Home » The Water Cooler – What Stores Do You Think Will Shut Down Due To Theft In Contra Costa County?

The Water Cooler – What Stores Do You Think Will Shut Down Due To Theft In Contra Costa County?



The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


Wal-Mart has closed four stores in Chicago, REI just announced they plan to close their Portland, Oregon store, and other retailers such as Target, Walgreens, Best Buy and Macy’s have announced closures due to rampant theft.

QUESTION: In the near future, do you think stores will start shutting down in Contra Costa County due to theft? If so, which ones?

Talk about it….

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It’s not that bad here in CC County …yet.
But since liberals are the majority in CA, it will only be a matter of time.
A mob already looted an Arco gas station in Compton. Soon the madness will spread. I’m betting the next place in the SF Bay Area will be in Oakland since some of the neighborhoods fit the demographics.
Mark. My. Words.


A bunch of places have closed locally.

I’m glad to see The Clayton Valley Center has hired armed security to protect mainly the CVS
and Ross stores. That’s a bold move that’s needed as the CVS gets hit routinely. It’s a reaction
to scant coverage there by Concord PD.
Needs to be everywhere there is an repetitve issue-Dick’s, CVS, Wallgreen’s etc..

Dick’s sporting goods in PH is a candidate.


I’ll add the Big5’s, Home Depot’s, CVS/Rite Aid/Walgreens type of stores to your list.

As for malls, I would say that they are generally at high risk-jewelry stores, restaurants, shoe stores etc.

Sears, but for a variety of reasons…. there is no security or enough employees in SVM store… surprised they aren’t in the news as much as Dick’s


Sears doesn’t have much of an inventory anymore, not too much to seal.


I witnessed a group of teens walk out with arm ful of goods at Sears, got into a car driven by an adult woman, I assume a mom of one of the teens as I saw her waiting in the parking lot with engine running when I entered the store. Not a store employee in sight, I had to hunt one down to tell them and got an “oh well” from the clerk.

Don’t even care when 99% of my non food purchases are through Amazon and that’s not ever going to go away and for anything food-wise Costco, Safeway and Sam’s Club arent going to be closing so again I’m not even worried about any of this.




The magic eight ball says “‘No more Dicks “


Sounds like some of you guys are obsessed with Dick’s.


Safeway and cvs near the concord Bart station are at risk to shut down.


The Democrats are robbing it blind. Anything of real value is behind a barrier. Sad.


It is sad that we have to talk about stores shutting down because of excessive theft rather than demanding as a voting population that laws be strictly enforced and that law breakers be prosecuted and given real punishment for committing their crimes.

Unfortunately too many people are locked into an “us against them” mentality when it comes to voting and politics in general and the result is that many, many people do not vote for what is in their own best interests. I’m not sure what we can do to change that but I wish I did have the answer.


It is a sad commentary on today’s society to have a need to bring up this subject. The funny thing is when stores close up in a neighborhood the thieves go to where they are still open. When the law said you have to steal $900 or more to get charged that was the beginning of the end. It would be interesting to know how much theft goes on at Costco where they check your receipt as you leave the store.


I think it reasonable that any entity that sells goods, except maybe book stores, will be at risk of being shut down. As mentioned above, a huge crowd just ransacked a gas station in Compton. There is little to stop these yutes from roving from town to town. Significant smash and grabs of jewelry stores were common place (sort of) at Broadway Plaza and Sun Valley Mall. Easy enough for any place to get hit quickly now, without ramification to the perpetrators; the DA seems to believe these stolen goods are owed to them.

The other kind of theft soon to happen will be theft of those who work for tips. Those 87,000 IRS workers will be salivating at getting their hands on all those alleged unclaimed tips. Say goodbye to wait staff, transportation specialists, etc. who rely on tips.


It is all by the same type of folks, but we certainly cannot “profile,” aka “use the data we have gathered to inform decisions.”


I am curious of the impact stores are having from loss of sales from *honest paying customers* that just want to grab a few essentials (Liquid handsoaps and toothpaste…) only to find they are now locked behind a glass cabinet. As soon as I saw that I had to track an associate down to open a locked case to buy a few $1.29 hand soaps and other similar items I just thought forget and left. It’s too much hassle for all involved. Just turn the store into a giant vending machine and call it a day.


There wasn’t a word anywhere about the smash and grab robbery of Rolex watches from Heller Jewelers in San Ramon a couple weeks ago. I’d be surprised if big ticket price stores aren’t among the first to shut down.

The Contra Costa County Jail Commissary. The revolving door of repeat offenders have been robbing that place blind.

What’s going happen when most of the stores shut down, and the only people left in California are politicians, criminals, welfare recipients and illegal aliens? I think that all of those that voted for the democrat politicians who are responsible for what’s occurring, and who voted in favor of the criminal enabling soft on crime propositions should stay to foot the bill for everything. They voted for it all, so they should be responsible for it.


I know this area is not part of the Claycord zone but close enough to mention that a Home Depot worker in Pleasanton lost their life this afternoon trying to stop a theft. Incredibly sad.



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