Home » HHS Secretary Becerra Announces Health Workforce Initiative

HHS Secretary Becerra Announces Health Workforce Initiative


U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra announced a new initiative to bolster recruitment of health care workers.

Becerra recalled having to translate for his monolingual mother during medical appointments and emphasized the importance of a diverse health care workforce.

“There is nothing to lift esteem in someone than to look at someone or hear from someone and feel like they care because you feel the connection,” Becerra said.

The initiative aims to address health care worker shortages in underserved communities through scholarships, loan forgiveness for medical students, and investments in health care training.


“We would love nothing more than to make sure that we’re growing the number of graduate medical education and residency slots in communities that are underserved, so we can make sure that we’re planting the seeds of a new doctor, another nurse in that community,” Becerra said.

This initiative will be similar to the 2021 strategic plan developed by the Department of Health and Human Services in order to address health care workforce shortages following the COVID-19 pandemic. Details of the plan are not yet available but will be posted to hhs.gov.

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How about learning the language of the country one resides in. Nobody is too old to learn.


Recently I took a video Spanish course. Too bad English isn’t as easy to learn as that. Spanish is consistent and English is a mongrel language with quite a few quirks going back to Ye Olde English. There is a bit of a difference between Spanish as spoken in Spain and that spoken in Latin America.


It’s all about spending the hard earned taxpayer money to get Democrat votes.


“Details of the plan aren’t yet available.”
That describes every one of their plans, regardless of age or topic.


Ya mean like “infrastructure week” during the last administration?

There must be a coincidence (??) for Bec***** and the photo op appearance of Biden!! The same goes for DeSaulnier’s town hall with same time element with the touchdown of POS Biden!
I wonder if the Dimos were eliminated from CA and the rest of this USA would provide for a better USA???!! We do not need WOKE reps to “guide” us!
I hope Lee and Schiff lose in the primaries! No big loss!


How can you move to a country and not learn the language? Without explaining the details there was a woman years back who came here and decided she didn’t want to learn English. Because she didn’t want to learn English myself and siblings are in the world. There are now about fifty people who are alive because one woman decided she wasn’t going to speak English.


Ricardoh that’s pathetic and insulting to me and my ilk. Furthermore stop espousing republican dialectic from here on out your are a crypto conservative. Becarra is showing us his loyalties to alien cultures. His mom should’ve been forced to learn or leave wit his sorry a**. Europeans built this country period. If you can’t adhere to our ways kick rocks.

I have no idea what you are talking about I am European and the woman was from Europe. You are missing the point. I said I wouldn’t give the details but what I said was what happened.



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