Home » GoFundMe Account Created For Family Of 44-Year-Old Pittsburg Man Who Was Murdered While Working At A Convenience Store This Week – Abdul Raouf Was A Father Of Five And A Veteran Translator Who Served US Armed Forces For A Decade

GoFundMe Account Created For Family Of 44-Year-Old Pittsburg Man Who Was Murdered While Working At A Convenience Store This Week – Abdul Raouf Was A Father Of Five And A Veteran Translator Who Served US Armed Forces For A Decade


As we previously reported, a father of five was murdered while working at the E-Z Stop Convenience Food store in Pittsburg this week.

Abdul Raouf, 44, was shot and killed at the store on Power Ave. Raouf was a Veteran translator who served US Armed Forces for a decade in hostile environments before he was killed on Wenesday.

A GoFundMe account has been set up for his wife and children.


Please click on the photo shown above to donate. Anything you can give will greatly help this grieving family.

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Mr. Raouf survived a war zone while helping US armed forces only to be MURDERED by a dirt bag on a US street.
Pittsburg (and Oakland) need to get their sh1t together and weed out criminals and criminal activity.
Public safety is paramount in order to develop a “community”.
DA Becton, you are expected to uphold the law and prosecute criminals to the maximum extent possible. We refuse your political orientation and racial bias for so-called “restorative justice”, reducing charges, or allowing pleas which do not grant victims or victims’ families relief from their tragedy.


DA Becton is not the only one with blood on her hands. She got into office because of those that voted for her.


Jesus Christ that’s sad.


Yeah I used to live at the Belmont apartments right next door this guy was always a good person always positive and upbeat this is truly tragic can’t even believe someone would do this and I’m from the streets where this happened this is truly pointless…..

These killing cannot continue to go unanswered and unpunished.
I wish they would furnish an address to send a check to instead of giving go fund me fifteen percent of your donation. Seems it maybe a good idea to buy go fund me stock. I wouldn’t mind donating a couple hundred dollars but not pay an extra thirty to go fund me. That is an excessive amount.


I remember a similar situation where an account at a bank was used for donations to a family.

The go fund me link isn’t posted
Please post it . Rip that man was a kind person and always nice to my son and I when we go to his store
Prayers for the family 🙏🥲💔

@Amy S – The article says “Please click on the photo shown above to donate.” That seems to be the GoFundMe link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/mother-of-five-in-need-of-support

I just tried to donate to go fund me and they wanted 15 per cent.


So a $200 donation was a $230 charge.

You can cancel the “donation.” Just look for the cancel button next time.

“… Veteran translator who served US Armed Forces for a decade in hostile environments before he was killed on Wednesday.”
To survive a decade, only to die in CA . . . .
If anyone ever asks you to explain what is wrong with California
Tell them the story of Abdul Raouf.


Original G
Not just CA. Look at Texas, Florida, NY and Colorado. All high violent crime states


@Original G – Violent crime is primarily an issue in the red states. Here’s the data from the FBI for 2011–2020. The rate column on the right is the number of crimes per 100,000 population where you can see that California has less than half of the crime than “leading” states.

 1. District of Columbia 999.8
 2. Alaska               837.8
 3. New Mexico           778.3
 4. Tennessee            672.7
 5. Arkansas             671.9
 6. Arizona              654.8
 7. Louisiana            639.4
 8. Missouri             542.7
 9. South Carolina       530.7
10. South Dakota         501.4
11. Michigan             478.0
12. Montana              469.8
13. Nevada               460.3
14. Oklahoma             458.6
15. Alabama              453.6
16. Texas                446.5
17. California           442.0

California though has the dubious distinction of being the most violent crime ridden of the blue states.


Those are blue run cities in the red states that bring up the crime rates.


It’s always a new excuse

Check the largest metropolitan areas in those red states and you”ll find mostly blue cities with astronomical violent crime rates. Example? Texas – Dallas, Democrat Mayor. Houston? Democrat mayor. Austin? Democrat mayor.

Of the 30 American cities with the highest murder rates, 27 have democratic mayors and at least 14 have George Soros backed prosecutors. And the sad things is they will continue to blindly vote democrat


So living in America is more dangerous than living in a war zone . . . .
How are criminals dealt with in a war zone ?


This is such a tragedy! My heart breaks. And I’m going to consider donating to the fund!
The whole irony is that he survived a real war zone, but is killed it’s supposedly free America by thugs that are allowed to run around causing mayhem! And I don’t want to hear any sympathy about the thugs poor background, or lack of equity…etc. my sympathy goes to this poor man and his family!


I think that goes without saying. The thoughts and sympathy should go to the family. Anybody who has excuses or sympathy for who did this is seriously misguided.

WOW…..I hope they find the killer….
SMDH I’m so sick of all this killing…
He was an asset for this country and the world…..RIP SIR .JOB WELL DONE 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


Heartbreaking. Served with our soldiers a hero just like them only to be killed here due to Democrats soft on crime. RIP and thank you for your service.


Wrong, R Nell. He wasn’t killed due to Democrats. He was killed by a scumbag’s actions. No politics were involved, only senseless violence. As for that scumbag, whatever happens once they get caught THAT will be “due to Dems soft on crime” once they hit the court system. But this poor man’s murder itself – that’s 100% on the scumbag. Nothing to do with Dems. Violence is nothing but an evil action. How it’s dealt with is what gets politicized.


Democrats and their supporters making it possible for criminals to run rampant in our communities is a political thing.


CAUTIOUSLY INFORMED is 100% correct.


Lotza crime in Antioch too.


His story must get national media coverage ! !


It should receive national coverage, and our Governor should be calling the family to extend sympathy. But it won’t, and he won’t. No political advantage.
The people who killed this man and destroyed his family should be placed in the express lane to the death chamber. Straight to the head of the class, God will handle rehabilitation.


THIS is just so upsetting! The man was a hard-working immigrant who provided a needed service to our soldiers. Now his family must grow up without his love, guidance, and encouragement because of a thug who wait: will most likely have been arrested 20 plus times and probably out on a cashless bail. Zero confidence in the Woke DA’s office.


George Soros donated $400,000 to keep Becton in office. She DID NOT earn those votes. Her position was bought and paid for by DEMONcrats.
I feel so sorry for this family’s tragedy. Shame on you D. Becton


This is very sad and I hope Becton does her job. On another note, this is why it’s so important to have life insurance so you don’t have to ask for money. People if you don’t have life insurance, even get life insurance on your children, get it so you don’t have to open a go fund me account and hope for the best v

I agree with you regarding life insurance.
However let’s take it one step further in the interest of Justice:
The victim’s family should be able to attach social security wages of the criminal for life. Call it: “Victim Reparations”.

Hopefully he won’t need social security. What I mean is I hope he gets caught, convicted and spend the rest of his life in jail.

Life insurance is not recommended for children, unless they are older and supporting you. Life insurance is meant to replace the earning power of the person that died or got killed.

Tell us you don’t understand life insurance without saying you don’t understand life insurance.

I have a life and health insurance license. Any insurance sales person and financial advisor who has integrety do not recommned life insurance for children, since they are not earning money. Go on Dave Ramsey’s website and see what his position is. You take out adequate life insurance on the mother and father, especially if they are both working, because if something happens to them, those left behind will suffer a financial hardship due to the loss of income of that person. Certainly if someone wants to take out life insurance on their children, if they think it will lessen the pain of losing them, of course they can do so, and if someone came to me and said they wanted to buy it, I would sell it to them, after explaining why it might not make sense. Most financial advisor would recommend more insurance on the adults, so they can take care of the children should a tragedy happen.

Ive worked for a local bank for 20 years and when we are asked to be involved we open a bank account in cases of tragedy so that donations can be made directly to an account in the name of that person. Zero percent taken.


people worry about russia. the war is here on our own streets people. wake up.


I am glad to see that the account is approaching the goal. If you have not donated, there is not a more worthy cause than this family who has given so much for our country. Any amount will help.

Has any politician put out a statement / press release on the murder of
Abdul Raouf and his decade of service in a war zone to America ? ? ? ?



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