Home » Clueless! BART Board To Consider New Parking Pricing Policy

Clueless! BART Board To Consider New Parking Pricing Policy


BART’s Board of Directors will consider approving a new parking pricing policy Thursday.

BART staff recommends a new parking policy that updates the allowed price ranges for BART’s parking spaces and allows inflation adjustment of the range over time. The proposed price range for the daily fee is $3-$6.30 per day. The proposal also expands the hours during which parking is charged to include afternoons and weekends if a certain occupancy limit is met.

Reasons to update the parking policy include a price floor incompatible with general parking prices in the Bay Area and among peer transit agencies and to ensure effective parking management, according to a staff report to the board. Updating the policy will also help address BART’s parking operating cost deficit, which was about $17 million this fiscal year, the report said.

In May, the board adopted the findings of an analysis for BART’s parking policy that determined carrying out the policy would not have a disparate impact on minority parkers but may potentially create a disproportionate burden on low-income parkers.


The board approved capping the daily fee parking price at $6.30 rather than $8.

Staff also recommends that the board consider expanding the Clipper START fare discount — an 18-month program giving single-ride fare discounts to help people between the ages of 19 and 64 with a low income — from 20 to 50% to reduce low-income riders’ overall cost of using BART.

The board will also consider the fiscal years 2024 and 2025 two-year annual budget during the meeting.

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Wow, sock to the riders BART! Those that are left that is.


Completely out of touch with reality!


Actually this is quite tame.
When I read the headline, my guess was that the new policy would price parking spaces based on income and race. And you know that plan was or is on the table.


LOL! What you get when you they design this “pie in the sky” transit system back in the mid-20th century. Light rail would have been a more sustainable solution. But apparently GM not only want to sell buses in Los Angeles but the Bay Area as well. Can’t reverse things because those old trolley rails are now hiking trails and the public would scream if those were taken away.


When you can’t make your budget you have a choice of either cutting expenses, reducing services, raising the costs, or borrowing the money. Why is it that every government and agency, from the White House down to the local jurisdictions never try choice #1? The working world has drastically changed and people don’t need to pay $8 to park and $16+ for a daily round trip ticket (Antioch to Embarcadero). They will gladly give up the privilege of running a gauntlet of bums, criminals, needles, excrement, beggars and thugs for the quite office space of their homes.
But BART keeps to the script of “WE NEED MORE $$$”. Never mind that SF is quickly devolving into a Utopian third world s-hole and people avoid it like the plague. Cut expenses. Trim the fat. Tighten the belt. Whatever you call it, that is the only long term solution.
Once again, these issues are directly descended from fundamentally flawed feel good Lib policies. Keep voting Dem and things will continue to get worse.


Don’t forget they always choose to cut costs for their favorite pet groups whenever they can.

Staff reductions, executive pay cuts? Bueller….Bueller…?


As a reminder, just a few months ago their meetings were still discussing putting a new transbay tunnel in somewhere around Jack London Square and expanding the system to additional stations toward San Jose. They are not cutting back, they are doing the Democrat tactic of digging an even deeper financial hole so that government (actually your taxes) will need to ride to the rescue. Look for a new proposition in the next election to raise your taxes. I imagine Debora Allen sitting there at the table amazed, while all of the other BART directors are rolling on the floor laughing their guts out at how screwed up this all is.


Wait a minute lemme check . . . . .
nope didn’t get an inflation adjustment, so my income didn’t go up.
An where is the bart rider with a household budget already trimmed to the bone supposed to come up with the cash to park?


This is the leftist way to get you out of your “evil” automobile and ride a bus or a bike to the station.
Gee… I got an inflation adjustment. Not enough to keep up with Bidenflation but it did close the gap a little.


Bidenflation, the cost of voting stupid!!!


BART riders with budgets “trimmed to the bone” will be parking in front of every house within a mile of the stations… currently they are only using homeowner parking spots within half a mile of those almost-empty lots. North Concord neighborhoods already have “Resident Permit-only” parking zones in the Sun Terrace neighborhood. Pay more to park…AND to ride the BARF? No thanks.

The BART Board and BART staff are out of touch with reality.
Staff and salary cuts and efficiency should be first on the table… not raising prices on what riders are left.
But of course staff isnt likely to recommend staff cuts.


Wonder how much is spent (or lost?) on retirees/fam members etc that get to ride for free? How about we get rid of that little perk ? Or are they even grossed out by BART and won’t ride?


Clueless is right on the mark… where are the management pay cuts and elimination of bonuses? … re- negotiate with the unions a temporary wage freeze…. and they want more $$ from taxpayers because ridership is down!? … a parking increase will just drive more riders away …. DAs


Well, my first opinion would be to close BART down. If they’re not gonna do that, I think that they need to get rid of the BART board and replace them with a CEO type person and run it like a business with a mandate of being profitable clean and safe. I don’t think the public can keep supporting and paying for people that don’t want to work, don’t have any money and have political agendas. “MBGA” make BART great again.


How about BART board members take a 30%+ cut in pay? lol that won’t happen.


less and less incentive….
I’ll drive; thank you !

the important thing is no disparate impact on minorities. They really said that.

Have never paid to park at BART. Never will.

Back in the day, BART was in place to serve the need for public mass transit. Not so, anymore.

“…BART’s parking operating cost deficit, which was about $17 million this fiscal year…”???

And what does it cost to “operate parking lots?”

It’s time to replace the entire BART board. It’s also time to put some teeth into the inspector general’s position. It’s also time for a criminal grand jury investigation.

F*** BART. I quit riding it years ago. With covid19, it has been proven there is no need to return to pre-pandemic ridership levels. People can and will work remote. Same thing for the HSR.

Stop fare evaders to prevent losses. Fare gates that work to stop fare evaders. Lower fares during off peak times instead of the same fare all of the time.



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