Home » California Poised To Ban New Diesel Trucks

California Poised To Ban New Diesel Trucks


By Nadia Lopez – CalMatters

California’s trucking industry is bracing for state regulators this week to enact unprecedented rules that would ban sales of new diesel big rigs by 2036 and convert large companies’ existing trucks to zero emissions by 2042.

“The amount of chaos and dysfunction that is going to be created by this rule will be like nothing we’ve ever seen before,” said Chris Shimoda, senior vice president of the California Trucking Association, an industry trade group. “The likelihood that it is going to fail pretty spectacularly is very high. It’s very unfortunate.”

The state Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing on its proposed regulation on Thursday, then is expected to vote on Friday.
The proposal aims to clean up noxious diesel exhaust and greenhouse gases spewed by big rigs, garbage trucks, delivery trucks and other large vehicles by converting them to models powered by electricity or hydrogen.


Trucking companies and local government officials call the deadlines in the rule unachievable. They say the new technology still has major drawbacks, including the high cost of electric trucks and their low vehicle range. The state also has not yet developed a charging network to support electric trucks, and the existing chargers can take hours to recharge, industry officials say.

A worldwide first, California’s rules would transform how goods are transported throughout the state, adding millions of new, pollution-free trucks on the roads. The state currently has very few large, zero-emission vehicles: only 1,943 in California — and nearly all of them are buses.

Unveiled last September, the air board’s proposal would set aggressive timelines for the purchase and manufacture of zero-emission medium and heavy-duty trucks. The move is considered a critical part of California’s strategy to clean up its severe smog, switch to clean energy, end its reliance on fossil fuels and become carbon neutral by 2045.

Under the proposal, in 2036, 100% of new sales of medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks must be zero emissions in California, scaling up from phased-in timelines that vary by the type of truck. The rules also would force companies that operate 50 or more trucks to gradually convert their fleets into electric or hydrogen models, reaching 100% zero-emissions by 2042, with these timelines also based on the type of truck.


The earliest requirements would be for drayage trucks, which carry cargo to and from the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland and cause severe air pollution in nearby communities. All of them must be converted to electric models by 2035, and new sales beginning in 2024 must be zero emissions.

The state requirements to switch existing truck fleets to zero emissions by 2042 would apply to “high-priority fleets,” which are owned or operated by companies with 50 or more trucks or $50 million or more in annual revenue, and to federal trucks.

Included are all vehicles weighing 8,500 lbs or more, as well as package delivery vehicles, including U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS and Amazon fleets.

The proposal builds on a previous state clean trucks regulation, enacted in 2020, that mandated the number of zero-emission trucks that manufacturers must sell from 2024 through 2035.


California’s truck rules are “going to have significantly positive implications for both air quality and for pushing the market forward,” said Sam Wilson, a senior vehicles analyst in the clean transportation program at the environmental group Union of Concerned Scientists.

Still, he said the air board “missed an opportunity” to strengthen the rule, by failing to set stricter requirements for fleets with fewer than 50 trucks.

Trucking companies and local governments say fundamental changes are needed in California to help them meet the proposed timelines to stop buying new diesel trucks and phase out their existing diesels.

Large trucks are more difficult and expensive to convert to electric models than cars because of their size, weight and long distances that they’re driven.


But air board officials said they are confident that the truck market can adjust in time to speed the transition to electric models.

“All of the provisions are intended to address those concerns that stakeholders brought forward, including needing to move more aggressively in some areas and needing to provide flexibility in others,” said Air Resources Board Executive Officer Steven Cliff.
“We want to be mindful of the concerns of those who are regulated, but we also know that we have health benefits that we need to achieve. Getting that balance is a really critical part of the overall approach,” he said.

The proposed rule could put about 510,000 carbon-free medium and heavy-duty vehicles on California’s roads in 2035, increasing to 1.2 million in 2045 and about 1.7 million in 2050, according to the air board.

The trucks that would be affected by the new rule make up just 7% of the vehicles on California’s roads — about 1.8 million out of 30 million. But they are the single largest source of air pollution from vehicles, representing about 70% of smog-forming nitrogen oxides and 80% of carcinogenic diesel soot, according to the air board.

Communities near ports, warehouses ‘suffer a lot’

Truck emissions hang heavy in the air in much of the Inland Empire, Los Angeles County and the Central Valley, where many disadvantaged and low-income residents like Ada Trujillo live. Trujillo is a 42-year-old Guatemalan immigrant who has lived in San Bernardino for more than 20 years. The region is home to explosive growth of warehouses, where air pollution comes from idling trucks that transport goods.

Trujillo said diesel pollution has been increasingly causing health problems for her family. She doesn’t allow her children to play outside for long periods of time due to the headaches, eye and skin allergies, nose bleeds and breathing problems that they experience.

Diesel exhaust is one of the most harmful air pollutants, since it is a known cause of cancer, and it contains fine particles that can trigger heart attacks and asthma.

Trujillo said in Spanish that her children “do suffer a lot,” adding that “as a mother, it worries me. We live close to these warehouses and we keep seeing more of them in our communities.”

California has been cutting emissions from diesel and gas-powered vehicles for decades. The new proposal comes less than nine months after California enacted another far-reaching mandate that bans sales of gas-powered cars by 2035.

California often prides itself on being a leader in setting stringent vehicle standards that other states follow. Six other states adopted the 2020 California trucks rule, with Colorado and Maryland being the most recent states to enact them, just this week.

The trucking industry said unresolved issues could pose serious challenges for an already strained supply chain and the state’s economy.

“If the rule moves forward and is implemented the way that it’s written today, you are going to see a lot of the same problems that we had during the pandemic, but we created the problem,” Shimoda of the California Trucking Association said. “It’s a supply chain crisis of our own making.”

The air board staff earlier this year made some minor changes in their proposal for garbage truck operators who raised concerns at the first public hearing in October. They issued a revised version of the proposal in March that delays electrification phase-in dates for fleets that run on biogas captured from landfills, wastewater facilities and compost.

But the most significant change in the proposal actually toughened the rules after an appeal by environmental justice advocates: The original proposal required 100% zero-emission truck sales in 2040; the air board staff accelerated it by four years at the request of some board members.

Local governments call the deadlines ‘impossible’

It’s not just the trucking industry that is vehemently opposed. Local governments are opposed, too, since they own truck fleets. With some exceptions, half of the specified truck purchases for public agencies must be zero emissions by 2024, ramping up to 100% by 2027. Some exemptions apply if there are a lack of available models.

In a letter to the air board, the League of California Cities, California State Association of Counties and the California Special Districts Association said the air board is “overlooking some important realities” and that fulfilling the timeline would be “impossible.”

The coalition of local officials is urging the board to delay the rule’s deadline by four years, adopt more exemptions and impose price caps on the electric models to keep them more affordable.

The local leaders wrote that the proposal “ignores existing market realities and the time needed to develop and ramp up an infrastructural system that can support an electrified fleet of essential vehicles.”

“The vehicles don’t exist, the infrastructure does not exist, grid reliability is sketchy, there’s nothing to protect public agencies from price gouging, and no one seems willing to discuss where the money will come from — other than raising rates on consumers,” their letter said.

The rule banning diesel and gasoline truck sales would not apply to emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire trucks.

Some entrepreneurs are hoping to ramp up construction of truck charging stations in time to meet the timeline.

The technology exists, it’s just a matter of getting it ready, said Scott Fisher, a senior vice president at Voltera, a company developing truck charging stations.
To help bring some costs down, Voltera and similar companies have been developing new business models where they build the charging stations, and own and operate them so trucking companies do not have to make those investments, he said.

“We’re mindful of the challenges in terms of fleets complying with this rule and we think we have a way to help,” he said. “The fleet basically doesn’t have to spend the money… They get this charging infrastructure as a service, which is more of an operational month-to-month cost rather than an upfront capital investment.”

Companies and other fleet owners could choose to comply with the regulation in two ways: They could only purchase zero-emission vehicles beginning in 2024 while retiring diesel trucks at the end of their useful life. Or they could phase in zero-emission trucks as a percentage of their fleet, starting with 10% of delivery trucks and other types that are the easiest to electrify in 2025, then ramping up to 100% between 2035 and 2042.

The requirements for converting fleets would not apply to smaller companies unless they were using a larger company’s trucks.

Air board officials plan to create a future rule for smaller operators with fleets under 50 vehicles, according to Tony Brasil, chief of the air board’s transportation and technology branch.

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The point is there is not enough electricity in California to power ourselves now, let alone all the electric cars and trucks mandated for the future, along with the mandated switch over to Electric heaters, stoves ,water heaters. And wind and solar power do not produce at night and the state will not allow the building of any new power plants. Anyone with half a brain can see we are headed towards trouble.( the governor and state Democrat Party Don’t)


Good grief! I remember when diesel was said to be better than gas. Cars as well as trucks were encouraged to change because it was cheaper and better for everyone than gas. Now diesel cost more than gas and is considered bad for everyone. All electric cars, trucks, and other vehicles is not the way to go until there is much better infrastructural support. Something that isn’t really happening.


It doesn’t fit the current democrat narrative. Sometime in the future electricity will be the big world threatening hazard that must be eliminated.

These people are totally clueless. People are going to end up paying a lot more for their goods if they even get them. Trucking companies will pass the exorbitant costs on to their customers, who will pass it on to stores, who will pass it on to the consumers.

This is irresponsible.


Ironically this will promote more homelessness.

You assume these people don’t know what they’re doing. I don’t think that’s true. They have no intention of replacing gas powered vehicles with electric vehicles. They know that’s not possible. They don’t want you to own your own vehicle. They don’t want independent truckers transporting goods. They want you to be completely dependent on them for your meager survival. When you are a dependent serf, they maintain their power. I used to think this was a conspiracy theory too, but it’s gone too far to think that anymore. “You will own nothing and be happy.”



“But air board officials said they are confident that the truck market can adjust in time to speed the transition to electric models.” They say this because of all the experience they have with converting commercial fleets from one type of power to another. Stupid.


It’s called state sponsored suicide.


And this insanity continues!!! Keep voting for these jackasses because this is what you get.


Every idiot in the state is allowed to vote!
We need to vet the voters to weed out the crazies & mentally deficient.
Why do we continue to let the unfit decide our future?


The State of California is about ready to drive off a cliff with this insanity. Major
supply disruptions that will dwarf anything that Covid caused will be the norm.
As usual, the Progressive Greens are out over their skis. Next will be diesel-elecric


Your approval is not required, ust your obedience


Perhaps “Zero Emissions” is a good goal for the state assembly, since they tend to emit quite a number of foolish laws and regulations. 😄


The government is getting more authoritarian by the day and unfortunately showing poorer judgement at the same time. Buttigieg does not disagree with the statement that if all passenger cars in the US were EV, it would not even reduce world greenhouse pollution by one percent. This is theater. And on a related topic, when I wanted to understand the pollution impacts of their programs, I skipped over the .gov sites cause I assumed they would lie to me. Before Biden I used to go to .gov sites as credible.


If this bill passes, there won’t be any owner-operator trucks on the road. Who would want to buy such an expensive truck, and expect to drive it cross-country? They’d be stopping every couple of hours to recharge at charging stations that will be 10 times bigger than a regular charging station, if they can find one. Truck drivers, especially big rig drivers, are on a time schedule, they will never deliver the goods on time. We will be seeing empty store shelves, and if you think grocery prices are high now, wait til there aren’t any truck drivers to deliver them.
A lot of truck divers, especially drayage drivers that move cargo from a port to a warehouse, own their trucks and usually buy them used. Nobody will want to buy a used electric truck, knowing they will soon have to replace the battery at some astronomical price. That also means when a truck gets old and the owner wants to trade it in for a newer one, it will be worthless.
California is having problems delivering enough electricity to its population, how will they have enough electricity to charge thousands of 18 wheelers, and millions of delivery trucks? We can probably expect to see our garbage bill double, or maybe even triple. There are over 15 million medium, and heavy-duty delivery trucks in California. That does not include the 30,000 tractor-trailers serving the state’s ports.
The people of California can put a stop to this madness, but they will have to swallow their pride and vote Republican. After they see their lives are improving, they will regain their pride.


I forgot to mention refrigerator and freezer trucks. They are continuously running, and will need a recharge every half hour.


I have a feeling Californian Democrats rather pay outrageous prices for their good than ever vote for “racist, backwards and uneducated redneck Republicans”. Being a conservative Republican, I have very little in common with my liberal Democrat voting coworkers, and can only laugh when I hear them discussing politics (republicans are racists, blah blah blah).


Here’s a real good one. The feds want to make military vehicles battery powered. Including tanks. Can you imagine the weight of a tanks battery, or getting the battery charged on a battlefield.? Eco freaks will kill us all.


… will somebody with some common sense please run for office? ASAP please!


Forget about that small issue. The real issue is America has no lithium and cannot produce her own high quality modern batteries, leaving us dependent on foreign powers for the very go-go juice that the entire nation requires simply to function, let alone defend itself.

It’s ludicrous.

Time to go back to the Stone Age…


We are in the stoned age… oh, stone age, nevermind!

Question from an uninformed parent

How can the state mandate that the federal
Government change to zero emission vehicles? I thought he feds mandated to state, not vice versa.

With that said, I see the exceptions for emergency vehicles, awesome. What about our National Guard? Are they included or excluded in this lunacy. Can you imagine the military using only electric vehicles with an EMP strike … sorry, mind drifted for a moment there.


I believe the Clean Air Act gave administrative power to the EPA, who turned around and produced the California Waiver that gives California the right to determine national vehicle pollution standards because it has the most problems with air pollution. It’s kind of like having California determine other state’s policies for homelessness since we have more homeless than other states.

To do

Thanks … I am very curious about this and will have to go look up the clean air act in detail. My quick read says the Newscum/California can say this but it still needs to be adopted/approved by the EPA.

In todays dictatorship of California, I could believe Newscum enforcing his will across the nation. But nationally, why would any other state accept that California dictates their standards? That is just crazy!

All Gavin does is take things away from us…including all our money and freedom.
Please do not vote for that Narcissist Peahead ..Bring back a livable California!
Boot senile wart Biden out too, they are in cahoots!


Cubic Stupidity and Delusion.
Once again, California continues to lead the nation in Cubic Stupidity and Delusion.


Laundry list of pros, a single sentence con immediately followed by an ESG friendly anecdote to make a pro diesel ban sandwich. Plenty of AI in full force for this article.

These fools do not have one ounce of common sense, absolutely no thought of improving the outdated unreliable electrical grid we currently have before they impose another unrealistic and unreasonable demand on an already antiquated electrical system.


Ridiculous…. can we ban Newsom? well we tried the recall – that failed, then was voted back in as incumbent … when will voters wake up? He’s destroying Calif… and you know he’s going to run for Pres at some point soon – can you imaging him in office doing this kind of cxxp nationwide??!!


Unfortunately, too many people have drunk the kool-aid that Gavin’s been serving.

It’s like in high school when I banned fat chicks from making out with me. It worked. But at what cost? And was I really just making excuses for not having the balls to make out with hot chicks too?


I got a really good feeling about this. (sarcasm level = EXPERT)

Governor Grease ball doesn’t care, it just sounds good to the left and that is the majority of Ca. so it buys votes. He will be gone far before any consequences of the action take hold so not a worry in the world. Meanwhile we will suffer through higher prices lost jobs and supply shortages tanking our economy (that includes property value). He will be sitting in the white house or some place like that not looking back. No different than these policy makers winding us up about global warming or climate change or hole in the ozone or whatever the next line of crap is we can be sold then buying seaside estates “I guess the line of rising sea levels does not effect them?” we are totally pedestrian to them….. they don’t care about us as long as we keep following the sheep herder.

Meanwhile, over in the PRC….

We are in the stoned age… oh, stone age, nevermind!

when this time period is taught in history it will be known as the stupid ages. No different than the fall of Rome, we have it all and willingly throwing it away. dark ages come next.
smart people create solutions before they pull the plug on something rather than pull the plug and hope a solution will present itself.

A clever business owner (with more than 50 trucks) can get around the regulations by having multiple LLCs or LLPs, each with upwards of 50 trucks.


You have just described “The Biden Method” used to fleece the American public.

Great idea, as we have an excess of electricity and the hydrogen mines are plentiful.

The electric trucks are proving to be a meme bordering on a joke! Range is greatly reduced in the cold, to under 100 miles in the case of the ford lightning!

This is all about freeing you from your freedoms.

No private car. No private home. No private garden. You will be provided for by the state! Here are your cricketflour vouchers for the week, it’s 10% less than last week and the week before but it’s for the good the environment! Obey! Take the shots! Trust the government! We know what is best for you. Your sterilization procedure is scheduled for 5:50PM, a squad of Government Trust Advisors will be collecting you shortly from you home, please do not resist or you will be docked all future cricketpowder rations.

Banning petroleum and natural gas in favor of electricity is detrimental to public safety. Cataclysmic in fact. Millions will freeze to death in snow country.

Newsom’s California: Falling off a cliff while looking for a place to jump.

Utterly contrived. Fie! To the Pelosi’s and every “democrat” lefty liar.



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