Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Believe In Life On Other Planets, And If So, Do You Think Aliens Have Visited Earth?

The Water Cooler – Do You Believe In Life On Other Planets, And If So, Do You Think Aliens Have Visited Earth?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you believe in life on other planets, and if so, do you think aliens have visited Earth?


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With billions of planets there has to be another one with life of some kind. The sky has no end and we can’t see most of it. What we can see is so far away no planet can be reached in a lifetime or two. It’s possible we have visitors The whole system is old enough for some planet to be thousand of year’s ahead of us.


Billions of planets…? What’s on flat earth.

Must be a relative of Carl Sagan.

Absolutely yes on the life elsewhere but the distances are so great there is near zero chance of contact, although those UFO things the military has filmed opens a small but real possibility of some kind of drone from somewhere.


Yes …. absolutely… I think it is naiive to think we are the “only ones” …and as for having visited us? again – absolutely, just look who is trying to run this state – he has got to be from another world


Newsom is from Dumphukistan.


Newsom’s origin?
That would be the seventh planet from the sun.


What kind of life? Microbes? Plants? Animal? Human? Just about every star has a solar system with planets and moons. A planet within a certain distance from that star that is protected from solar radiation by its magnetic field, and is kept warm with an insulating atmosphere, is capable of sustaining life as long as it has water and carbon. Any life form on another planet, can and possibly will, evolve into higher intelligent life forms, and eventually evolve into human life. As Ricardoh said, there are billions of planets out there, and there must be life on some of them.
I do not believe aliens from another planet have ever visited Earth. If they did, what happened to them? If they visited prehistoric Earth before there was human life, it seems to me they would have come back, and perhaps settled here. So far, anthropologist have not found any evidence of alien life on our planet.
Chariots of the Gods, by Erich Von Daniken is a book where he proposes the theory that aliens have visited Earth in ancient times, and were responsible for the building of the pyramids. The book is quite fascinating, and he presents a lot of evidence, but I still ask, what happened to them, and why didn’t they stick around, or at least come back once in a while for a visit?


Whatever life forms that developed in the ancient past have been scattered everywhere. So, it’s reasonable to assume, all life on this earth may have originated in or on another alien world. Time travel may only allow one way forward. So, if anything has visited here it may not ever be able to return to its origins. There are methods of travel faster than light speed. Just need to recognize natural empathic abilities such as telepathy. Self-explanatory intuitions. Communication with species other than humans, such as animals. There are magnetic forces and gravitational influences constantly being exerted.


Have you seen where the pyramids are built? Nothing but sand and searing heat. No wonder they got the f**k out of here.

Most likely because the universe reflects the laws of physics so there would be life throughout because certain physical laws are responsible for the creation of life. We’ve been visiting other places in the universe by remote probes and again most likely there have been probes visiting us and some might have been vehicles carrying aliens. It’s been said that if aliens have been visiting us it’s been covered up because the idea of aliens clashes with some religious beliefs.


Oh hell yes! They walk among us… just look at Steph Curry!
He can’t possibly be an Earthling… watch him play and try convincing yourself he’s only human……….. it’s impossible!




I go back and forth on this. Statistically it is a guarantee that there is life out there. Advanced beyond what we know and life well behind us. But where are they. Were is the proof. Alternatively the possibility that earth is just this 1 in a trillion billion perfect alignment for life is technically possible too. But then the more I learn about Egypt I’m thinking we don’t have all the info.


I do believe there is life out there in the universe, and I expect there is life on Venus or Mars. I also believe there is life on planets in other galaxies, just not yet identified. I have only amused hope that aliens have visited Earth, but know for certain that aliens are invading our country by way of illegal entry. I am curious about these unidentified objects filmed recently, but my suspicion is these are various military tech, whether from our forces, or our adversaries. Would be interesting, as long as it doesn’t go the way of the slappy will smith movie Independence Day.

Of course, China has come to realize they no longer need supersonic aircraft to spy, a slow moving balloon works just fine (at least currently).


Life on other planets? Yes. What kind? Unknown. Don’t think they ever came here. We grow our own aliens.


How do you throw a party in space?
You planet.

The most sure sign that there is intelligent life elsewhere… is that they have not bothered to contact us.

I agree. There’s no intelligent life here. Just look around and see how this state and country is run.


This is quite possibly the only planet in the cosmos that when the aliens fly by they lock their doors.


If we can send rockets to other celestial bodies, why can’t it be possible that others are visiting us? They might not be life forms as we recognize, just as our life forms aren’t recognized on Mars. We have satellites orbiting other planets, so maybe these “UFOs” are similar. Who knows?

If aliens have visited this planet they didn’t stay very long, they took one look at it and said oh forget this messed up place.

If there is intelligence life on another planet they’re probably far superior to us because there’s not much intelligent life left on this planet anymore.

One planet. One God. Nope..BS

THEY LANDED A WHILE AGO AND ARE NOW POSING AS POLITICIANS. Here to destroy the earth and humankind.


If alien life forms exist and are even slightly more intelligent than Homo sapiens (think they are), why would they want to visit the mess we’ve created ? Our planet is so beautiful and look at how we mistreat it!

Nearly every meteorite that has been recovered has been found to contain organic materials which are the building blocks of life. Most people think of meteors or “shooting stars” as blazing hot as they streak through the atmosphere. In reality, only the outer surface of the rock heats up. The inside remains cold. A meteor blazes through the atmosphere for a second or two but then gets slowed down enough that it is no longer heated. It becomes an ordinary rock falling at about 200 MPH. Most take about 15 minutes to half an hour to fall. If one were to land in front of you and you immediately picked it up then you’d discover it will feel quite cold. That’s how microbes and viruses make it to Earth. Several tons of rock fall to the ground every day. The rocks also contain a considerable amount of water and may well be the source of all the water on Earth.


There have to be people from other planets living here on Earth with us.

I can’t imagine human being treating each other as horridly as some things treat others.


Cellophane ~ I may have shared this before….. https://tinyurl.com/33pfrt44


I’m still searching for intelligent life on this planet

I believe intelligent extraterrestrial life was here long before humans, and that we may be hybrids of another race. There are many ancient artifacts showing “gods” that came from the heavens. Whether or not they are still here is questionable, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

Let’s not only use planets in the universe but include other dimensions. From 3 to now theorize 10 or more dimensions. I believe it is sort of like a fractal vortex spiral, never-ending.
Science is the new religion…?

It is mathematically impossible we are the only intelligent life.

Most likely first contact will be a remote drone controlled by another, far more advanced race. They’ll probably just wipe us out or enslave us.


It’s the only answer that can explain the UAPs that keep being seen by experienced pilots
and civilians on the ground. Clearly these visitors are using technology that we know nothing
about, doing impossible maneuvers at speeds exceeding anything we have. The Fed Gov’t
has been lying to us ever since Roswell, N.M. in 1947 until FIA allowed access to official
documents. Every President since Truman has been briefed about extra terrestrials.

Enrico Fermi famously asked the question “Where are they?

So far, we have no evidence of any sort of life out there.

Anyone that is ignorant enough to think that we are the only life forms in the entire universe should have their head examined. There is far more advanced civilizations out there. Whether they are watching us or have visited us is another story. If they did, I think they would see us as barbarians and not want anything to do with us.

With billions of solar systems the odds are some life form is out there. Visitors? When I read “Communion” in which Whitley Strieber describes his 1985 close encounter experiences; I was reminded of a couple of dreams I had as a child. It was a good read.
If you ever get abducted steal something from them for proof.



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