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New Statewide Campaign Launched To Protect Communities Against Extreme Heat


California this week launched “Heat Ready CA”, a new campaign to help protect communities from extreme heat as heat waves get severe and frequent.

The campaign’s website, available in English, Spanish and soon expected in 10 Asian languages, provides resources to prepare a personalized plan to protect individuals and vulnerable family members, find the nearest cooling centers, and will soon help identify warning signs of heat-related illnesses. It will also provide tools to assess risk for heat-sensitive groups.

Announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the campaign is one of the nation’s first statewide multi-ethnic awareness and education campaigns to tackle extreme heat, according to a statement from the governor’s office.


California, among other southwestern states, is predicted to experience one of the worst heat waves in history in terms of severity and longevity, with the peak temperatures expected during the second half of this week.

Excessive heat watches and warnings are in effect across the southern half of the state, with additional watches, warnings, and advisories possible farther north, including the San Joaquin Valley.

“The impacts of climate change have never been more clear — the hots continue to get hotter in our state and across the West putting millions of Californians at risk,” Newsom said in a statement. “California is launching Heat Ready CA as another tool in the state’s arsenal to protect people from extreme heat. We’re asking everyone to stay alert to changing weather and take the necessary steps to keep themselves and their families safer from deadly heatwaves.”

Heat Ready CA is a two-year, $20 million campaign focusing on groups at highest risk from heat including those 65 years of age or older, workers, individuals experiencing homeless, with chronic illness, disabilities, or who are pregnant, among others. It is part of Newsom’s Extreme Heat Action Plan — a state action plan to build community resilience — guiding the state’s response to heatwaves, protecting frontline workers and helping communities set up cooling centers.


“Heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, as well as respiratory problems, are among the potentially dangerous effects of extreme heat,” said Dr. Mark Ghaly, secretary for the California Health and Human Services. “But as with earthquakes, floods or other natural weather events, Californians can better protect themselves and others with a few simple tips.”

The tips include:

  • Stay cool: Avoid being outside in the direct heat for a long time. Try to stay in air-conditioned spaces, at home with the thermostat set between 75-80 degrees, or at a local library, shopping mall, or community center. If staying home, keep blinds closed and wear loose, light-colored, lightweight clothing. People are discouraged from taking a swim as many California rivers are running faster, while lakes are deeper and colder than they’ve been in recent years.
  • Stay hydrated: People should drink at least two cups of water every hour even if they’re not feeling thirsty, and should avoid alcoholic or caffeinated drinks.
  • Look after each other: Check in on friends and family, especially elderly relatives or neighbors. Call 911 if there are signs of high fever (103 degrees or higher) or in case of other emergencies.
  • The campaign will use a culturally responsive approach with outreach, advertising, influencers and social media engagement, the statement said. More than 100 community-based organizations will be doing outreach in every California county in over 30 languages.


Ricardoh July 13, 2023 - 10:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Keeping people cool is a good thing. Telling them the world is burning up is a lie. This is the summer. It is always hot in the summer.

Jim Steed July 13, 2023 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

I have no doubt that this is the introduction to Climate Lockdowns in the not so distant future.

Extreme cyclical weather patterns have been going on for eons and extensive weather records prove this, but those whose only desire is to control us, won’t stop in their pursuits to further control us through any means possible.

WC---Creeker July 13, 2023 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

Spending $20M give people basic information.

parent July 13, 2023 - 10:47 AM - 10:47 AM

How many of Gavin’s special interest groups are being paid out of these funds?

MoJo July 13, 2023 - 10:27 AM - 10:27 AM

These Clowns will stop at nothing to propagate fear and sell their climate change agenda. It’s going to be hot for a few days.Big deal Gavin. It’s summer in the west.

Jeff (the other one) July 13, 2023 - 10:50 AM - 10:50 AM

How did we Americans survive these last 247 years without the two-year, $20 million campaign to educate us how 100 degrees is hot. It’s almost as if they are trying to build a narrative so they can implement more regulations, ban more of the niceties we have enjoyed the last 50 years, and a pilfer even more from the pockets and bank accounts of we tax payers.

Exit 12A July 13, 2023 - 10:57 AM - 10:57 AM

Your nanny CA government at “work”.
This state is utterly stupid.

Captain Bebops July 13, 2023 - 11:35 AM - 11:35 AM

The government learning the hard way it’s not nice to fool mother nature. Scientists warned (or argued) about this decades ago.

Pluto July 13, 2023 - 11:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Really! All this extreme weather is normal? Tell the people in Florida not to worry as their homes are swallowed up by rising waters. Extreme heat, floods, rising sea levels, wind storms, fires — no worries, let’s just blame politicians for trying to slow it down, while we keep out heads in the sand.

Cautiously Informed July 14, 2023 - 8:35 AM - 8:35 AM

The planet earth has been around for approximately 4.5 billions years. There’s probably been weather for the entire 4.5 billion years.
Humankind has recorded earths weather for about the 150 years. So therefore, humans have the earths weather completely figured out. Got it.
p.s. There’s probably been weather fluctuations on earth over the last 4.5 billion years; not just in the last 150.

Abe July 13, 2023 - 11:41 AM - 11:41 AM

California, among other southwestern states, is predicted to experience one of the worst heat waves in history in terms of severity and longevity, with the peak temperatures expected during the second half of this week.

What history?

Since accurate measurements have been available, for less than 200 years?

A few centuries?

Several centuries?

Millions of years?

Billions of years?

I read not long ago that some scientists said that the earth as 5 degrees cooler than at the end of the last ice age.

What can you believe? None of it.

In the early ’90, we had really hot temperatures followed by a few years of heavy rain in the winter.

Weather is cyclical and in the short time we are living on this planet there have been and will be no significant weather changes.

The Fearless Spectator July 13, 2023 - 5:57 PM - 5:57 PM

Now that’s enough of that talk. You’re making too much sense.
Some folks confuse climate change fear with mortality fear. The human race will end, and humans will only be able to alter that timeline ever so slightly. And the sooner people accept that the sooner they will focus on enjoying their remaining time and hopefully treating each other better.

Cautiously Informed July 14, 2023 - 9:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Ya, but Al Gore, a weather expert – NOT, said global warming is real!

OverWhelmed July 13, 2023 - 11:47 AM - 11:47 AM

well, it is summer. and, it is normal for there to be very hot days, and, if pge would leave the electricity on, people would have a cool place to go.

BORbeliever July 13, 2023 - 12:54 PM - 12:54 PM

Only in California…spending $20 million of your tax dollars to tell you it’s hot in July.

SF oh July 13, 2023 - 1:23 PM - 1:23 PM

Wow – news flash – it’s hot in California in July. Sorry, but this is nothing new. It was hot in Concord back in the ‘60s when I was a kid. It was fun. My Mom would make lemonade or we’d have popsicles and run through the sprinklers. Gee, how did my Mom know to keep us cool and hydrated without the government telling her what to do?? Was she using common sense and didn’t need a $20 million campaign to understand what anyone with a brain should be able to figure out? Somehow we all managed without Newsom trying to run every aspect of our lives. Those were definitely the good old days.

Juryisout July 13, 2023 - 2:12 PM - 2:12 PM

It’s summer and it’s hot, it happens every year, get over the whining already!

I swear people are turning into pathetic crybabies about everything.

The Professor July 13, 2023 - 2:19 PM - 2:19 PM

The govt spent $20 mil to remind people that when it is hot, don’t forget to drink water, stay in the shade or air conditioning, and don’t leave anybody in the car.
Jeez, anybody who can’t figure this out on their own deserves a Darwin award.

Stay cool, Claycord!

happypappy July 13, 2023 - 3:18 PM - 3:18 PM

Some days there just aren’t enough middle fingers! This one’s for you, Gov Nuisance.

Bob July 13, 2023 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

Hey Gav, maybe meet us halfway by cutting back on the rolling blackouts???

Paul July 13, 2023 - 3:36 PM - 3:36 PM

Thank you Newsome!👏🏻😀 Please use this opportunity to educate the climate change. And let be inclusive by sharing such important information in other languages other than English, which may or may not be the official language.

Cautiously Informed July 14, 2023 - 7:51 AM - 7:51 AM

Indeed. The dumb dem followers need truly need it.

SF oh July 14, 2023 - 1:04 PM - 1:04 PM

Paul, I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re an intelligent person. Do you really feel that you need an outreach program to tell you to drink water and stay in cooler areas on hot, summer days? My dog and cat understand to limit their activity, rest in cool areas, and drink more water when it’s hot. I would assume most humans could figure this out also. Wouldn’t you agree that $20 million could be put to better use?

Paul July 14, 2023 - 3:07 PM - 3:07 PM

Has it occurred to you that the outreach will include new effective ways of staying cool other than staying in the shade and drinking water? And the new ways may or maybe not known to other.

You need to think a little further. It’s not that hard.

Sf oh July 14, 2023 - 4:56 PM - 4:56 PM

Where does the article say that this program will include “new effective ways of staying cool”…… that are “…maybe not known”? It’s $20 million dollars of commercials and TikTok influencers telling you things you should already know. It clearly states that it is a campaign. It also clearly states, “We’re asking everyone to stay alert to changing weather and take the necessary steps to keep themselves and their families safer from deadly heatwaves.” Translation: You’re on your own. They’re not actually going to do anything to help anyone.

Cautiously Informed July 14, 2023 - 7:41 PM - 7:41 PM

Humans that don’t know to drink water when they are thirsty, and to get out of the sun when they are overheated. Rock on, Einstein.

when will they learn July 13, 2023 - 3:51 PM - 3:51 PM

Why does it need to be and why do we need to know that it’s “multi ethnic”?
Is this supposed to be brownie points for greasy Newsum?

Pluto July 13, 2023 - 6:04 PM - 6:04 PM

According to the Mercury News 7/13, it will cost $110 billion to safe guard the Bay Area shoreline from rising sea levels. Thousands of jobs, businesses and homes could be affected. This is the new normal.

No Excuses July 13, 2023 - 7:59 PM - 7:59 PM

Newsom and his cash cow buddies are Full of **it! The Elderly cannot get themselves to “cooling stations” and if they have A/C they cannot afford to run it…thanks to the State Regulators (who are on the take up the ying-yang) allowing PG&E and other utilities to charge a fortune to use the elec grid. All so the Stockholders can profit… ~~~the elderly and low income be damned. If you have a little bit of savings in the bank… there’s no break for you buddy!
And explain if you will Mr Gov…. how does my using $5.00 worth of water per two/month cycle end up costing me $55.00++ ??? During drought I use bathwater to flush! and let my lawn die.
Why does the State (who takes great pleasure in regulating the very air we are allowed to breathe in–breathe out) allow a single person homeowner to be charged by the City the same tax rates for Sewage/Water Treatment as the house next door with 3 or 4 ‘migrant’ families camping out in it? A rate, by the way, the City swears is set by the amount of water going down the sewer,
Best not to get me started…I have a hard time stopping😛

Cautiously Informed July 13, 2023 - 8:37 PM - 8:37 PM

Absolutely pathetic. The feckless and worthless California democrat government has zero ability to handle, solve and mitigate the real problems plaguing the state. What will be the next brilliant piece of leadership advice you have to offer us, Greasy Gavin? ‘Be sure to wipe after using the t….t?’

Mombearto4 July 13, 2023 - 9:59 PM - 9:59 PM

It was 117 degrees in Concord the day I graduated from high school in June 1973. (Kids were wearing swimwear under their caps and gowns for the pre-concord-pavilion-era ceremony on the unshaded football field) I haven’t seen any weather here that hot since then.

Juryisout July 14, 2023 - 2:01 PM - 2:01 PM

And people will continue cheating on taxes not to agree with or support some of these stupid Ca ideas.

No Excuses July 14, 2023 - 10:34 PM - 10:34 PM

Tax on real property, annually until … forever. Income tax till you can’t stand up any longer. Tax on everything you buy, sell, use, rent. Tax on car license, Tax on gasoline. Tax on Elec bill. Tax on Gas bill. Tax on water bill. Tax on phone bill. Tax on cable bill. Tax on internet bill. You worried we might forget to put down the .001% earnings on our savings accounts? 😂…

Anon July 14, 2023 - 2:39 PM - 2:39 PM

Maybe they should declare HAARP as a threat to all of humanity.
HINT: You do not spend Millions of dollars of something that’s only used for so called “research”.

FPN July 14, 2023 - 2:46 PM - 2:46 PM

What a waste of my money. I would rather see the money used to bribe the Dems into voting for tougher laws regarding child traffickers. The heat I can handle but a state where the Dems won’t vote in tougher sentences for traffickers I can’t handle.

Cautiously Informed July 14, 2023 - 4:10 PM - 4:10 PM

Greasy Gavon is probably thinking immensely on how he can tax us all for hot weather.

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