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‘ ‘My daughter was murdered by a gender ideology’: LA mom slams CPS after it took away her daughter and let her transition into a man – before she killed herself three years later aged just 19′ …
” ‘The school was telling her to go to these LGBT groups behind my back. She went from questioning her sexuality to her gender,’ she said.
At the hearing last week, Martinez said her daughter was murdered by a gender ideology’.
‘CPS took my daughter when she was 16 years old. It was helped by her public school counselor and LGBTQ group and another trans-identified girl.
‘My daughter was taken from her loving home because the state of California claims I was abusive for not affirming her trans identity. I lost my daughter over a name and pronouns.’ ”
‘It turned out to be a big mistake.’ Gen Z’s trans poster-child Milo from 2016 MTV show re-emerges and tearfully regrets hormone jabs, hairy belly and ‘dead ovary’
Biden is turning out to be the most corrupt politician ever. Treason should be his middle name. The layers of the onions peeling back. What a criminal.
Things were better and more honest under TRUMP!!!
Trump “IS” right.
**Sarcasm Alert** Trump was right. Mexico paid for a new wall; ISIS was gone in 60 days; Trump balanced the budget every year; Trump released his taxes; Trump toughened the classified documents laws [the ones he later broke]; we have a better, cheaper health care plan; etc.
Damn you are frigging annoying.
But hey, according to the liberal news media China Joe can do no wrong, and is saving and righting the country.
And inflation just keeps on climbing. Soon everyone will be broke!
This whole thing with Biden makes me wonder what else is going on we do not know about. If he did not have the arrogance to run again he would have just retired without any public visibility to the criminal behavior nor focus on the FBI and DOJ corruption. What else is going on I wonder.
Nope, that would be the twice impeached, twice indicted Trump who also gave secrets to Russian Ambassadors and tweeted secrets. In addition to be clueless how the government works.
Does this level of delusion hurt doh? I can’t imagine what you’re going through to make such out of touch comments. I would give you a hug if I could. You seem to be unhinged from reality. 😔
The best way to deal with attention seeking trolls is to ignore them.
Delusion? Which of my charges are not true? Impeached twice? Indicted twice? (so far) Specifically, Trump tweeted a top secret satellite photo of an Iranian missile site. Here is the article from The Hill but all the news reported it in May, 2017. Well, maybe Fox didn’t.
The President, any President, has virtually total classification/declassification authority. The President, any President, can share classified material with individuals they determine should be aware of classified information that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to.
We do know that Vice President Pence shared the contents of classified documents found in his home with his lawyers, who did the search before the FBI, and may or may not have had appropriate security clearances to view the documents they found in the Pence home.
Just prior to the death of President Kennedy, he had wanted to share our NASA-US Space Program information with the Soviet Union in an effort to move towards a joint space mission and possibly a joint space program.
President Nixon was known to share classified information with some of his Hollywood friends.
President George W. Bush was famous for unilaterally changing the security clearance levels of individuals in his Administration for single meetings. They’d come in for a meeting, but couldn’t attend the meeting because it was above their security clearance levels, so President Bush would change their security clearance levels himself for the purpose of those meetings, allow these individuals to attend the meetings, and when the meetings were finished, he would then return these individuals to their FBI background check security clearance levels.
All Presidents are known to share classified information with their spouses and their “kitchen cabinets.”
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has recently informed Congress that every Administration since the Presidential Records Act went into effect with the first inauguration of President Reagan on January 20, 1981 has mishandled classified documents, but we haven’t been told if Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, Quayle, Gore, and/or Cheney themselves mishandled the classified documents that were found or if other administration officials mishandled the documents. While NARA has requested former Presidents and Vice Presidents look for classified documents in their possession, they all appear to have refused to search for documents claiming everything was turned over when they left office. Do you really believe them?
NARA has also informed Congress that donated Congressional records of almost 100 former members of Congress were found to have contained classified records.
With the sheer amount of classified records in Washington we can be assured that classified records are floating around in the homes of former administration officials and permanent government employees.
Just In: Stacie Marie Laughton, the nations first transgender lawmaker, was just arrested for distributing child pornography.
OMG: That guy could make a freight train take a dirt road.
So to speak.
@The Fearless Spectator
That freak and his former partner, also charged with child pornography, need to be UNDER a dirt road.
Look at all the child porn defenders on Claycord.
Rather disturbing, isn’t it?
While not an attitude currently in vogue, I believe child molesters are one rung down from child beaters. You don’t mess with kids. Anyone who does, deserves the worst.
As consenting adults, I don’t care if someone wants to be beaten with a toilet brush while wearing a lime popsicle for a necklace. I’d prefer not to hear about it however.
Disturbing as hell. What is wrong with these people.
Sam, It is absolutely terrifying. Who are these people? Mental illness is rampant.
Wait, so are you trying to make the point that this person’s actions are rare or unique to politicians? Or that Republican’s are devoid of perverts?
Because you are wrong.
Last I checked, we live in a system where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
You can think someone is weird. It is factually incorrect to presume that because you find them weird, that they have broken a law.
To say that this would be an instance of being 1 for 1. As in, we’re 1 for 1 for transgender politicians being weirdos and being convicts. That is factually incorrect. To take this incident and form an opinion on any other human is prejudicial and illogical.
It would, however, be closer to logic to keep your kids away from Catholic churches. Administratively speaking, your kids are not being protected. But where is the outcry? Where is the legislation defunding them?
They just caught the guy that was shooting at another car along the Embarcadero in San Francisco between Pier 39 and the Bay Bridge on Father’s day. Six people were injured. BUT the SF. DA just released him, despite being a felon in possession of a firearm, and having a warrant out for his arrest. Does this make sense to anyone? Most all the crime that is being done these days is being done by such people. Have we lost our minds? What kind of justice is thus? Wake up people and remember this next time you vote!
Its not who votes, but who counts the votes.
The crook in the WH is going to jail. He is a despot.
Which one?
All of them would be great. Everyone in there now lies and cheats.
“Barack Obama questions why Titan sub tragedy that killed five got MORE coverage than boat with 700 migrants sinking off the coast of Greece”
What about people who died in chicago and other large cities run by DEMs while he was president.
chicago June to Date Shot & Killed: 44
chicago Year To Date Shot & Killed: 273
obama could have made a lasting mark on history by using his office and congress to make a difference in the lives of young black people.
Here is what he did,
obama did make a long lasting mark on history. A skid mark
thought racism would die in my lifetime then Obama came along and started the separation again. Turned us back to races again. I believe it was a tool to separate us in groups to be able to offer one side something in exchange for gain. What every dictator has used in history.
Worth watching
“Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown. Blame yourself for going to the circus.” (Proverb)
TGIF, let’s start the weekend with CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES and see what the bozos were up to this week…
Titanic Sub Company OceanGate Fired Director Who Demanded Safety Testing
CEO Of Company Operating Missing Titanic Submarine Said He Didn’t Want To Hire ’50 Year Old White Guys’
NPR “Honors” Fathers By Celebrating Pregnant Dad Story
DC Comic Book About Gay Superhero Couple Features Sex Scenes, Child at Pride Parade
Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them
Boston First Responders Horrified to Find Four Children at Transgender-Drag Party with a Dead Body and Drugs and Sex Toys Scattered Throughout the Home
Sick Video Shows NFL Hall-of-Famer Michael Strahan Praising Little Boy Who Danced For Money In Gay Bar
Christian College Turns Students Into Drag Queens, Tells Them It’s ‘Violence’ to Ask if Someone Is a Guy
U.N. ‘Expert’: Religious Liberty Must Yield to LGBT Demands
AMC Cancels Showings of Documentary Showcasing People Who Regret Sex Change Procedures After Transgender Activists Complain
REVEALED: Biden Regime Heavily Funding “Subversive” Midwest Group Scheming to Transition Innocent Children Without Their Parents’ Consent
Disney Groomers Sneak Non-Binary Character into ‘Elemental’ Flop
Gay California Couple Sues Fertility Clinic Because Their ‘Gestational Carrier’ Had a Girl Baby
REPORT: So Far in 2023, Illegal Border Crossers Outnumber the Population of Eight States
Illegal Immigration Drives 110% Increase in NYC Homeless Shelter Population
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants $25M to Pay Rent for Illegal Aliens
Analysis: Nearly 17 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Cost Americans $163 Billion Annually
Rep. Paul Gosar Demands Answers After Suspicious Deals to House Illegals Worth Half a Billion Dollars Granted to Business Linked to Biden Associate
Nearly one-third of nation’s homeless population lives in California, new research shows
James O’Keefe Captures BlackRock Recruiter Saying They ‘Run the World’ and War in Ukraine ‘Is Good for Business’
Democrat-Led Bill Proposes Using Federal Funds to Train More Abortionists
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Herself ‘A Historic Figure’
‘I Just Draw What I See’ – Courthouse Sketch Artist Responds To Liberals Triggered His Trump Drawings ‘Look Too Good’
Colin Kaepernick Says He Partnered with Marxist Editors Because ‘Black Liberation Simply Isn’t Possible Under Capitalism’
American Medical Association Declares Body Mass Index Scale “Racist”
CHINESE TROOPS COMING TO AMERICA’S DOORSTEP: Communist China Working to Establish Military Training Facility in Cuba – Just 90 Miles South of Florida
Blinken: Some Chinese Firms Ship Fentanyl Precursors to Cartels by Accident — China Stopped Helping, But ‘It’s Not About Pointing Fingers’
Hungry Teens Loot McDonald’s and Steal the Cash Register after Juneteenth Celebration in Leimert Park
California Man Convicted of Killing Two Women, Released Same Day
A restaurant must pay workers $140,000 after allegedly hiring a fake priest to extract confessions of workers’ ‘sins’
Democrat Donor Arrested, Accused of Igniting Explosive Forest Fire Democrats Blamed on Climate Change
A Step Too Far: U.S. Approves Sale of Lab-Grown Chicken Meat in Unsettling Precedent
Elite Sex Club Founder Calls Hunter Biden a ‘Scumbag’, Says He Was Expelled After Just One Party
New Illinois Bill Would Allow Non US Citizens to Serve in Law Enforcement
Zuck’s Spy: Former CIA Agent Takes Over ‘Elections Policies’ at Facebook
Enjoy the weekend Claycord and beyond!
“We’re here we’re queer and we’re coming for your children!” Protesters chanted.
They are saying the quiet part out loud now. How do we actually process this? Is it supposed to just be ignored as “shock value” It’s very disturbing we live in a time that pedophiles can openly claim they have the right to attack children and nobody is allowed to say anything against it. I blame obama and democrats.
Is it July yet?
“He alone, who owns the youth,
gains the future.”
The gays want to own the future
The DNC wasn’t the original author of this quote, but they wholeheartedly incorporated it into their national platform.
For decades the DNC has targeted the youth. The original quote is adolf hitler. The left is and always has been socialist nazis. Calling Trump supporters Nazis is simply projection. The communist/socialist/nazis never quit pushing. The pressure is too much for some innocent normies to handle so they fold and go with it. America is waking up. Joe McCarthy was right. The word of the day is subversion.
So mad when someone doesn’t cower..
Yes, me quoting hitler, exposing democrat tactics every day.. I support hiTlEr now, well of course … so much thought went into your post. Do you need a hug too? Freedom of speech is a powerful tool. No wonder you commies always try to suppress it.
biden and obama are crying on twitter today about roe vs wade saying it was a constitutional right…How brainwashed would you be if you believed killing babies was protected by the constitution? That’s just crazy, looney crybaby lies, yet the first gay president and the current diaper filler are out there telling their followers, trying to get their base of dummies enraged. Stoking the divides always.
Embryos and fetuses are not babies.
Fetus in Latin is FOETUS
baby is infans
Do you use a translator or just make things up?
It is funny that we will believe mold is life on mars but a heartbeat isn’t life on earth.
@Doh it doesn’t matter how often you repeat that lie, it’s still not true.
Just as ineffectual as usual. 😇
Doh now thinks of himself or herself or itself as god, obviously.
Apparently Governor Newsom is continuing to stockpile abortion drugs, the latest of which is called “Fetus Fail”. Guaranteed results after those unfortunate lapses of judgement.
Unfortunately, Hunter Biden took a chance on “Baby Maybe”. Too bad for Hunter, a stroke of luck for little Navy Biden.
Unfortunately, it’s not how you and/or I interpret the words of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution that matters, it’s how the U.S. Supreme Court interprets and defines those words that matter. It’s the Supreme Court that’s redefined “shall not be infringed” of the Second Amendment,. It’s the Supreme Court that’s redefined “eminent domain” from the high standard of being for a “public use” to the lesser standard of being for a “public purpose,” which allows the taking of property for a developer so that government can collect increased property taxes on new construction. It’s the Supreme Court that’s redefined the Constitution to mean that a State Proposition can override the words in the U.S. Constitution that define the duties of the State Legislatures when it comes to drawing the lines of congressional and legislative districts versus a voter approved “independent commission” drawing those lines. If you order a copy of the Constitution from the Government Printing Office you’ll get a book with all of the Supreme Court decisions that have defined, expanded, and limited the rights of the People, the States, and the Federal Government.
Of the few people that I’ve interacted with that can actually name anything in the Constitution, when it comes to the issue of abortion they’ve usually claimed the 9th Amendment and/or the 14th Amendment guaranteed the right to an abortion, but that was before the Dobbs v Jackson decision. Yet, we know that the Roe v Wade decision was decided by the activist Warren Court, and was based on bad law, even former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that.
Driving is a privilege, but traveling is a right. Law dictionaries generally define “driving” as “being engaged in commerce.”
You disappeared on me.
It is only some churches that define the beginning of life to be at conception. The Rowe V Wade Supreme Court defined it as when it is viable. So leave the rules and restrictions in one’s church and not in our nonsecular laws.
You can’t afford a house, you can barely afford to eat. They are raising interest rates again. They will do it while printing money and “losing” it.
‘…71% of Americans and half of all Democrats say Biden, 80, is too old to be president and most voters say they are worse off since he took power, according to damning poll’
Since biden harris regime came to power are you better or worse off financially?
Trump looks and acts like he’s around 50. Big difference compared to the geriatric election stealing criminal who doesn’t know where he is and has to be kept away from children. Then you have the whole hunter biden laptop, burner phones, bank transactions and 6 billion dollars “lost”. Your guy is toast. KING TRUMP wins as usual.
‘ ‘We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children’:
Topless drag queens spark outrage with inflammatory chant at NYC Pride march’
Where is this statistic from, because it’s rainbow people grooming and screaming they want children. Force teaching masturbation to 3rd graders and trying to talk to kids about sex without parental supervision. Maybe it’s been these deranged freaks all along pretending to be straight. 💡
‘June 21, 2023: The Day the World Ended’
Frauds one and all.
We live in interesting times, it’s like the collapse of Rome but with WiFi
Why does it seem that only woke leftist parents have trans kids? Weird huh!
The Demented Dear Leader
That pathetic demented fool in DC is just a puppet, this is The real Goblin
Prove me wrong
The Republicans are doing NOTHING. They have no policy. Culture Wars are not a policy. They are wasting our money and our time, and for what? For their own pockets.
But they won’t enact universal healthcare, they won’t commit to fixing our immigration system, they won’t fix our justice system. They continue to hamstring it while taking out money.
Democrats are not perfect, and they don’t have to be. Republicans are literally not doing anything.
The ineffectual wannabe intellectual doesn’t understand politics is down stream from culture. Fixing politics REQUIRES we fix culture first. Oh by the way, we’re winning. So many lost young people are going to resent what progressive politics pressured them to think and do. Already happening ✌️
Now I get it, you don’t get the difference between ethics and morals. Ethically, it doesn’t matter who uses what restroom. As long as they mind their manners, mind your own. But who is making sure the pipes bring in clean water?
Morally, you and I may be diametrically opposed, but so what? I’m not telling you what to believe, I am not attempting to belittle you, as you do every person you respond to who isn’t cheering on MAGA. Is that how you morally engage in debate?
Mr. Ineffectual: In addition to Sam’s excellent response, I’d like to add a few words about universal health care such as be careful what you hope for, you might get it. In Canada, the wait time for spinal surgery is over a year. Do you want to be in extreme pain for a year? Sometimes the government just gives up trying to do it themselves and reimburses patients to go to the US for surgery. In Portugal, doctors are paid so low some moonlight as taxi drivers. A popular story there was how someone injured his finger, it got infected, and the wait was so long to see a doctor that gangrene took over and he literally cut off the finger himself. Republicans are not just a bunch of meanies trying to keep good health care from you. There are difficult issues with either private or socialized medicine and if socialized, you might be much worse off. One time last year, I spent three and one half hours on telephone hold with the IRS just to be able to talk to a real person.
Uhm….what exactly are you trying to say with your anecdotes? Those individual circumstances happen here as well. Same with medical professionals taking on 2nd jobs or leaving the profession all together.right here in America. No system is without flaws.
You know what Portugal and Canada don’t have?
People going into serious debt because they got sick. The countries with a socialized medical system also have private insurance, which more people can afford them here, and its supposed to make up for the pitfalls within the nationalized system.
What does your time phone call with the IRS have to do with healthcare? Oh, because it’s government run, therefore it’s all bad?
That is not a sound conclusin to draw. Depending on what department you are calling, 3 hour phone calls happen within private insurance. But if you want to cut down the time spent waiting on hold with the IRS, support them getting more funding.
Closing the borders and guarding them fixes our immigration system
giving free health care makes people come here just for that.
If YOU want free health care,go to any Euro country or Canada.
Good luck now.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Stop demanding stuff people have no rught to get for free
You can go to the hospital anytime and get treated for free,thye cant refuse you.
You cant get elective stuff done for free,and thats what you people want.
Republicans are doing EVERYTHING to make sure these thing don’t happen.,because the people that pay for this never benefit from it.
To be professional patients and spend all your time at the hospital looking for a handout.
The current rules guiding our border security are all from Trump. Biden has not changed a thing. Also, there is no way this country can close borders like you suggest. Do you understand the amount of legal business that would be cut off of you did that? The import and exports that support our GDP alone negate any of the your security concerns, that’s why it hasn’t been done.
Who comes here for free healthcare? Mexico guarantees healthcare to every citizen. 1.2 million Americans went to Mexico for surgury in 2922 (
What reality do you live in? When is the last time you went to the hospital? What do you know about what I want or who my people are? Elective surgeries are always out of pocket, even in socialized medicine.
And please elaborate on what the Republicans are doing right now in DC? They are not talking about healthcare. And the idea that the people benefitting are not the ones who contributed is beyond absurd. Being a U.S. taxpayer is as easy as buying gum.
Oh ,and fixing the justice system,as soon as Biden and anyone like him is gone,it’s fixed,and in Calif,as soon a Newsom and his DA’s are gone.
That’s a no brainer.What are you crying about?
Your people are all getting away with murder.
I’m not crying, and I wasn’t last week. What are you talking about? You got any substantiated claims?
So, in other words, the Republicans are doing nothing to correct the destruction, devastation and demise of the country caused by the Democrats, you claim.
Then what are they doing? Please, tell me why Lauren Bobert is dragging members of the DC city council in front of Congress? It’s not under congressional jurisdiction. Or MTG drawing on p impeachment papers for another congressional member? That’s not how you remove a representative or senator.
I don’t like the Democrats, I don’t like the Republicans, and I don’t vote for lawyers, unless it’s an office that requires a law degree.
Passing more laws isn’t necessarily a good thing. How many useless, ineffective, and out of date laws are still on the books just waiting for government to use on its citizens when government can’t get them on something else? No member of Congress should be voting for more laws unless they can first tell their constituents how many federal laws there are. Congress should first take back the powers they’ve ceded to the Executive Branch and the Administrative State.
Why are you blaming Republicans for not getting what you want? Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress and the Presidency for 2-years, and they could’ve worked on passing the items that you now blame Republicans for not passing.
You don’t have to wait on Republicans in Washington, D.C. to vote on Universal Healthcare, every Democrat run State, County, and City can institute their own form of Universal Healthcare. Lack of money can’t be a factor for these jurisdictions, voters in these Democrat run jurisdictions should be ready and willing to fund such a righteous endeavor. As an example we can look at California, it’s the 5th largest economy in the world, on its way to surpassing Germany to become the 4th largest economy in the world. So, surely California has the money to institute Universal Healthcare.
Our legal immigration system doesn’t need fixing, it works as designed. Illegal immigration is not a sign of a broken immigration system, it’s a sign of a broken water and land border security system, a broken visa system, and a broken asylum system. The foreign-born population of the US has never surpassed 15% of our overall population, but we are on the precipice of surpassing that 15% threshold and changing like never before.
What do you want fixed with the Justice System? We’ve seen the Justice System falter and descriminate in recent years, I don’t think it’s fixable at this time, and I don’t like and don’t trust either side to get it right. On the left we have local prosecutors that don’t charge crimes they should, and on the right we have local prosecutors that overcharge crimes to force a plea deal or to get a conviction at trial because total convictions, including bad convictions, look good on a resume and a ballot to further the political careers of ambitious prosecutors.
Why would you wait for a politician to tell you amwhatvkaws are on the books when you can go read them now?
I do agree that Congress should take back what was ceded to the executive branch through the Patriot Act.
While I was griping more about R’s than D’s. I did not say that D’s were blameless.
Universal healthcare implies the entire country, so no, a state doing would really meet the standard, but it would be a great start. And that is happening.
Our legal immigration system does need fixing though. Visas and assylum seekers fall under “legal immigration” and like you said, need help. Also, the amount of foreign born citizens is not an indicator of illegal immigration nor is it a harbinger of doom.
I should have been more specific then simply saying “the justice system.” The judicial branch is my current gripe. The executive and legislative branch need more oversight of the Supreme court, as well as punitive measures.
What an absolutely pathetic sight during the Seattle pride parade.
All those naked guys pedaling around completely uncoordinated. If you’re going to be in a gay parade naked or otherwise, at least put forth a coordinated effort. A precision naked gay guy drill team would have so much more credibility.
They should have been pedaling their bicycle cranks, not cranking their, uhh, never mind.
Bad news for Socialist Marxists Democrat parasites:
Common sense and sound thinking by responsible adults prevails;
Biden’s illegal ‘socialist’ VOTE BUYING mortgage plan reversed by GOP bill;
Unfortunately, this bill passed by the House hasn’t reversed anything and is largely nothing but a symbolic bill and a symbolic vote. This bill would first have to be passed by the Senate, which is unlikely to happen, but even if it was passed by the Senate, it would then be vetoed by President Biden. Both Houses of Congress currently appear to lack the necessary 2/3 majority to override a presidential veto in order for this bill to become law.
Always living on false hope,then the ‘hey ,we tried”
This is all democrats have,and gullibles need to believe ,or realize the entire time theyve been lied to.
Theyve been lied to ………
And by their own people of course.
Just like the high speed rail. The CEO is paid over $350k/year, and he proudly touts the HSR organization’s “diversity.”
The HSR will NEVER be completed.
Correct. Gavin’s folly, the HSR project will never be completed. This project is effectively the same as paying people to move a wood pile back and forth. It provides jobs and personal income for a few, but nothing else.
Russia ain’t the U.S.
Are you convinced?
Blissful ignorance keeps Democrats happy
Traitor Joe Biden Has Officially Lawyered Up Following Latest Revelations into His Crime Family’s International Pay-to-Play Scandal
Inconvenient truth
My Ideology
In DEM run cities . . . . . . this is somehow acceptable ? ? ? ?
“A viral video on Sunday showed a group of fully nude cyclists performing in front of children at the LGBTQ pride parade in Seattle, Washington.”
If we are going to have to put up with this sh** perhaps it’s time to introduce “Tuck Friendly” bicycle seats.
Never mind, it would hide the only part they are really interested in exposing.
We were better off when these guys hid in alleys wearing a trench coat.
News media is reporting a Bud Light sponsored naked Pride parade in Toronto with children viewers, in contrast to statements that company makes here claiming the Mulvaney association was not meant to be part of a marketing initiative. As is obvious to me, they did not make a mistake with their marketing and rather this was a calculated decision by rich managers to pursue their own political agenda at the expense of shareholders.
Seattle Pride’s parade over the weekend sparked backlash over the inclusion of a fleet of nude male cyclists, whose genitalia was on full display to attendees, including families with children. This is not acceptable!
The Liberal Progressive Democrat Party and their supporters support this. They will vote for this behavior again in the next election. Maybe someone from that group of voters can come on here and tell us why they are ok with this type of behavior.
You won’t hear from them directly until “pervert” becomes a legal gender. Naturally they’ll request financial aid at that point.
Have you ever wondered what it is that causes poverty? I have. I was born into poverty.
The real question should be….what causes prosperity?
Prosperity is achieved (or not) by what you do, and/or by what you fail to do. What skills have you developed to survive that will lead to your prosperity?
Feeding at the govt trough is a sure sign that you have chosen to be a failure. Failures are not in charge of their own lives, they rely on handouts from their masters. In return, the masters expect your vote by which they remain in charge of you. They rely on you to remain in the underclass. It’s a simple plan and it works perfectly…..for them.
The cycle will continue unless YOU break it, for yourself and for your children.
You get to decide, prosper or fail.
Good luck, I wish you prosperity.
It doesn’t seem to matter how positive the message is, unstable emotional haters will hate.
Carrying your hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die.
But it is going to save the planet . . . . . . recycle organic waste.
An that’s about where reality departed their plans.
‘Ahh, summertime in SoCal, and with green recycling, here come the rats, roaches, flies and maggots’
From the NY Post….
A staggering 49% of registered voters have a negative view of Kamala Harris in the NBC News poll. This is the lowest rating for a VP in the history of the poll.
Harris was just another example of this administration’s “check-the-box” criteria. No need to concern oneself with capabilities; it’s all about appearances.
This administration is an unmitigated disaster. NOBODY in this administration is qualified for the post they’re in.
But I expect the brain-dead voters will vote for her because she’s a (D).
Makes one ponder, . . . . . . does Willie owe America an apology ? ? ? ? ?
The Puppet Master
This scam started in 1892
This scam started more recently
Mostly peaceful ride on BART
Krazy Klinger
Klinger Krazies today
China v. USA
Grannie’s ready
Just for fun
That BART video certainly demonstrates the strength of diversity. Those gals were throwing some haymakers. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…….
Man, I wish I would have learned to crochet.
How did you celebrate Juneteenth?
Meme asks an important question as to morals of America and specifically in DEM controlled large cities.
Just in: Alissa Heinerscheid has been put out to pasture.
The execs who hired her should resign immediately. It was they who listened to Alissa’s pitch and signed off on it. Every one of them thought, “What a great idea! We’ll take an established brand that’s marketed to manly men, pull a 180 and mock our customer base by hiring a trans as our spokesperson. What could go wrong?”
This is the worst pr disaster since New Coke.
Neigh Whinny…………
About 700,000 illegal aliens live in Illinois.
“Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) is halting a program that offers taxpayer-subsidized health care benefits to illegal aliens after realizing the tremendous cost to the state’s taxpayers.”
“The California Senate on Tuesday voted to pay $300 weekly checks to unemployed illegal immigrants even as the state faces a roughly $31.5 billion deficit and mass illegal immigration.
Democratic state senators passed Senate Bill 227 by Sen. María Elena Durazo (D.) with a 30-7 vote, sending the measure to the Assembly for approval. The legislation would offer undocumented aliens up to 20 weeks of unemployment benefits if they meet minimal work requirements.” Much more info in article.
‘California first to cover health care for all immigrants’
Estimated 2.74 million illegals living in CA.
CA is in the red running a $31.5 billion deficit, yet can afford all these free stuff to non citizens.
If Illinois can’t afford medical for 700,000 illegal . . . . . . . . .
newsom can’t manage homeless problem or mental health crisis on our streets. Crime is out of control as is drug use yet DEMs expect California taxpayers to pick up most of the tab for the estimated 2.74 million illegals living in CA.
QUESTION, Would CA have a 31.5 billion dollar deficit if number of illegals were under 300,000 ? ?
Then again where would rich DEMs get their maids and who would mow their lawns ?
Please remind me when did CA voters approve roughly 2.74 million illegals, to live in CA.
OR is the flood of illegals intentional so DEMs can retain and gain seats in US House ?
“According to NBC New York, the city’s homeless shelters are filled more with newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens than New Yorkers, the latest figures reveal.
“The tipping point took place Sunday, when 50,000 migrants were in the City’s care, outnumbering the 49,700 local shelter residents,” NBC New York reports:”
“…more than 6-in-10 of border crossers and illegal aliens who have arrived in New York City since the spring of last year are living off local taxpayers in subsidized housing and shelters — including luxury hotels like the Roosevelt Hotel.”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams says migrants should be housed in ‘private residences’ as many buildings have spare rooms’
‘Illegal immigration to cost New Yorkers $10 billion in 2023, US $150B…’
“New York taxpayers will shell out $4.65 billion for education-related expenses, $3.5 billion for health care and welfare expenditures including food assistance programs, and $1.75 billion for costs related to immigration-related law enforcement such as caring for unaccompanied minors, the report breakdown states.”
How much are CA taxpayers actually paying ? ? ?
Obama, the puppeteer, rings the Reparations Bell?
Not so fast BOZO!
The indoctrination is so deep that educated people actually think they’re being objective when they buy into this steaming hot pile of manure!
Bears or Primates? You pick. Before you prove your ignorance, research “primate’
Gonna be a BIGGO lawsuit after this one
Another inconvenient truth
Okay one more inconvenient truth
This “THING” teaches/indoctrinates your sons & daughters?
‘nother fun one
Joe Biden, the guy that all the Liberal Progressive Democrat voters voted for, today said that Putin is clearly losing the war in Iraq!
So Russia is losing TWO wars at the same time?
At least Chuckles’ Poligrip held fast and he was understandable for a change. Also, I am grateful that he didn’t fall again.
@The Professor
He’s really good with “NO”.
Give me a break, man. That’s just malarkey.
“He was tutored by Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist/Marxist at the behest of his Father. From his book, Dreams From My Father, he is carrying out those “Dreams” as soon as he can.”
“Be aware, BO is a danger to the America we know. ”
“Barack Obama has a plan for America that is beyond scary”
DC Daily Journal
June 21, 2023
“Former President Barack Obama may not be in the White House anymore. But he’s still pulling strings from behind the curtain.”
“And Barack Obama’s new plan for America is something out of a dystopian book.”
“The impact of Barack Obama’s presidency from 2009-2017 on the future of America cannot be easily overstated.”
“Just for one example, his infamous “Obamacare” policy has been the center for much debate for more than a decade and will continue to be for years to come.”
“Barack Obama’s policies were a major move towards the consolidation of political power on the part of the federal government, specifically the executive branch.”
“Though Barack Obama has been out of office for years now, many have suspected that Barack Obama has been hanging around in the shadows of the Democrat Party trying to influence America’s future even more.”
“Recently, Barack Obama appeared on a podcast and shared a new vision for America that will have you sounding the Orwellian dystopia alarm.”
“Obama’s new vision involved requiring Americans to be “digitally fingerprinted” so that the government can track anyone who is peddling anything that they deem to be misinformation.”
“Obama shared this on a podcast episode with David Axelrod where he lamented the idea that people could go on the internet and share any opinion they want without being throttled by the government.
“Most immediately, we’re going to have all the problems we had with misinformation before, but this next election cycle will be worse,” Obama started out.”
“He referenced the COVID-19 pandemic panic to point to how much misinformation there was online during that time. In his opinion, that should’ve been stopped by the government. (Was it not the government’s misinformation, i.e., Ivermectin & HCL? Both which have now been approved for Covid?)”
“Obviously, we saw that during the vaccination stuff. So, I am concerned about it,” Obama added. “And I think the best we’re going to be able to do is to constantly remind people that this is out there.”
“Then he let the cat out of the bag saying that we “need” to use technology to create “watermarks” and digital fingerprints that can be tracked back to individuals.”
“And the need for us, for the general public, I think to be more discriminating consumers of news and information, the need for us to overtime develop technologies to create watermarks or digital fingerprints so we know what is true and what is not true,” Obama continued.”
“First of all, it is not the work of the government to be censoring people online, specifically on private platforms like Facebook and Twitter.”
” are privately-owned companies that do not have to be held hostage to do the bidding of the federal government.”
“, we’ve seen far too often that the federal government does get involved with these social media giants way more than the average American would like to see. Just recently the public learned that the FBI quite literally worked with Facebook and Twitter to suppress the New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop right before Americans went to vote in November 2020.”
“Secondly, what reason does the government have to be able to track so-called “misinformation” back to individuals? The only reason one would want to do that would be to impose consequences for sharing such “misinformation” and discourage them from ever sharing their opinion online ever again.”
“Clearly, Obama wants to be able to track Americans online so that they can face the weight of the federal government for daring to contradict the narrative that is acceptable.”
“This vision of Barack Obama’s is about as Orwellian as it gets. It’s incumbent on Americans to call out this radical authoritarianism when they see it so it hopefully never reaches the shores of America”
Tucker nails it again, though it’s no surprise to most of us;
A war for democracy enables dictatorship Carlson/status/1673856877841764352?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Escreen-name%3ATuckerCarlson%7Ctwcon%5Es1
The White House to came out swinging against the racists on the Supreme Court who dared to disallow race-based decision-making on college admissions, thereby weakening the strangle hold Democrats maintain on Blacks & other “minorities.”
“The court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions,” the president raged “and I strongly, strongly disagree with the court’s decision.” Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada……….
This decision was LONG OVERDUE.
“Biden’s regulations have cost Americans almost $10,000 per household –
and could spike to $60,000 if he is elected in 2024”
“Analysis found Biden regulations cost Americans $10,000 per household since 2021 – with one-third of the cost coming from new fuel and emission standards”
What has become unaffordable for you since biden harris regime came to power???
Democrats are very good at “giving ‘us something. And it’s always for our own good.
Democrats are very good at “giving ‘us something. And it’s always for our own good.
Business as usual

This one’s for the girls, or those who think they’re girls?
“Affirmative Action” is fundamentally racist and thankfully struck down by SCOTUS.
Across our lands the US Constitution prevails.
KBJ is a nut. Today Clarence Thomas completely schooled her in response to her diatribe. In a battle of wits she up is unarmed.
It’s hard to believe we are stuck with her for good, and of course people are claiming she was Biden’s pick because she is black and a woman.
I disagree. She was Biden’s pick because she is a nut.
Hopefully she fulfills the “nut quota” for the SCOTUS.
Yet the dimbocrats are suddenly quiet when it comes to term limits for SCOTUS justices.
It’s only fair when they have a majority.
Speaking of…..
Federal Election Commission (FEC) records indicate that two federal prosecutors who reportedly refrained from filing tax fraud charges against Hunter Biden had contributed to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during their private sector employment.
U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump appointee, who conducted the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) investigation into Hunter Biden, requested two U.S. Attorneys to press tax charges against Hunter Biden. But his requests were rebuffed by Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves and U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California E. Martin Estrada, according to testimony from IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley.
GOOD NEWS for honest, hard-working, loyal Americans. BAD NEWS for parasite failures;
The highest court in the land on Friday struck down the up to $20,000 in debt cancellation that President Joe Biden announced last year. On top of that, an estimated 40 million borrowers who had their payments paused during the pandemic must get ready for those to restart in October.