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Claycord – Talk About Politics


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Ole don the Con facing more charges over top secret documents and Georgia is getting ready to indict him. 🤣🤣🤣


Inform yourself of what Biden and Hillary did with secret documents before you attach Trump


No comparison


Apples and oranges! How can you compare them?


Joe had his in boxes next to his Corvette. Trump’s were locked and behind several layers of security systems. Some of Joe’s dates from when he was a senator and that is a big no no for a senator to have such things. Also there is the growing evidence Joe sells influence so his having secret documents reaches the level of sinister. Is that enough comparison? We could discuss the lying of Joe on national television where he said there is no excuse for Trump to have such documents when Joe already was arranging with lawyers on how to turn over his own before the public found out. How sleazy !


Bathrooms, bedrooms and ballrooms are behind layers of security systems? 🤣🤣🤣


Yes ITSME, that information from the NYTimes, the same people who buried the Hunter laptop story, claimed Russia collusion, and reported there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and all the way back to suppressing stories about the WW2 holocaust.


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How do you know Biden had boxes of anything next to his Corvett….Guess Parlor got to you as well as frump’s failed lies.

I seem to recall Trump leading the chant of “ Lock her up”

Changed his tune didn’t he?


Isn’t it interesting how the so called justice department makes criminal allegations and goes after only certain select people; while at the same time completely ignores the corrupt criminals that they should be going after?
p.s. Robles – Your emojis are pretty much adolescent like.


I do think the DOJ is overplaying their hand with the small but very real risk that even Democrats may turn against them along the lines of a Joe McCarthy moment.


Yeah, almost as if not all allegations pan out into actual events, let alone to real crimes. Weird!

PS, emojis, and your perceptions of what emoji use mean, are no indicator of a person’s claim. For example, you have no emojis yet are shocked that not everybody claim of a crime is an actual crime.


Huh? Next time, try expressing yourself in English, and most importantly, logically.


Give DI a break. Kamala understands him perfectly.

OMG. The National Archives representatives repeatedly asked Trump to return the documents and gifts he took when he left office. Trump refused saying “This is mine; I am not returning anything.” The Representatives reminded Trump that as a public servant that which he had accumulated as the result of his office belonged to the American people. Still he wasn’t budging. The FBI sent a subpoena. Still crickets. Finally Trump returned a few items and had his attorneys attest that he returned everything. That was a lie. Trump brought this trouble on himself. All he had to do was return what he had and nothing more would have been said. The fact that both Pence and Biden self-disclosed they had classified material and returned it without incident is why the justice department is treating Pence and Biden differently.


Biden offshore Bank Accounts revealed.



Suspicious Activity Reports…..



let’s talk about the Trump families history of racism, theft, not paying vendors, trump paying for sex while his wife is pregnant, you know the one, Melania, we’ve all seen her girl of girl kissing nude photos….and while you’re at it, why don’t you bring up Michelle Obama wearing a dress with not sleeves, boy…..that was a real attack on America!


If you want hunter Biden….a private citizen who has never worked for the U.S. Government-investigated, but don’t want Jared or Ivanka investigated for “earning” $640 million while in the White House and then getting $2 Billion from Saudi Arabia you are a hypocrite conducting a WITCH HUNT! Not to mention Ivanka getting fast tracked in China. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/?sh=72e6b5451d60
I post FACTS and not rumors.


Stick to sewing John.
The Hunter probe is not about Hunter. It’s about Joe.
If the evidence that we’ve seen is true, then Hunter was engaged in a conspiracy to sell access and influence by cooperating with his father. This means that Joe was engaged in a criminal conspiracy to sell influence. The dollar amount does not matter, only the conspiracy matters.
Furthermore, someone (definately Hunter, Jim and Haile. Most likely Joe and a host of others too).
made big bucks from their illegal shenanigans.

Your guy is a greedy, shady, incompetent, demented pervert who’d sell out anybody if he got paid. You’d agree if you got over your TDS and opened your eyes.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has already notified Congress that the administration’s of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden have all mishandled classified documents.
After classified documents were found in the possession of President Biden, former President Trump, and former Vice President Pence, NARA requested former presidents and vice presidents search for classified documents that may remain in their possession. The answer that NARA received from the former administration’s wasn’t “we’ve completed searches and no documents have been found,” but “all documents were previously turned over to NARA at the end of their administrations,” because they didn’t bother to do searches to see if documents may have been missed and remain in the possession of former presidents and vice presidents.
Furthermore, NARA has also informed Congress that classified documents have been found at colleges and universities throughout the US that had been gifted congressional office papers and records from almost one-hundred former members of Congress.
The prosecution of former President Trump for violations of the Presidential Records Act may well result in the Presidential Records Act being found unconstitutional on separation of powers grounds as Congress may not have had the authority to dictate what a president does with his presidential records.


45 lies, hid his folders, all the others gave them back when asked. There’s a big difference, it’s called “obstruction of justice”, pretty much TREASON.


Two languages made their way around the world over the centuries. English because of British colonization and Spanish because because of Spanish colonization. Those are the two principal languages in the world.
When I was in India I noticed that the signs about the doors on shops were in Devanagari and below it English. The funny part was the Devanagari was spelling out the English phonetically.
I had almost 4 years of French which at the time I went to college was supposed to be the language of the world. It didn’t happen. Also when I was in France depending on where I was the accents would change making it a little more difficult to understand because we were taught Parisian French.

It turns out it’s a really bad idea to elect crooked businessmen and known flim flam artists to office. But unfortunately the Republicans seem hungry to elect a repeat offender.


‘…The ten US cities where home foreclosures are rising fastest – amid concerns owners are sitting on a ‘negative equity timebomb’ ‘


The term “Negative Equity” sounds so negative. Perhaps it should be called “Deferred Equity”.
A more accurate term would be “Bidenomics”.


What has come out of the mouth president Biden, and vice president Kamala Harris this past week has been absolutely amazing!
Absurd actually! Did they think we’re all idiots?
Well I guess they’re partially right because a lot of you out there are buying everywhere they say! Wake up folks!


Biden is the Greatest President to hold that office. He puts America first .


“biden is the greatest president to hold that office”
Even the most hardcore democrats don’t think this. I’m not sure what wrote this but I am sure it’s fake. Nobody could possibly be this obsessed. Ain’t you the troll that came around during COVID HOAX constantly talking about masks and vaccines? I remember putting you in your place regularly. Turns out I was right about everything. Now you are praising this deadbeat walking corpse. Tell me about his granddaughter that he denies existing if you are a real person.


Vaccines and mask do work. It helped stop the Pandemic. Be grateful for our fearless Governor for putting all the safety measures in place.


@SAM….Don’t feed the troll, before the “pandemic” TRAUMARX trolled about wearing your seatbelts on every vehicle accident posted….incessantly …just sayin’.


I know, I just wanted to point out to those that may not know how throughly destroyed I left traumaRX week after week during COVID HOAX.
What’s bidens granddaughters name??? SAY HER NAME trauma, say it


‘…Newsom’s COVID mandates suffer triple court defeats’
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern
‘Newsom ordered to pay $1.35 million for COVID-19 church discrimination’
“The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a blow to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s pandemic-related ban on indoor religious services, siding with a church that defied the policy and challenged it as unconstitutional religious discrimination.”
newsom is great at follow the leader as in copying other governors’ covid decisions.
NJ Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order,
“Police in Lakewood, N.J., broke up a funeral at a synagogue Wednesday, charging 15 men with violating Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order banning large gatherings, authorities said Thursday.”
“FNC’s Tucker Carlson presses N.J. Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy on why he allowed arrests at religious services to be part of coronavirus quarantine enforcement. Carlson asked Murphy about the arrests of 15 men at the funeral of a rabbi in Ocean County in early April.”

“The Bill of Rights, as you well know, protects Americans’ rights — enshrines their right to practice their religion as they see fit and to congregate together to assemble peacefully,” Carlson said. “By what authority did you nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing this order? How do you have the power to do that?”

“That’s above my pay grade, Tucker,” the governor responded. “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” ”
“I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.”
IF newsom were of stellar intellect as some believe, why didn’t he remember and take into account The Bill OF Rights?
We The People of CA and USA deserve leaders of intelligence who exercise thoughtful reflection who are always mindful of our founding documents.
NOT some Knee Jerk follow the leader HACK of monumental Hubris.


What Traumarx doesn’t understand is that the masks did NOT filter out the viruses, but only contained the droplets. Also, the masks were a great breeding ground for bacteria…

And you know that viruses are smaller than bacteria – right????

But Fauci et al never spoke about that.

You might wanna get a refund from whatever kiddy school you got your medical knowledge from.

Go find a seatbelt.


I don’t think you measure a great presidency the same way other people do. So out of curiosity, what are your standards for a great presidency? I am curious as to what metrics you are using ….


TRAUMARX doesnt have MARX in his name for nothing.


Do you really believe “Biden is the “Greatest President” to hold that office?”
Better than Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Polk, Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Reagan?


Biden has put the Biden family first. He’s an autocrat not even a democrat. In more sane times he would have been removed from office now by the crimes he has committed. It’s not just Biden it’s his whole corrupt administration.


Biden Harris 2024!


Feebles and Giggles in 2024!
May the farce be with you!


Trauma RX –
In other words:
More inflation, higher gas prices, more destruction of the middle class, more wide open borders, more rampant crime, more total loss of faith in the government 2024!


She did contribute- as the only thing that got Biden elected. She’s a token with a history of being a garden tool…


Garden Tool with handles?


Only if you are looking at future cell mates.

Harris has not contributed a thing in her tenure as a VP. Why would we want nothing again ….

Biden, well he has contributed; to the rise of inflation, the lack of security in our borders, ….


Biden is using the same policies at the border enacted by Trump…..
Biden did not cut revenue from the federal government, which contributed to inflation for more than Biden.
What did Pence contribute? A gallows? What did Kushner contribute? A billion dollar payout from the Saudis?


Welcome back Damaged! You and Trauma are back! We have missed you SOOOOO much!

As for Biden and Trump using the same border policy? Pray tell how …. Trump was anti illegal immigration. Biden has allowed the borders to remain open – even trying to get Texas to take down a barrier in the Rio Grande that is preventing illegals from becoming criminals in this country. I do not see the similarities in this simple case. Care to try and point them out?




… you’re just pulling our chain – right?


Newsome is an idiot. Scott wiener is a dick. Nancy Skinner is a waste of life. But the weather is nice.


.. don’t forget Bonta & Becton in that group


The corrupt DOJ just tried to give Hunter a pass on every crime he has committed. Bless the judge who brought this to the light. The Biden’s are toast. The FBI the DOJ.and the CIA have to be cleaned of all the corrupt leaders


“Gas prices in the US have surged to an eight-month high after foreign suppliers slashed production, and experts are warning that a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico could trigger further increases.”
Disposable income will be shrinking again.


Some nice folks from Texas just moved in three doors away, they paid less than $2.00 a gallon there.
I’d like to acknowledge democrats for their performance……but there aren’t enough middle fingers to go around.


I’m not a Harris fan but tell me what VP has ever contributed anything?


That comment was meant for Parent


John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester Arthur, Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, and Lyndon Johnson.


yes,Johnson did a great job planning Nov 22 1963


To HappyPappy….so did you bother to ask why they moved from Texas to California? Seems the right is always making a point of how people are moving out of CA to Texas.


It’s not “the right” talking pound dude. Actual people are actually moving out of CA. Year after year. Facts and statistics. Why is it so hard? I don’t get it


Obviously the word is point, talking point


Why’d they move from utopia?


Perhaps they moved to California seeking taxpayer funded “gender affirming care”.


Without further ado, here are your CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES from this week…

Hunter’s Lawyers Accused Of Impersonating Govt. Attorney To Scrub Evidence

WALLS ARE CLOSING IN – Hunter Biden Called Joe AT LEAST 24 Times During Business Meetings with Clients When His Dad Was VP

Report: Major Democrat Donor Bought Hunter’s Art, Named to Prestigious Commission by Joe Biden

Report: Buyer of Hunter’s Art Visited Joe Biden’s White House 13 Times After First Art Exhibition

Team Biden Gives Millions to Soros-Backed Group to Teach Puerto Rican Men About ‘Structural Racism’ and ‘Toxic Masculinity’

U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine Hits $43+ Billion as Fresh Tranche Approved

Hunter Biden Linked To Several Companies Seeking Delaware Government Help During Obama-Biden Era, Emails Show

Rep. James Comer Reveals 170+ Suspicious Activity Reports Filed by Six Major Banks Including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, Pointing to Potential Money Laundering, Human Trafficking, and Tax Fraud Involving the Biden Crime Family

ANOTHER BIDEN LIE! Hunter Biden Admitted Under Oath He Earned $664,000 From China, Contradicting Joe Biden’s Claims

Karine Jean-Pierre Confirms Biden Regime Seeking to Restrict Water Heaters, Gas Stoves, Dishwashers and Other Appliances by 2029

MSM Admits Racist Joe Biden Lied Again About Role In 60s Civil Rights Movement

Left Wing Academics Send Open Letter to Joe Biden Urging Him to Ignore Supreme Court Rulings the Left Doesn’t Like

Hillary Clinton Claims “MAGA Republicans” Responsible For Summer Heat

Illegal Chinese Bio Lab Discovered in Central California

New Study Shows What We Kind of Already Knew – Democrats’ Support of Violence Is on the Rise

Pro-Vax ESPN Analyst Collapses On Live TV, Co-Anchor Pleads for Help

The Total Number of Illegal Aliens Who Entered US Under Joe Biden Is More than the Population of 35 States

Sanctuary State California Gov. Gavin Newsom to Spend $4.5M on Lawyers for Illegal Aliens

IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE: THOUSANDS of Illegal Migrant Children Released Across the US with Tuberculosis

Illegal Immigrants in Chicago Demand Free Housing and Paid Job Training

“Border Patrol Knows It’s Here and They Allow It” – Cartel Builds Bridge From Mexico to US with Permission From Biden Regime

NYC Planning to House 1,000 Border Crossers in Mental Hospital Parking Lot

Illegal Alien Who Publicly Beheaded Girlfriend in Minnesota Found ‘Not Guilty’ Due to Mental Illness

Texan Influencer Provides Services to Ukrainian Soldiers as ‘Emotional Support Stripper’

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Promptly Slammed for Allocating $1 Million to Free Health Care for Prostitutes

Texas College Can Charge Out-of-State Students Higher Tuition Than Illegal Immigrants, Court Rules

Stanford Study: Leftist Twitter Alternative Mastodon Has a Major Child Pornography Problem

Report: Pro-trans Activist Threatens to ‘Dismember’ School Board President in Chino Valley

CNN Witnesses 3 Thefts in 30 Minutes While Reporting on Shoplifting in San Francisco

Report: New Mexico Referring Women to Satanic Temple’s TST Health for Abortions

Unsettling Text Messages Surface After Transgender Ex-Lawmaker Is Arrested – The Way He Discusses Toddlers Is Sickening

Oregon Department of Corrections Ordered to Provide Taxpayer-Funded Sex-Change Treatments For ‘Transgender’ Pedophile

Woke U.S. Women’s Soccer Players REFUSE to Sing National Anthem Before World Cup Match

Kentucky Nurses Required to Take ‘Implicit Bias’ Course on ‘Structural Racism’ and ‘White-Splaining’

Elderly Lowe’s Worker Fired After Getting Repeatedly Punched in the Face Trying to Stop Thieves

Amazon Wants To Bring Palm Payments To All Whole Foods Stores By The End of 2023

‘Peak Climate Idiocy’: LA Times Writer Opines That Power Blackouts Might Be Worth It to Stop Warming

Mitt Romney Argues That It Shouldn’t Be Illegal For Government To Use Big Tech For Censorship

Doctor Who Criticized COVID Vaccines and the FDA, and His Employees, Have Bank Accounts Suddenly Canceled

KILL SHOT: Recent Peer-Reviewed Report Finds 1 in 35 People Who Took Moderna COVID Shot Had Signs of Heart Damage

SELF-AWARENESS FAIL: Angry MSNBC Host Angry Asks What Would Happen if Democrats Had a Propaganda Arm in the Media Like FOX News

Horrifying Poll Shows a Growing Number of Americans – Mostly Democrats – No Longer Support First Amendment Protections for Free Speech

Girl, 16, Fighting For Life But Being Denied Life-Saving Double Lung Transplant Because Hasn’t Had 4 COVID Shots

Five-Year-Old on Cocaine Fatally Shoots 16-Month-Old on Marijuana

Millionaire Crypto Influencer Found Chopped Up in Suitcase, Sent Out Cryptic Message Before Death

Naked Woman Opens Fire on Oncoming Traffic in San Francisco

More Than 100 Trans Men Enter Miss Italy Pageant After Trans Women Ban

REPORT: Zoo Manatee Dies In Gay Incest Incident

CNN: Gas Price Spike Due to Climate Change, Shows Need to Act on Climate

That’s it from the bozos this week. Have a great weekend Claycordians ans stay cool!


How could anyone with a brain support what is happening to this country: supporting the Democrats.


They don’t.


Max,, obviously the only ones that could possibly support the destruction the current administration and most Democrats are doing to this Country own nothing, never have never will, nor financially support themselves. You know like the 3 or 4 Trolls posting this week.


The illegal alien fentanyl traffickers and child human traffickers sure do support the democrats.


Max – I think you answered your own question.you will never find democrats and brains in the same room.


We could start with wages are increasing at a higher rate than costs. Consumer confidence is on the rise.


in what country?


In the United States. Do try to keep up.


in your imagination
Who can keep up with pure fantasy,fueled by gubment cheese?


I’m sure this comment will not be posted but here goes…. If Trump has the billions of dollars that he claims to have, why is his super pac…Saving America paying his legal bills with the money that his hard working middle and lower class followers send to him? Shameful. Wake up people!!!


Clearly you’re living in a state of bliss.


Because that’s what we want him to do with our money. His message is already out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGIAN duh, remember. We understand the fight he’s in. We’re paying him to fight for us against the same corruption that’s after him and protecting biden and the commie globalists. America first


He spent years in miiltary school and excelled.Hes changed a motor or 2.CNN wont tell you anything good


It’s because the law allows Super PAC money to go towards legal expenses.
Generally, Super PAC’s are primarily funded by wealthy donors, not by middle-class and lower-class donors. Middle-class and lower-class donors are more likely to contribute directly to his campaign.


Tbk – don’t try explaining facts to liberals unless you have an unlimited number of crayons and tone. Then they’ll just sit there screaming with their hands over their ears.

As they say, never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.


Since Trump used his fake charities to line his pockets, it stands to reason that he is also fleecing his campaign donors. He will have so much good advice to share with his future cellmates.


“Make no mistake, the Biden bribery scandal is as much about Obama as it is about Biden.”
“Obama absolutely knew 100%, and they covered it up.”

D. Bongino
Former Secret Service
Former NYPD


This past week vice president Kamala Harris was on a talk show moaning the fact that most Americans are only “$400 away from being in bankrupt” . So interesting, that she bemoans the this when she andbrilliant brain Biden has created this situation! Your average person was much better off economically under Trump. If the Democrats get another four years we’re all going to be $100 away from bankruptcy. Wake up people!


newsom is U-Haul’s top salesman,
“California and New York have lost a combined $640m in tax revenue due to people moving out-of-state, as conservative Florida and Texas see boosts of $23 billion after an influx of movers.

The two states currently top the table with the largest net negative tax income migration, with The Golden State taking the top spot.

In total, California has seen $343 million leave the state, while New York is just under $300 million.”


Find a way to watch an Oliver Stone movie, “Ukraine on Fire”. You will see that the Ukraine is one of the most messed up countries in the world and has been like that forever and why we should have never been involved.


‘Mysterious Chinese COVID Lab Uncovered in City of Reedley CA’
Seems like anytime DEMs mess with something or the wanna be governor wants a photo OP, state deteriorates.


That’s crazy. Chinese bio labs in newsoms california. Like we didn’t already know


2018 “Two years after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s shady no-bid $1 billion N-95 mask deal with newly formed BYD Mask company, there are still many questions surrounding the deals.

Gov. Gavin Newsom approved spending $1 Billion of taxpayers funds on masks from Chinese company BYD, an electric bus maker which started manufacturing N95 masks as the COVID pandemic hit, when the original mask purchase to Blue Flame fell apart after a bank notified the governor that Blue Flame was only a few days old.

Even more egregious, California lawmakers were not allowed to see details of the $1 Billion contracts signed by Gov. Newsom with BYD. Legislators sent him a letter demanding details of the agreement, saying there has been too little transparency in spending those massive taxpayer dollars… to no avail.

Now, according to the Los Angeles Times, “California Controller Betty Yee, a two-term Democrat with no formal role in the contracting process, worked behind the scenes to help a pair of political operatives land a deal that turned out to be one of the state’s most flawed.” ”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/52h2xjsk
DEM voters have short memories.


A Socialist is a cowardly weenie not bold enough to call him/her/it/they/them self a Communist.

Freedom isn’t doing what you want to do, it’s being free from doing what you don’t want to do.

Why does The Biden Crime Family hide money in offshore locations? Here’s just one example:
Hunter Biden admitted in court during his failed plea deal hearing on Wednesday that he received over half a million dollars from a company with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), contradicting Daddy Joe’s earlier lie that no one in the Biden family made any “money from China.”

Inflation is intentionally caused by the government:
Cash-grabbing Dem thieves propose new tax on “wealth” in corrupt effort to “combat aristocracy” forcing the wealthy to discover new ways to legally protect what they honestly earned through their knowledge and dedication.


Vast difference between founders and congress of today.
Given preoccupation by some members of congress seem more interested in catering to large campaign contributors, resulting in American citizens’ interests not being well served.
“Politics I supposed to be the second-oldest profession.
I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” — Ronald Reagan
“Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today?
It wouldn’t even get out of committee.” — F. Lee Bailey
The Bill of Rights, how many years since you’ve read it?
When was last time members of congress read it, with comprehension?


And we’re better looking


Why are there so many people still wearing masks at Safeway? Are these people really this committed to not being wrong? It’s literal insanity. I couldn’t help but start laughing today at some rainbow lady with her mask on and then I saw 3 others. I’m may have to say something next time I see it.


Could be allergies, virtue signaling, fear of cooties, ignorance, or stupidity.
Best to avoid those nice folks. Sometimes they can be a bit fragile, and prone to outbursts of moral insanity.


Recently at a store I walked past some woman wearing a mask and her eyes went wide as if scared that me walking past was going to kill her. I think I had more to worry about her shedding spike protein than she of me spreading any virus. It’s often sad and comical at the same time. Why the country fell for this psyop shows how much the US has been dumbed down over time.


At least they are indoors. What’s with the knuckleheads wearing masks outside while jogging or bike riding? I especially love the fearful believers wearing masks while driving alone. Maybe they just enjoy the reek of their own breath.
They lied to you. Masks don’t work. You look like a wimp. Take a Claritin if you have allergies.


The negative press, the criticism from the US and around the world, his forthcoming Crime Family downfall, his worthless spawn facing prison and deadbeat dad charges, has finally made the old demented SOB release a fake story claiming to accept granddaughter Navy Roberts. Now there all working together to foster a relationship. Isn’t that special!


Cocaine was found at Biden’s house.
A dead body was found at Obama’s house.
A male prostitute was found at Pelosi’s house.
An illegal server was found at Clinton’s house.
And the FBI raided Trump’s house!


The Aussies get it

Always trust the science

Did The Beast do it?

All we need is the right app

It’s happening everywhere

The main stream media

Your tax dollars are being judiciously spent…….as usual

He was one of us, a man of the people


No one has mentioned how they feel that Rudy has admitted to lying about election fraud in Georgia.


Historians will study rampant stupidity of DEMs when it comes to taxation, spending and debt.
They will also be amazed how they failed to learn from their mistakes.
When you heavily tax the rich, well lets just say they can vote with their feet and move.
DEM controlled NJ.
2010 article, “More than $70 billion in wealth left New Jersey between 2004 and 2008 as affluent residents moved elsewhere…”
An of course DEMs didn’t learn from previous taxation mistake, causing rich to move.
‘New Jersey-New York area lost 5,700 millionaires in 2018’
‘Thousands of Californians fleeing to Nevada are upending the fabric of its cities – causing congestion in the streets, straining city services and pricing locals out of homes’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/5bcjfnt8
comment image
‘California and New York lose $640M of tax revenue to migration, as conservative Florida and Texas see coffers boosted by $23.1BN’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mwwe8m32
Would you give a no limit credit card to an 11 year old ? ? ?
DEM money management . . . . . .
‘Governor Newsom’s Budget Deficit Has Climbed To $31.5 Billion’



Get the covid vaccine and wear a mask. And as always please wear a seat belt


Isn’t all medical procedure carry some adverse reactions, including but not limited to risk of death ? Your doc😂
Protect yourself and other wear the mask and get vaccinated



Since the $20k student loan forgiveness is pretty much dead. President Biden and his administration creates new program where low income borrowers can pay as low as $0 and get the loan cancel after 10 years of payments. Biden will find ways to fulfill promises and that makes he the great president. For all the things which they did, Abe Lincoln and Ronald Regan were a so so presidents.


It’s interesting the Biden administration are making an effort to fulfill vote-purchasing promises made prior to the 2020 election. It disrespects responsible student borrowers who honorably repay their student loans, but hey, who cares about them, they wouldn’t vote for a zero like Joe Biden anyway.
The Biden administration are laser focused on purchasing votes in 2024, and appealing to the financially irresponsible makes sense. The Biden syndicate knows they can’t get votes from people who read and think, so best go for the educationally challenged vote.


It is simple; if you borrow, you repay it. That is the honorable thing to do. The Syndicate is trying to take that responsibility away from those who have yet to repay what they took. The Syndicate ia trying to change the terms of the loan to better suit themselves; they cannot earn the vote, so they are attempting to buy the vote. Our courts system already said no, but the Syndicate is continuing to try and find another way … they just cannot take no for an answer because if they do, it would be another failed promise they made. ;


The Biden administration is dishonorable and is pandering to their supporters without honor.


It should be that simple but it is not. There are people who carry debts but couldn’t pay so they use bankruptcy laws to wipe out the debts and start fresh. Education debt can’t be wipe out through bankruptcy court. However, we get lucky to have Biden to help with wiping out the student loan.


Joe Biden is trying to exercise powers not granted to him by the Constitution. Congress created this mess and Congress must fix it.


Bankruptcy debts are not FORGIVEN nor paid off by the govt. they are absorbed by the loaner. Any fool knows that.
Your failure to pay off your student debt, that you gave your word on and agreed to pay off, must be paid by me and other honest people if that bast**d biden get his illegal vote-buying wish.
Such a person would have to be, a lying, lazy, useless to society, hypocritical, person of low morals, whose given word is totally and completely worthless.


It’s too bad that those that expect the government(taxpayers) to pay off their student debt didn’t learn responsibility, self reliance and honor from their parents.


You signed a contract, then you’re responsible for meeting the terms and requirements of that contract.


Anything less is just fraud. And, of course, democrats appear to fully support this fraud.

Sine I didn’t sign the contract, I’m not responsible for paying anything related to that contract.


Spoken as a perfect example of what’s wrong now here in the country: Someone who sees the government as their mommy, who expects to treated as a child their entire life and who is basically a parasite that feeds off of working class citizens.


Cocaine was found at Biden’s house.
A dead body was found at obama’s house.
A male prostitute was found at Pelosi’s house.
An illegal server was found at Clinton’s house.
But the FBI raided Trump’s house?


Are you mad about the Sound of Freedom? Try That in a Small Town? You probably are.


Has a date been set for the prime time hearings on the riots that left 19 dead, 2000 officers injured, 97 police cars burned, over 600 acts of arson, 2300 acts of looting, and more that $2 Billion in property damage.
What about the nice folks who publicly encouraged the riots? VP Harris comes to mind. What punishment does she/her/it deserve? At the very least doesn’t she deserve to be impeached.


And how.
Your post hits the nail on the head.
It shows how corrupt, vile, dirty, deceiving, immoral, and dishonest the democrat government really is.


The overblown and endless allegations against Trump is merely an attempt by the democrat government to deflect attention away from their ineptness and their corruption.


Q. How do you drive liberals and the media insane and apoplectic?

A. Explain that notwithstanding their non-stop attempts to destroy him, Trump is leading “bigleague” in any and all polls, and cheating won’t be so easy next time.


Another business suicide ? ? ? ?
‘…Putting their foot in it! Dr Martens engulfed in woke storm after promoting boots that show a transgender person with breast removal scars on their chest’


“I ask you again Mr. Archer, were you at any time a member of a crime organization headed by Joe Biden?”
“I don’t know nothing about that. Oh! I was in the olive oil business with his son.”


Very good !


“Who are those two men with the sh** eating grins sitting on either side of Mrs. Archer?”
That would be Jim and Frank Biden. They have come here at their own expense, to lend support to the Archer family in their time of need…….


Hail Mary full of grace….


Too good for Fredo Biden.


Am very disappointed someone hasn’t repackaged that Paint by Number that came out in 1950.
Could market it to swamp creatures in D.C.
‘Ron DeSantis asks why FBI hasn’t gone after Hunter – and says his daughter can paint better than him’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/4jcdkumn


Need to hire deputy Barney to take over the FBI. There is certainly no fidelity, bravery or integrity left in that organization’s management.


And now because of the Progressive Democrat Party and their supporters we will have non citizens arresting citizens of this country.
Illinois Gov. Pritzker allows non-US citizens to become police officers with new law:


In a 5-3 vote, the BART Board of Directors has voted to oppose a bill to decriminalize fare evasion. The bill was introduced by Democrat Los Angeles Assemblyman Isaac Bryan.


It’s hard to believe that 3 of BART’s BoD opposed people stealing fares from BART.
“Let’s raise ticket prices, parking costs, reduce trains, AND let people jump the turnstyles. Maybe that will fix our financial problems!”
What the heck is wrong with people?


Who voted to decriminalize fare evasion? They need to be removed from the board.


BART Board President/Director Janice Li, District 8 – (San Francisco County), Director Rebecca Saltzman, District 3 (Alameda County, Contra Costa County), and Director Lateefah Simon, District 7 (Alameda County, Contra Costa County, San Francisco County) voted in favor of the decriminalizing fare evasion bill.
BART Board Vice President/Director Mark Foley, District 2 (Contra Costa County) said he would support legislation that would make transit free or low-cost for all riders, eliminating the need for fare evasion in the first place.
AB819 passed in the California State Assembly 62-12 and is now awaiting a vote in the California State Senate Appropriation’s Committee before heading to the full State Senate for a vote.


As I figured…

The Bart board needs to be completely overhauled. They continue playing fast and loose with taxpayers’ money. Continuing with this should result in their arrest.

Aren’t they the same ones that refused to cooperate with the BART Inspector General’s office?

F*** BART and their incompetent employees and management. Will never ride it again.


California US Senator Alex Padilla has introduced a resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis.


In a sick way, he’s rather correct. “Diversity Hiring” is a powerful form of racism with a profound contribution to America’s declining health. Mayorkas, Buttigieg, Becerra, KBJ, and a host of others have damaged our nation. Not because of their race or orientation, rather because they are unskilled with political agendas driving their decisions. There is a fee for that, and Americans are paying it right now.
Kamala Harris, while certainly a diversity hire, is a non event because she has effectively done nothing except provide comedians with new material.
Want to fight racism? Hire the most qualified. If they happen to look goofy like Sam Brinton, fine, as long as they are the best quality hire.


Racism is a serious issue. Besides being a public health crisis, it is the leading cause of climate change, transphobia, misogyny, gun deaths, inequity, crime, potholes, bunions, dad jokes, and hauntings.


Politicians are a public health problem. Every one of them needs mental health treatment.


Sanctuary defined as, a place of refuge and protection, DEMs however have a different one.
Not only does the homeless problem too much for them, now they’ve turned illegals into homeless.
‘NYC’s Roosevelt Hotel becomes epicenter of city’s 60,000-strong refugee crisis in shocking scenes from Manhattan’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2ypu8nup


Maybe use Yankee Stadium or City Field when the Yanks and Mets are out of town. We’re talking over 100,000 available seats.


Have you ever wondered what happened to your comment? Me too!
comment image


A White House timeline of the Hunter Biden saga, from 2018 until today:
2018- Hunter’s computer info is Russian Disinformation. If you believe this then you are Putin’s lackey.
2020- There were no foreign deals made. “I never asked my son about his business”. This is all a right wing conspiracy.
2021-Yeah, there were foreign deals made but Hunter didn’t make any money. This is all Qanon malarkey.
2022-Leave poor Hunter alone. He’s a private citizen suffering from a disease. Beau is dead. Trump is the devil.
Today- “I was never in business with my son”. “So where is the money”? Biden only called to discuss the weather. Did you hear about Trump’s indictment?
Tomorrow- We can only guess at what ridiculous excuse will come next.


The Biden administration after years of denial, court ordered paternity tests, and a fight to reduce child support, have finally decided to embrace their seventh grandchild. It seems the court of public opinion (as opposed to guilty conscience) has compelled them to finally acknowledge her existence.
Next their public relations firm will issue a statement about how this is “a time for healing”. Similar to the statement they issued when Joe traded the pot smoking lesbian basketball player for an international terrorist. “It’s a time for healing, can you imagine the stress of being a pot smoking lesbian basketball player?” That’s empathy, Biden style.
How will we know when little Navy has been healed?
When she tells the entire dysfunctional Biden clan to screw off.


Common sense from Mr Rogers



Fred was one of those fancy boys?


He was also a BADAZZ military hero, IAW Lee Marvin who fought next to him.


Nope, addording to the National Archives, Mr. Rogers was not a badass military hero. Fake news!



You’re right, Professor. I had Rogers confused with Bob Keeshan, of Captain Kangaroo fame.
Good catch.


Crude Oil WTI just over $82, don’t be surprised when CA gas goes up 50 cents or $1.00.
How will that effect household budget?
Disposable income is going to drop again effecting local businesses that rely on customers spending that money. 60% of US economy is derived from small business transactions.
As fuel costs go back up, costs of goods transported will go up making things you buy more expensive.


Fitch rating service just downgraded US government debt warning foreign investors of increasing US fiscal issues and hugely increasing debt. It’s fun to me how much of what is said in this Politics Forum eventually comes true, but it’s not so much fun watching trolls giggle while the country continues to deteriorate. What will be the Leftist alphabet news spin on this tomorrow or will they ignore it like Hunter’s lack of a skill set to be getting millions of dollars from foreigners as an oil executive, investment manager, and professional artist all at the same time.


Yes, downgraded from AAA to AA+ due to debt ceiling standoffs, out of control debt, and deteriorating governance.


Isn’t it just terrible when someone calls out the smoke n mirrors biden harris regime are pushing.
Matter of time ’til it falls apart.
‘Fitch Ratings DOWNGRADES the United States’ long-term rating to AA+ from AAA and says it reflects fiscal deterioration as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blasts the agency’ …
“The international credit agency Fitch has made a decision to downgrade the US rating due to a ‘shady deterioration in standards'”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/25mjnczm
fiscal deterioration ! ! !
shady deterioration in standards ! ! !


“shady deterioration in standards”
“ “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job. And I think it’ll be an interesting test,” Obama explained.
“Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing…”
Thinking about that statement, it perfectly describes both obama biden and biden harris regimes.


And that’s ALL on Biden’s watch….assisted by Giggles Harris, the word-salad hooker.



It’s official, Musk may have his BIG X but the real heavy players have this;

Our fighting “persons”?

Cowardly futile desperation

Fauci won

Your androgynous cousin accompanies you to have your car’s oil changed. While your cousin is using the restroom, the mechanic tells you he noticed your “tranny” is leaking fluid, how should you respond?


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK… Obama, Biden, Harris, Newsom the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, and the woke have killed your dream.


They didn’t just kill it, they pi**** on it, and they did it on purpose.


‘California 7-Eleven workers take matters into their own hands as they stop brazen thief filling TRASH CAN with tabacco’


It’s time for the rest of society to take matters into their own hands.

The politicians are just sitting on their hands, already stealing from us. The DAs are refusing to charge criminals and are letting them go.

Yet here California sits, wanting to pamper his miscreants and drooling over the politicians.

Drain the effing swamp!


The David Depape situation is in the news again as his defense team want to tour the Pelosi house alleged crime scene.
The police camera still photos are quite curious. A smiling David Depape is holding the hammer along with Paul Pelosi’s right hand in a completely relaxed fashion. Paul Pelosi is smiling, and his left hand remains completely relaxed at his side. They clearly aren’t wrestling over a weapon. Very peculiar.


Never let facts ruin a liberal’s opinion.

Or – never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Takes being a victim of violent crime to wake up a democrat.
‘Portland doctor knocked out by a ‘homeless’ attacker reveals bloody wounds to her face and blames the city for slow police response – claiming she changed her vote from Democrat to Republican’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/yukr375r


Quickest ways to motivate a politician are public ridicule and/or embarrassment.
After days of media coverage of illegals sleeping on sidewalks outside NYC hotel and like magic DEMs made their problem go away.
‘NYC’s Roosevelt Hotel is CLEARED of migrants who have been sleeping on the streets for days’…
“Only a small group of migrants remained, and were seen being transported away in either city buses or Ubers”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/36fms58w


I just saw the most delicious video. Two 7-Eleven workers beat the cowardness out of the robber. Yes, I understand, you kind and caring liberals; the criminal just needed to feed its six spawns, and you need to support your criminal friends and family but heads up. Knock knock.


Stockton is a complete snot mold. However it’s nice to see a story with a happy ending.

Isn’t wonderful when DEMs thumb their noses at The Law and refuse to cooperate in removing illegals convicted of crimes from our country?
“A sanctuary county in Maryland freed an illegal alien from prison, without turning him over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, after he was convicted of raping a girl and was later arrested for sexually assaulting a woman.”
Doesn’t California do the same thing, refuse to work with ICE ? ? ? ?


Sanctuary means a place of safety, so how is that a sanctuary county with a violent person like that encouraged to be there? Oh, the Democrat redefining of words again.


If they put one tenth of the energy into locking up sexual predators as they do championing abortion there would be far fewer rapes.
Their priorities are really screwed up.

“Considering the fact that I had to fly to a filthy, dirty, falling apart & very unsafe Washington DC today, & that I was arrested by my political opponent, who is losing to me badly in the polls, crooked Joe Biden, it was a very good day.”
D Trump
Funny…..they don’t scare him. what a guy!
The whole Dem leadership is scared of him though. Watching them scramble in panic mode is fun.


Since Trump stumbled both when asked to state his name and his age, I’m not sure how scared they should be.


Yet slow joe loses arguments with a dribble glass.

Ever hear how slow joe the liar can’t even read from a teleprompter or answer one off the list question without his handlers at his side? Or how about the word-salad princess who can’t even string one coherent sentence together? Or Karine whatshername that can’t answer one question with a direct answer? I xld go on and on, but I have neither the time nor the crayons to illustrate it adequately to you.

See, you just proved again that democrats are unable to address their own faults….yet are more than willing to point out everyone else’s mistakes.

Again,, you just proved that if democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.

Try again, sonny. You’re as irrelevant as a zit on my a$$.


A well deserved Tune-Up, if only there were more

The view from China

Just a phone call away

Scandal Distractions

A whole buncha of blissful ignorance

It’s the LAW!

Well done Joe, the plan is working

These scares the crap out of Dem leaders

An example of someone who hasn’t a clue how ignorant and incredibly stupid he is. This may take longer for like-minded folks to grasp. Don’t give up, just keep re-reading……..it’s absolutely hilarious.



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