The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: Do you think politicians (local, county, state, national) are paying enough attention to America’s drug problem, or do you think they’re enabling it with lax laws?
Talk about it….
Conservative and other American politicians are well aware of the drug problem.
It’s Buckethead Biden, Newscum, Wiener, Bonta, and other liberals (including liberal voters) who are enabling more smuggling and usage with lax enforcement and other irrational policies and wasteful social programs.
FACTS, they are not here for you & I
Plus the Democrats don’t want to have to admit that their open border policy is baf for the Country. We haven’t even yet begun to see the bad ramifications. Much will show up in 5 to 10 years!
Absolutely! Democrats all chant the same chant that we are all immigrants, but past waves of immigrants did not end up in $500 a night rooms in New York City at taxpayers expense.
This is a loaded question…. I think it is entirely pedestrian to the ones in power right now. It is a great talking point that brings votes from offers of solutions but falls short after that. I do believe there are some good ones in the deck that fight to do the right thing but lack the power to have any effect. I have said this before that for the addicts we should bring back Sanatoriums to help them (force them) to make that step into recovery. Addiction sucks and is easier to stay addicted than to get clean. Outpatient clinics seldom work as the draw is too strong. Like they say when you start drinking the pleasure comes first then the pain comes later but when you try to quit the pain comes first follower distantly by the pleasure. That is a hard step.
As for the dealers no sympathy…lock them up.
My opinion only… off my soap box.
They want the population dependent & in a drugged stupor. Massive profits to be made by selling out their constituents…
SF Chronicle reported that SF has more drug related deaths a year than Covid deaths.
In the US we spend a lot of energy talking about gun violence yet no one cates about drug deaths.
CDC stats 100 deaths from AR weopons a year.
100 Drug deaths A DAY!
No, they have ignored it and now record numbers of people are dying because of it.
Please define and be more specific as to who is “they”.
The politicians EXIT12A the scumbag politicians that’s who. Is that clear enough for you?
No. Not specific enough. Its a gross generalization.
The local politicians and health departments that have had live and let live policies for decades while the situation with drug users and people on the streets has taken a serious turn from heroin, to meth in it’s various iterations and now fentanyl. Now we’re in a situation where these people are all addicted, don’t want help and could literally die the next time they use.
I think the average person has a poor understanding of drug addiction and how these drug laws came to be in the first place and would benefit from at least reading Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari. He sheds some light on the issue which is extremely complex.
That being said, we’re handling the problem very badly and doing approximately the opposite of what we’ve seen work in pilot programs in the US but moreso in several European countries. Listen to some of the doctors on the front lines like Gabor Mate and then decide if our laws and culture towards drug addiction makes sense.
It seems more politicians are on board with legalizing and decriminalization of various drugs across America. We as a nation have an addiction problem. When I hear mostly Democrat politicians speak and help to write legislation on drugs, the four words which scare me the most are low-level and non-violent when it pertains to many drugs. I realize we can not arrest and incarcerate ourselves out of this mess, the atmosphere and emphasis seems to be on treatment. Treatment works, but in order to treat the addicts you need trained clinical Psychologists with a PhD. A PhD will run you about $150-200k. There is an increase of about 250% for those seeking professional help of addiction and a decrease of about 250% for those going into the field to treat the addicts due to the expense. My advice, invest in the company who produces Narcan.
The government did so well with getting rid of crack cocaine this fentanyl problem should be a walk in the park to eliminate (sarcasm)….when there’s a demand there will always be a supply.
And ……. the worst drug of them all is Marijuana!!! All the “Pot Heads” are living in LaLa Land thinking that it doesn’t do them any harm. Try to find me any hard core “Addicts” that didn’t start out using that addictive “weed”.
Why do you think there’s so many people that don’t want to work at all; or want to work at home so they can do their job with a buzz on?!? Lots of really STUPID people out there that are taking their toll on society’s downfall.
News for you redrazor most start with alcohol
Let’s face it. Not one thing the government is doing now is good. The radicals are in charge and more than half the voting public don’t know what they are voting for. We are in big trouble. Common sense is out the window.
A cartoon strip I saw summed it up best. Lucy asked Carlie Brown, “Do all fairy tails begin with Once upon a time?”
“No” he replied, Most start with, once I’m in office……….
Each and every politician that has jumped onto the “opioid epidemic” bandwagon is part of the problem, and not part of the solution. It is the words and actions of these politicians that has resulted in a crackdown of prescription opioids that’s forced the 50+ million Americans (CDC number) that suffer from chronic debilitating pain and that have a legitimate need and use for these prescription opioids to suffer, because doctors, fearing the government, have either reduced the amount of opioids they prescribe or have cut patients off completely. This has resulted in chronic pain patients being forced to self-medicate by purchasing opioids on the black market, turning to fentanyl laced drugs that they believe are genuine opioids, turning to heroine, or committing suicide.
If Congress wants to be useful they should investigate how many Americans suffering from chronic pain they’ve forced onto the illegal drug market and how many they’ve forced into committing suicide. Politicians have chosen the lives of drug abusers and drug addicts over the lives of chronic pain patients with a legitimate need and use for prescription opioids, because they’ve determined chronic pain patients have no value to them.
When the lax laws are barely enforced and criminals are let loose, you need to pay attention on the local level too. A guy selling in the open was wearing a t-shirt that read #knowyourda and I’m sure he wasn’t wearing it ironically.
Easy one – they’re being totally enabled…. but the problem stems from voters blindly voting for progressive incumbents… voters need to do the research – if thy don’t – please don’t vote! ….and these “safe site” locations – we’re paying for it! …really xxxxxx me off for that!
Politicians are as useful as the Fender exhaust ports on 1950’s era Buicks.
Doesn’t matter which side they claim to be on, they’re all the same.
Me thinks the drug cartel is in bed with the politicians!
Sometimes it seems like that.
The feds aren’t just enabling the illegal drug trade, they are building it out. Think of the DHS open border policy as their investment in “illegal drug trade infrastructure”.
Our legal system is bloated with tens of thousands of unnecessary laws. Millions of pages stuffed inbetween the supposed one topic thwart of injustice. So yes, decidedly so. Purposely so. Enabling. Absolutely. They are laughing at the easily led public.
At a national level, I believe there is one party that looks very favorably at the disruption the influx of drugs coming up from the border has upon society. Societal unrest, much like destruction of the family, is necessary for fundamental transformation. Both the addictiveness and trauma of these drugs, as well as replacement of the American citizen with the non-citizen. It is not enabling with lax laws, but rather promoting with almost directly announced inactive enforcement of existing laws. At a local level, enabling by promoting injection sites, paying for hotels/housing under the guise of compassion (while having total disregard to the average citizen trying to live a fruitful life).
The Democrat politicians only pay attention to(or pretend to pay attention to) things that will eventually benefit themselves.
Doesn’t matter which party they ARE the cause of the drug problem. Drugs = agencies to “fight drugs” which = more tax dollars. There has never been any intention to truly combat drugs. Drugs are big bucks for the fed. It’s all a joke