Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 24, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 24, 2023


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While you weren’t paying attention,
with a little slight of hand,
NO make that, slight of alphabet,
“Delta Tunnels”
“The Delta Conveyance Project”
Now touted as a method of flood control, so it fits current news cycle.
‘After Killing Delta Tunnels in 2019, Gov. Newsom Resurrects the Behemoth Jobs Project’

“Newsom is ignoring that California voters passed more than $30 billion in water bonds to build additional water storage and two new reservoirs”
caglobe July 2022 https://tinyurl.com/uue7znmx
Project, pay back for past and future campaign contributions to DEM politicians.
All the while using your tax dollars.
Have to wonder if salt water species will thrive from Golden Gate all the way up to to antioch ?
Delta Independent Science Board
“Comments on the Delta Conveyance Project Draft
Environmental Impact Statement”
https://tinyurl.com/4tfv8hzj March 2023
‘Restore the Delta Comments on Delta Conveyance Project Draft
Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)’
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste.
And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
— Rahm Emanuel
Press release includes recent heavy rain events, . . . . . Hip waders optional,
“Preparing California for extreme weather swings will require the rehabilitation and modernization of SWP infrastructure. As the backbone of water supply delivery, California must address subsidence along the California Aqueduct in the Central Valley and advance the Delta Conveyance Project so that the state can move as much water as possible during high flow events.”
See what happens when you fail to provide adult supervision ? ? ?


I remember Rahm Emanuel, wasn’t he the guy who helped obama smuggle guns to the drug Cartels in Mexico, and later used to murder Americans?


Believe that was eric holder

Yes ….that’s right. Thanks OG. Apologizes to Rahm Emanuel.
He was a crook too though when he was White House Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2010 under the criminal Obama.

After the Dems push wetlands restoration, and shed tears over the Bay/Delta system,
they push (silently, of course) this project to divert precious fresh water from Norcal to
Socal, as the Colorado River is drying up. You don’t have to be trained in that field to
correctly assume that there will be salt water intrusion throughout the Delta. Of course
they’ll forget to mention it. Same ol’, same ol’…


DIfferent week, same bozos. Who made the clown report this week?

St. Patrick’s Day Humiliation: Biden Declared ‘World’s Worst Catholic’ by Irish Writer

Study: Joe Biden’s Inflation Fueling American Hunger

Biden Regime Trying to Arrange Taxpayer Funded Bailout of COVID Vaccine-Maker Moderna – Former Federal Judge Blasts Move as “Misuse of the Law”

Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg CAUGHT HIDING Nearly 600 Pages of Exculpatory Evidence from NY Grand Jury in Trump Case

Who Knew? White People Drinking Coffee Perpetuates ‘Pillar of White Supremacist Capitalism’

Washington Post Frets Over the Racism of Birds Since We Have No Other Problems to Address

USA Today Again Picks Biological Man As ‘Woman Of The Year’

Biological Man Caught In Women’s YMCA Locker Room Doubles Down On Comparing Self To Lynching Victim

University of Minnesota Hosts ‘Student of Color’ Fitness Classes

Deranged Drag Queens in “Demonic” Outfits Crash Arkansas Children’s Book Reading Event Hosted By Kirk Cameron

CROWD GASPS As Blue-Haired Trans Person Injects Herself While Standing at Podium to Protest Ban on Sex Changes for Children

California School District Exposed for Secretly Transitioning Students Without Parents Knowledge or Consent

CNN Reporter Gets Robbed in San Francisco After Thieves Break into Her Rental Car

Insanity: Proposed California Law Could Ban Skittles, Campbell’s Soup, and Jelly Beans

Newsom Celebrates EPA’s Decision to Grant California a Waiver to Ban Diesel Trucks

Bombshell! Blocked Government Report CONFIRMS Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children

‘Sustainable’ Electric Cars Are Getting Junked Over Minor Damage

Electric Vehicles Bleeding Red Ink: Ford Is Losing Billions on EVs

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Flew Migrants Caught Illegally Crossing Over From Canada To The Southern Border, Memo Reveals

Brazil’s Socialist President Orders Nationwide Gun Grab After Surge in Sales

EXCLUSIVE: Australia Banks are Now “Debanking” Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights

DISGRACEFUL: Houston Suspect Accused of Paralyzing Helpless Texas Woman by Body-Slamming Her to the Ground Has $200,000 bond Cut in HALF

“Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers

Walmart to Charge Customers 42 Cents Per Shopping Bag Starting March 28 to Tackle Climate Crisis

WHAT? Doctors at the Pentagon Claim 7 Year-Olds Can Make Decisions About Taking Puberty Blockers and Hormones

Jill Biden Tells Governor General of Canada: “It’s Been Really Warm Because of Global Warming in the United States”

University of Maryland Faces $10 Million Lawsuit After Shutting Down Anti-CCP Protests and Allowing CCP Drone to Harass Protesters

Seattle Transgender Antifa Activist Dead After Shooting Sheriff’s Deputy

Washington Post Poll Inadvertently Finds Vast Majority Of ‘Trans’ People Aren’t Really Transgender

GOP Rep Grills Witness On Whether Banning Pornographic Magazines For First Graders Is ‘Censorship’

TikTok CEO Refuses to Answer Questions About China’s Uyghur Genocide

TikTok Paid for an Astroturfed Mob of Influencers to Show Up as CEO Testified Before Congress

Mariannette Miller-Meeks Forces TikTok CEO to Admit Chinese App Tracks Americans’ Keystrokes

Transgender Pro Cyclist Who Started Competing at Age 40 and Joined Sport 5 Years Ago… Just Won 20th Race

‘Largest Satanic Gathering in History’ Will Require Masks and Vaccinations

National Crisis: CDC Says 1 in 36 Children Now Identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Oregon Democrats Seek to Create Sanctuary State for Kids to Get Abortions and Sex Changes Without Parental Consent

Have a great weekend Claycord! Stay safe out there…


I think you covered it. Every day I think I am going to put that on Talk About Politics. Friday comes along and I forget what I wanted to write. So you are all spared.


I think you covered it. Every day I think I am going to put that on Talk About Politics. Friday comes along and I forget what I wanted to write. So you are all spared.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK, Obama, the Democratic Party, and liberals killed your dream.


“I have a dream, that my four children will never have to got to school with your children.”
Gavin Newsom
Actually they won’t because he can afford to send his children to private school where coincidently there are very few children of color. He likes to talk about children of color, but he seems to keep them at a safe distance. When will people tire of the way he patronizes minorities?


@spectator I went to private schools, my kids also and now the grandkids are. Family had the money so why wouldn’t we go private schools.
Nowadays I wouldn’t have any of our family attend public brainwashing schools. Now colleges are even worse, 2 kids and one grandkid had full scholarships to Cal Berkeley and no way would they go to that school!
I dislike Newscum but if he’s got the money I see no problem with where he sends his kids to school or where he lives, I do the same.


MLK 👍🏾
BLM 👎🏾


America’s credit card debt just exceeded $1 trillion which is the largest amount of debt in the history of our country. Banks are failing, but the Feds tell us not worry because everything is fine-just like the Feds told us inflation was transitory. Wuflu paranoia shut down countries around the world closing hundreds of millions of small businesses and placing economies in disarray. But don’t complain or challenge the Biden administration unless you want the Feds at your doors in full tactical fear around 5am.


Credit card debt was also high just before 2008 recession.
An what has history taught us about the FED manipulating interest rates ? ? ?
What usually happens when FED then begins to cut rates
after repeatedly raising sharply up ? ? ?
Blue line is Federal Funds Effective Rate
Gray vertical bars on chart are recessions.
FED has already SCREWED UP.


By many measures the Fed has done an awful job. Has anyone noticed Fed Chairman Powell even looks like the Covid mess’s Fauci? As far as that goes I don’t think I’ve seen both of them at the same place at the same time.


People are just doing what the government does. That’s why the CC debt is so high. Who can blame them in this screwed up economy? You gotta survive somehow.


Is there a decent candidate for Pres. in 2024 and why? Any political party…..


Anyone but a democrat! They destroy and over tax everything they touch.


Sam Brinton would be the most authentic Democratic candidate. He makes no bones, so to speak, about his predispositions.
Biden accepts cash from China, Sam steals luggage from the airport. From a National Security standpoint, who is the greater risk? Exactly.
Sam wins, hands down, or **** up, or whatever it is we should be accepting of. Sam much more authentically represents his party, and we must thank Joe Biden for introducing him/her to American voters.


Ever notice with DEM politicians,
it’s always someone else’s’ fault ? ? ?


How absolutely true. The Dems are the party of blame, lack of responsibility for self, and ‘it’s always somebody or something else’s’ fault.
e.g. :
It’s all Bush’s fault
It’s all Trumps fault
It’s all Putin’s fault
and on and on…


It doesn’t even need to be said. Results speak for themselves – that is for those that interpret results according to what they experience; as apposed to those that who interpret results according to what someone else tells them to believe.


Matt Taibbi’s work at Twitter, testimony before Congress, and recent writeups, are gaining traction. In “People CAN Win”, he notes: “We’ve been trained to think that endless rule by tiny minorities of really horrible people is the natural order of things but that turns out to be just another lie.” … https://www.racket.news

Also, Matt Taibbe and Puliitzer Prize winner Susan Schmidt are investigating the “Censorship-Industrial Complex. … https://www.racket.news/p/note-to-readers-bff


How are your tax dollars being spent? Ask Adam Schiff, he knows;

You’ll never know this because the fix was in and democrats had their strangle-hold in place;

Sorry we tried to destroy you, it’s only business

The truth shall make you free, JOHN 8:31-32


Since 2021, 22 states have cut income-tax rates but not Calunicornia. It’s time to hold the financially illiterate politicians in Sacramento and your local politicians accountable for their actions. Of course that would mean the majority of voters would need to actually care about stopping the downward spiral taking place. If not, this state will implode in the near future. Luckily it won’t impact us because we’ve seen the light and are leaving for a much better place. CALUNICORNIA is doomed!!!


I believe things are getting rather out of hand with these liberal jackasses. Now, gas stoves are one way out, air conditioners are next, gas engines are on the list. Why not just build caves like the old days and live in them? Much easier than to keep listing what has to go. Also, guns are on the removal list. Come out and announce that we’re taking them away rather than a little bit at a time. Wake up people!!!!


‘Retail apocalypse? The slow death of brick-and-mortar stores across America revealed’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/yb8v99nb
Is demise due to a lack of consumer’ disposable income, a result of biden policies driving up cost of food, fuel, etc? A change in consumer behavior resulting from stores reducing product offerings as a cost cutting method?
How often are you frustrated by retail selection and have to resort to buying on line to get what you need?
How often being impatient will you use self checkout ?
Such behavior allows retailers to reduce number of employees . . . .
Keeping your fellow man employed is to your advantage in the long run.
Agree or disagree, what say you . . . . what will outcome be in a year, 5 or 10 years from now ?


I think crime such as shoplifting and danger to shoppers from assault or car break-ins also deserves a (dis)honorable mention for the decline of retail.


Isn’t it quite interesting how absolutely no supporters the liberal Democrat party ever state anything here in support of Joe, Gavin, and the rest of their Dem leaders?
If I was partly responsible what’s happening here to our country I would hide, too.


The dems KNOW that they can’t defend slow joe and the rest of the administration.

They can’t do anything EXCEPT hide.


DEMs showing true colors


Interesting. This is a good piece of legislation and a no vote suggests they either didn’t read it, or truly believe parents don’t have a right to school curriculum transparency.
The UCLA Williams institute claims the transgender youth population has doubled in the last five years. While impossible to quantify, it would be interesting to see a study on how the power of suggestion may have influenced that statistic.


It really is absolutely amazing the Democrats would vote against this. I skimmed it and it is not very long or complicated and the majority of it is just so common sense it’s shocking it even has to be a law. Democrats have fallen so far from being a respectable political party. How can any parent vote against their being able to see their own kid’s books. These are very sick people.


Traitor Joe, his Cabinet, and democrat politicians in general are all about power and privilege without possessing merit.


Joe now says MAGAS would defund the the Southern Border. He has no shame. I can’t even comprehend how he can be such a lying idiot. Why we can’t get this fool out of office shows a weakness in our laws. It is so discouraging.


Of course he has no shame, look at the way he’s continued to line the family pockets with communist dollars. It was easy as he has no pride himself, and therefore has no pride in his country.
His party hopes he dies before the next election. Joe truly has no country. It’s ironic he’s in charge of one.


Epstein’s Loyalty Reward Program

…….and history repeats itself…….again………some more……..still

Trust the govt, everything was on the up & up, right. Right?

George did it

The sad & disgusting democrat justice system

The sincerity of democrats: C’mon man, snap out of it we need you to vote against Trump. You can die later.


Did you hear what happen in a Denver high school ? ?
What could go wrong having a liberal school board ?
If a high school kid is suspected of having a gun
shouldn’t there be an armed person present when kid is searched ?
What could go wrong having a “Dean of Culture” and
“Restorative Practices Coordinator.”, patting down a kid ?
Did school board, get people shot and killed ?


A “Dean of Culture” is pretty much the same as having a “Duke of Prunes”.


As of today, Time Left in Joe Biden’s Term as President . . . . . 666 days


A bombshell Biden story — and as usual the media dutifully ignores it;

The latest bombshell story out of Washington, which involves The Biden Crime Family, is based not on “sources close to the White House” or “an unnamed administration official” but, rather, on receipts.
Bank record receipts, to be precise.



Looks like a big pile of nothing. If “The Hill” told you that wolverines make good house pets, would you believe that too?


@ JS-
This is a big deal. SARs (stands for suspicious activity reports) are not by themselves proof of illegality. But these are not generated on a whim. They are used to help detect crimes like fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, etc. When you get one of these generated, you are supposed to be investigated. And there better be a valid explanation.
The big deal arises out of Comer getting his hands on the bank records. According to Comer, these records show fishy payments from fishy payees going into fishy business entities, and finally paid out to fishy people in fishy ways. The bank records don’t lie and are a key piece of evidence that will be used to build a case and look for other fishy things. My guess is that these records will be used to leverage testimony out of Hunter’s associates that might indict the Bidens.

But in the grand scheme of things, it won’t change much. The Bidens will deny. The media will push the denial. The sheep will bleat “right wing conspiracy” and b- b- but Trump”. The Reps will make claims of “Biden Crime Family” and “Chinese puppet”. And nobody will go to jail. There may be an impeachment if the evidence and testimony is compelling enough, but still nothing will actually happen. All of the Reps will vote to impeach and all of the Dems will vote not guilty. The Dems control the Senate (the jury) so their vote will prevail.
But these bank records can give teeth to a prosecution. It’s pretty hard to claim that no payments were made when the documents clearly show that they were.


I just find it that you are 100% convinced that Biden is a criminal. Whenever Democrats are accused of a crime it’s very serious but when a Republican is accused then it’s dismissed as a witch hunt.


What doe a ‘woke’ military get you ? ? ?
Used to be “Be All That You Can Be”
These days it’s, “Be All the pronouns You Can Be”
“The House Armed Services Subcommittee for Military Personnel held a hearing last week to discuss the growing national security crisis arising from the military’s cratering recruitment numbers. A potpourri of Pentagon nincompoops all universally lauded the Defense Department’s ideological obsession with “lived experiences” and “diversity for diversity’s sake.” While championing the Marxist military’s decision to waste over six million man-hours of training on the dangers of “extremism” and “white privilege” and the seminal importance of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” not one Pentagon official could muster a real answer as to why recruiting numbers are so disastrous.”
Perhaps it’s time for a more ‘woke’ slogan’
‘Be a wimp’ or ‘transgender on’ . . . .


What is the end result of what democrats really want?

The goal of the “Party of Chaos” is the fundamental transformation of America as promised by you know who; The little brown lop-eared puppeteer who, with his wife hates America, assisted by Soros, Xi Jinping & Putin.
Traitor Joe’s 36% approval rate would appear to indicate the majority of us disagree. Remember this when you vote.


H.B. 2889 would give heterosexual couples with four children forty percent break on property taxes, and all the way up to a one hundred percent property tax break for families with 10 or more children, provided the parents were married. TEXAS.
Chances of this happening in CA, about zero.


Perhaps instead of whimpering about gun control
DEMs should focus on MENTAL HEALTH.
Messin’ with a kids heads, along with variations of chemical, physical and mental sex modifications doesn’t always turn out stable individuals. Have to wonder how much money some doctors, hospitals and drug companies are making off this latest fad.
‘Trans female former student, 28, armed with two assault rifles and a handgun, kills three nine-year-old kids and three staff members at Nashville private Christian school…’


They spend more time on rectal health than mental health.


Take note in days to weeks ahead as liberal media, liberal ‘clergy’ and liberal politicians try to spin their response to today’s TRANS KILLER. Blaming others should be the pole they gyrate around.
Doubt even one of them brings up subject of mental health.


In order for a reasonable person to accept your premise you would need to explain:

1. Why this doesn’t happen in other countries that support transgender people’s right to medical care.

2. Since we have had about 125 mass shootings this year carried out by heterosexual males, what mental health precautions do you advise we take to address that clearly unhinged populace? (just following your logic here)

3. And again, why do the unhinged heterosexual males in other countries carry out so few mass shootings?


Lots of assumptions and opinions there, CHUQ. How do you respond to your own questions?


I’ve just pointed out the flaws in Original G’s weak argument. Feel free to field some answers if you have ideas.


Your question #1 makes assumptions for which you provide no proof. You’ve wasted time and space there. It’s an unanswerable question.
#2 again you assume your mass shootings were by heterosexual men. How do you know that’s true unless you personally checked.
#3 Please explain how you know about heterosexual males in other countries, and weather or not they’re unhinged. BTW, what are YOUR pronouns?
You posted incomplete fragmented questions, and I usually don’t respond to such nonsense but at least you’re trying, which is more than can be said for the rest of our left-wing democrats friends.
Let’s just agree that all mass shooters are mentally ill. They’re difficult to identify until they commit a crime.
So then……..what’s your answers to your questions?


You love to just make things up.

1. Why this doesn’t happen in other countries that support transgender people’s right to medical care.

We know this is true because America is the leader in mass shootings. Other countries provide the same care but it doesn’t result in the same number of mass shootings. Trying to correlate the two does not stand up to the data we have.

2. We know the rest were performed by heterosexual men because whenever they aren’t performed by heterosexual men the media makes a huge deal about it. Case in point the tragic shooting in Nashville. Just try applying logic.

3. You seem to be saying America is the only country with unhinged heterosexual men. That’s a weird stance to take Pappy. But I can help you out here – mental illness is a global problem. A tiny bit of research will do you some good.


You still haven’t proven anything, and I can see that you’re adamant in your assumptions and opinions, and not willing to even consider you could possibly be wrong or even partially wrong. Then you go on to claim; “A tiny bit of research will do you some good.” Maybe you just forgot to post it, but I don’t see your research to prove what you claim to be true.
’nuff said!


In the USA a mass shooting is considered any shooting with 4 or more victims.
The big difference between the USA & the rest of the world is that no other nations have as much gang violence as the USA does, as a result of our vastly diverse racial & ethnic populations, non citizens and enormous illegal drug consuming customer base.
Sure go ahead & ban guns… that will work out about as well has banning illegal drugs has.
BTW – when comparing statistics I’ve noticed most don’t break the numbers down to percentages per population which makes an sizeable difference.

Josh Hawley has demanded the FBI and DHS initiate a hate crime probe. Kennedy also inquired as this event did appear to target Christians. And then there is the manifesto and social media commentary as further evidence.
Merrick Garland backpedaled suggesting they don’t have a motive. Garland is only interested in prosecuting crime against Transexuals, not BY Transexuals. More two tiered justice.


Democrats? Focus on mental health?

You’re funny.


They have the mental part down.
The trouble seems to arrive in their interpretation of “health”.
Woman’s Health=Abortion. Reproductive Health=Abortion. LGBTQ Health= Puberty blockers and/or genital modification surgery.
Call me old fashioned, but I don’t believe I should have to finance any of the above. If you aren’t happy with who you are and want to change it, great, knock yourself out. But take responsibility and finance it yourself. Just like a paper route, it will build character.
Besides, who would want artificial surgically created genitalia financed by conservatives. Icky………

This is how it all started. Who will argue against this now? The Kool-Aide drinkers, that’s who. If they can do this they can and WILL do anything to us, as we are experiencing now.


That looks pretty convincing, on the surface. But there are folks out there who are pretty good with cut and paste. I find it pretty hard to believe that this hasn’t surfaced before now, if it is real. That doesn’t mean it is faked, just that I need a bit more to take this a gospel.
The questions that should be asked are, who “found” this and where did they find it? Why didn’t this come out sooner? Has this image been tampered with? Until these questions are answered, it is a bit speculative to say “prove me wrong”. In this instance, you have not yet proven to me that you are “right”.

They picked the perfect day for this:

Every day is the perfect day for this:

2 A:

See it again, think about it: The shill. The Huckster. The flim-flam man. The racist. The america hater.
But he’s a nice looking guy, and speaks well. Check that; he’s an evil liar who reads well from a teleprompter.


Are liberals looking for commonality in mass shootings ? ? ? ?
‘Four Transsexual Mass Shooters in Less than Five Years’


Well, they do spend a lot of time screaming about inclusivity. Hopefully this isn’t what they had in mind.


Ya know what the one thing every single mass shooting has in common? It’s the guns. The guns. It’s the f’in guns.

When the shootings are carried out by white men, Replicans point to the pot, the porn, the video games and the doors, but when the shooter is transgender, then blame that instead? Do I have that about right?


Hey…. great point Sweaty. It’s wrong though.
What do plane crash victims have in common? How ’bout people killed by earthquakes, floods, lightning, fires, plagues, war, bombs, etc?
Why are you so defensive?
What are your pronouns? It doesn’t matter because we don’t hate you for being “different,” though there may be other reasons. See we simply don’t care what you choose, just leave us out of it please.


Another thing that every mass shooting has in common is a nut job with a beef against society, an ex, a co-worker, the government, a certain group of people (minorities, gays, Christians, Jews, whites, etc.). It really doesn’t matter if the shooter was straight, gay, trans, male, female, non-binary, religious, Athiest, left handed, blonde, a certain age, or anything else. What matters is they had evil in their heart and a cold heartedness that normal people lack.
It is not the gun’s fault. The gun didn’t write a manifesto or drive itself to the shooting. It didn’t load and re-load itself, and it sure didn’t pull it’s own trigger. It’s the crazy person with infantile coping abilities fault.


You know what every mass shooting has in common? It’s the idiot that pulls the trigger.

How many guns or people are out there that DIDN’T kill anyone?

How many abortions were committed last year (hint, it’s over 500,000)?

How many people are killed each year by drunk drivers? Hint – it’s over 10,000 EACH YEAR!

Lastly – how many of those shootings happened in “gun-free” zones.

Sweaty – learn to spell ….it’s not “Replicans….”

Now go back to your safe space. You obviously are incapable of understanding and have no critical thinking skills….let alone ANY skills.

biden’s open border policy . . . . .
DEMs tell us again how secure the Border is and how much you “CARE” about children.
‘Three Illegal Aliens Arrested After Sexual Assault in Walmart Parking Lot’


That’s one sick story. I believe Mayorkas has to be one of the most destructive individuals in our country. Since taking office, his policies are responsible for significant violence and murder. Every time he gets hammered in testimony he just sits there smug with that “So what you’ll never prosecute me I’m above the law” attitude. And for now, he’s quite correct.
Many Americans feel he has injured our country in a way that will take years to correct. The irony is the Biden administration likely feels “Heck, he’s our best employee”.


‘Nashville school massacre shines spotlight on mental health problems, hormone treatments and growing militancy in the trans community’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/sadbff77


Sympathy for trannys? ….. Not in my boat! …… A crime is a crime.


‘Trans Activists Pushed Aggressive Rhetoric Before Shooting at Christian School’


It’s not transphobic to be intolerant of mentally ill people forcing the rest of us to play make believe.


A young woman was playing golf when she took a big swing, lost her balance, and fell.

The party waiting behind her was a group from Washington, DC that included Joe Biden.

Biden quickly stepped forward and helped the young woman to her feet.

She thanked him and started to leave when he said, “I’m Joe Biden, and I hope you’ll vote for me and other Democrats in the next election.”

She laughed and quickly responded, “I fell on my a$$, not my head.”


The press secretary for Democrat Arizona Governor Hobbs has resigned after calling for the murder of her political opponents.


But you sure don’t hear that from the liberal media!


If you call someone a *** or ***** or ****, or tell them their mother wears army boots, that’s “hate speech”. This is enough to send a liberal into a tailspin and possibly hyperventilate.
If they call for someone who disagrees with them to be murdered, apparently that is not “hate speech”. Remember the new math? This is the new delusion.
Fortunately it’s a fad,…………….like disco.


That was a pretty disgusting tweet that she sent. Tone deaf at best, calling for violence at best. At least she has enough honor to resign.

career limiting move


Don’t shed any tears. She’ll land at CNN or MSNBC as a highly paid “contirbutor”.

Yet you don’t hear the democrats screaming….

If the democrats didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards.


Sen. Ted Cruz rips Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas a new one:

I wouldn’t want to be this guy as he gets called out for Biden’s border crisis.


S.3266 – Crime Control Act of 1990
101st Congress (1989-1990)
A DEM controlled congress.
Sponsor: Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] (Introduced 10/27/1990)
Latest Action: 11/29/1990 Became Public Law No: 101-647
Page 58 …”SEC. 1702. GUN-FREE SCHOOL ZONES ACT OF 1990.
1990. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the “Gun-Free
18 use 921 note. School Zones Act of 1990″.
DEMs have to have tender age BODY COUNT to advance their gun control fantasies


This was from 2019…… https://tinyurl.com/2p8yj2f9


Fox News is covering hearings into massive censorship efforts by the White House, Centers for Disease Control, FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and National Institutes of Health. — https://cutt.ly/Q4MTeDc

So, Republicans don’t trust teachers enough to let them talk about race, sexual orientation, menstrual cycles or slavery, but they trust them enough to carry guns?

Hey sweaty… frankly I don’t trust the public school system at all. They doing nothing more than pushing their own woke liberal agenda and opinions … and you know damn well what they’re doing – 37 genders? Identifying as different genders depending on the day? They’re not teaching the facts or critical thinking skills….or any valuable life skills either. Nor does the woke generation want to learn; they’re satisfied playing on their iPhone and not communicating with each other.

You’re painting everyone with a broad brush, sonny… so I suggest you go back to playing whatever game on your phone.

My kids were taught early about safety around firearms… they don’t just “carry guns.”

But seeing your posts, I doubt that you’d understand.

Btw, I noticed that you haven’t defended the pedo in chief, heels -up harris (the word salad queen) or any other liberal POS politician. Did you line how slow joe cracked jokes about ice cream and “hi, I’m joe…husband of dr Jill…”?

Whatta bunch of morons.


So if your children can sensibly handle guns why can’t they make sensible conclusions when they learn about slavery?

If you can read English, why can’t you make rational arguments?


And btw….

When a school district REFUSES transparency on woke gender discrimination identity curriculum, then it’s time to replace the entire school district!

And speaking of schools – did you know that, depending on which survey you review, California ranks between #40-50 nationwide. In other words, California is in the BOTTOM 10-20 percent nationwide on education. Get it? The BOTTOM!

No thanks.


Indicting Trump now….. I predict a big backfire.


The Biden administration seems to have difficulty sequencing their events.
This will likely take attention away from tomorrow’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” and Saturday’s “Trans Day of Vengeance”.
It appears this is turning out to be “All other nations are laughing at us week”.

I guess the old “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”
does not apply to a Republican.


Are you saying it was “settled law?”

I just love how conservatives try to spin the news as if it will help him get reelected. Um, no it most certainly will not! Being indicted is really not a good look for anyone. Can’t wait for the mugshot, LMAO.

It’s not nice to gloat at mugshots. I felt bad when they published Sam Brinton’s mugshot. He was very angry they removed his lipstick. How humiliating.

“Transgender Americans shape our nation’s soul,”

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2023, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people”.



Are they bringing their assault weapons ?


That is the biggest bunch of B.S. I’ve ever heard in my life.
What shapes our nation’s soul formerly has been integrity and hard work. Our currency is based on that concept.
Currently, our nation has no soul. Currency is doled out and jobs are filled based on race and sexual orientation, not skill or contribution. Our current administration is the poster child for that failure. A really, really, big failure. Climate change is the least of our problems.

Been reported 1/3 of our submarines are awaiting maintenance,
almost as bad as what obama biden did to NAVY as Trump came into office.


They are still working out the rainbow paint design. It has to be a contemporary, sensitive design that reflects the vitality and primitive inspiration of our newfound manufactured culture.
Plus it will take time to remove all the urinals.

Biden’s pentagon ordered screen doors to replace the hatches.



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