Home » Heat Wave Will Ease But Bring Chance Of Thunderstorms, Forecasters Say

Heat Wave Will Ease But Bring Chance Of Thunderstorms, Forecasters Say


An excessive heat warning for the Bay Area will expire at 11 p.m. Sunday, but some areas may face a chance of thunderstorms, the National Weather Service said.

The greatest chance of thunderstorms is in the North Bay from Sunday evening to early Monday, forecasters said Saturday.

The chance of lightning comes as triple-digit heat combined with low humidity has increased fire danger, the weather service said. But the storms are unlikely to bring rain.

“With air below the potential thunderstorms remaining dry, any rainfall that may occur will likely evaporate before reaching the ground,” the weather service said.


The highest temperature in the Bay Area on Saturday was 106 degrees at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, the weather service said. Parts of the North Bay hit 102 to 105.

By contrast, in coastal Bodega Bay, the high was 58 degrees.

“It’s a classically large spread” of temperatures, said Rick Canepa, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Monterey.

Though it was hot in many places, it wasn’t record heat, he said.


“The records are pretty tough to reach for this time of year,” he said.

In several communities, the highest temperatures for July 15 were set in 1972 — 115 degrees in Gilroy, 110 degrees in Redwood City and 107 degrees in Santa Rosa, according to climate data.

While there is no excessive heat warning on Monday, the weather service said, interior areas will be in the upper 80s to low 100s.

A slight cooling trend will develop through midweek, forecasters said.

By Tuesday, high temperatures along the coast will be in the 60s to near 80. Interior areas will remain in the upper 80s to near 100.


Exit 12A July 15, 2023 - 10:08 PM - 10:08 PM

1972? So your saying temperature extremes are cyclical. That’s a fact. I remember in the 1970s that the “leading scientists” were predicting the world heading into the next Ice Age.
Global warming/climate change is turning out to be the greatest hoax cast on the public by politicians, alarmist scientists, and environmental “activists” like bratty Greta Thunberg.
Fear, fear, fear…. and all the weak minded humans are falling for the mythical “scientific” construct.
The NWS forecast 104° for Concord. Well, the high was only 97°. How’s that for scientific modeling?

domo July 16, 2023 - 7:48 AM - 7:48 AM

…. agree E12A … WC forecasts (from several sources) was 104 also … high got to 99.. better cooler than hotter I guess

Badge1104 July 16, 2023 - 2:48 PM - 2:48 PM

What you said is really true! I find it so interesting that the recent huge fires up in Canada were blamed on global warming. When the news also reported that the previous fires there of the same magnitude , were 300 years ago! There were no cars or factory for pollution 300 years ago so why did it happen then? Climate Cycles that’s why! And as for the Ice Age they worrief about before, that would be much more catastrophic for mankind freezing millions!
When alternatively mild global warming of a few degrees is actually proven to help farmers grow more crops and more northernly latitudes, being able to feed the world’s hungry better.

Juryisout July 16, 2023 - 6:15 PM - 6:15 PM

The best weather forecasts are looking out a window, throwing a feather up in the air and checking my grandmother’s bursitis and trick knee.
Global warming is on its 12th cycle at least over millions of years. I guess dinosaur farts caused one of them.
The most recent are politicians spewing out hot air/bs is causing this one and I bet ya Fauci is another factor involved as well.

Captain Bebops July 16, 2023 - 10:09 AM - 10:09 AM

It seems tampering with the weather through their geoengineering programs is actually creating more “global warming” than if they just left things alone.

Martinezmike July 16, 2023 - 11:02 AM - 11:02 AM

I’m terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought 😨

Original G July 16, 2023 - 12:50 PM - 12:50 PM

Ya know it’s amazing, DEMs who can’t solve homelessness despite spending billions on the problem HAVE come up with the answer to Global Warming.

Pluto July 18, 2023 - 6:22 AM - 6:22 AM

Yea. Republican now want to plant 1 Billion trees to solve the problem. At least they finally admit we have a problem.

Angry American July 16, 2023 - 3:46 PM - 3:46 PM

Bla-bla-bla…. we call this summer.
first warm trend and it’s the end of days! Gonna go out a barbecue something tasty hope you all do the same.

Lou July 16, 2023 - 5:46 PM - 5:46 PM

Just watched the evening news, what’s with the reporters bobbing their heads and blinking their eyes constantly? Does that make me believe them?

Chris July 16, 2023 - 6:17 PM - 6:17 PM

People forget about the great floods of 1927 that saw 15 inches of rain fall in New Orleans in less than 24 hours and Mississippi saw 11 inches in the same period in the month of April. More than 600,000 were left homeless and the mighty Mississippi River spread out about 80 miles affecting more than 1 million acres. That summer saw more rain throughout the U.S. than had ever been recorded while somehow managing to use coal, gas, diesel.

Original G July 17, 2023 - 12:03 AM - 12:03 AM
Captain Bebops July 17, 2023 - 11:10 AM - 11:10 AM

Looks to me like today is going to be a scorcher instead of the previous forecast ones. Usually where I live there is a cool breeze going through the valley, great for a walk. Not this morning as air was still and hot. Overnight temps only cooled the house down to 75 not the usual 70 to 72. Hate to run AC as I’ll get gouged for it.
And the media theme for the day seems to be heatsteria.

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