Home » The Water Cooler – What’s One Thing That Has Changed For The Better Since COVID?

The Water Cooler – What’s One Thing That Has Changed For The Better Since COVID?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What is one thing you like that has changed for the better since COVID? (examples: outdoor dining, curbside pickup, work-from-home, etc. etc.)


Talk about it.

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WFH – in many cases productivity improved, less traffic in some cases (less dependency on gas) , more family time at the same time more work time but not commuting time. Hopefully the medical industry is now more in tune with being able to detect new viruses / diseases


Isn’t that like asking, “other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?’


Target pickup


Lots of people are taking more doctors’ appointments via face-time.
It’s easier to get into appointment for MRI’s, X-Rays, Eye Exams, Physical Therapy, Bloodwork, etc.
Finding a parking spot is better too.


I feel the most positive outcome is more people in the future will be educating themselves before just blindly following orders from the idiot box.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Unfortunately that could be a bad decision. You never know until it is too late.

People holding out for better jobs and/or better wages and/or better working conditions. So many peers of mine (who are responsible, smart, hard-working, respectable 35-45 year-olds) were being taken advantage of and were accepting that they would always be underpaid. Many of them went back into the workforce after the pandemic in different and better jobs. Employers were forced to pay attention to, and abide by, labor laws as well, because they knew people were paying attention.

I personally am salaried and learned during the pandemic that I was being treated like an exempted employee without the the minimum pay OR my permission to be exempted. SO I went from working 60 hour weeks for no overtime pay and with no breaks to 40 hour weeks on the quickness. Changed my life.


Nothing. I was already doing work-from-home (since 1980s) so that didn’t change. I think many were caught by surprise by WFH and didn’t have the discipline for it. For me I just get my daily errands out of the way first and then can focus on work the rest of the day. I would rather drive to the store (many nearby) than have something delivered unless it was something better priced online. But the latter I was doing before COVID anyway.


Umm…the entertainment value of seeing people driving alone in their vehicles with masks on?


More people got to see first hand how shady the medical industry is. Especially when partnered up with fake science and corrupt government. COVID HOAX exposed all of them.

Target pick up is great tho.

Trump was right about everything.


Trump approved the vaccine. He was President during the first year of your called hoax. Maybe if he did more he could have proved how right he was.


He approved on the advice of so-called health professionals. You people act like he created the vaccine in his basement.


Well…to be honest and sounding cruel,
Maybe next SCAMdemic can take out all the politicians at once..

The wrong people died in this last one..


More drive-up pickup at stores, which means when I get off work and my feet hurt, I can just drive up and pick up what I ordered earlier.


Washing of hands must have improved. My usual brush with a cold or cough has disappeared. I am hoping family togetherness will continue improving. We have witnessed the medical quackery in extreme and feel others know what we know. It’s nice to know so many of us saw the same thing.


Going cashless for practically all my purchases.


The only thing I can think of is that most of my work meetings are now conducted over Zoom or Teams, instead of in person. So they take less of my time and I don’t have to actually be in the same room with people I can’t stand.


For me, without question the absence of toll takers on bridges
They were the number one reason for back ups on bridges


And the dating pool got a lot bigger with everyone wearing masks.

Not a da darn thing is good or better with the country or the world. When was the last time there was good news


That’s pretty negative view of the world. I can see that you how you might not think anything good came of of Covid 19, but to think there no good news seems pretty bleak. i agree with the war in Ukraine, other troubles, problems here at home, I still think there is much to celebrate. Certainly the news focus on the negative, but if you search you will find uplifting stories. People that give both of their time and money to help those in a war zone or less fortunate. It is not all negative.


Let me hear one Hanne? Cheer me up.

Hopefully more people having cold symptoms choose to take precautions and not infect others.
Case in point: Just prior to Covid I went to my long time stylist for a haircut. As I sat down to wait my turn, the guy in the chair told her, “It’s been such a miserable week, this cold has just been killing me” as he snorted up a bunch of phlegm. I could see by the look on her face she wanted to plunge her scissors into his neck. I stood up, addressed her by name and said, “This zero is sick, he will likely get you sick, I’m leaving and will call you to reschedule”. He looked completely perplexed. She smiled at me, and since then he’s been our running joke. We call him “The Mucus Man”.


The Mucus Person is alive and well on Claycord! I thought there was only one, but apparently there are several Mucus People. Not that there is anything wrong with that……..

I finally realized how the public schools in my area were hurting my kids’ ability to learn anything of value. We switched to private school and they are leaps and bounds ahead of their prior peers.

I’ve been taking classes through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State East Bay, Concord, for over 20 years. As a result of the pandemic, we now have the addition of instructors to our cadre from all over teaching ZOOM classes. Students can travel and still participate. One day I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of my granddaughter’s preschool “attending” my OLLI class on my phone waiting for her release. My professor was in Prague in the Czech Republic. There was a panel discussion of experts, two people on the East Coast, and one in Berkeley. Most of the ZOOM classes are recorded so I was able to go back online later in the day to hear the part of the discussion I missed when my granddaughter got out of school.

In the first year of the pandemic, I “attended” 172 plays because of ZOOM and didn’t have to rent a car to drive all over England and Ireland, much less the US.


I honestly can’t think of a damn thing.

The advances in vaccine development were amazing. Took months instead of years to develop the COVID vaccines. Grateful to President Trump for pushing the effort forward.

You learned to appreciate things more. Such as going to any restaurant you like with a friend or friends. Other events that were skipped during covid, you appreciated them much more when you were able to attend. The Scandinavian Club I belong to have a nice sit down dinner in the City every Christmas, very festive, great food, wine, friends etc. Since 1984 I have only missed 2, 2007 when I was sick and 2020 because of Covid, when it was on again in 2021, it was so great to see everyone, and we all enjoyed being together again.
The other thing after Covid I found out I don’t have to spend $50-60.00 on a haircut. When everything opened up after Covid I called my hairstylist to set an appointment, however she was booked at least 2 weeks out, m hair was a mess (I have very short hair, and if I don’t get it cut every 5-6 weeks it looks awful), I was going back to work, and couldn’t wait that long. I called Parish Beauty College on Willow Pass (I have been there before off and on) got an appointment, and got a great haircut for $8.00 plus I leave a $5.00 tip. I went there several times, because I was able to get the same person, then I had someone not as good, so I decided to try another place. I go to great clips they charge $20.00 and then I leave a tip, still better than the $50-60.00 plus tip place.


many things are different, but I can’t say anything is better.


Covid made the Flu completely vanish for a couple years!
How’d it do dat?

If you had money invested in any company that produces toilet paper you made a big profit with all the panic buying and hoarding, and Kleenex too!
Covid sold more Kleenex than Pamela Anderson.



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