The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question:
If someone offered you a micro-house (maximum of 400-square-feet), for free, in an area with little to no crime, do you think you could live in it for the rest of your life?
Talk about it….
It might be fun to try something like that or a camper to travel around for a year, but not permanently. No.
If I was single…sure. Especially if there was enough land to grow a small garden.
Lil Bro ~ Ditto!
400 sq ft would be too small for me, I have too much stuff, and a large Savannah cat.
Only if it had an attached 10-car garage.
Property too, with a lake, a BbQ island, garden, and natural hot springs 😎
Could I add an outdoor kitchen and shower/bath alfresco?
Yes, in the late 1970s I lived in a studio apartment that was probably 200 sq ft. I didn’t mind. But I now live in a small 4 bedroom home that probably the “authorities” are going tell me I have to sell because a single person can’t be living there. That’s part of their “agenda” (if it actually ever goes forward). There are some innovative tiny homes available but older folks my want to avoid the two level ones because they could easily fall off the loft level or off the ladder to it. Unfortunately it looks like builders of these think piling on that extra level will help them sell better.
Easily. Of course the garage would have to be enormous
You have big toys too. Fords in the stable, right?
Save those cool cars. Youngsters need to know how great life was when Muscle Cars roamed the earth.
And before the Tesla guys get fired up, there is currently a Pontiac Ventura at Sonoma Raceway dusting off Teslas like swatting flies………
@THE FEARLESS SPECTATOR….Here’s an interesting video of the new Dodge Demon and a Tesla Plaid….Demon 0-60 mph 1.66 seconds……..
No, could not do it. Crammed into a little space is unhealthy to mind and soul.
with a wood burning brick fireplace, in the forest with a view, a nice smoker just outside, and maybe a babbling brook out the backdoor. and Mr. Haney to bring me supplies….
Oh, and…. reliable internet for Claycord access.
.. if I had to – not my preference by a long shot…. oh – and a 3 car garage too
No, too tiny to be a “rest of you life” home. Maybe 6 months to a year even if I were ever homeless.
No thank you! I’ve been to sea in a submarine, so I no longer feel the need to pack light, live in small places, or take short showers.
No, thank you.
Nope, have to have room for pinball collection.
As far as crime, dry wall is cheap and any stains would be good excuse for new carpet.
With this Biden/democrats economy I will probably end up in one in another year or two!
If you are talking bed and sink with a toilet compared to a store front doorway why bother asking. I probably wouldn’t last long but I haven’t been sleeping on the ground for a few years.
Could? If I had no other choice. Would? no. Sounds about the size of the tenements back in the late 1800s.
400 sq. ft. is a mansion compared to a jail cell or 50 sq. ft. in a semi I lived in for 2+ years 40 years ago….you do what you have to do. 400 sq. ft. house beats a tent under a bridge any day.
As others have mentioned depends on situation. When I got divorced I went from a 2600 square feet house, to a 1700 square feet townhouse. When my daughter went off to college I bought a 3 bedroom condo in Benicia, 1100 square feet. Where I am no it is slighty less footage, and it works fine. My condo in Benicia was up on a hill and I could see the water from almost every room, which makes you feel less closed in. Europeans generally have smaller houses, Scandinavian furniture is design with that in mind. Most of my furniture was imported from Denmark, save for a few country pine antics. I could definitely make a 400 sq foot house comfortably. I think 400 ft should be big enough so there is a separete bedroom. As I get older I don’t entertain as much as I use to. As others have said, if the choice is that or becoming homeless it is a no brainer, espcially if there is a small garden or outside patio. When I was in my twenties and lived in New York City, I had roommates in a not so big apartment. I didn’t mind it was the price for being able to live in NYC.