Home » Police Sign 30×30 Pledge To Increase Female Representation In Law Enforcement

Police Sign 30×30 Pledge To Increase Female Representation In Law Enforcement


The Antioch Police Department announced it has signed on to the “30×30 Pledge,” a focused effort to increase the representation and experiences of women in law enforcement.

The 30×30 Initiative helps law enforcement agencies assess the current state of a department regarding gender equity, identify factors that may be driving any disparities, and develop and implement strategies and solutions to eliminate barriers.

The department said in a statement “These actions address recruitment, assessment, hiring, retention, promotion, and agency culture.”

The goal of the 30×30 Initiative is to reach 30 percent of women in police recruit classes by 2030, and to ensure policing agencies are truly representative of the jurisdiction the agency serves.


While 30×30 is focused on advancing women in policing, these principles are applicable to all demographic diversity, not just gender.

“Throughout the history of law enforcement, women have been under-represented in policing,” Antioch Police Chief Steven Ford said, in a statement. “We are making a commitment to join more than 285 law enforcement agencies across the country in a mission to empower women in policing.”

Ford said the project moves the department closer to representing the community it serves.

“It has been proven that women involved in policing have an immensely positive influence on an organization’s culture,” Ford said. “Ultimately, this pledge means that Antioch PD is actively working toward improving the representation and experiences of women in our agency.”


The initiative’s co-founder, Maureen McGough, said advancing women in law enforcement is “critical to improving public safety outcomes.”

“We look forward to having more agencies follow Antioch PD’s lead by signing the pledge and improving the representation and experiences of women in policing” said McGough, who is also the chief of staff of the Policing Project at the New York University School of Law and a former policing expert at the U.S. Department of Justice.

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This B.S. has epic failure written all over it, from the top down. But it can be defeated by one simple question. “Can you define what a woman is? “,


Define Female \ Woman.


@…—… and Martinezmike
It’s kind of funny……the two of you were pretty much thinking the same thing at the same time.


I’ll leave this here for all the Affirmative action apologists.


There’s something about a Shetland pony that just turns me on.

Nothing against qualified woman police but that is not what this is about. It is lowering requirements. Equity, which has no connection to equal or equality.


Antioch PD trying to rehab itself through virtue signaling because info is slowly coming out during the FBI’s investigation of the department for fraud, bribery, drug distribution, and excessive force. All without any internal disciplinary actions.

Not a popular opinion on Claycord but this is why communities need some oversight over their police departments. Antioch also hired a police officer back in 2019 who had to resign from SFPD because he was facing disciplinary charges for killing a homeless man. Concord Chief Bustillos assured me he would not have done this and seems to keep track of the records of other police departments but communities also need to be able to track how a police force is progressing.


@Hope Johnson
What is not a popular opinion on Claycord? Oversight committees? I just don’t see what your post has to do with 30×30, unless you think Antioch PD put that out to distract from the FBI investigations?

Oh Hope, tell us about your previously suggested areas were abusers could use their drugs…

This may happen organically due to fewer overall applicants. Trying to push it by lowering the standards is a plan to help criminals.


They need to build the size of their force. The last two years are full of stories about criminals not taking kindly to being arrested. When a criminal built like OJ Simpson decides to resist arrest physics become important. Stature shouldn’t matter, but in a violent situation with a large opponent it does. Hopefully they give these new law enforcement people the tools and coverage they need to perform their job safely.

They do give them the “tools”, but then when they use their firearm, I mean tool, they get crucified and left out to dry.


What a feel good crock. Why do they have to sign a pledge? The police should hire the best men and women they can recruit on their own accord, without trying to be a politically correct wuss. Signing a pledge makes them appear weak.



Hear, hear

I love equity hires. They do such fantastic work and get all the promotions and awards!


Harris and Buttigieg are the “poster pronouns” for equity hires.
It wouldn’t be quite so bad if they made even passing efforts at their jobs. However they are quite aware criticism of their job performance failure will be deemed racist.
The two of them certainly have their feet up on the desk.
“Well, I put all the root cause paperwork in an accordion file! And I bought some Village People boots to wear while touring a train wreck.” Sorry, not good enough.


In case of harris, . . . . Willy owes America an apology.

He’ll take another blowie before an apology

Hire on merit not color, race or gender.

Oh, this will take care of the crime wave. Hit the thugs will rolling pins.

How come I never see any black female CHP Officers?

In 30 years of public safety (paramedic) I never saw a female LEO who could hold her own in a felony arrest, high risk traffic stop or assailant take down. They all needed assistance. This is all pandering to affirmative action and quotas. Many female LEOs got noses broken or worse from altercations with suspects.

But why?



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