The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you partake in boycotts against companies when they do something you don’t like?
Talk about it.
I decide who gets my dollars, been doing it for decades.
‘… Target has donated $2.1 million to LGBTQ group that pushes school districts to allow children to secretly change gender – as $9BN is wiped from retailer’s value in backlash over trans clothing range’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/5fmtpsvm
Well that article is coming from the Daily Mail, but nonetheless is nauseating. The locked up cabinets are already a ridiculous inconvenience but this is the frosting on the cake. What’s a good alternative to Target?
The answer to the question is an unequivocally yes. Our only say as voters is where and how we spend our dollar. I won’t post a list of where I no longer spend my money, as I’m sure most here have similar lists that go back quite a few years prior to the current fiasko of “Wokeness”. I’d say this go around, corporations are getting a very clear message that sexual perversion isn’t as supported as they thought it was.
Not as such, but negative publicity of various kinds does make me think twice about spending money there. For instance haven’t been to any store in sun valley mall for years. Last time we tried to go at christmas 5 years ago, someone tried to bait us into getting in an accident in what we think was a car jacking attempt. We drove straight to police station while being followed until they gave up and turned around.
If am not a big fan of store anyway, the possibility off negative things happening there is enough to keep me away. ie protests etc. Do not like drama.
Not as such, but negative publicity of various kinds does make me think twice about spending money there. For instance haven’t been to any store in sun valley mall for years. Last time we tried to go at christmas 5 years ago, someone tried to bait us into getting in an accident in what we think was a car jacking attempt. We drove straight to police station while being followed until they gave up and turned around.
If am not a big fan of store anyway, the possibility of negative things happening there is enough to keep me away. ie protests etc. Do not like drama.
Yes, but I read the self-described Satanist that did the Target children’s clothes business has increased.
Yes, ex. Dick’s Sporting goods …. now does not support the 2nd Amendment and they call themselves a sporting goods store? …. My $$ that used to be spent with them for other goods now go elsewhere.
Yes, including BART
Several years ago, Claycord had an article about a Chinese restaurant in Walnut Creek that flew a Communist Chinese flag. I confessed that I would prefer to spend my money at places that didn’t offend me and was called out for being racist. Since I still don’t have unlimited funds, I shall continue to spend the funds that I do have at businesses that don’t offend me.
And for the record, I have always considered any beer that self-identified itself as “light” to be offensive.
Ab so lute ly👍
OH, and by the way 😒 If you happen to use SHIPT for home delivery … That is a 100% Target owned company.
There have been some companies I have boycotted based on their acceptance of the woke ideology, or leftist ideology. Used to be a regular shopper at target, have not been in a target in years now. Dick’s, was not much of a shopper there, but once they bowed down to the gun grabbers, stopped going there all together. I guess I could add movie theatres, but that is less boycott and more no interest in h’wood’s awful product. Most other places, I was not a consumer, so not really boycotting.
I don’t do boycotts or surveys. Not my thing.
I find it a bit comical when people talk about the wokeness of companies and how they will no longer give them their business. Most often these same people talk &$#% about the evil Soros yet these same folks buy from Amazon all the time. Soros owns quite a bit of Amazon stick so I’ve read. Dont get me wrong, there are companies that I don’t agree with politically or morally yet if they have something that I am in need of and can’t find it anywhere else I will buy from them. The difference is I don’t go spouting off about them publicly. All the folks going off on Target for the LGBTQ debacle will I’m sure continue to buy from Target, if not definitely from Amazon. 🤣
If you don’t like something that the companies are selling….don’t buy it and move on.
Yes. I boycotted Toshiba for over 25 years due to them selling precision machine tooling technology to the Soviets over U.S. protests. The sale allowed the Soviets to make quieter propellers for their submarines, making them harder to detect and costing us billions to improve our detection capabilities, while also making them more of a threat. I will never buy anything from Lenovo since they became Chi-Com company. I won’t buy any beer from A-B either, though I don’t drink much beer anyway. Nike is also on my list, since they are “in the hip pocket” of the Chi-Coms. I try to avoid anything from China, though it’s really impossible.
I have a generally high threshold for a boycott. I don’t generally care about a company’s politics. The two exceptions so far are Dick’s, because they lobby to make me a felon with their anti second amendment stance, and Gillette. That ridiculous radical feminist propaganda commercial they made just pressed my buttons. Can you imagine a commercial for a feminine product where they attack negative stereotypes of women? Like, don’t be such nags, ladies. Now buy our tampons!
I haven’t bought anything Gillette since. They never apologized for that one, they just quietly moved away from the commercial, just like Budweiser is doing. Sorry, I can’t ignore the culture war anymore. It has gotten so insane, people would have laughed at you and called you crazy if you had told them this was going to happen ten years ago.
You might not be interested in the culture war, but the culture war is interested in you.
Corporations should never mix politics with business, and if they do, they will suffer the consequences when they lose customers. Other Target, and Bud Light, I don’t know which companies are doing stupid stuff because I haven’t watched a TV commercial since the introduction of the mute button. I have never drank “light” beer in my life, and I don’t shop at Target anyway. The whole thing is ridiculous, and I’m too old to be playing such asinine games.
Bingo. Anybody with common sense would know to keep a low profile, politically
speaking, if you are running a retail outlet. Alienating a potential customer base is
financial suicide. Sounds like the marketing genius at Ann/Busch is really an activist
disguised as a marketing pro. I Don’t go into Target too often, so i don’t know about
their travails other than they also lost Billions with the rainbow, as is being reported..
In one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen so far was a Safeway store that had a Pride flag flying at their cash register’s on Memorial weekend but no American flag,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CVS near BART put their rainbow Pride stuff up front this week.
We were on a tour of Rome last June and there was a big pride flag flying from the U.S. Embassy, not far from the Vatican. So I’m boycotting the Biden Administration.
Nope. I have a brain. And don’t worry about all this made up right or left wing propaganda.
For the most part no
I figure any big company have at one point done something l don’t approve of, at the same time they probably are also doing things l approve of. I don’t buy cosmetics from. companies that tests on animals. I would not spend money on seeing Bill Cosby. As for movies and music all l care about is it something l enjoy. I love James Stewarts movie l don’t care he was conservative, l still think he was a nice man. I’m kind of turned off by Mel Gibson, but then l haven’t cared for his movies for years too violent.
In addition to certain companies, I dont spend any money in places like Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco.
I won’t invest in any regulated investment company that partakes in ESG investment underwriting. They will always under-perform the broad market.
However what many people don’t understand is the people who support such investments will always perpetuate redemptions causing capital gain consequences for “buy and hold” investors. A whipsaw of lousy performance and tax liability. Ouch.
Regarding investments, put on your own parachute first. Once you have things covered for you and your family, then look at philanthropy. The beauty of that strategy, is you select your own benefactors.
That’s capitalism, vote with your wallet. Don’t do something stupid if you want to keep customers
Yes, the only way to communicate with big business is to vote with your wallet.
The more people that do this the louder the message.
Remember when conservatives complained about “cancel culture”?
@ AJR,
Remember when conservatives tried to destroy any business that didn’t agree with that idiotic leftist, socialist, communist agenda?
Yeah…..me neither!
According to the Target CEO, they had to move their Pride merchandise because employees were being harassed by customers. Target also claimed that Pride displays had been torn down by unruly customers. Where’s the video proof of these claims? Whenever anything happens anywhere – there are always several people recording it on their phones. Shouldn’t there be store surveillance video also? Where is it? I’d like to see it.
Knowing it makes our Governor emotional is reason enough to follow the crowd and stop shopping at Target.
Remember when all those looters went nuts and starting fighting with each other and destroying the store? That was deemed perfectly acceptable because they were supposedly upset about George Floyd. Touch an LGBTQ display and you’ll be in serious trouble.
…… and there were tons of videos of the George Floyd mourners ransacking the stores. Strange that we haven’t seen any footage of the angry customers, “mostly in the South” according to Target, who allegedly harassed employees and tore down Pride displays 🤔.
Unless it is something that is an absolute necessity and there is no other alternative, I boycott any business that ticks me off for whatever reason… it’s my money.
If you decide to support a business you disapprove of, that is just idiotic.
If you boycott don’t say it, cause if you do there will always be someone that thinks you are wrong. As far as I am concerened if companies were smart they would just pitch there product and stay out of controversy.
Everybody’s money is green.
As a product or service provider, to not pursue all potential customers is a disservice to your business and shareholders.
And the best way to do that? Stay out of politics and stick to business.