Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 14, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 14, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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Strad April 14, 2023 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

Haves nice weekend !

Cowellian April 14, 2023 - 7:04 PM - 7:04 PM

Cowellian’s first

Dorothy April 14, 2023 - 8:08 PM - 8:08 PM

No book report. Have a very nice weekend. I’m going to enjoy my yard work. I’ve set up a tabletop garden on the back porch some of the seeds are sprouting spring green beginnings. High enough to critters off so only have to worry about bugs and birds.

Simonpure April 15, 2023 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM

It’s OK to take a break from the norm now and then. Get out and soak up some vitamin D and enjoy it. It’s soooo nice out.

Paranoid pablito April 14, 2023 - 8:45 PM - 8:45 PM

My favorite little joke of this week:
A little boy and his grandmother were walking along the seashore when a huge wave appeared out of nowhere and swept the child out to sea. The grandmother, horrified, falls to her knees and says “God, please return my beloved grandson. Please, I beg of you. Send him back safely.” Suddenly another huge wave washed in and deposited the little boy on the sand at her feet. She picked him up, looked him over, and, looking up at the sky, said “He had a hat!”

Jeff (the other one) April 14, 2023 - 9:01 PM - 9:01 PM

What plants do you grow in your summer garden? We stick with tomatoes (Roma), sunflowers, cayenne pepper and, unsuccessfully for 2 years, artichoke.

Roz April 15, 2023 - 7:24 AM - 7:24 AM

We grow fava & sunflowers, …. started in January. But soon the tomatoes, swiss chard, red/gold beets, a bit late on the lettuce this year, and pickling cucumbers. Somestimes cantaloupe, garlic & onions and cilantro. Really would like to have spinach, but poor luck with it. We have done many other veggies in the past but need to set up a watering system to expand. Our garden area is about 1800 ft. We use well water.

Jeff (the other one) April 17, 2023 - 6:13 AM - 6:13 AM

nice size garden, color me green with envy!

Dorothy April 15, 2023 - 8:55 AM - 8:55 AM

Tomatoes, 3 kinds; garlic, onion, hot pepper, and carrot. Trying artichoke again which I did get several years ago in the ground but long since died out.

anon April 15, 2023 - 12:21 PM - 12:21 PM

I had 2 artichoke plants where I used to live and they must have been 20 years old. The would produce a lot of artichokes every spring. I bought 2 plants last year and planted them at my new house and I already have one artichoke. I’ve never had any luck with seeds.

S April 14, 2023 - 11:15 PM - 11:15 PM

Pick One:
A) Dulce de tres leches
B) Ptasie mleczko
C) Yuck

Roz April 15, 2023 - 12:32 PM - 12:32 PM

@ S ~ I had to look both of these items up.
I would probably eat a whole box of B in 3 days.

Cyn April 15, 2023 - 8:04 PM - 8:04 PM

Would it take you that long? 🙂

Roz April 16, 2023 - 7:24 AM - 7:24 AM

@ CYN ~
I would use the treat as a reward. Yeah, kind of silly little game.
Vacuum the house, get a treat. Clean the bathroom, etc.

Cyn April 15, 2023 - 8:02 PM - 8:02 PM

I’ve had Dulce De Leche ice cream, so I had an idea of what A was; however, I didn’t have a clue what “Ptasie Mleczko” was and like Roz, had to look it up.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 17, 2023 - 3:05 PM - 3:05 PM

Ptasie Mleczko…. wasn’t he that Polish liberal activist who suffocated trying to eat some pickles?

Dr. Jellyfinger April 19, 2023 - 7:50 AM - 7:50 AM

(His head got stuck in the jar)

S April 16, 2023 - 8:08 AM - 8:08 AM

I like it chilled with very little frosting; a little sprinkle of cinnamon.

Roz & Cyn, ‘B’ is a little rich, just a little goes a long way…. Happy week to you both; and everyone…

Old-school guy April 15, 2023 - 9:08 PM - 9:08 PM

Ever think that those who thought high- school geometry is useless can’t parallel park?

Joshua cardone April 15, 2023 - 10:21 PM - 10:21 PM

I’m a resident of Concord. Thursday night from around 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. my 2015 Chevy Camaro SS was stolen. It is all red with a black hood vent, black spoiler, and a sticker on the back window that says “never forget your vets”. We also had a work van stolen from in front of our house a week prior. Several neighbors have been having stuff stolen as well. If anybody seen my Camaro, please contact authorities and report it. I also believe that city council needs to be addressed on the rise of crime in the city of Concord. I work as a tradesman then there. I’ve been a number of jobs within Concord or thousands of dollars of tools have been stolen and equipment vandalized. This is getting out of control especially with all the homeless living around these commercial buildings that are being broken into

Jeff (the other one) April 16, 2023 - 8:34 PM - 8:34 PM

hope you find it Joshua. Sucks.

Ignatz April 16, 2023 - 10:49 AM - 10:49 AM

Old Style $20 Dollar Bills…
At the ATM, I was dispensed all old style 20’s… unusual but ok….
Problem is when the store/restaurant puts them through their counterfeit machines they come up bad!
This has happened twice to me, now. Luckily I had other bills to use at the time.
Will be taking them back to the bank and exchange for newer ones.

FPN April 16, 2023 - 12:50 PM - 12:50 PM

The Concord Police just had a meeting reguarding gun violence and other problems on April 3rd. We do not have enough officers thanks to the Dems defend the Police policy. Best way to stop crime vote Republican. Urge your family and neighbors to do the same.

Joshua cardone April 16, 2023 - 1:55 PM - 1:55 PM

You are 100% right. This s*** is getting out of control. I just had my brand new Camaro SS stolen right in front of my house Thursday night. My landlord’s son’s work truck was stolen a week before in front of the house. Neighbors had to Denali stolen and another friend had their brand new twin turbo SUV stolen all in Concord. I think it’s time we call meeting with the city council and address to them these issues and get on them to do their job. The homeless population is out of control and all the crime and tweaking going on needs to stop. I’m seeing taxpayers dollars wasted on them, cleaning up homeless camps just for them to come right back like it’s normal. I’m a tradesman to work all over the Bay area and constantly in Concord. I see them cleaning up an area and the guys moving across the way. Then the city coming back and cleaning up that spot in the guy’s moving right back waste of money

Dr. Jellyfinger April 17, 2023 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

I see people parking their cars outside all the time because their garages are so packed with crap, and most of the time it’s stuff they will never use again.
Garages are a great theft deterrent if you can park your car in there.

Jeff (the other one) April 18, 2023 - 6:44 AM - 6:44 AM

as one of the filled-with-crap garages, truer words never spoken. Every time I think I am gaining on it, somehow more crap appears. One of these days…

Concord Guy April 16, 2023 - 2:02 PM - 2:02 PM

To the man in the cream colored Toyota pickup truck with the American flag decal on the tailgate: The speed limit on Michigan Blvd is 25 MPH, not 40 MPH as you seem to enjoy. There are families with small children on this street. Please slow down.

Original G April 17, 2023 - 12:46 AM - 12:46 AM

Temperatures in Sierras are warming up,
Elev 6950 ft, Soda Springs, CA https://tinyurl.com/3ndbpc47
Lake Oroville Water Level https://oroville.lakesonline.com/Level/
Daily Reservoir Storage Summary
NOAA River Observations

Dr. Jellyfinger April 19, 2023 - 6:04 PM - 6:04 PM

Warming up?……
It must be that Global Warming Climate Change disaster that happens every spring…..

Well Folks April 17, 2023 - 8:46 AM - 8:46 AM

Original G
The good news is cold weather Tues and Wed will help stabilize the melt. They are dropping the flood watch today for western NV and will reinstate Friday. Interesting thing I’ve learned is the farther east the Carson River goes the higher the flood risk. Carson City itself has a lower risk than Fallon. The Carson Sink is out in the Great Basin as is the Walker Sink. They are not very worried about the Truckee flooding and Tahoe has plenty of room for run-off. And per norm Washoe lake will go over its banks and across 580/395. Yeah the NDOT engineers did plan that freeway very well. It is closed for wind frequently and for blowing snow and flooding at times. The old highway never closed. NDOT is as dysfunctional as CalTrans

Original G April 17, 2023 - 2:04 PM - 2:04 PM

Driving east bound Clayton road from Concord bart out past Baily Road three newer vehicles with paper plates RACING 55 MPR PLUS FORCING VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD, PASSING ON THE RIGHT, USING LEFT TURN LANES TO PASS . . . .
Greatly endangering the public. Saw numerous people using phones but never saw CPD.
Then again this is CoCo county . . . . .

Exit 12A April 17, 2023 - 5:23 PM - 5:23 PM

Tesla has disclosed to federal transportation regulators that February’s fatal crash on Interstate 680 did involve the automated driver-assist system.
Common sense would leave one to believe NHTSA would required Tesla to disable the feature.
According to Bloomberg, there have been 17 fatal accidents involving Tesla’s automated driving assist system since June of 2021.

Original G April 18, 2023 - 11:29 AM - 11:29 AM
S April 18, 2023 - 4:30 PM - 4:30 PM

According to that website that rhymes with Help…
the most favorite restaurant brand in CA…
Olive Garden !
Sad Face…

CLAYCORD.com April 18, 2023 - 4:31 PM - 4:31 PM

Thanks for the tip, S 🙂

Original G April 19, 2023 - 8:07 PM - 8:07 PM

The Geysers, CA: 900mw geothermal complex

Cyn April 19, 2023 - 8:38 PM - 8:38 PM

@Original G
Speaking of quakes, just felt one two minutes ago…….pretty good too.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 19, 2023 - 8:37 PM - 8:37 PM

Earthquake! tiny one

Dr. Jellyfinger April 19, 2023 - 8:42 PM - 8:42 PM

3.7 6km S of Antioch, CA

Original G April 20, 2023 - 2:36 PM - 2:36 PM

Revision on Fungus Gnat cure using Mosquito Dunks, Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis. (B.t.i.), in watering can. Dunks fall apart and clog up small holes in watering head, put Dunk in an old nylon stocking.
Now using condiment squeeze bottle bought at Dollar Store behind Park n Shop, 2 for $1.25, to top water seedlings and house plants.

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