Home » The Water Cooler – Would You Ever Move Out Of The Country?

The Water Cooler – Would You Ever Move Out Of The Country?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Would you ever move out of the United States? If so, what country would you move to, and why?

Talk about it….

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Ukraine, at least that’s where the $$$ went.


As bad as some things are it would take something catastrophic to make me move out of the U.S.


Nah. As messy and conflicted as America is, I’d miss the red-tail hawks and knowing what “fire weather” is; I’d miss this corny, brilliant, funny, sad, freedom-loving place (even when we’re at each other’s throats) – ’cause it’s us – it’s home.


Weird that this question came up because, as of this week, our daughter is applying for citizenship to Malta.
Her Husband’s Family has real estate in Malta passed down to them from other Family members.
The whole clan, grandkids too, are getting citizenship. This is better than Passports/Visas to travel to other European Countries too, without limited/restricted amount time you can visit. Are they going to move out there permanently?, … that the question. We would maybe visit, but not move there.


When I read the topic, I immediately thought of you.

Many places I would like to visit but wouldn’t move because of family.


if you could bring family with you?

Yes…I would gladly leave California. Just unclear as to where.



Why move? When the U.S. is turning into a country I don’t recognize.


I’m with Domo
With all its problems, USA is easily the greatest country in the world. Why else would all the immigrants want in?


Alaska is as far as I would go and I would love to go there. The last wild frontier.


Space. The final frontier 👨‍🚀


My kids live in Alaska and love … I don’t do cold.

To where? Look around there is no place to go.


Ricardo, Denmark or almost any of the Scandinavian countries are often named the happiest countries in the world. People from those countries are not crossing borders illegally to come here. My answer is somewhat tongue in cheeck. I have the advantage of knowing what it is like to live in those countries. However, I understand that most people don’t want to leave the country they are familiar with and have friends and family here, after a certain age it is hard to pack up and move, especially to a country where you don’t know the language (I always felt bad for people that tried to learn Danish) and don’t have friends.


Hanne, my husband lived in Denmark for a year as an exchange student with Rotary Intl. He loved it there, and we visited in 1992 and I loved it. One of the many attractions of Denmark is it’s so close to other countries and adventures, that it might be a wonderful place to live. My only issue would be the 24 hours of sunshine during certain times of the year. Oh, and Gameldansk.

Denmark don’t actually have 24 hours of sunlight, in the summer it stays light to a pot 10 p.m. When l lived in Iceland during the summer it stays light 24 hours, for a few hours it gets kind of dark line it’s going to rain. We often stayed up all night partying. Because summers are so short in Denmark people often eat dinner outside when the weather is warm. I’m not a fan of Gammel Dansk. Glad you liked my country.

They are worse than the US.


Hanne Europeans are already lost souls. As bad as it is here there isn’t a country worth moving to family or not. They maybe happy in Scandinavia but they are socialists.


So who cares if they are socialist they are happy. First of all Denmark have a socialist government, but they are not pure socialism. People own businesess, houses, many own a vacation home as well. They travel widely, we have free speech. You are looking at from a typical American point of view. Yes, taxes are high, and like other countries Denmark has it’s problem. However, since medical and education is paid for, most people feel very secure if they have between $250.000 to 500.000 in savings and investments and a paid for house. People are happy because they feel secure, violent crime is low. It’s a small country so people live close to families. My cousin and her husband has a nice retirement, he was a civil engineer with Siemens (A German company) they have taken many trips to Spain with their 2 daugther, son in laws and grandchildren everything paid for. Instead of leaving a lot of money for their children they are leaving them with memories. No person or country is perfect. However, in everyday life there’s not that much difference between the Northern European countries and the US, people like to spend time with friends and family, enjoy good food, a glass of wine, trips, movies, nice homes and a car to get around. Houses and cars in Europe are smaller, but then the distances are not as great as here. The smaller houses is made up for with functional streamlined furniture.


Hanne, I always enjoy your comments and learn something new every day. Just wanted to say thank you for posting them, and I wish you the best.


If you love it so much, how about you go back then.


Most of central Europe is currently better than here. First thing is there is low crime and mass shooting are almost unheard of. My family in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia ask me how can I live in such a violent country. Actually my Canadian family asks me the same thing.
Also the education systems in central Europe is ahead of the US. We have dropped in the world ranking for education from our what seemed like forever #2 (Japan was always #1) to #19 and over all quality of life is #17
So there are lots of “where’s” out there


WELL FOLKS Would you like to live in Slovakia? Yes there is a lower crime rate and yes many countries have a better education system than we do in some places but not all places. However the problems we have had here for hundreds of years are reaching Europe now. They have no idea what is coming except for maybe in France, Sweden, and England. I don’t see Europe as a place to move to.

And miss out on all the excitement? Not on your life!


Catotx, Obviously you have not read my other comments. Yes, I love Denmark, but I also love the US where I have spend majority of my life. It is not impossible to love both countries, probably in different ways. Just like if someone have more than one child, they certainly love all their children, perhaps in different ways. It is not a difficult concept. I would venture to say anybody who immigrated here as an adult still love the country they grew up in (unless from a horrible country like North Korea etc.).


Prairiegirl, Thank you for your nice comment. Wish you the best as well.


We have the US Constitution.


Too bad it is not enforced the way it used to be ….


But it’s liberals who do everything to circumvent law or implement unConstitutional laws … . like Obamacare which was unConstitutional as originally written.

Constitution is extinct … sadly

It’s alive and doing fine overall.
Oh ye of little faith…

If you go, it’s best to check out the Fed tax issues involved.

At this stage, no. There are still many aspects of the liberties provided by the Constitution still in place, in spite of the constant assault by a certain party to deprive we citizens of these rights for decades now. Many of these marxists are aging out, and there is a level of dimness the new marxists have that provide hope that we will remain a Constitutional Republic, not a Socialist Democracy. Not sure of a country out there that would be better.


Those liberties are NOT PROVIDED by the Constitution. They are, in theory anyway, protected by the Constitution. I heard a dem politician say the same thing (“rights given to the people”) and my jaw dropped when nobody pushed back on this egregious error.

You are correct. Poor word choice on my part.

Been a lot of places in the world and all have their own set of problems. The difference here is we somewhat understand the source of ours. I am too old to have to learn the source of other country’s problems let alone have to adapt to them. Vacations are nice as I can enjoy the good of others and not have to relearn the bad.


If I had the resources, I would.

But not for political reasons.

I would go to the home of my religion.

Move out of the country? Hell no.
Farm livin’ is the life for me.
Land spreadin’ out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.


@DR. JELLYFINGER….Many funny characters in Green Acres, the Monroe brothers were my favorite….https://youtu.be/Z0TUItWKPmo

I liked Arnold Ziffel best.

I did.

Lived/worked in … Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Guam, Micronesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Hawaii, Mexico, Kuwait, Iraq and some others … here’s the deal … if you have never lived outside the USA … you likely live in a mental propganda bubble … USA is the best type thinking … yes it is a beautiful country and the people are really great … but the government has ended … now the joint is owned by corporate world and some other characters … I now live in Cambodia … where little kids can walk to school alone … the main currency is the usd … there are no such things as mass shootings or homeless camps … while there are certainly challenges, it is an amazing place to live … and one final … Okinawa is the place I loved living the most … no guns, no drugs, no crime … cept within the US military population based there … I grew up in Claycord … but those glory days of goodness (1978-1987) are long gone … as is true for many parts of the USA … Welp, to each his own … good night and good luck.


Hawaii is America! 🤣

So I guess Pol Pot was right all along… it just took the murder of three million people in Cambodia back in the 70’s by the Khmer Rouge to get things going in the right direction?
Now it’s perfect happy land!

I’ve researched the idea, and certainly could afford to go elsewhere; the problem is I really hate how divided and stupid our country has become. Our government needs a clean start, but both parties in power are so consumed with power and greed, it’s no wonder why I don’t even recognize her anymore. We need a fresh start, and for journalism to be sternly reminded of it’s duty to be unbiased and truthful, given the special protections and access they’re given. Unfortunately, my children and lifelong friends are here, so we’ll probably stay, but the door is open.

Where is Walter Cronkite when we need him ?


I did. I moved here. When I arrived as an au pair in the sixties at age 22, I was going to stay one year. Well after one year I had made friends, were dating and having a wonderful time, so I postponed my return to my native Denmark. In summer of 1968 I met someone I felt madly in love with, he was in the air force, but we spend as much time together as we could that summer. Then in September I got terrible home sick and decided I wanted to go back to Denmark and see how I felt about moving back there, but had plans of coming back to the States after Christmas. I was still dating the guy I was in love with, but figure I could survive 3 months without him. I enjoyed being home, I saw friends and family and spend a lot of time with my parents (I’m an only child), but I missed my friends and the life I had in Westport. So I came back, they guy I had been dating was in Korea and would not return until the summer. Right before I left for the US I was wondering if I did the right thing, I had spend a very nice Christmas with my parents and other family As soon as I got off the plane at JFK, I took a deep breatch and said to my friend that had met me there “Oh it is great to be back”, I lived in Denmark for the first 20 years of my life, then for 2 years before coming to the US, I lived in Israel, Iceland and hitchhiked through Northern Europe for about 6 weeks, between all of that I would go back to Denmark for a few months and then take off again. I have spend most of my life in the US 6 years on East Coast. a year and half in New Orleans, and 4 month in Milwaukee, the rest in this area. I will never forget Denmark nor the East Coast, especially Connecticut, it was the first place I came to in the US, and I have a soft spot in my heart for it. I believe that even though you love the country you move to and adopt, you will always have a special place in your heart for the place where you grew up. It is not a matter of liking one more than the other, it’s more that you like and love both just in a different way.


No, every time I’ve traveled to another country I’ve come to the same conclusion, it’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. I definitely wouldn’t want to live in any country with “hate speech” laws.


To anyone who’s travelled, we’ve already emotionally left the US long ago.

I would move only if most of our large family moved to the same place. My first choice would be Italy. We’ve been there 3 times, for a total of a little over 2 months (a month recently) and love it there. I qualify for dual citizenship and am seriously considering applying for it. The topography and climate in Tuscany is similar to California, which suits us fine.

I’m movin to Monaco when I hit the Mega Millions

No. I like the Bay Area. The few rare times I thought about leaving was to just go to a different state. I sort of thought the south east corner of New Mexico would do but it’s too hot these days.

Ruidoso is a mountain town in Southeast NM … not hot … wonderful.

I have family in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Canada so I have choices. I would love to live in Greece as they live a very free spirit life style. But in reality it would be Slovakia or the Czech Republic. The beauty and health care system along with the populations being highly educated would have me pick one of those two. And since I’m closer to my Slovakian cousins and I speak the Slovakian dialect better than Czech I would go to Kosice Slovakia. Considering all the violence in this country I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently


Just before I left on vacation, I dealt with several people in service positions in the US for various reasons. All were exceptionally friendly. According to the World Economic Forum, I am currently in the 7th happiest country. Everyone I have encountered in Oslo has been so nice! The tram driver today went above and beyond to let me stay on after the route terminated, then gave me a little gift before I boarded another tram. I will fly to #1 on the list on Monday. It’s gonna be raining the whole time I am in Helsinki so it’ll be hard for ME to be happy. Then it’s on to #6. It will be raining in Stockholm, too. Darn. Hard for me to be a happy camper so I’m glad to know they are happy. Will I move from #15, the US? I will celebrate my 76th b’day this year. My kids and grands are in the US. I’ll stay. But let me share that I spoke with a 20-something in Norway the other day who has several friends who did study abroad programs in the US. they were surprised to find out how little the Americans they encountered were aware of world history and surprised at the amount of misinformation passed around the US.

BTW … Japan is giving away free homes to foreigners via a new program called “Akiya Bank” … plenty of YouTube videos about it. There are 8 million empty homes in Japan … many are gorgeous and more than 100 years old.

A few years ago yes. Portugal or Spain. But really? No. Fast forward to present day/moment. Upon returning from being gone a few days a few hours away, the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy came to mind. “There’s no place like home.” “There’s no place like home.”



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