The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Where did you go to high school and college, and if you could do it all over again, would you?
Talk about it….
Concord High and UCLA. Concord High was a good school when I was there, but the demographics have changed. UCLA is still an excellent college, so I would do it all over again. High school and college.
UCLA? Awful place. The architecture is great and they have a fun theme song and football, but those don’t really make up for some severe issues. Top world-renowned researchers chosen for teaching staff, with the collision that researchers are great at research, but not teaching, so for example economics classes of 550 undergrads stuffed in rooms to listen to painfully bad lectures and with so many students, no ability for questions except go to sessions by graduate students, so your student experience is to be taught by the incompetent or by other students. Wonderful. Oh, and the “teachers” are there to do research, so they make it very clear every second they spend with you is stealing their time so you are just an annoyance to them. You pay tuition money to be an annoyance. Fun stuff.
The question was where did YOU go to High School and college? If you didn’t go to UCLA, no one here is interested in your ‘opinion’
Gary: I did go there.
High School at College Park 1975 Graduate.
Did try going to DVC, for 1 semester, but Dad wanted me to get a job.
Got too hard and far to ride my 10-speed in the winter for night classes, no car.
Things turned out good in the long run.
Was able to land a job as a Civic Draftsperson doing ink on mylar for a traffic control firm.
Totally loved it!
I skipped high school , and went directly to college at Oxford, on a full academic scholarship. Once there, I graduated at the top of my class, and became captain of the polo team, before becoming a full professor.
I don’t believe you were captain of the polo team, sounds fishy.
I was captain of the water polo team, but I had to quit because the horses all drowned.
should have tried sea horses…
ugh, I apologize whole heartedly for that, and will now hang my head in shame. But I do blame Martinez Mike, as he was the one who embellished he was the captain of his team….
I went to Mission High School in San Francisco. Would I do it over again? Well, if I had a choice when I was a high schooler, I would have chosen Galileo High School because at the time, a lot of the students were Italian and Maltese, and I am Sicilian. For college, I went to Cal State, after I received my Associate degree, I went to a more selective school, Samuel Merritt University, and was awarded a BSN in nursing.
I would do college over again because I enjoyed learning about medicine and health care. There were a lot of women in my classes, and we had a lot of fun.
And now we know why they call you “DAWG”.
Well, I’ll be dawgged gone, you figured it out.
@ Dawg ~
My Daughter’s In-Laws grew up S.F. and I think they went to High School there, but I don’t know the year(s) they graduated yet or high school. He is Sicilian, she is Maltese,… both are retired now. I’ll see if I can find out. Last name is San Filippo.
Balboa High School in the Cayuga Terrace area of San Francisco.
Lincoln HS, SF (AKA: jackass school board name change target) & UNO. If I could do it over…I would focus my energy on different goals
Hanford High…the population was only 20K back then. Well over 50K now. I was neat because it was a split campus. So, we would get on a bus and travel across town for certain classes. broke the day up nicely.
I’m going to tell you a story in stereo,
About the pimping game, that you should know.
But if you don’t, it’s alright.
‘Cause I’ll be spittin’ this game to you all damn night.
When I was 3 years old,
Straight pimp game I was told.
My daddy sent me to pimp school.
In this man’s world, you can’t be no fool.
If a pimp is what you want to be,
You’re gonna have to learn pimpology.
Pimpology, a pimp’s profession.
Can’t be effected by the Great Depression.
So if you want to be giant sized,
Come to my school, get pimp-matized.
In your school, what do they teach?
English, math, and history.
Pimpin’ game, you can learn.
And if you do, you will earn
A pimp diploma, just for you
For learning what you’re taught when you come to school.
Lesson 1, you should know,
Never fall in love, with your ho.
Lesson 2 tells you to do only one thing,
Act cool.
Lesson 3,
Don’t be a trick. If she’s poor, if she’s rich,
If your game is soft or hard,
It shouldn’t take long to break the broad.
Lesson 4,
Keep ya ho, it’s the most important thing to know.
‘Cause I pimp or die, I’m like the Mack,
Riding around Oakland in a Cadillac.
But on the other hand, if you can’t pimp
And the hos keep treating you like a simp,
I don’t know what to say about you boys.
You better go to the store and buy some toys.
‘Cause you can’t play this game.
I believe there’s more to the story. This seems Too short.
and while you’re at it…
May I have the name of your second grade teacher and the name of your first pet?
Ms. Thelma Jackson
Sam, a cat.
Yes i would. Only because i did not gst to go on the prom
None of your business, none of your business, and no.
College Park HS in Pleasant Hill.
Earned a BS from Cal Poly SLO and an MS from CalTech. I can design and build rockets, devices that go boom, and generally anything electro-mechanical.
Yes… with enthusiasm.
Cal Poly? Was at their rodeo last weekend. Good school.
Acalanes and UW Seattle
@Well Folks
Go Huskies!
It got me away from home but not family. I was born in Seattle and had plenty of crazy family there to keep me from getting home sick on special days. Periodically went to Longacres with my Aunt who liked to “feed the ponies”
@Well Folks
My dad also went to the University of Washington before marrying mom and moving to California; and I too still have a lot of crazy family members around that beautiful state.
The Danish school system is different than the US
Especially when l went to school l went to what’s equivalent to high school where l grew up, it was a country school and at that time if you didn’t want to go to gymnasium, which was more difficult for kids in the country, because it was in another town, you graduated at 15. Because l didn’t go to the gymnasium l ended up going to 2 boarding schools . One when l was 16:and the other when l was 18. It was at the last boarding school l got the opportunity to live on a kibbutz with friends. There we met 2 icelandic girls who invited us to Iceland the year after went with 2 girlfriends, lived and worked there 3 months, when we left in July we sailed from Reykjavik to Edinburgh and spend the next 6 weeks hitchhiking through England Northern France making our way back to Denmark, staying at youth hostels. When I got back to Denmark l was very restless and wanted to see more of the world plus improve my English, so l applied for a position as an au pair in Westport CT, and arrived in the US January of 1967, l stayed in Westport almost 2 years and had the time of my life. If l hadn’t gone to boarding school.and met the people l met, not sure l would have come to the US, so wouldn’t change it
My husband was a Rotary Exchange Student in his senior year in HS in Langeland, Denmark. He claims there was beer in the vending machines at school (gumnasium). Is that true?
Not sure. Never been to Langeland, it is one of the many island in Denmark, have been to many of them. I never drank beer, so never paid attention. There were no vending machines in any of the schools I went to. What year was it. I know that beer is available almost 24-7, you can go to the main train station in Copenhagen early in the morning and see guys sitting at a table drinking beer.
High school in England was called Grammar School. Mine was all boys, with uniforms, and we started at the age of 11 after taking a test called the Eleven-Plus.
Some boys left at 16 after taking O-Level (Ordinary Level) exams in about 10 subjects. Others continued till 18 taking only two or three subjects. I took Mathematics and Physics. Aspiring doctors took Biology, Physics and Chemistry. You would study for two years and take one three-hour exam called an A-Level (Advanced Level). Physics also had a three-hour laboratory exam. A-Levels would get you into university. My teachers were brilliant and dedicated and I wish they were alive so I could thank them.
Polytechnic High in SF. Can’t do that again since it no longer exist. Basic AA from our local college.
I have friends that went to Poly.
CVHS!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!
I graduated from Norwalk High School in 1965. Spent two years (minus 1 quarter) at UCLA, then 3 years in the USMC where I was trained to program the IBM 360 series of computers, then returned to UCLA and earned a BS Engineering with a computer science curriculum. Yes, I would do it all again, even the Marine Corp part 🙂
Concord High in the late ’70’s, class of ’81. Best time of my life. Have been working since I was 15…graduated from the School of Hard Knocks with honors. Have done everything from restaurant work, piano repair, hazardous waste remediation, and now a public employee. A lifelong learner and still learning.
Nobody has said “School of Hard Knocks” yet. I hope one of you will say it soon…. the suspense is killing me.
I have a DD-214. Does that count?
Concord High, DVC, College of the Redwoods, and Cal Poly Humboldt.