Don’t forget it’s illegal to Rob, Steal ,Murder and Drive drunk if that helps.
June 26, 2023 - 9:08 AM 9:08 AM
Yet the nightly big booms started last week.
June 26, 2023 - 10:57 AM 10:57 AM
Good news is , it’s okay to jump on bubble wrap.
June 26, 2023 - 12:25 PM 12:25 PM
There will be enough illegal fireworks starting fires anyway….. careless irresponsible people unfortunately
June 26, 2023 - 12:47 PM 12:47 PM
Unfortunately too many people have ruined it for the rest of us. Decades ago, people were responsible for their actions. These days, they don’t give a damn. We’ve had bottle rockets land on our roof and near our trees and were told (essentially) to f*** off.
Angry American
June 26, 2023 - 1:56 PM 1:56 PM
I have to agree…. one day a year, be responsible and make sure you are cautious with them and at midnight it is no longer the 4th otherwise have at it. Happy Independence Day!
June 26, 2023 - 3:29 PM 3:29 PM
They are only illegal if you get caught..
Same ol pushing illegal every year hasn’t stopped it yet…
Can you afford to replace a row of houses if you accidentally burn them down? If not, it’s probably best to just go see the official ones. Or join your friends in Fremont to enjoy them.
The Fearless Spectator
June 28, 2023 - 8:18 PM 8:18 PM
Or perhaps head over to the Oakland/Berkeley sideshows where stolen cars spin donuts while firing unregistered automatic weapons skyward as the bit**** dance. It’s a cultural thing……
“Remember, only you can prevent forest fires” -Smokey the Bear
Smokey Bear
Forest fires are now referred to as Wild Fires.
Actually, dumb careless people cause fires.
Don’t forget it’s illegal to Rob, Steal ,Murder and Drive drunk if that helps.
Yet the nightly big booms started last week.
Good news is , it’s okay to jump on bubble wrap.
There will be enough illegal fireworks starting fires anyway….. careless irresponsible people unfortunately
Unfortunately too many people have ruined it for the rest of us. Decades ago, people were responsible for their actions. These days, they don’t give a damn. We’ve had bottle rockets land on our roof and near our trees and were told (essentially) to f*** off.
I have to agree…. one day a year, be responsible and make sure you are cautious with them and at midnight it is no longer the 4th otherwise have at it. Happy Independence Day!
They are only illegal if you get caught..
Same ol pushing illegal every year hasn’t stopped it yet…
Can you afford to replace a row of houses if you accidentally burn them down? If not, it’s probably best to just go see the official ones. Or join your friends in Fremont to enjoy them.
Or perhaps head over to the Oakland/Berkeley sideshows where stolen cars spin donuts while firing unregistered automatic weapons skyward as the bit**** dance. It’s a cultural thing……