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Claycord – Talk About Politics


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Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired–dj2-CY


Fortunately for trump there are no shortage of *foos willing to part with their money to support a poor ‘billionaire’s’ legal fees.


Not to mention he will run another Jan 6th and say “It was peaceful” Not sure if you saw his post saying “If you go after me, I’m coming after you” Another threat. But his crazy followers will flip it. Dude is the dumbest.


Kinda like saying you will nuke your own citizens…….think maybe.
Clown in chief should be arrested for saying that


Fortunately there are citizens here in the country that believe in equal and consistent enforcement of laws, and that certain people are not above the law, and that it is wrong to ignore and ‘look the other way’ when certain people or families break laws.


But, unfortunately, the corrupt liberal Democrat justice system doesn’t believe that.
e.g. They attack those that work to expose the swamps corruption. At the same time they ignore, play dumb and downplay those in government who are corrupt and who pedal their influence for millions of dollars to a country that wants to destroy the US.


At a certain point it must be considered that a large amount of the cash flow is being laundered.


Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom.
Fortunately for gavin newsom, there’s no shortage of fools to support their own destruction.


The dumbing down of America is most evident in politics.
Gervin Newscum is nothing more than a self serving power hungry con man. Those that depend on government for survival are his loyal subjects.


And fortunately for the Biden syndicate, there is no shortage of countries willing to pay up for political favors.


He is certainly the Master of Grift.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK… Obama, Biden, Harris, Newsom the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, and the woke have killed your dream.


MLK was a CIA puppet commie. Nobody cares, screw your dream. It ain’t happening. They are calling for white genocide. You can sing kumbaya till you’re blue in the face, they will still call you the white devil and justify your murder while you drowned in patchouli and “understand” their position 🤣


Yup. MLK, real name Michael, partied like a rock star and had a sex tape that the Feds could leverage.

He outright plagiarized his doctoral thesis. Like many national “heroes”, dying young is the best thing that could happened to his reputation.


I see democrats are still living in denial. Soon the off shore Biden accounts will come out and they will still keep their heads in a hard place to put it. Maybe it was a bad childhood.


4 years after his speech, King reflected by saying, “I must confess, that dream that I had that day has, at many points, turned into a nightmare.”

Also from Dr. King, “The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction and extremism.”

Also, “We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality.”

“The Declaration of Independence implied, and later the Emancipation Proclamation promised, meaningful freedom to African Americans. But the promise was never fulfilled.”

Maybe stop banning the books by and about King, books about the Civil Rights movement and it’s leaders and you’ll understand the context.


I’m not for book banning in any form, not matter the message. Although I do get why “Mein Kamp” is banned in Germany.


Are you really not for book banning in any form? Even in cases when “book banning” is really “book segregation” based on age appropriateness. If you go to the Concord Library you will see books segregated into a children’s section, a teen section, and an adult section. Adults are even banned from entering the teen section unless they’re using the copy machine. The books are banned/segregated based on age appropriateness. They’ve banned adult books from the children and teen sections.
Why do you get “Mein Kampf” being banned in Germany? Adolf Hitler wasn’t even German, but was Austrian.

Lauren Boebert blamed president Biden when a train derailed, but she voted against rail funding. She blamed Joe Biden for the baby formula shortage, but she opposed requiring the manufacturers to plan for supply interruptions. She condemned earmarks as benefits for politicians, but once Republicans gained the majority, she submitted $34 million in earmarks. Lauren Boebert blames Democrats for America’s problems, but never votes for the solutions. Isn’t that her job?


Did Representative Lauren Boebert “blame President Biden when a train derailed” or did she blame and criticize his response to the train derailment? Did she “blame the president for the baby formula shortage” because his administration shutdown one of the baby formula production facilities that was a factor in creating the shortage? Many politicians oppose and condem earmarks and pork projects, but as long as they remain part of the process, then politicians will work within and use that process. Representative Boebert can blame Democrats for America’s problems all she wants to, just as many Democrats blame Republicans, and just as you blame Rep. Lauren Boebert. The funny thing is that you’ve decided since she voted against two bills, one for “rail funding” and one for “requiring manufacturers to plan for supply interruptions” that she NEVER votes for solutions. As long as her constituents keep reelecting her they must be satisfied with the solutions she votes for, even though you disagree with her and them.


With all the indictments, Trump claims that they are political witch hunts, hit job or whatever. Yet his monkeys are the one who provide the evidence🧐.

Why does Trump, a billionaire, need to ask for money to defend himself? the MAGA supporters must be so easy marks.


Paul is exactly as smart as he was last week. Ain’t it great in this fast & crazy world knowing some things never change.


Lotta reruns this week.


Breaking news from the Babylon Bee: FBI Sends In Heavily Armed Tactical Team To Unscrew Incandescent Light Bulb.


Top 10 headlines the media didn’t tell you this week.
10. Joe Rogan says election fraud did take place, calling the United States a
“Banana Republic’ in response to the Trump indictment.
9. Biden caught in another bribery scheme, Trump indicted again the
following day.
8. Texas governor Greg Abbott bussed over 28,000 illegal immigrants to ‘sanctuary’ cities, Washington DC, New York and Chicago, city leaders
responded by calling authorities.
7. A class action against the Australian Government over Covid-19
vaccination injuries filed in Federal Court.
6. Pop star Lizzo is being sued for sexual harassment and fat shaming,
allegations include forcing dancers to perform sex shows for her.
5. The United States credit rating downgraded as US debt continues to
skyrocket, Bidenomics hard at work.
4. New forensic study finds tens of thousands of illegal ballots were cast in
Detroit, Michigan in 2020.
3. S.F. officials pressure Elon Musk to remove new X sign, while crime runs rampant and the homeless defecate in the street, they clearly have their
priorities straight.
2. Tucker Carlson highlights letter to Devon Archer signed by Joe Biden who was directly involved with Hunter Biden’s foreign government
business deals and bribery schemes.
1. Senator Rand Paul files official criminal referral against Fauci for committing crimes against humanity.
Bonus: The U.S. Senate blocks effort to require audits of the TENS OF
BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars given to Ukraine. What do they have to hide?


It’s very interesting how my unvaccinated friends are healthy and happy but my vaccinated friends are constantly sick and
tired. Weird.


you need helo


Frank: just what do you think he needs a helicopter for ??? Those things are expensive and he will not find parking at Safeway or many other places.


I agree, I am now taking donations for my own helicopter.


Hi Sam,

I’ve been vaccinated and boosted and I masked up for a year or so. I’ve had one cold since the start of Covid, and that was after recently returning from Europe where I spent considerable hours unmasked in airplanes and airports (as well as the places we visited in Europe).

I’m an old fogie, and I’ve never felt better – although I attribute that more to retirement than anything else. The vaccine hasn’t done ME any harm, and most of my vaccinated friends have suffered no more than a briefly sore arm, if that.

If I were young, I probably wouldn’t have cared a bit about Covid, but at my age, the vaccine was an insurance policy paid for by Kaiser.


Remember that time they
convinced you that you needed to put a stick up your nose
to find out if you were ill?
Both sides will bring back COVID HOAX


Kamala Harris does it again: “Community Banks are in the Community”.
She is the Nigel Tufnel of politicians: “These go to eleven, that’s one louder, isn’t it?”


She’s also fascinated with caramelized onions and little cans of tuna: No bones! How do they do that?


All the little fishes went to her head, now a sticky, gooey mess. Her words are coming out all stuck together. She has an ongoing, untreatable cackle. And best of all, about 73% of Contra Costa voters would vote for her over The Bad Orange Man. See, their daughters, too, could be president one day.


More Kamala wisdom: A Jute Mill is where they make Jutes. Everyone knows that, silly.

“ “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job. And I think it’ll be an interesting test,” Obama explained.
“Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing…”
“A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.”


TGIF! You know what that means…CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES… let’s see what the bozos were up to this week…

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman Says Hunter Biden Frequently Put His Dad on Speakerphone with Foreign Associates – But Only to Talk about the Weather

Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Met with Moscow Mayor’s Wife in Georgetown – Who Wired $3.5 Million to Hunter – And Then Joe Biden Kept Her Off Sanctions List

Biden Heads to Wilmington after Spending Week at Beach House – Biden Has Spent a FULL YEAR – 365 Days of His Presidency – On Vacation

Biden White House Wanted Facebook to ‘Change the Algorithm,’ Boost New York Times Content over Right-Wing Media

Judge Overseeing Trump’s J6 Case Previously Donated to Obama Campaign and Worked at Same Law Office as Hunter Biden

WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Crime Family – Possibly Joe Biden Himself – Are Hiding Money in OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS

New Files Show Biden Admin Forced Facebook To Censor “True Information” On Vaccine Side Effects

Biden Regime’s Incandescent Light Bulb Ban Goes Into Effect Next Week For All Americans

Biden Gaslights Americans With Fake “Manufacturing Boom” As US Production Plunges

Gov’t Admits Millions of Unemployed People Were Not Counted in Latest Job Stats

Obama Once Wrote To Ex-Girlfriend That He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

“Bidenomics is Working!” – Kamala Harris After Fitch Downgrades US Credit Rating

Boy Scout Leaders Invite LGBTQ Advocates to Jamboree Camp

Groomer Alert! NBC Promotes ‘Pride Summer Camp’ For LGBT Kids Ages 5-13

Wardrobe Malfunction Exposes Drag Performer’s Genitals At City-Sponsored Event With Children Present

Catholic Students Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour Attacked With Spray Paint By Crazed Leftist Activist

Horrific! Transgender Seeks to be Euthanized to Escape Trauma of “Transition” Surgery

Wisconsin Officials Try to Force Catholic Healthcare System to Perform ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries

Netflix at It Again: Adult Drag Queens Dance with Teens at ‘Alternate Prom’ Free from ‘Bulls**t Gender Dress Code’

Transgender Murderer Who Killed His Two Babies Will Receive Taxpayer-Funded Breast Implants in Women’s Prison

REPORT: Canadian ‘Non-Binary’ Rugby Player Accused of Injuring Women was Named ‘Hardest Hitter’ on Men’s Team

New Boycott As UK Coffee Giant Celebrates Women Having Breasts Removed

Portland Hospital Denies Woman Cancer Treatment After She Sent a Message Criticizing the Transgender Flag

BOMBSHELL: Spokesperson Admits During Australian Senate Hearing that Pfizer Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine, Different from What was Distributed to Public

Pfizer Executive Can’t Provide Definitive Answer Why Its COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Myocarditis and Pericarditis During Australian Hearing

COVID Jabs Show 24 Times More Adverse Reactions Than Other Vaccines

Annual COVID Shots Expected, Much Like Flu Shots, Says New CDC Director

MSNBC’s Patel on COVID Uptick: Time to Bring Out Masks

CVS to Slash 5,000 Jobs, Close 900 Stores as Vaccines Kill Off Repeat Customers

USDA Using ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy’ For mRNA Vaccines in Organic Livestock — Bombshell Report

Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered in Fresno, California Was Subsidized by Gavin Newsom

Nuclear war no worse than climate change – Blinken

TERRIFYING: Bernie Sanders Wants to Prosecute Climate Change Dissenters

WSJ: Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder’

Mainstream Media Runs Fear Campaign Trying to Scare Americans into Staying Indoors Due to ‘Climate Change’

Massive Firebombing in Seattle Possibly Linked to Drug War Between Competing Homeless Camps

Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron Schouol Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

Contrary to the Natural Order: Scientists Successfully Genetically Engineer Invasive Female Fruit Flies to Reproduce Without Males

Author Promotes ‘Safe Spaces’ at National Parks for Black People

Feminist Author Claims ‘Female’ Wasn’t Invented ‘Til the 1800s

Japanese Man Who Identifies as a Dog, Takes First Public Stroll After $16,000 Transformation, Forms Bonds with Other Canines

NYC Cabbie Viciously Beaten By Thugs Appalled at “Horrible” No-Bail System That Returned His Attackers to the Streets: “Send the Mayor the Video and Tell Him Die with the Shame”

Anchorage Mayor Proposes Sending Homeless to California

Now China is funding America’s PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Communist nation has channeled $17M into more than 143 K-12 districts – sparking GOP probe

Not Even Receipt-Scanning Security Gates Are Deterring Dozens Of Daily Shoplifters At San Fran Grocery Store

Carjackers Target CNN Reporter Covering Bay Area Crime

Report: Vegan Raw Food Diet Influencer Zhanna Samsonova ‘Dies from Starvation and Exhaustion’

Missouri Democrat Party Openly Calls to Burn Down Homes of Trump Supporters

Lizzo Forced Fat Dancers to Eat Bananas From Hookers’ Vaginas, Bombshell Lawsuit Alleges

Facebook and Instagram to Restrict News Access in Canada

Legal Activists Sue California School District for Banning Critical Race Theory

Study Reveals Drunkest Cities In America Are Run By Democrats

Illinois Dumps More than $23M to Draw Out-of-State Abortion Seekers

That’s it for this week, more idiocracy next week! Stay cool Claycord…


“Biden Regime’s Incandescent Light Bulb Ban Goes Into Effect Next Week For All Americans”
I looked into this and CFLs contain just a tiny amount of mercury. Recommendations were if you can’t take them to the local hazardous waste facility to just put them inside a sealed bag and place in your regular garbage bin. I’m sure that is the case in this state and probably not since this wackos write our laws these days.
I don’t think that incandescent bulbs contain any mercury and the article I read may have said so. This all seems so silly but then what do we have for government nowadays except for clowns.
Also read that the mercury in tube fluorescents evaporates if broken.
And the question begs where is the pickup for these for the folks who have no means to drive to the local facility?
Screw Biden.


The article you read MAY HAVE said so?

Why don’t you ever link any of these articles you MAY HAVE read?


Because it was several days ago and if I can find that article again will link. But have you searched in the meantime? If i recall right it was a government agency article on recyclables and light bulbs. I’ll help you out, search on “mercury in cfls”.


Gladly donating to Donald Trumps defense fund. As I would any of my friends caught up in a corrupt system trying to over charge them. 500 year sentence is meaningless. Fake crimes, fake punishments, fake system. He has billions of dollars, why should he have to go broke just for representing 90% of Americans? Obviously not one of these charges will be a conviction. Obviously the deep state is panicking, along with all the drooling democrats here. You wish suckers.


Do you put money on the books of J6 inmates? Trump doesn’t. Why is that?
Would he drop cash for you?
Who’s panicking? The people posting copy/pasta? Cause there is no way that is propaganda. Joe Rogan is a muckraker of the highest regard.


You must comply

Something has gone awry

One came out, the other hasn’t yet

I can’t wait

Toasted dumbass tries bold new strategy, alienates 80 million people who voted for Trump

Bidenomics is so successful that the average american has twice as many jobs as two years ago.

Proof of Joe’s innocence:
He’s such a terrific family man, he talks to 6 grandchildren every day: And that’s almost all of them.
He raised an honest, law-abiding son in Hunter: Joe is every bit as innocent as his son.
As any fool can see, he’s mentally incapable of committing any wrongdoing: Because of dementia.
He was a hard-nosed supporter of jailing all those dangerous black men back in the 1990s: His tough-on-crime track record speaks for itself.
C’mon man, if he were actually guilty, there would be hard evidence: You know, like FBI documents, whistleblower testimony, etc.
Obeying the law is as easy as riding a bike: And what grown man has trouble riding a bike?
And don’t forget the kiddies love him: Just look at how they run screaming when he shows up.
Let’s face it……Joe’s THE ONE.


A woman was reportedly raped on the second floor of the Concord BART Station parking garage. The alleged juvenile suspect escaped via a County Connection bus, which was later surrounded by the Concord Police and BART Police next to Sun Valley Mall where he was taken into custody.


With the women’s World Cup going on I thought Subway would bring back their Megan Rapinoe ad. It did so well for them the first time.

I see the Genentech ad about how black communities don’t get proper healthcare. Maybe if more black communities pushed education instead of NBA they would help their cause. Three years and none of Lebron James’ school’s eighth graders could pass the states math test, but they can dribble a basketball.

If Newsom really wanted to show up DeSantis he would schedule story book times at kindergarten classes and personally read from the book DeSantis banned. The words in the book Gender Queer are too high a level for kindergarten but they have graphic illustrations of oral and anal sex Newsom could explain to them. Boy that would really show DeSantis how much better California schools are.


Decided it was time to fill up on gas again before the price goes up. Oops, waited a week too long. Crooks!!!


There was a table set up near Wells Fargo bank on Thornwood Dr. with information on Donald Trump and the legal charges against him. I decided to stop and talk to the people at the table to see what information they had…I was curious and we had a good conversation about politics in general. Most people driving by were waving and polite. Right before I left, a guy driving by rolled down his window and screamed at me “I hope you go f’ing KILL YOURSELF!” I was shocked. Since when is that kind of behavior ok no matter what your political beliefs are?? If you’re reading this…I hope you are proud of yourself.


That type of behavior has ALWAYS been ok.

Free speech applies as much to those yelling epithets as to those shilling propaganda in front of the bank.


No, that type of behavior HAS NOT always been ok. It may be legal, but certainly not ok.


@ Cyn and did you deride this behavior when people were vocally wishing anti-vaxxers would die?

Did you deride this behavior when people rioted and threatened cops a couple year ago? We have laws, so people’s freedoms are not at the mercy of other’s double standards.


The answer is YES to both of your questions. No double standard here.


Watch the video of what Ray Epps did on Jan 6 and you can explain to me why it was not a “Fedsurrection”. Why was Ray not indicted for his criminal acts? This stinks like rotten Fish. What exactly did Trump do that was criminal? Can you say “Selective Prosecution” to try and make Trump look bad!


People that get the “most votes in American history” don’t tend to imprison their political
opponents and censor their critics online.
But people who rig elections do


Here is a depressing thought. Only 27% of Contra Costa County residents voted for Trump in 2020. Just a little less than the whole state.


Eliminate the harvested ballots, those with signatures that don’t match, the deceased, and fraudulent processing and the numbers are likely much better.
We can’t do much about the harvesting but can improve the other areas by demanding corrected voter rolls and proper processing supervision. I have a dream………..


That is dream.


Let’s start with signature Verification, Banks have Automated Signature Verification Scanners for checks, Make everyone sign their ballots and run them through, the mismatches will be kicked out for deeper verification, all without “RACIST” photo ID. We have start somewhere because right now WASS!


I hope you meant voting citizens, and not residents.


Who knows?


But looking on the bright side, hopefully, the 73% will get what they voted for. Yay!


And 98% bought the COVID HOAX hook line and sinker. We’re not living amongst very intelligent people. People still wearing the mask and voting for gavin newsom. The bay area is the land of the walking dead zombies


We shouldn’t be wearing masks however I have had two relatives get covid in the last month. One in Northern California and one in Southern California. Almost like the coverup of Biden’s criminality is the coverup of Fauchi and the US paying the Wuhan lab for the research. I hope Rand Paul is able to make progress in his case against Fauchi. Experimenting with viruses could one day kill everyone. White diseases killed off the Incas and it won’t take much to kill us all.


Ehh, I don’t know about that. Delusional is believing in a virus that to this day has never been isolated. There is no COVID virus that exists in the real world that anyone has seen. Not one scientist, doctor, virologist has laid eyes on this HOAX. Every bit of it is a lie. But I’m so glad to decided to take it there. There’s plenty of delusional people in the world, I’m just running on facts


Also it’s great to hear you’ll be supporting Trump 2024


Forget the COVID, the boarder crossers are bringing in TB, polio, HIV and a host of untreated diseases that we were all vaccinated against as children in the US….of course that’s never mentioned on MSM.

Yesterday I pulled onto Thornwood from the Ace Hardware shopping center and then left onto Clayton Road. On the sidewalk on Thornwood in front of Wells Fargo, a man and woman had a “Trump Defense” table set up with a huge Trump flag and signs that read “Let’s Go Brandon” and “Trump Won”.

I truly hope they were successful.


I love those people.


Im sure when they had enough money they went across the street and bought a case of beer.They are doing this to see how many cry baby Trump haters they can rile up…it’s working.And people like Robles actually think he needs the money.


Hi CYN, I hope they were too. … 😉 🙂 🙂


“In a remarkable and rare instance of broadcasting, CNN told the truth about Joe Biden’s pathetic poll numbers and horrible chances of reelection.
CNN Analyst Harry Enten pointed out that more people at this point trust Congressional Republicans that they do Biden on the most significant issues, calling it a “very worrying sign” for his chances of a second term.

Enten also noted that Biden’s approval on the economy hasn’t improved no matter how many times he claims his strategy is working:

“If you look at Joe Biden’s approval on the economy right now, IT STINKS!” Enten declared.
Biden has just a 37 percent approval rating on the economy.
The analyst then noted that Donald Trump was so hated by leftists at this point in his presidency, that his approval was driven down, but it is still higher than Joe Biden’s:
Enten recently noted that “Trump is not only in a historically strong position for a nonincumbent to win the Republican nomination, but he is in a better position to win the general election than at any point during the 2020 cycle and almost at any point during the 2016 cycle.”


The fact that it is still 37% is a disappointment. It should be down to Biden’s enriched family.


As if thats a real number,and they have stuck to it since the start,and its really about %15.They are trying to stick near Trumps %40,with nothing but hate against him,and it was really about %70,but the truth is never told.It the only way to win an election when youre a liberal.And make sure all vote counters were from da po hoods of course.,


“New York City’s health commissioner announced last week that the influx of migrants from the southern border — more than 50,000 to New York City alone in the past year — is delivering contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio, to our neighborhoods.

The same disease threats are also endangering other migrant destinations, including California, Texas and Florida.”
DEMs rolling the dice with your health ? ? ?


“Overload the system, break the system, blame the system”…….TAKE CONTROL!
Obama’s diabolical plan is working.


Relax….this just normal behavior

Gender Death Gap?

So what are its pronouns?

This is completely 100% intentional, it’s part of the plan

Fair play?

The most important job you can ever have is raising children. They deserve and need a mother and a father. If you don’t like this fact, take it up with children, nature and reality.
And don’t let your children turn out like Hunter Biden. His parents are pathetic.

How long until we admit Biden’s corruption is the only reason for the Ukraine war?


After 81 million votes shouldn’t we be seeing
build back better, hats, T-shirts and bumper stickers ? ? ?


Trump ad slams prosecutors as “the fraud squad” doing the political bidding of Joe Biden. From Breitbart:


That’s quite a video, and it doesn’t make any claims that aren’t well documented. However it stands about as much chance of mainstream distribution as reruns of “The Jeffersons”. Censorship in the US will get worse before it gets better.

I agree, and thanks for letting me know you viewed the video.
I also found this on today: “All the stories about the tyrannical impulses of President Biden and his flying monkeys reminds me of JFK’s favorite joke: A Russian was arrested for standing outside the Kremlin and yelling, “Khrushchev is an idiot.” He got 30 years in prison. Ten for insulting Khrushchev and 20 for revealing state secrets.”

81 million votes never happened. Believe me, real felony charges are coming. It doesn’t matter what they do to Trump at this point. They already made him a living martyr. You can charge him everyday and it will continue to work against you. Innocent on all charges with boomerang incoming.


No,they didn’t,but it was listed on the death form because its more profitable and the very slow will actually believe it.Car crash victims,heart attacks,died of covid.Please explain that.


woke business suicide
Being isolated and out of touch with your customer base, Anheuser-Busch belongs at top of the list.
‘Anheuser-Busch heir says founders would be ‘rolling over in their grave’ over Dylan Mulvaney partnership that has cost the company $27BILLION in value’


i’d bet a week’s pay none of you – not one – has read the whole indictment. what are you afraid of? you can skim the entire thing in ten or fifteen minutes unless you stop to laugh like hell at giuliani’s pillow talk with his personal assistant / girlfriend / whatever she is. there’s other stuff, too, and remember, all the witnesses are republicans!


Don’t need to, doesn’t matter. Anyone can say anything in our wonderful 🤡🌎. It definitely doesn’t make it true. Who cares what some clowns 🤡 have to say? They been at it for years and it all falls apart. Not afraid of anything except drag queens getting government approval to groom kids. You do realize Trump will be mounting a defense this time right? They can indict him every hour and it won’t mean anything


They don’t read the original text. Furthermore, they want a like minded person to interpret the text for them for fear of being misled.




James: I just skimmed the first few pages as you suggested, and note that some editing of this exact document could replace Trump’s name with Biden’s and a few details changed like next to Biden’s Corvette in the garage and at the Penn Biden Center and the document would be accurate about Biden keeping classified documents. So why isn’t this companion document charging Biden with felonies in the courts? In your words, why are you afraid to ask that? Remember that pesky comment in that Constitution thingy you don’t respect about equal protection under the law?


In case you aren’t clear on obama biden, biden harris and newsom . . . . . .
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
‘The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can “Solve” It’
‘Rules for Radicals’


Have you ever been Pence’d?

Democrats are correct

I don’t care what the sick & twisted crazies say, this is just wrong

Feeling a bit whimsical, so this is just for fun. Actually it’s all fun……for me


How do they do it in third world countries ? ? ?
Amnesty International


‘Cops probe Sikh 7-Eleven owners for ASSAULT after they beat brazen thief stealing cigarettes from their store: Thief had ‘stolen two other times and threatened to shoot staff a day before’ ‘
How can a business survive brazen daily thefts, threats of harm and violence toward their employees?
Need to vote out soft on crime politicians.


In my world according to my ethics, those employees would have been entirely justified in shooting him on the spot. This was not shoplifting but an act of looting and the traditional consequence for looting is justified. Others may differ.


Expect to see a go fund me account to defend those guys if they try to prosecute them. With the distribution that video has experienced they’d raise a million dollars in 24 hours. That wasn’t a beating, it was a well deserved spanking. Besides, the criminal will probably receive an invitation to the White House or Governor’s Mansion so he’ll be well compensated for his sore legs.


Did Obama’s chef drown in three feet of water?

“Everything we’ve heard about the death of Obama’s chef, Tafari Campbell, has been a lie.
The most recent version is that he was on the water with a female employee who swam to shore, and someone from the Secret Service called for help. The only part of that story that appears truthful is that he may have been with a female. Malia? Sasha? If it was a female employee, why did that information not appear in the first version, and why so secretive about who called for help?”

No problem……the mess will soon be old news.


@HAPPYPAPPY…Maybe the “employee” was Michelle off for a moonlit tryst with the chef…..


Maybe so NYTEMUVR, she seems to go for the skinny easily dominated type.


Maybe the other “person” was the ghost of Ted Kennedy.


A writeup by Victor Davis Hanson lists ten ways that the U.S is losing its freedoms. The most glaring example is letting the Biden family get away with receiving millions of dollars in bribes from foreign entities including China, while using corrupt lawyers to attack Trump and fix the 2024 election.


One of the FBI guys who investigated Trump for “Russian Collusion”…….


The Remaking of America
Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault

“We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.”

” Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.”

“Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.”

READ MORE HERE, it’s absolutely earthshaking.


many here profess indifference or scorn for the proceedings, but the fact is mr. trump faces several criminal indictments. one or more of these cases seem likely to result in conviction, detention, and a perp walk. whether he sees actual prison time remains highly debatable, of course.


It’s hard to believe an entire political party can be so afraid of one man, but they are.


it’s the same people ,and the same thing as being afraid of guns.
And believing in Covid,The last 2 years has shown the world that the USA is seems to have failed a grade or 2.


You get what you ask for! Now they’re whining! This is a direct result of the Democrat progressive party and their supporters.
Massachusetts gov declares state of emergency due to surge of migrants, calls for federal action!


Massachusetts Gov. has declared state of emergency to address state’s migrant crisis.
Offices of governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and
both chambers of the state legislature are controlled by DEMs.


The Right Party

Voter fraud investigation

Illegal Aliens vote in CA?


Finally an accurate depiction

New Rule

The answer to heatwaves

Coming soon to your town

The Democrat way

Never done before, Joe sets record, establishes new precedent


I must confess like everybody else here I never click on HP’s or OG’s links. But I still will bet that neither of them has commented on Anton Lazzaro who was sentenced today to 21 years in prison. You can either google for that name or if you like a link here is the story in the AP:
Anybody knows why these prolific posters could miss such a story? I’m sure it couldn’t be that they rather speculate about unproven crimes by team blue while ignoring actual crimes by team red?


Dems always bury their head in the sand,youre an ostrich,if you cover your eyes,nobody can see you either,right?
You’re scared of the links as if its the second coming.
TDS at extreme levels.


I appreciate your concern but believe me I have been around long enough to know that these links are all garbage and total waste of time.
And, how sad to see your total devotion to the former guy.


JWB: Of course you don’t appreciate them; liberals are famously hypocrisy and satire blind! Look how you crow about some creep who gave a quarter million dollars to conservative causes in the same week it’s revealed the Biden crime family got $20 million from Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere for influence peddling. I especially liked numbers 5, 9, and 10 above in HP’s excellent post.


Need to be understanding, a single word especially if bolded can be a trigger and at that point larger picture of current circumstances is totally lost and it becomes personal.


Oh TDL you must have missed the part that this guy was not sentenced for “giving a quarter million dollars to conservative causes” but for child trafficking, but apparently this is no biggie for you since it was one of your team.
Care to back up your statement about the the “$20 million from Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere for influence peddling”?
Of course not you, just like HP, enjoys wallowing in some right wing propaganda BS. Come back once you have facts, in the meantime enjoy this garbage.but don’t try to engage intelligent folks with it.


JWB: from today’s 8/9/23 press release, “Comer Releases Third Bank Memo Detailing Payments to the Bidens from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.”


Please TDL, don’t waste my time. Comer? I was talking about evidence and not a clown show. I’m still waiting for the tapes Comer promised. And you know the GOP clown caucus is hot on impeaching Biden, so if they had evidence as you claim, why is there no impeachment?


What former guy?They are fermale now?
Who are you fixated on now?


Jwb prefers incontinent senile perverts that wander off and check-the-box whores….and that was the “best” that the democrats had to offer.


Unlike you, I do click the links; irregardless of who posts them. I do this to gain info and educated myself. You might benefit from clicking others’ links too because it is apparent that you can use some education of what’s really going on in this world instead of just gulping down the bs that your preferred news sites feed you. You would have learned things like: The FBI spied on Trump, Hillary paid for the fake dossier, and Trump didn’t collude with the Russians. You would have learned that masks don’t work, the vaccine doesn’t work as advertised, that covid deaths were intentionally overreported, that closing schools and society is damaging to kids and the economy. You would have learned that Hunter’s laptop was real and that all 51 of those guys who said otherwise knew they were lying- way back in 2016 (before the election), that Hunter sold access to his VP father, that hundreds of bank records show that Russia, China, and other countries paid via dozens of shell companies, that these payments were then divvied up amongst various Biden family members. You would have learned that your Jan 6 committee broke House rules by limiting Rep representation, edited videos by removing exculpatory evidence, doctored these silent videos with sound, held depositions and inquisitions behind closed doors, dismissed evidence and testimony that didn’t fit the narrative, and destroyed or lost all of the exculpatory evidence that they are legally required to turn over to the archives.

But you can’t get this info unless you are willing to question authorities’ stories by looking at what the “other side” is claiming. Saying things like, “I appreciate your concern but believe me I have been around long enough to know that these links are all garbage and total waste of time.” just proves to the rest of the chat that you are a closed minded and ignorant twerp.

Having said that, thank you for posting this link. What you’ve shown us all is that evil comes in all shapes, sizes, and political bent. Child molesters and predators are on both sides of the aisle. Anyone who abuses children like this should be boiled, irregardless of who they are or whatever “side” they are on.


This what ive been saying,totally narrow minded,not opened minded.I personally like to look at both sides stories,because I need a good laugh.
A smart person looks at both sides,JWB avoids reality at all cost,no matter how much it is costing his parents to support his lifestyle.
To fear the truth is to know you’ve been lied to by your own people for years.


Hey now of course I do not want to totally narrow minded, not open minded 🙂
So according to your buddy TDL he particularly “liked numbers 5, 9, and 10 above in HP’s excellent post.”
So how about we look at them together?
Finally an accurate depiction
I’m not even sure I get this meme, but I assume it should signify the view of the anti abortion crowd? First of all this is not how abortions are performed. Shooting into the belly of a pregnant woman likely will cause both the woman and her fetus to die. Also, keep in mind there are many States that don’t even allow abortion of a non viable fetus and thus endangering the life of the mother suffering a sepsis from the dead fetus. In such a case the anti abortion laws are actually exactly what this meme shows, killing the mother.
But aside of this, I understand that some people have very strong feelings about this issue. But I guess forcing their view on others would actually be an example of “narrow minded, not open minded” or not?
The Democrat way
This is a compilation of statements without any real connection.
Sure the Steele dossier was part of the DNC research on Trump, but also it actually was initially started by the Rubio campaign through the Washington Free Beacon.
The FBI surveillance was not started because of the Steele dossier but rather according to ”memos from the Republicans and the Democrats on the House intelligence committee saying that information about George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, had prompted the FBI investigation in July 2016.”
Impeachment had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
But I guess since you keep such an open mind you will soon find out through Federal Court proceeding the underlying question whether or not Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election.
Never done before, Joe sets record, establishes new precedent
I get it, it’s supposed to be a joke, but let’s look at the reality. Have you read the reasons for the downgrades both in 2011 and 2023? It certainly, in a large part points to the dysfunctional Congress. After all the “power of the purse” lies with the House of Representatives. Now, why would somebody as open minded as you claim to be, forget to point out that both, in 2011 and 2023, the House of Representatives was under GOP control? I guess how ever posted this meme was not “a smart person” because as you say: “A smart person looks at both sides”
So in short as I guessed before even looking at them all three links are nothing but utter garbage.


You take too many pills and not enough naps.You’re confused and annoyed at the same time.
You’re a chatterbox with nobody listening.
I don’t think other libs are even subscribing to your drivel.


The first link that you don’t understand is just typical east county couple cavorting and having a spirited discussion.


Thanks Professor, what a lengthy response. I guess you have a lot time on your hands.
It’s quite clear you, as the other prolific posters on this blog, have a a preconceived view of the world (talk about closed mind) and these links are just there to confirm your views. That doesn’t make them factual. As a matter of fact I can probably find a link on the internet to anything I want to believe. Be it the world is flat, certain events in history never happened, 9/11 was a done by you name it and so forth.


Not factual?!?!
Like I said, read what the other side is reporting and remove the scales from your eyes!

Every single point that I made has been proven true, after every Dem politician and Lib media outlet and blog poster claimed it was irrefutable. Russian collusion!!!! FALSE. Covid will kill us all unless you do exactly as we say!!!! FALSE. Joe is as pure as the driven snow!!!! TBD, but it sure smells rotten.

They have lied to you JWB. They are still lying to you. But you’re too blind (naive/stubborn/stupid?) to see. But keep on touching the hot stove over and over while convincing yourself it doesn’t hurt.


“I must confess like everybody else here I never click on HP’s or OG’s links.”

Of course he/she/them/they/its/whatever avoids truth because it hurts his/her/them/ their/its/whatever widdle fweelings and makes his/her/them/their/its/whatever head explode. Sorry ’bout that! Must be awful being controlled by your imaginary fears.


URLs provided as a courtesy to those who want more information and
so they may have a starting point for additional research.
Saw a bumper sticker once,
‘Curing stupidity one liberal at a time’
If nothing else, . . . . proof of why human cloning must remain illegal.


@ORIGINAL G….”You can’t fix stupid.”-Ron White


Stupid is as stupid does.

-Forest Gump


More DEM sniveling about illegals showing up in a “sanctuary” city
‘NYC Mayor Eric Adams says migrant crisis could cost the city $12 BILLION as more are bussed to the Roosevelt Hotel from Texas – as he calls on Biden to declare state of emergency’


I guess you disagree with the Republican policy of NYC as a sanctuary city? Here is what then Mayor Rudi Giuliani said in 1994:
“Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens,” Giuliani said at the time. “If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair.”
“Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens,” Giuliani said at the time. “If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair.”
Just checking.


Since you fished a quote from almost 30 yrs ago, I decided to pull one out of the wayback machine.

I guess you disagree with the Democrat policy of Alabama as a segregated state? Here is what Governor George Wallace said at his first inaugural governor speech in 1963:
“Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!”

Just checking.

And yes, me pulling that horrible quote from the dustbin is just as stupid as you pulling out yours. Grow up, child and stop with the straw man arguments.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis chart of “Consumer Loans: Credit Cards and Other Revolving Plans, All Commercial Banks” shows consumer debt is roughly triple what it was prior to last year long recession.
How many households have been using credit cards to put food on the table ?
As price of oil continues to rise, how badly will consumer discretionary spending be hurt?

‘America’s credit card debt hits record-breaking $1 TRILLION: Households opened an extra 5.48 million accounts this year as average interest rate climbs to 20.53%’
‘Americans now owe $1 TRILLION in credit card debt: Average household carries a $10,000 balance that has an interest rate of 20%’
‘The ten US cities where home foreclosures are rising fastest – amid concerns owners are sitting on a ‘negative equity timebomb’ ‘
Consumer Price Index (CPI) is out Thursday morning 08:30 AM eastern


Must be very frustrating for over two years now to cheer for the US economy to crash without success. I do remember you last year declaring that we are in a recession, what happened?


Spewing nonsense on the tube is perfectly legal but totally meaningless in court. Judges don’t give a flying fish about talking heads or bizarre internet links. Verifiable eyewitness accounts, emails, tweets, contemporaneous notes, those are the things that count in the courtroom.


Local Politics question.
Concord City Council voted 4-1 to give itself another pay raise last night. I appreciate the one no vote because it shows that politicians can recognize the hypocrisy of giving yourself a pay raise while requiring the public to pay an extra 1% regressive sales tax and while saying you want to help low income families who can least afford to pay more sales tax. However, if the same councilmember consistently votes against pay raises but then goes on to accept the increased amount anyway because there is always at least three councilmembers who will vote to give themselves more money, is that councilmember really opposing the pay raise or just grandstanding?

The biden effect
‘…Drone footage shows massive size of NYC’s Randall’s Island migrant facility to cope with migrant influx that costs the city nearly $10million a day’

Obama’s plan was perfectly planned and timed to affect the greatest economic disruptions and political corruption and infighting. He was bought by the most powerful and dangerous group of anti-American oligarchs who are smart enough to understand that history repeats itself and that our time has come.
Biden is clearly a puppet who would, and has, sell/sold America to the highest bidder.


High level meeting

They’re Guilty and everybody knows.

Well deserved national shame

RECORDS? What records? We don’t got no stinkin” records!

Shut up and pay up. Joe’s brand of corruption ain’t cheap

America’s only hope is under attack from the bad guys


HOW MUCH PROOF DO YOU NEED? (that tri-intialed liar excepted, for some there’s no hope for reality)
House Republicans Release Bank Records Showing Over $20 Million In Payments To Biden Family, Associates


Jwb doesn’t care- he doesn’t read posts by conservatives because it might “offend” him.

Jwb will never learn anything with a closed mind. As they say, never teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

And jwb. – don’t try to deny it. The first indication that you have a problem is you denying you have a problem.


It’s really sad to see how hard GLEN223 is trying to engage me to respond.
Here is a point for you. You should try to learn what a “conservative” is. You seem to think that MAGA is conservative, it is not. I don’t see often any conservative points on this blog. I think conservatives would actually be enriching this site
But now since you think you’re so open minded tell me what liberal news you read and why are all your posts here MAGA. Have you read anything from Judge Luttig? He was on the GOP shortlist for SCOTUS. He is w very conservative Judge. Here is a you tube video.
Have you read the paper by William Baude who was a law clerk for Justice Roberts and Micheal Stokes Paulson? Both are prominent members of the Federalist Society.
You can also google their names and you will find plenty of news articles about them
I’m sure you haven’t read anything from these real conservative because they are not MAGA. Also, I assume it’s fair for me to assume that nobody ever taught you to sing.


Jwb- hate to burst your bubble, sonny….. but you’re wrong on ALL accounts and “assumptions.” After all, you’re the one who stated flatly that you don’t read the postings of others. More proof of a closed mind.

Yes I do read a wide variety of posts – whether I agree with them or not is another issue….which is more than can be said of those close-minded individuals that claim to be enlightened.

No, I know the definition of a conservative . And there are more than a few definitions of that…..

And you, as a liberal/democrat, can’t really be telling conservatives what they are/aren’t. As far as what other sources I read, there are plenty. There’s no need to “prove” myself to you. Using your logic, I can claim that you have dementia because you support Biden.

End of discussion, junior. I have neither the time nor the crayons to provide you with an education.


JWB: to continue our discussion above about numbers 5, 9, and 10 you completely and unambiguously identified yourself as only consuming Leftist media while pretending to deeply understand things conservative enough where even here you try to lecture others on what you think the truth is of their beliefs. You are ridiculous. How can you be in such a bubble that you don’t even understand 5 ??? Even Biden would get that! You outed yourself bro with your bizarre guess. As for 10, also the same since the Leftist media focused on political antagonism so they could blame conservatives but the actual Fitch paper listed that third behind fiscal deterioration and the growing size of the debt. Your knowledge of politics seems very echo chamberish from alphabet media sources. Seriously you are so isolated you don’t understand 5 ?


Now, it’s hot because air is too clean . . . . . . .


The only people scared are leftist,as usual.Any and all left comments only effect the left,The left is self important.
If “if” were a skiff we would all go sailing.


Democrats wait several years and then at just the right time file all these charges to keep Trump busy in court instead of running for President… it’s obvious the timing was coordinated between them…. just another new method to cheat.
Not only cheating Trump mind you, but also disenfranchising all those Americans who wish to vote for Trump.
But Dems didn’t cheat in 2020?
Yeah, sure they didn’t…. they’d never do such a thing!


As I’ve said a gazillion times you don’t even have to mention vote counts to declare our’s was crooked election, just pay attention to our own State Department measures for calling other country’s elections crooked because one party controlled most of the media, suppressed information and harassed opposing candidates.


Since 2024 is an election year will DEMs use covid fear porn again.


Must be one of those incredible MAGA memes. Of course I get it, despite having no virology or public health qualifications, you determined that the Covid measures in 2020 were unwarranted.
But aside from that, remind me in 2020 what party controlled the White House and the majority of the State Houses? So why do you think your alleged Covid fear porn was used by the DEMs?


Did your parents leave you alone in the house this week?Taking you on vacation would be torture probably.

Glad to see Hunter investigation has Special Prosecutor status. Let the chips fall where they may.



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