Home » Suspect In Northgate High School Stabbing Charged With Attempted Murder

Suspect In Northgate High School Stabbing Charged With Attempted Murder


A ninth-grade boy who police say stabbed a ninth-grade girl last week at Northgate High School in Walnut Creek has been charged with attempted murder and mayhem.

Walnut Creek police said the boy is still being held at juvenile hall.

The victim is recovering at home, Police Lt. Holley Connors said.

The boy stabbed the girl around 1 p.m. on April 25 at the school located on Castle Rock Road. Authorities aren’t naming the suspect because he is a juvenile.


Anyone with additional information can call Walnut Creek police at (925) 943-5844 or an anonymous tip line at (925) 943-5865.

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Good, hope he is charged as an adult. I don’t see a need to keep his name secret.


If it was YOUR minor child I bet you’d want it withheld. People are violent and crazy these days…..they would most likely go after the family of this child.


Every kid in that school knows his name.


The violent and crazy person that you fear is….the fool who attacked his fellow student with scissors.
Your concerns are very misplaced.


Eh… I’d say that any representation of a minor on the internet should be prohibited without the consent of the parents.


I also think the name should be out there.This is a very violent planned attack with every reason to believe this person will continue to be a danger to others. Neighbors certainly have a right to know.


A stabbing is a very personal act by the perpetrator. Moreso than using a firearm. I mean, one can feel the drag caused by the steel plunging into skin, muscle, and bone.


My daughter has a friend at Northgate who knows both of them. The kid stabbed the girl in the neck because she rejected him for a date. Sad….I’m worried for my own child out there. You never know anymore


It would be interesting to learn of the perp’s personality profile. Did he feel entitled? Ever heard the word “No” in denial of something he wanted?
On the flip side, how did the girl say “No”? Was it said as mean-spirited or said with maturity?
I’m not creating excuses… just curious about the interaction which led to the incident.


It seems that this child
Has a history of being kicked out of middle school – I’ve heard he would go onto the dark web and research guns in middle school. Sounds like he has some mental illness /issues and it’s not as simple as a rejection for a date. This rhetoric is scaring parents. This was an isolated incident with a boy who has mental health issues.


I think we have all been turned down and sometimes not very nice but never thought of using a knife.


How did the girl say no? Do you also wonder what a girl is wearing when she is raped?


No winning. The girl and family, friends and school are scared forever. The family of the boy and the boy are forever changed by the boys horrific act. I think the only real takeaway is that we check in and talk with our children. Try and understand if they see someone odd or if they themselves are going through tough time or mental issues that need some attention.
Stay Safe All. See something say something… please 🙏


This was a boy with serious issues that were obviously ignored by the parents. He was expelled from Foothill but somehow ended up at Northgate. MDUSD does not care about the kids. They let this monster back into the mainstream school system when he is obviously unfit.


This isn’t the first time an expelled child gets into our school system. At foothill in 2020 a boy has been kicked out of another school in the area and had a HIT list of names of people he wanted to go after . We need to do better. We are lost in the Dinosaur that is MDUSD. Don’t bother with Adam Clark the superintendent- that man could care LESS about our kids. Not sure how he got to his position but he’s part of the problem


This is severe mental illness and logic won’t be applicable. Either prodromal schizophrenia or conduct disorder. One can’t understand reality. The other doesn’t care.

I hope he’s charged as an adult and receives the maximum allowed sentence. As a bonus, before he serves time I feel he should be made to spend 15 minutes in a locked room with the father of the young girl who was harmed.


Definitely needs to be tried as an adult and prosecuted to the full extent – are you listening Becton? As I understand it he was a transfer from another school and was moved to his behavior there – bringing a gun to school. He needs to be expelled from all public schools. He’ll cause problems in any school – reform or military school is the only thing he’ll respond to.


Next in CoCo county comes plea bargaining down to lesser charge to save county cost of a trial.


Attempted murder and mayhem is a little harsh. He should be charged with assault with a deathly weapon.


WRONG. Leave your emotional analysis about a “harsh” charge at the door.
Under law, assault with a deadly weapon can arise in a conflict that gets out of hand.
But for an attempted murder charge, prosecutors must prove the accused had the intent to kill the other person.
Based on the accounts, the perpetrator had pre-planned and had intended to kill the victim. Thus, an attempted murder charge is appropriate rather than assault with a deadly weapon.
Understand? Comprende?


Brandishing is a form of assault. This is NOT AN ASSAULT. It is an actual act, deliberate, executed and intentional. Committed.


It was very charitable the tackling Vice Principal chose not to face plant this kid.
Rumor has it John Burris has leased office space close to Northgate High. This is going to be very, very expensive. Call it, “A Financial Face Plant.”


This happened before at another high school. Not saying when – where – just a CCC high school.

Administrators really wanted to keep it quiet.

I had to quit teaching. It was very unsafe to work there.

I think we need metal detectors in public High Schools.


He used scissors he found in the classroom. Like TSA, deterrents like metal detectors just make people feel better bc they can see something happening.


You are part of the problem if you don’t speak up. Way to stay under the system’s thumb to keep it hush hush.

Clearly he has mental illness issues from the comments I’ve just read. Because of that, he will most likely be committed to a facility for that reason only, with no jail time served at all!

I can’t believe these comments. Where are your heads at 🤦🏼‍♀️ ” what was the girl warring when she was raped” That is from the 60’s and she wasn’t raped.
I can feel the scissors cut through my bone 🤦🏼‍♀️ you must have been stabbed in a past life.
He is mentally ill. Well we all knew that was coming. ” He did stab her” And if you stab someone in the neck your intent is to kill!!!
More then one said your scaring the parents 🤦🏼‍♀️ why because you live in Walnut Creek 🤷🏼‍♀️ well wake up … Count your blessings. If you know what I mean. Columbine …



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