It ain’t going to work!
Most of the homeless need a kick in the butt to go out and become productive working citizens. Get off their lazy, sponging asses ! Woek will also build their self-esteem! I’ve lost all sympathy as I work for firm that cannot find people who do simple day porter tasks, mail room etc etc. There are jobs out there, make them work! (Yeah, Maybe 5% of them are unable to work they need something different- but most of them need to become productive citizens)
May 31, 2023 - 12:56 AM 12:56 AM
$,$$$,$$$s wasted!
May 31, 2023 - 10:29 AM 10:29 AM
Take some care of the real homeless but send the druggies and mental cases to someplace where they get rehab or help. What I can’t understand why they have so much trouble arresting drug dealers. How hard can it be spotting drug deals going on?
Fed Up
May 31, 2023 - 10:57 AM 10:57 AM
Oh Yeah!!! , A Team… That will solve the problem!!!…
May 31, 2023 - 3:45 PM 3:45 PM
This is all a bunch of bull. Newscum solved the Frisco homeless problem years ago.
It is now Frisco because the other letters were stolen.
Jojo The Circus Clown
June 2, 2023 - 1:46 AM 1:46 AM
The whole state needs a new ” non-blue” team to be frank … detective Callahan for Gov !!!
It ain’t going to work!
Most of the homeless need a kick in the butt to go out and become productive working citizens. Get off their lazy, sponging asses ! Woek will also build their self-esteem! I’ve lost all sympathy as I work for firm that cannot find people who do simple day porter tasks, mail room etc etc. There are jobs out there, make them work! (Yeah, Maybe 5% of them are unable to work they need something different- but most of them need to become productive citizens)
$,$$$,$$$s wasted!
Take some care of the real homeless but send the druggies and mental cases to someplace where they get rehab or help. What I can’t understand why they have so much trouble arresting drug dealers. How hard can it be spotting drug deals going on?
Oh Yeah!!! , A Team… That will solve the problem!!!…
This is all a bunch of bull. Newscum solved the Frisco homeless problem years ago.
It is now Frisco because the other letters were stolen.
The whole state needs a new ” non-blue” team to be frank … detective Callahan for Gov !!!