When I was younger I wanted to split my time between this area, Copenhagen and the East Coast, perhaps the Hamptons. Definitely winters in California, except for Christmas in Denmark, a few summer months in Denmark and late summer and early fall the East Coast. At this age I would probably just buy something a little bigger in Benicia, perhaps a small condo in Pasadena close to my daughter and a week end home in the Gold Country. I haven’t done all the calculations, but I would give something to my daughter even though both her and her husband have good jobs, setting up funds for my grandchildren, and give to some favorite charities, which one at least would involve some kind of animal rescue.
March 28, 2023 - 12:41 PM 12:41 PM
A twin engine airplane, then a home in the country with enough room for landing and taking off. Third, a 1969 Mustang Boss 302.
Exit 12A
March 28, 2023 - 12:43 PM 12:43 PM
Rural property in a conservative area to get away from ignorant urban/suburban liberals.
I’d buy a ticket out of this awful state. I grew up here. Used to love it here. California is a shadow of its former self. Now, I can’t stand being here.
You won’t get 10 million. After Federal and State taxes, you’ll be lucky to net $4.5 million.
March 28, 2023 - 12:46 PM 12:46 PM
I wouldn’t buy a large house. Maybe spend money on redoing ours. I would trade my truck in on a new one. Give money to offspring and donate to some reputable charities. Then wait for my wife to get rid of the rest. Make sure we saved money for taxes, state and federal.
Advice from a consulting firm that deals with publicly disclosed high prize winners. Life would really be different after winning that much and one needs to do things to be obscure from the public. Some states don’t reveal high prize winners but California does. They out to raise the prize level to $2M though before disclosing. $1M isn’t that much anymore.
The Mama, Explain please. Isn’t freedom a state of mind, at least in this country for the most part. If you live in Iran, Russia, China, North Korea definitely. Or do you mean freedom not to have work?
Hanne, contrary to the propaganda we hear about Russia, Russia is a free country. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became a democratic state with a republican form of government.
I use to work with several people from Russia at Macy’s in Palo Alto, they told a different story, Were very happy to be in the States. Why is Navalny in prison? For a while after the communist toppled Russia were on the road to democracy and had some success, I think they are going backwards now. Certainly attacking Ukraine is not in the best interest of most Russians, they are loosing sons and husband in huge numbers, it is costing a lot of money, while Putin is a billionaire. I don’t equate Russia with North Korea or Iran, but I don’t think they are a true democracy.
From the late great Janis Joplin .. “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose…”
March 28, 2023 - 12:56 PM 12:56 PM
a 20lbs untrimmed Brisket
Original G
March 28, 2023 - 12:57 PM 12:57 PM
Put 7 million in stock market to triple it.
Then a nice comfortable off grid home with
south facing slope for thermosiphon in floor heating,
a fishing pond, s nice view and no snow
March 28, 2023 - 1:31 PM 1:31 PM
I would head over to Mississippi and see if I could help some people get back on their feet since all the tornados they’ve had. Or maybe go to Nashville and see If I could put a smile (free toys etc.) on some of those children that were at the school shooting.
The Mama, Explain please. Isn’t freedom a state of mind, at least in this country for the most part. If you live in Iran, Russia, China, North Korea definitely. Or do you mean freedom not to have work?
@Bill, What a nice sentiment. With 10 million you should have enough to give to others and still do something nice for yourself and your family. The way Claycord poses the question, sounds like the 10 million is before taxes.
March 28, 2023 - 1:51 PM 1:51 PM
Buy a big house in Concord
March 28, 2023 - 1:53 PM 1:53 PM
Log home with acreage on a river or lake in Idaho or Montana and a large pack of dogs with maybe one cat to keep the dogs in line.
March 28, 2023 - 2:01 PM 2:01 PM
A politician
idiots everywhere
March 28, 2023 - 2:19 PM 2:19 PM
An attack dog
March 28, 2023 - 2:22 PM 2:22 PM
A big truck, so I could load up all my stuff and leave.
How far do you want to go? Unless you have a lot of stuff, seems like you could do this for much less. Of course the question was the first thing you would do, which means when you get to where you want to go, you would have plenty of money to enjoy your new life.
To Do List
March 28, 2023 - 2:44 PM 2:44 PM
First, a nice car. My current one is, shall we say, uninteresting. Second, a party sized bag of Ruffles cheddar and sour cream potato chips, although you didn’t ask for second.
I would buy my very own Olive Garden so I can eat all the Endless Bread Sticks I want. And I would create a Corn Snake Sanctuary for my fine slithery friends.
Sandy G
March 28, 2023 - 2:49 PM 2:49 PM
Buy a wheelchair van so I can take my 99 year old housemate places and get a house that’s easier access for her
March 28, 2023 - 2:53 PM 2:53 PM
Enough rural property to ride my dirt bikes on and be able to target shoot / plink around without anybody complaining, and maybe a stream to go fishing in…. and probably a new car / SUV
March 28, 2023 - 3:04 PM 3:04 PM
Stocks and Bonds – maybe a new guitar or five.
The Fearless Spectator
March 28, 2023 - 3:07 PM 3:07 PM
I’d bug the Pelosi household and use the money to copy all their insider trading based stock market strategies. That would turn my $10M into $100M pretty quickly.
Then I’d gift most of it by CRT to all my favorite causes/charities.
March 28, 2023 - 4:10 PM 4:10 PM
Donate to our Aninale Shelter.
March 28, 2023 - 5:18 PM 5:18 PM
Would that be before or after taxes? I actually have no idea what I would get with it let alone what to get first.
The Fearless Spectator
March 28, 2023 - 6:57 PM 6:57 PM
My strategy is to beat the bots. Hence the bug to pick up the trades before they happen, just like Pelosi picks up insider information before placing those trades. To find out she and her husband shorted millions in Tesla stock after it happens is only marginally helpful.
And while she and her husband are certainly crooks, perhaps using their stacked deck in a Robinhood strategy could help out the less fortunate. Therefore the CRT strategy is to pass the “Pelosi gotten gains” on to charitable organizations. I would find it rewarding to see them to profit from Pelosi grift.
Jeff (the other one)
March 28, 2023 - 7:59 PM 7:59 PM
I would buy some nice water front property in a conservative leaning state, in an area remote enough to feel like we are semi-isolated, yet close enough to quality healthcare. Of course, I would need a boat for fishing. The rest would be put away for the kids.
Mr. Smith
March 28, 2023 - 8:14 PM 8:14 PM
I’d buy a new butt, mine has a crack in it!!
March 28, 2023 - 11:05 PM 11:05 PM
I’d buy a Porsche Cayman GT4 with the 6 speed manual, a place in Kauai and another in Tuscany. I’d invest the other half for our grandchildren’s education.
Jeff (the other one)
March 29, 2023 - 6:29 AM 6:29 AM
Of course, if we won $10 million, gavvy and company would want their cut, and naturally so would the feds, so after all is said and done, that 10 is closer to $6 million.
March 29, 2023 - 7:21 AM 7:21 AM
A CPA to keep most of it.
Lamorinda Larry
March 30, 2023 - 12:44 AM 12:44 AM
More investment assets, just like I did with the first $10k, $100k, $1 million, etc. I’d continue living a comfortable but outwardly modest lifestyle.
A Cheese Zombie
Those are easy to make.
When I was younger I wanted to split my time between this area, Copenhagen and the East Coast, perhaps the Hamptons. Definitely winters in California, except for Christmas in Denmark, a few summer months in Denmark and late summer and early fall the East Coast. At this age I would probably just buy something a little bigger in Benicia, perhaps a small condo in Pasadena close to my daughter and a week end home in the Gold Country. I haven’t done all the calculations, but I would give something to my daughter even though both her and her husband have good jobs, setting up funds for my grandchildren, and give to some favorite charities, which one at least would involve some kind of animal rescue.
A twin engine airplane, then a home in the country with enough room for landing and taking off. Third, a 1969 Mustang Boss 302.
Rural property in a conservative area to get away from ignorant urban/suburban liberals.
I’d buy a ticket out of this awful state. I grew up here. Used to love it here. California is a shadow of its former self. Now, I can’t stand being here.
You don’t need10 million to move out of state. Just go if you hate it that much.
You won’t get 10 million. After Federal and State taxes, you’ll be lucky to net $4.5 million.
I wouldn’t buy a large house. Maybe spend money on redoing ours. I would trade my truck in on a new one. Give money to offspring and donate to some reputable charities. Then wait for my wife to get rid of the rest. Make sure we saved money for taxes, state and federal.
Sounds very close to our plan too.
Advice from a consulting firm that deals with publicly disclosed high prize winners. Life would really be different after winning that much and one needs to do things to be obscure from the public. Some states don’t reveal high prize winners but California does. They out to raise the prize level to $2M though before disclosing. $1M isn’t that much anymore.
Hookers & Blow…
A home and a car for each of my children
My freedom.
The Mama, Explain please. Isn’t freedom a state of mind, at least in this country for the most part. If you live in Iran, Russia, China, North Korea definitely. Or do you mean freedom not to have work?
I know what Mamba means. Why don’t you?
@Sam, No I don’t, I also misread it as Mama. Remember english is my second language.
“For the most part…” One is either free or not.
Hanne, contrary to the propaganda we hear about Russia, Russia is a free country. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became a democratic state with a republican form of government.
I use to work with several people from Russia at Macy’s in Palo Alto, they told a different story, Were very happy to be in the States. Why is Navalny in prison? For a while after the communist toppled Russia were on the road to democracy and had some success, I think they are going backwards now. Certainly attacking Ukraine is not in the best interest of most Russians, they are loosing sons and husband in huge numbers, it is costing a lot of money, while Putin is a billionaire. I don’t equate Russia with North Korea or Iran, but I don’t think they are a true democracy.
From the late great Janis Joplin .. “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose…”
a 20lbs untrimmed Brisket
Put 7 million in stock market to triple it.
Then a nice comfortable off grid home with
south facing slope for thermosiphon in floor heating,
a fishing pond, s nice view and no snow
I would head over to Mississippi and see if I could help some people get back on their feet since all the tornados they’ve had. Or maybe go to Nashville and see If I could put a smile (free toys etc.) on some of those children that were at the school shooting.
The Mama, Explain please. Isn’t freedom a state of mind, at least in this country for the most part. If you live in Iran, Russia, China, North Korea definitely. Or do you mean freedom not to have work?
@Bill, What a nice sentiment. With 10 million you should have enough to give to others and still do something nice for yourself and your family. The way Claycord poses the question, sounds like the 10 million is before taxes.
Buy a big house in Concord
Log home with acreage on a river or lake in Idaho or Montana and a large pack of dogs with maybe one cat to keep the dogs in line.
A politician
An attack dog
A big truck, so I could load up all my stuff and leave.
How far do you want to go? Unless you have a lot of stuff, seems like you could do this for much less. Of course the question was the first thing you would do, which means when you get to where you want to go, you would have plenty of money to enjoy your new life.
First, a nice car. My current one is, shall we say, uninteresting. Second, a party sized bag of Ruffles cheddar and sour cream potato chips, although you didn’t ask for second.
You would have a lot of money left over.
I would buy my very own Olive Garden so I can eat all the Endless Bread Sticks I want. And I would create a Corn Snake Sanctuary for my fine slithery friends.
Buy a wheelchair van so I can take my 99 year old housemate places and get a house that’s easier access for her
Enough rural property to ride my dirt bikes on and be able to target shoot / plink around without anybody complaining, and maybe a stream to go fishing in…. and probably a new car / SUV
Stocks and Bonds – maybe a new guitar or five.
I’d bug the Pelosi household and use the money to copy all their insider trading based stock market strategies. That would turn my $10M into $100M pretty quickly.
Then I’d gift most of it by CRT to all my favorite causes/charities.
Donate to our Aninale Shelter.
Would that be before or after taxes? I actually have no idea what I would get with it let alone what to get first.
My strategy is to beat the bots. Hence the bug to pick up the trades before they happen, just like Pelosi picks up insider information before placing those trades. To find out she and her husband shorted millions in Tesla stock after it happens is only marginally helpful.
And while she and her husband are certainly crooks, perhaps using their stacked deck in a Robinhood strategy could help out the less fortunate. Therefore the CRT strategy is to pass the “Pelosi gotten gains” on to charitable organizations. I would find it rewarding to see them to profit from Pelosi grift.
I would buy some nice water front property in a conservative leaning state, in an area remote enough to feel like we are semi-isolated, yet close enough to quality healthcare. Of course, I would need a boat for fishing. The rest would be put away for the kids.
I’d buy a new butt, mine has a crack in it!!
I’d buy a Porsche Cayman GT4 with the 6 speed manual, a place in Kauai and another in Tuscany. I’d invest the other half for our grandchildren’s education.
Of course, if we won $10 million, gavvy and company would want their cut, and naturally so would the feds, so after all is said and done, that 10 is closer to $6 million.
A CPA to keep most of it.
More investment assets, just like I did with the first $10k, $100k, $1 million, etc. I’d continue living a comfortable but outwardly modest lifestyle.