The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think spring break should be the week before or the week after Easter?
Talk about it….
I don’t think there should be a spring break at all, but if they want it, then call it what it is, Easter vacation.
Exactly, Dawg.. I was going to say the same!
Well, I’m thinking College Students are on spring break now, Right?
O.K., it’s settled, LOL!
Perhaps that’s why traffic was so light this morning. That and Good Friday.
It is the UNIONS’ Decision.
Schools and universities have a more set schedule, but Easter varies.
Spring Break should be anytime from the first day of spring to the end of April. Easter Break should always start on Holy Thursday or Good Friday and end the following week. The only times this really doesn’t work is when Easter is late in April and the students come back from break with only three or so weeks left in the school year.
Depends on what generation you claim. It was Easter break for me and came before Easter. Somewhere along in time it became Spring break. I gather some still get it before Easter and some after. Then again, Easter changes around its calendar so maybe some combine Easter and Spring and some have separate breaks. In any case, my opinion of all the various breaks isn’t really helping the kids.
They NEED a break from school???? To burglarize working folks?
It doesn’t prepare the little cherubs for the REAL world of working.
They will expect break every few weeks or a “SAFE SPACE”.
We called it Easter Break and it started on Good Friday and ran for the week after Easter. That worked well, so of course they had to change it.
neither …maybe it’s just where I grew up – we never had a spring break …. started mid-Sept , ended mid June .. 1 week off for Thanksgiving, 2 weeks off for Christmas .. that’s it…. kids today need for academic time – look at the results!
Pagen break! It’s called Resurrection week!
It’s called spring recess at San Jose State University and it is always scheduled to include Cesar Chavez’ birthday, a school holiday with the campus closed. President’s day is NOT a university holiday BTW. Don’t get me started………………….