Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – April 28, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – April 28, 2023


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“Wildfires, weather, water… it’s always something else. Newsom knows that any emergency decree quickly steps up control over citizens, creating additional government power while the people lose more of theirs.  
This is incredibly ironic, since Newsom has taken pains to criticize others as “authoritarian” and is even touring the nation now deriding those whom he thinks exercise unbridled power.
Of course, emergency orders are always about “public safety” and doing things out of “an abundance of caution.” But there’s also an added bonus of making the people more fearful and conditioning them to believe that the only way to be safe is allowing government to exercise more control.”


It couldnt be clearer they’re going to run him in ’24


Democrats are not suppressing votes.


Don’t think voter suppression was ever mentioned 12A’s post. Looks like you are projecting.
Democrats suppressed Doh’s ability to reason. Don’t worry Doh. You will still be allowed to vote for Gavin in ’24.


DOH is right, the Democrats might be kicking poll watchers out… telling people they are done counting and then running the same ballots thru over and over, they even dump all kinds of questionable ballots off at all hours of the night. They can conduct voting classes at the old folks home and get 100% of the results they desire (I’ve seen that in person) and harvest ballots all night long…. but they aren’t suppressing the vote….. they are just outright cheating.


Of course- doh knows everything. He’ll tell you so.

I didn’t know this about electric car ownership until today: governor Newsom plans to tax the owners of electric cars to make up for the gas tax that they’re not paying with gasoline purchases. Is going to be an annual assessment on your income tax for miles driven.
He’s also mandated that in coming decade that we have to switch all our household appliances over to electricity. Dryers, water heaters furnaces & stoves. I don’t know how this plus the mandate for electric cars can all work since we don’t have enough power to go around now.


And to think Gavin Newsom wants to be president so he can californicate the rest of the nation!


“The Commie from Cali” is already beginning his campaign. Better buy some fishing waders as the puddle of piddle is rising………..


15 minute city. Everything you need within a 15 minute walk or bike ride. That means your $58K electric car can sit uncharged (due to power shortages/brown outs/prohibition) because you can just bike. That also means the freedom to move about the country will be severely impaired. Orwell would be completely stunned as to the level the government has commandeered so much control of how the citizenry must live. I wonder when the general public will finally recognize the level of social engineering being undertaken by both (democrat) local governments and federal governments.


That’s what the parasitic California democrat government does best – creating new and endless ways to tax working class citizens.


The government should have its own social media platform (Twitter-style). Politicians should be removed from Twitter.


Great idea! They could call it “Slaggers.”


TGIF! Friday Night = CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES… Let’s see which bozos were spotted hopping out of the clown car this week…

Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into U.S. Unrestricted

NC Volleyball Player Speaks Out after Trans Player Spiked Her in the Face Causing Concussion, Major Neck Injury, and Learning Disability

University Has Students Confess They’re a ‘Product of a Heterosexist and Transphobic Culture’

Statue of Fully Nude, Bearded Man Breastfeeding a Baby Placed Outside Denmark’s Former Women’s Museum

State University Teaches ‘Transgender Etiquette,’ Tells Students Nearly 50 Percent of Men May Be Bisexual

Vermont Elementary School Will Use”Person Who Produces Sperm” or “Person Who Produces Eggs” Instead of Male and Female in Health Sciences Lessons

Trans Runner Credits “Girl Power” For Beating 14K Women in London Marathon Only Months After Racing in NYC as a Man

Bully Dylan Mulvaney Believes It Should Be ‘Illegal’ to Misgender Him

Bridal Magazine Cover Features a Hairy, Bearded Biological Male

Biden Family Took Tens of Millions from Entities Directly Connected to the CCP, China Military, and Ukraine

GOP Lawmakers Press Biden Administration Official on Whereabouts of 85,000 Migrant Children

The NYT Absurdly Downplays Biden’s Mental Decline: ‘America Can Function Without a Healthy President’

Whistleblower Who Was Reportedly About to Reveal “Explosive” Information On the Biden Crime Family’s Corruption Has Disappeared

John Kerry Says People will Soon ‘See Their Farms and Crops Ripped Away’ or “Their Homes Destroyed” Due to Climate Change

Democrat Congressman From New York Has Made 500 Stock Trades Since Taking Office in January

Analysis: Biden Projected to Bring over 2 Million Illegal Aliens to U.S. this Year

Joe Biden Caught Using Cheat Sheet with Reporter’s Question Written on It

Food Writer Cuts Her Grocery Bill in Half by Feeding Her Baby Crickets

‘Dangerous Trend’: Medical Schools Are Ditching Standardized Tests In The Name Of ‘Diversity’

Red Cross Launches Weird Initiative to Urge Gamers to Stop Committing War Crimes in Games Set in Conflict Zones

Schools Axe Homework, Deadlines In The Name Of Equity: REPORT

Shocking Allegation: Jan. 6th Provocateur Ray Epps Accused of Pedophilia by Adopted Daughter

REPORT: Deep-Staters at the Pentagon Are Celebrating the Departure of Tucker Carlson From FOX News

Ex-Tucker Carlson Producer Suing Him For ‘Sexism’ Has Never Even Met Him

Former Fugees Rapper Pras Michel Found Guilty of Colluding with China in ‘Clandestine Foreign Influence Campaign Scheme’

Warner Brothers to Celebrate Its 100th Anniversary by Remaking Its Classic Films With Woke Casting and Storylines

Internal Revenue Service Hiring Armed Agents for All 50 States

Latest Insane Oregon Law Would Give Homeless People the Right to Sue if They’re ‘Harassed’

10,000-Strong School District Cancels Music Lessons to Fight White Supremacist Violence

Stay cool and have a great weekend!


You forgot the godfather of all the degeneracy in America Jerry Springer died.


Jerry Springer did give many, many, black people the opportunity to appear on network television and have their voices heard. And he did this long before “The View.”


John Kerry has Chicken Little Syndrome.


Last week Fox said “We lied to you.”

Its viewers said, “No you didn’t.”

Another article discussed learning facts counter to your beliefs, even with proof, will trigger a flight or flight response so people would rather hand onto their erroneous beliefs.


Big media can’t be trusted, just the same way our “bloated” government can’t be trusted.

Go Brandon


Crawford or Belt?


Keep calm and dont look at me, I dont think I voted for him……


Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was supposed to cost $391 billion over ten years.
Now, estimates are it will cost roughly $1.2 trillion, a figure three times more than what was initially claimed. Biden will blame it on inflation.


or President Trump. or “MAGA” or “MAGA Republicans” or the latest and greatest narrative to criminalize half the country, the “extreme MAGA Republicans.” Won’t get much mileage blaming putin, and if he blames jingping, xi will just release more documentation showing the tight grip he has on biden for all the payments to his family. Not that it will matter, as all the media are completely disinterested in that story.


Twitter is government owned social media. Musk would be nothing without the millions of government grants. Do you really think the deep state doesn’t have its tentacles in Twitter or SpaceX or Tesla or Musk’s scheme to implant chips in people’s head?


Democrats don’t know $hit about finance or economics at the state or national level.

All they know is tax and spend. They haven’t even figured out which bathroom to use.


I have my large back window of my 4X4 with LETS GO BRANDON. I need to add
This country is in serious trouble and if Biden / Harris are reelected there is no turning back it will never reverse the bad direction it’s going in. I realize Trump is not a well liked guy and he’s on a hell of a ego trip but he got s*** done he didn’t take s*** from any country or anybody. Trump needs to get back in there and continue draining the swamp and getting things turned back around.


Two days ago Biden was asked by a child what the last country he had visited. Biden couldn’t remember that he was in Ireland last week. He had to be reminded by another child.. This is not funny. This is pathetic. He has to be removed from office now. Our lives depend on it.


That would make giggles harris president.
Take a minute to reflect upon her responses to China invading Taiwan, iran giving functional nukes to venezuela, russia invading additional countries or another oil embargo with our SPR (strategic petroleum reserve) at historic low levels, just to name a few.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists doomsday clock is set at 90 seconds to midnight, imagine setting if harris became president.


Harris would be bad but in the case of an emergency at least she would know what the emergency is. Biden has no clue. He literally cannot remember last week. Neither of the two are actually making decisions. We have no idea who the real president is. We know it isn’t Biden. It is probably a committee. One dark day we may find out.


Check Martha’s Vineyard

I don’t want Harris to be Commander in Chief. Biden at his worst, is better than Nurse (Harris) Ratchet.

Trapped Americans In Sudan “Shocked & Disgusted” – Left By Biden To Fend For Themselves

Demonstrating once again his usual concern for Americans stranded abroad, that worthless blob wasting time and space in our White House, ignores the pleas of trapped Americans stuck in Sudan.
Meanwhile dozens of other countries have for days been racing to get their citizens out via military transport planes, ships, and via cross-border land routes into Ethiopia and neighboring countries, but not Traitor Joe.
A surprisingly blunt report voicing intense criticism toward the Biden administration has been issued by CNN Friday, which writes, “As the crisis in Sudan continues to unfold, there is mounting anger among Americans who feel abandoned by the US government and left to navigate the complicated and dangerous situation on their own.”
CNN further points out that robust evacuation efforts are underway by many other countries. As we detailed below, a C-130 evac flight sent by Turkey even took on small arms fire while landing outside the capital. And the Chinese government has said it has successfully evacuated at least 1,300 of its nationals thus far, with state media confirming evacuation operations ongoing by “land and sea”.


The presidential committee (whoever they are) that runs our country finally got shamed by other countries into taking out our citizens by bus. A pathetic bunch they are.


California has the 3rd lowest IQs of all the states. That explains so much. Go Democrats.


Yes, but the supporters of the California democrat government do clearly comprehend one thing: Free stuff from the government.


In seven different studies, California was in the bottom 10% of IQs nationwide. There are probably more, but you get my point. I’ll bet CA is in the bottom 25 percent no matter which study you look at.

I’m not surprised.


This moderate Democrat (me) has been disappointed with Biden. He is – as most conservatives have noted – much to old to run for or serve another term. His forgiveness of student debt is a slap in the face to all of us who paid our student debt (and mortgage etc.). Not to mention a horrible budget busting boondoogle.

So my question to the more conservative of you Claycord commenters: which Democrat would you pick if you had your choice of the existing Democrats? Who is the best of a bad lot???


You already voted for Biden and see what happened?
You don’t have to vote for a Democrat, it isn’t a law…
Why don’t you just sit the next one out… haven’t you done enough already?


I vote for the best candidate, Republican or Democrat. In the recent election, I voted for a number of Republicans in Oregon, including the governor. That is what being moderate is all about. I’m not married to the Democratic party. I’m just curious about what the more conservative folks think about the potential field of Democratic candidates.


If you voted for biden, you did not vote for the best candidate. TRUMP was the only candidate and you guys managed to mess that up with a corrupt communist idiot..I believe the election was rigged


Sam –

You called Biden a “corrupt communist idiot.” You missed senile!


Right, but you voted for him because he’s a decent man and Trump is xenophobic and thinks we should drink bleach.


And I don’t believe he’s senile. I believe his handlers want us to believe he’s senile. He’s definitely corrupt and an idiot


You will not have a choice. The Democrat party will shut down anyone trying to run against Biden.


Unfortunately, the elected officials are beholden to the party – not to those whom they’re supposed to actually represent. That goes for both “sides.” Yet the voters continue to re-elect them based on empty promises.

Until the voters hold the politicians’ feet to the fire and force them to not just vote along party lines, nothing will change.

@I’M NEW HERE—I thought about your question, and there has never been a Democrat that I would vote for. Why? Because I cannot think of a moderate Democrat who will run for president. In my opinion, I do not believe there has ever been a moderate Democrat president, at least not in my lifetime. Too many of them have started wars. The War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and the Vietnam War were all started while a Democrat was in office. I hear people claim that JFK was a moderate, but I think they either have short memories, or they weren’t around when he was president. JFK not only got us into the Vietnam War, he nearly got us into a nuclear war with the USSR. Kennedy had nuclear missiles placed in Italy and Turkey, pointing directly at the Soviet Union. In retaliation, Khrushchev had nuclear missiles placed in Cuba, pointing directly at the United States, and started the Cuban Missile Crises. In all fairness, there have been Republicans that were terrible presidents, G W Bush comes to mind, he started the war in Afghanistan.
When voting for president, I think it’s important to consider who he or she will be appointing to other offices of the United States. Both, Democrats, and Republicans, have made some bad decisions.


Dawg – You make some good and valid points. I was too young to have a contemporary opinion of Kennedy, but I agree that he is very overrated and would have been rated badly by historians had he served out his term. You are correct about Vietnam and the Cuban missile crisis. I’m glad I was too young in 1962 to be scared.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK… Obama, Biden, the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, and the woke have killed your dream.


The Biden progressive juggernaut needs an acronym to compete with MAGA.
Let’s see: Manufacture Untrue Communication Until Socialism: MUCUS.


I like that.


Another fitting acronym for the new improved 2024 Biden Campaign: Questionable Underhanded Egotistical Equivocate Fascism: QUEEF


I hear that!


@ Fearless-
I’m all for catchy acronyms but something about your choice smells fishy to me.


I dunno……..there seems to be something fishy about that one?


The President is gloating over Tucker Carlson, who really shouldn’t be worthy of comment from the highest office.
Carlson was never more than a pebble in the shoe of the Biden Administration. However they perceived him as an anvil on their heads. Their fear gave him that power.
When another journalist asked about Carlson, all they had to do was say, “He’s entitled to his opinion, next question.” Like magic, the threat would be neutralized. Instead they spool out of control about threat to democracy, disinformation etc. etc. etc.
He is only a threat because they perceive him as a threat. The Biden Administration are scared, they are weak, and they lack character.


It does not stop.
States revolt against Biden’s ‘disaster’ mortgage redistribution rule to subsidize risky loans.


The Mythical Legend That Came True

The King and Queen wanted to go fishing. The palace meteorologist assured him that there was no chance of rain, so the king and the queen went fishing.

On the way, he met a man with a fishing pole riding on a donkey, and he asked the man if the fish were biting. The fisherman said, “Your Majesty, you should return to the palace. In just a short time I expect a huge rainstorm.”

The king replied: “I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an educated and experienced professional. Besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him.” So, the king continued on his way.

However, in a short time, torrential rain fell from the sky. The King and Queen were totally soaked. Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to execute the meteorologist.

Then he summoned the fisherman and offered him the prestigious position of royal forecaster.

The fisherman said, “Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtained my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey’s ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain.”

So, the king hired the donkey.

And so began the practice of hiring dumb azzes to work in influential positions of government.

And thus, the symbol of the Democrat Party was born.

The practice continues to this day.


The Problem With Guns;

Yes there is something worse than a criminal;

This is my reason………what’s yours?

This ain’t fair….but at least it’s insane;

The science is settled?

The democrat discount;

…..and finally, a little levity;


So Now The State of California wants people who make a larger salary to subsidize other peoples power bills. While that sounds to be a draconian plan, you would think it would be illegal or at least highly unethical. On top of that, the federal government recently came out with their new plan to have people who have higher credit scores to subsidize other people who are also trying to buy a house. This state and for that matter, the rest of the country is on the fast track to socialism, which is not far from communism. We can only hope the voters lead us to a better path…


If you voted democrat this is on you as much as Traitor Joe and that lying scum, DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.!

Texas mass shooter was a five-times-deported illegal alien

Friday’s heinous, execution-style murder of five Honduran nationals in Cleveland, Texas by a repeatedly deported Mexican illegal alien will probably not see saturation coverage by the press the way the immigrant-hating fiend who shot up an El Paso mall in 2019 was covered.
But it should be.
What was this monster (FBI’s words, not mine) doing in this country? He was a potential democrat voter, that’s what!



White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday avoided mentioning that the man accused of murdering five people, including an eight-year-old child, in Cleveland, Texas, is an illegal immigrant who was previously deported five times.
The greatest threat to democracy are Democrats.


She blamed the AR style rifle instead of the shooter.


What with DEM’s preoccupation on children ? ? ?
Another state against mutilation of children.
‘Performing Trans Surgery on Children, Prescribing Puberty Blockers Now a Felony in Oklahoma’


The smartest man Joe Biden knows is in legal trouble for being a dead beat Dad.



Joe Biden to send troops to the southern border. Trump was right, again!


Both Fox and CNN report the troops will perform mostly administrative functions to free up border patrol staff, but aren’t those staff employees just the exact ones you would need to process and immediately release a huge surge of tens of thousands of illegals? What is this?


Actually, the troops are there to handle voter registration.


They are opening the flood gates, troops are just supposed to help get them in asap and keep ’em coming.
Biden is a whiz at conducting an invasion of his own country but he’s a flaming cluster flop at evacuating OUR people from others.


Before diversity made us stronger there was less crime, better wages, affordable homes, better healthcare, rigorous education, less social angst, no issues of integration, no fixation on racism, more national confidence, and grooming just meant personal hygiene.
Then those no good, radical, scum-sucking, bottom feeders, from the far left showed up. 😉


It’s the Democrats’ strategy to maintain the “Divided States of America” in order to maintain their power and control over the populace.
Think back and youll see it really started with Obama and his administration under the guise of “equity”.


If you’ve ever wondered what an absolute-jackass-moron-lunatic-commie-socialist looks like;

Bernie Sanders: Government Should Confiscate All Wealth Over $999 Million
Tyler Durden’s Photo



Communism by the numbers;

The face of evil;

When democrats control the count, they control the result; Remind you of anything?

Problem solved, or at least postponed until later ………….much later when maturity and common sense arrive;

…….and now the levity;


Now your PG&E bull is gonna be based on your income – thanks to the effing Democrats. See https://energyathaas.wordpress.com/2023/05/01/rebalancing-rates-for-electrification-and-equity/.


A true leader, an example of responsibility, a caring-loving, supportive man, one who places family first, our very own lying, swamp-dwelling, hypocrite in DC;

Cutting math class?……..you too can be stupid;

It’s just more democrat double-talk;

Vive la différence,…….balls v. sans balls;

Poverty or prosperity, in nearly all cases, is your choice;

No problem, we gottem right where they want us;

Well I’ll be darned…….who knew? Makes perfect sense in this case though;

…..and finally, there’s this;


Looks like US NAVY should have brought back recruiting slogan from the 1970s, “Be Someone Special”.
In an effort to meet recruitment goals some one got idea . . . . . .
‘… Fury over Navy’s first ‘digital ambassador’ – non-binary drag queen …’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ye2yjbc2
Wonder if part of basic training is, enemy pronoun identification ? ? ?


Does that mean every new recruit will be Digitally Ambassador’d?
And if so, is that legal?
Wow, I didn’t expect Alissa Heinerscheid to find a new job so quickly.


‘I can’t believe I fought for this bulls**t’: Navy SEAL who h’ elped kill Osama Bin Laden fumes over Navy’s decision to use drag queen for their recruitment program’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bdafcus6


bernie sanders is preparing his 2024 run . . .
or is just tryin’ to sell his new book ?
This go round he wants government to confiscate wealth,
How important are rich people to our economy?
Nobel Prize winner (economics) Milton Friedman answers question “Too Many Millionaires”


My issue is not the amount of money but the outsized influence the rich try to have where, for example, George Soros in this democracy (OK, republic) has the political and voting power of hundreds of thousands of any of us. His kid is a frequent visitor to the White House. Do you get to walk in there when you want? The problem is not that they buy cars but that they buy influence but the Bernie answer is irrelevant and unethical to that issue.


Joe Biden is MIA, probably still recovering in an oxygen tent. He will not be attending the King Charles coronation. Minions like Karine will claim it’s not typical for a U.S. President to attend, and he’s busy working hard on systemic climate change and racism etc. However this is the first crown change in 71 years; it’s a big deal.
A good number of world leaders will be attending. Also from the entertainment industry, Lionel Richie, Jill Biden, and Emmanuel Lewis, from Webster.
Now what if the future King Charles proclaimed he was coming out and insisting on being addressed as Queen Charlesetta? In that case they would have loaded Joe up with a jumbo shot of adderall and delivered his dumb a** to the coronation. Optics people, optics.


Joe Biden ‘Engaged In A Bribery Scheme With A Foreign National’: FBI Internal Document

Traitor Joe participated in “a criminal scheme” to exchange money for policy decisions, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY), citing an internal FBI document they say contains evidence of the bribery which took place when Biden was Vice President.


NANNY NANNY NANNY, up yours Murdoch & FOX……..Tucker Carlson Gets $100 Million Offer ;

Following Tucker Carlson’s ouster from Fox News, the network has experienced a precipitous decline in ratings, while Carlson has been receiving offers left and right from other networks.

For starters, Patrick Bet-David, CEO of online content company Valuetainment, offered former Fox News host Tucker Carlson a $100 million deal over five years, plus a board seat at the company, in a high-profile courting attempt on Tuesday.

“Dear Tucker, I’ll get right to the point. We want you to partner with us in what we feel is a noble and necessary effort to define the future of media,” wrote David, who also hosts the Valuetainment brand’s podcast, in the opening of the letter of intent posted on Twitter on May 2 according to the Epoch Times.


Isn’t this exactly what obama wanted? They’re preparing for the reset? They will use OUR money to pay OUR own people to -______________us. (fill in the blank!)
There is no depth to how low democrats will go to control us, “by any means necessary.”

IRS Has Spent $10M On Weapons, Ammo, & Combat Gear Since 2020;

The New York Post reports that the findings, released by the group OpenTheBooks, show the IRS spending $5 million in 2021 alone as the agency ramped up the militarization of its agents. In the last three years, the IRS has spent a total of $2.3 million on ammunition, $1.2 million on ballistic shields, $474,000 on Smith & Wesson rifles, $463,000 on Beretta tactical shotguns, and $243,000 on body armor.

In addition to these purchases, the IRS’ expenditures include an additional $1.3 million that was spent on “various other gear for criminal investigation agents,” without any specifics as to what this “other gear” may entail.
The slew of new purchases build off of an arsenal that was already well-stocked prior to 2020, with the IRS already having in its possession roughly 5 million rounds of ammunition designated for its 2,159 special agents. Before 2020, the IRS owned 4,500 firearms, which included 621 shotguns, 539 semi-automatic rifles, and 15 submachine guns.


I see the potential for a niche market providing multifunctional 32 caliber TI-55 pocket calculators to the IRS.


”Some of our younger small business owners actually self-identify as entrepreneurs.”
I can’t believe this is a quote from the Vice President of the United States.
A fourth grader maybe.
Let’s face it, the Biden administration spend money like drunken sailors. It’s been over two years. Couldn’t they have hired say, a team of 25-50 people to counsel, teach, hypnotize, makeover, rehearse, redress, remake, remodel, deprogram, polish and detail Kamala Harris so she doesn’t sound like such a complete nimrod?
It’s a disgrace. Anyone with an IQ above “tilt” is either laughing or crying.

The true story of crooked Joe;



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