A student of Mt. Diablo High School in Concord was robbed at gunpoint by three male juveniles on Thursday afternoon (the first day of school).
The crime occurred near Mt. Diablo High School in downtown Concord.
The suspects were described as three Hispanic juvenile males.
At least one person has been detained, and police say two guns have been recovered.
No major injuries were reported.
UPDATE: The following is from the Concord Police Dept.:
Today, at about 11:30 AM, the Concord Police Department received information from Mt. Diablo High School staff that a student was robbed at gunpoint earlier in the day on campus.
Patrol officers began investigating the robbery and developed suspect descriptions and leads.
About 30 minutes later, a Concord Police officer located the suspect vehicle and several subjects in a downtown Concord parking garage. As the officer detained the subjects, one of them fled on foot. Several Concord officers chased the suspect, detained him, and placed him under arrest. This juvenile suspect was in possession of a handgun when he was arrested and was later identified as the robbery suspect.
During the investigation, multiple handguns were recovered and it was determined several of the subjects were related to the robbery. The subjects detained and suspects arrested were all juveniles.
If anyone has any additional information regarding this incident, please contact Detective Alvarado, Violence Suppression Unit – Investigations Division at (925) 671-5820 or the Anonymous Tip line at (925) 603-5826
Sitting at my husband’s eye appointment in downtown Concord waiting to be called called in…hearing and see 8+ cop cars streaming through traffic at mid noon.
Only to find out it’s an incident at Mt. Diablo High School. Brings back memories when my daughter was caught up in a bomb scare there as a freshman student. As an alumni and my parents alumni too, this is heartbreaking…
That’s not “kids being kids”. This is a serious crime and I hope the full extent of the law is applied. If you are willing to rob someone at gunpoint you aren’t safe to be in society for quite a long time.
For quite a long time, if ever.
Where are the parents and what are they saying about their children?
Predatory thug lifestyle immortalized in rap krap played out on our streets.
Welcome to the New Concrud.
Well… Gee… Maybe if the student would have stayed on campus; like they are supposed to do, this could have not happened.
Yes, it is not the victim’s fault, but….
True but what time was it? Was if after school when they are suppose to go home?
You think that excuses Robbery.. and.. at Gunpoint
It’s an open campus
It’s not a open campus
The kid was robbed “on campus,” as the updated story says.
Wow what a cesspool and breeding ground for thugs lock em up and throw away the key for goodness sakes! DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a fake bomb scare prank is a lot different than these wannabe thugs pulling a gun out and robbing someone
It happened downtown near the high school.Not on campus.This is still not acceptable.They should be put in jail to rot until the end.They will continue to commit crimes until stoped dead in there tracks.Yes pun intended.
I like the rot part.
The robbery happened on campus before noon.
As an alumni, I’m not surprised.
HS Students with guns. I wish I was in charge.
I’m curious what the student was robbed of at gunpoint a flashy new pair of sneakers perhaps, or maybe some other high exposure item.
I’m curious does it rationalize the crime? No it doesn’t curiosity answered…
That’s a good question that could be a sign of them being a Target
gANG rELATED GUARANTEED. all these illegals coming over with no foundation or guidance, gangs will take them right under their wings alright. Pathetic
So Hispanic = Illegal = no morales or values = Gang
But the white guy who robbed a house, stole a car, and ran from police on Treat yesterday is just a good ol’ American citizen?
Regardless, lock all these criminals up
We don’t need to import more bad people/criminals. We have enough. DEPORT.
I used to get beat up for my lunch money but can not recall ever having a gun pulled on me. Then again I never had an i-phone or probably more than 2 or 3 dollars in my purse.
Chris I went to some pretty bad schools in Los Angeles but never got beat up for lunch money. Where did you go to school?
… no surprise… continued degradation of culture and society – some areas worse than others, some accelerating the degradation faster …. will the kids be fully prosecuted ? no … will there be a real consequence? no …and it will continue
Naive liberals need to wrap their minds around facts, there are straight up predators on our streets.
Predator mentality has ZERO empathy toward victims, if they’re weak they deserved it.
Besides what’s the worst that’ll happen to them in this criminal coddling county?
Wow there’s a brain trust busted with a gun just to steal lunch money. He’s a failure even as criminal.
Blame the gun laws. Then blame racism. Then climate change. Selectivity release photos, and information. Treat the taxpayers like mushrooms.
Blame? Blame and responsibility goes to those who elect politicians who support, enable, encourage, glorify and allow the rampant criminal culture that is plaguing our communities. They are also the ones who vote to support criminals by helping to pass legislation like prop 47(The safe neighborhoods and schools act).
Living out another GTA fantasy-turned reality … it’s just a harmless video game … right?
#socialengineeing #restrictviolentmedia
Another GTA fantasy becomes reality … sigh … But it’s only a harmless video game … right?
Ever wonder what the crime rate would be like if we were a homogeneous high trust society again?
Reminds me of the stabbing incident off campus as the victim ran to the campus so he could get help before school started.
Wait! I thought we had gun laws that prevent those under 21 from purchasing…. hmmm, need more laws.
They will not charge gun crimes, but do want to outlaw all guns. By the way are they out yet?
This time of year is gang recruitment time, possibly explaining an armed robbery on a school
campus. Time for a wannabe to take the next step and prove himself to be valuable to a gang.
Yearly event. I hope he/they do some hard time, but that’s up to our lenient DA to sort out.
Probably a good time to stay out of downtown Cancard.