicted for civil rights violations and other charges Thursday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California announced.

The indictments accuse police of falsifying records, wire fraud, civil rights violations, obstruction of justice, improper use of weapons and K9 dogs on suspects, turning off body cams, selling steroids, and paying individuals to take college classes for officers.

The FBI arrested nine of the 10 suspects in the Bay Area and as far away as Texas and Hawaii on Thursday morning, according to U.S. Attorney Ismail Ramsey.


Old Otis August 17, 2023 - 9:13 PM - 9:13 PM

Are they now going to RELEASE all the thugs these police officers put in jail for “SOCIAL JUSTICE”?

Dr. Jellyfinger August 18, 2023 - 7:03 AM - 7:03 AM

Cops don’t have enough clout to get their malfeasance covered up by the FBI like the President and his kid do.

Bella August 18, 2023 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

I’m impressed with this Chief, his statements and confidence in the Department and Community he serves.

Ricardoh August 18, 2023 - 9:41 AM - 9:41 AM

If the officers committed crimes why do they need the FBI. Just arrest them. I assume they did their crimes in Antioch.

Rich August 18, 2023 - 11:31 AM - 11:31 AM

I’m all for being non-racist. But let’s give some consideration to the specific POCs these officers deal with. I would be biased too after dealing with these low life’s running freely

Oh, please August 18, 2023 - 8:53 PM - 8:53 PM

What an utter miscarriage of justice.

Lex August 19, 2023 - 11:18 PM - 11:18 PM

This post mentions “acting police chief” multiple times. Was the previous chief among those charged or was he suspended or something?

THE BLACK KNIGHT August 20, 2023 - 4:47 PM - 4:47 PM

The previous Antioch Police Chief unexpectedly retired. The current Acting Antioch Police Chief was appointed to the position in the past 2-weeks by the Acting Antioch City Manager, while he was previously appointed to and serving as an Acting Antioch Police Captain.

Dewey’s Mom, August 20, 2023 - 4:06 AM - 4:06 AM

And we are supposed to feel comforted in knowing that the FBI is in the job? I honestly hope and pray that a 100% of the “rank and file” agents of the FBI will be proven to be honorable, but after all that has happened over the last few years and all the revelations that have been made regarding every one of these agencies, including the DOJ, DHS, ATF, DEA, IRS, BOO, USPS, (I know I have left some out) ask me how confident I feel about them investigating other law enforcement shenanigans?


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