The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think “safe & sane” fireworks should be legal in Contra Costa County, like they are in Alameda County (City of Dublin), as long as the person only uses it at his/her private residence?
Talk about it.
no keep it as is. I like going out of town to give my dollars away cant stand giving them to concord or pitttsburg if i can help it. My neighbors typically have better shows anyways than the real shows as i can watch out my back door, they seem to spend thousands of dollars a year on the good fireworks.
Who defines “safe and sane?” We don’t even have safe and sane officials that are competent enough to make that decision.
Boom! I can’t wait, lighter at the ready..
We don’t need anyone’s permission what to light off or not to light off.
Personal don’t have an issue with “safe & sane” fireworks, if “safe & sane” responsibility is applied.
Do have concerns for how it affects pets/critters, causing a fire and may injure a child/person.
Legal or not, we have a bunch of booms going on here year round.
Why not they do it anyway.
Growing up in Clayton the Mormon kids down the street (who were otherwise goodie goodies) drove over the border to the firework stands in Dublin. We got a bunch of whistling spark shooters called Piccolo Peets. We emptied out the powder and made a pipe bomb. That thing blew a hole in the golf course the size of a wrecking ball.
So… no.
No….. too many illegal fireworks starting fires as it is
Only if operated by safe and sane people. You can’t tell what anyone is going to do anymore.
No. Keep it as is.
Apparently, in 2021, there were 53 firework started fires in CCC, 5 of which included structures (when safe and sane fireworks were illegal). Of course in May 2022, there were 30 fires deliberately set in a period of 48 hours. Seems to me that fireworks should be legal, but restrict/limit where they can be set off. My backyard would not result in any fire hazard (in general, obviously nothing is zero risk). HS parking lot, same. Middle of Lime Ridge, that would be an area where restrictions should apply. With regard to animals, I understand, my dog certainly is a complete wreck after fireworks go off, but my belief is the rights/abilities of we (once free) citizens should not be curtailed because family pets become distraught. In addition, as mentioned by a few above, is it then up to the district supervisors to define what safe and sane (a sane firework, as opposed to an insane one?) is? Only means (once free ) citizens who want to enjoy themselves with fireworks have to drive to another county/state to enjoy that particular slice of freedom (on Independence Day).
So Jeff I assume you support our veterans? Do you have any idea how many combat veterans live around here with PTSD who are very negatively affected by the booms of fireworks or does that not matter to you and your rights?
Shame on you. And I have every RIGHT to say that.
ITSME, it does matter. I know many veterans, I know of one vet coping with the consequences of his experiences in battle (not related to noise) but none who have acknowledged to me they are coping with PTSD. That is a very important point you raise. My response above was in reference to animals. Basically, the concept of freedom is, what bothers some citizens should not impact the rights of the others. That said, if I knew a vet with PTSD was tremendously negatively impacted, I would not light off fireworks (I don’t anyway, I would hate to have my hard earned money explode in an instant, I don’t get that thrill) around them, but that does not mean that they should be made illegal.
No way. People are not sane!
There are so few safe and sane people that all fireworks need to be banned.
No. Just no. Back East where I grew up it was fine, because it rained in the summer and everything was green. Here, it’s a fire hazard.
With all the fires we have in this area why take the risk. Perhaps if you are shooting it off by the water, but I’m not for everyone doing their own fireworks. Not only risk of fire, but also injuries due to inexperience.
About 10-13 years ago maybe we used to go to newhall park every year and join probably about 50 other random people lighting them off. The cops would park in the parking lots and “observe” but never engage. One year someone tipped a rocket tube too low by bumping it accidentally right before launch and rocket went into brush and a fire started. Fire dept put it out quickly and we decided not to go back there anymore for safety reasons
No, no, and no again.
There can be no assurance an accident won’t occur, no matter how safe the fireworks and how sane the person. A tiny spark, and BOOM!!! There goes someone’s house. Even the pro’s have accidents; confine fireworks to launches over water, if at all.
No. The reason we don’t have safe and sane fireworks here in the county is because of all the unsafe and insane people.
“Safe and Sane” fireworks case fires. Contra Costa County is wise to ban the sale and use of these fireworks. Not that it stops anyone…
Yes they should be allowed! Just make it like like alcohol cigarettes and guns- must sell to 21 and over. The fires caused by fireworks are the truly “illegal” ones, not the SAFE AND SANE. Maybe if you have peole a chance to enjoy their holiday with the safe and sane, there would be less desire for people to purchase and risk the truly illegal ones. Dublin has the same dry grasses contra costa cries about yet have no issues with safe and sane. And it is the biggest fundraiser for every non profit selling, particularly the schools.
Now tell me how we get this on the ballot for contra costa county or any local city so that the voters can make the decision to allow safe and sane fireworks???