Home » The Water Cooler – What Social Media Sites Do You Use Frequently? And Is Social Media Good Or Bad For The World?

The Water Cooler – What Social Media Sites Do You Use Frequently? And Is Social Media Good Or Bad For The World?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What social media sites/apps do you use frequently, or do you not use any? And do you think social media is good or bad for the World?

Talk about it….

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Only visit &
No Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.


Back in the day (80-90s) I did AOL frequently (the chatrooms were awesome and those same chatroom parties and get togethers basically orgies). C’mon people if you were on AOL in the chat rooms back then you had to remember Bay area room the Bay area over 30 room over 40 room etc, meeting at the different Black Angus restaurants or local hotels to party in the bar and then retire to the rooms. Then AOL just went bye bye never figured that one out.
Never really did a whole lot of anything after that then tried Instagram about three or four years ago and that was ridiculous and garbage that was on there and then tick tock invaded it which was even worse garbage so I went off of it until recently last week I went back on Instagram just to check it out and it’s borderline kid porn now, unbelievable the crap that they’re allowing on there.
So right now I come on Claycord because it’s local I know some of the people on here and surely don’t ever get on next door that app is a joke.
Basically all social media is garbage / trash, although many people use it for family history genealogy keeping in touch with family members high school friends college etc etc but other than that it’s just trash.

So if you were in any of the AOL chat rooms back in the 80s 90s and even the 2000s give a shout out with what your name(s) were..I had about half a dozen names depending what chat room I would be going into.


None they are poison.


Face Book & Claycord. F B for family and friends only. It does seem like I’m forever deleting “friend” request from strangers. Claycord because it is very local.


Tiktok, Kwai (the anti ticktok), twitter, youtube. Not the oldman fogie stuff like: FB, Insta, pinter, etc.


I use the Reality social media method. It involves interacting, conversing and dealing with real live people, instead of with small inanimate electronic devices.


About 12 years ago, a friend talked me into creating a Facebook account. At first, it was fun, getting in touch with some friends and family members that I haven’t heard from in a long time. When some people started posting pictures of their dinner, or a bunch of selfies, it made them seem too self-absorbed, and quickly grew tiresome. I haven’t been back to Facebook in over 10 years, and other than Claycord, I have never been on any other social media site.
On the second question, do I think social media is good or bad for the world? I have no opinion, because frankly, I don’t care how other people, especially complete strangers, live their lives.


No social media, turn on cell phone maybe once a month.


Claycord and Twitter. Rarely NextDoor.
FB is creepy. They track EVERYTHING. No thanks.
And no Alexa or Siri within our walls.
Generally, social media is not good for society but it does connect people… sometimes for the wrong reasons… cyberstalking, bullying, solicitation, etc.


Facebook and Claycord, that’s it. No instagram. Sometimes take a break when need. Don’t care for the letters in the mail that come from periodically to join If I want to join it I’ll join it.


Social media is controlled by government, which has its hand up big tech’s rear end, and is used to control the message and feign public acquiescence to their insane, destructive policies. It is all tightly controlled, regulated, botted, and censored to have specific outcomes. People become afraid to speak out, they feel alone, because the other dissenting voices are silenced intentionally on social media.

Therefore, obviously, it is a bad thing.


Only Claycord.
I used to do next door but it began atarted censorring any conservatice atatements *but not left leaning) Plus then they started sending notification of posts from ‘Neighbors’ who were three cities away ( that’s not next door and pertaining to my neighborhood)


I use Claycord almost exclusively. Two or three posts a day is my limit.

Social media is a great place for people to rant and converse and spend a great deal of time typing and not bothering the government.

Social media has little or no influence on the government or anything else for that matter.


No social media other than daily and idiotic Nextdoor once in a while. In fact, I just checked Nextdoor and saw almost nothing but animals looking for another animal, with everyone thinking they’re so cute. And yes, I believe social media is and continues to be very harmful.


@ CYN ~
Yep, ~ A dog mom was banned from Nextdoor for sharing posts about her ‘doggie day care’, and her dog’s recovery from surgery. Now lots of folks have come to her defense and posting photos of their critters too. I found it sweet and fun, but it is getting to be a bit much now.


Thanks for the explanation. A lot of cute critters for sure, especially the black and white bunny. Sounds like there needs to be a separate site….something like “Nextdoor For Animals” so no one gets banned for overposting their pets.

Social Meda like instagram has created a bunch of lonely depressed people with:
Narcissistic personality disorder… a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.


Social Meda like instagram,facebook,et has created a bunch of lonely depressed people with:
Narcissistic personality disorder… a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.


I agree 100%. They seem to be able to have a relationship with people on FB, no emotional connection I guess, but can’t with their own flesh and blood. I do not get this at all!


I use Claycord, Next Door, Facebook a little bit. Usually I get notice about friends posting and I check it out, sometimes I comment. I also read a blog Dan Woog 06680, “Where Westport meets the world”. I lived in Westport Ct. for 2 years as an au pair. I found his blog when I notice a name I was familiar with, by reading Dan’s blog I found info about people I knew back then, unfortunately some had passed away. Dan even wrote a blog about me and my time as an au pair. For the most part I think social media is okay, some not so much, but that is the same with almost everything, it all has it good and bad points. I certainly love the internet and how I can instantly communicate with friends and family in Europe. Also by just Googling someone’s name you can find friends from long ago, which I have and found it satisfying and fun.



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